Love Script (18 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Ashley

BOOK: Love Script
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Wil iam Zelman cal ed out to them. “I just sent a waiter to bring out brunch. Would you like to join us?”

Nick shook his head. “No, thanks. I had some delicious sushi this morning.”

“Real y?” Cooper cal ed out. “I didn’t know they were serving sushi in the dining hal .” Nick shot him a bright smile. “Room service, Coop.”

Laney blushed and took a seat at the nearby table while Nick retrieved rackets for them. Nick gave Laney a few pointers on the game while the Zelmans and Wrights quickly went through their brunch. As it turned out, she was worse than he’d expected. Wil iam and Vivian Zelman offered to play the winning couple, so Nick and Laney were up against Cooper and Heidi. Heidi was a fair player, but up against Laney she was great. Laney missed practical y every bal that went her way, and as a result, the Wrights served toward her to gain easy points.

Nick, on the other hand, was an experienced competitor. His forehand was rarely matched. He ducked and dived for every bal , even covering for Laney’s zones. The only distraction he had was Laney’s enticing ass positioned ahead of him. He had tried trading places, but Laney was no obstacle for serves that managed to get past him. So back in their original places, Laney playing up court while he defended the back, they were stil little competition for Cooper and Heidi.

The last sets were mainly a one-on-one battle between himself and Cooper. Heidi and Laney rarely got a swing in since Cooper and Nick were passing brutal serves back and forth. In the end, the Wrights won the game by a sizable advantage. Laney and Nick took seats at the table while the Zelmans prepared to chal enge the Wrights. Nick, irritated at the loss, had little interest in watching the next game.

He busied himself plucking grapes off the serving tray left over from brunch. Though he tried to look casual, his scowl was fierce. He was taking the loss to Cooper and Heidi harder than he’d like.

“I’m sorry we lost the game.” They were the first words she had spoken to him since he’d devoured her this morning. “I tried to warn you.” He didn’t say anything right away; he just stared into space in deep concentration, replaying the game in his mind, analyzing every move he’d made.

“You’re pouting like a child.”

He frowned. “I fucking hate to lose.” With a frustrated sigh, he turned to her. “You did wel for a first-timer.”

“Real y?” she asked hopeful y.

He looked over her shoulder at the game. “No, I was being kind,” he said, speaking more to himself than to her.

“You’re being a jerk, Nick.”

He looked at her crestfal en face and sighed. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” He pul ed her hands to his lips. “If it’s any consolation, you looked fantastic out there.”

“Is that an apology?”

“If an apology is what you want, I would be happy to offer my sympathies back in the room.” He winked playful y.

She fidgeted restlessly in her seat.

Sensing her growing discomfort, he released her hands and glanced back at the court, watching Cooper swing another powerful backhand. “It’s just a game,” he muttered.

“You seem pretty upset for it to only be a game.” Giving the court one last look, he turned to her. “It has nothing to do with the game, real y. I just hate to lose.” His gaze settled on her. “I’m used to getting what I want, Laney.”

She looked down at her hands nervously. “I think we should do something for the Zelmans’

anniversary. Do you know what day it is?” He shook his head. “I never asked but I’l find out.

What do you suppose we do?” He did not make much eye contact with her, because he suspected it made her nervous.

“I think we should send a nice bottle of wine to their room. What do you think?”

“That’s fine.” He didn’t real y care one way or the other; he’d much rather talk about her G-spot. “We don’t hit port until tomorrow. What do you propose we do this evening?”

She tilted her head to the side. “There are some shows in the hal ; they look pretty fun.”

“I know something more entertaining we can do.” He lifted his brow.

She lowered her eyelids. “About this morning—”

“You enjoyed it.”

“Yes, I did, but—”

“There is much more where that came from, Laney.” He watched her nibble on her lower lip and leaned forward to kiss her lightly on the mouth. “I want you tonight.”

“I’m not sure what you want me to say to that.”

“Say you’l open your legs.”

“Can we talk about this later?”

“I doubt I’l be in the mood to talk later.” He watched her take a nervous sip of water and then pretend interest in the tennis game.

Nick watched Laney’s head turn back and forth with the bal . There was something about her that drew him to her. She held his attention where many before her never could. Whether he’d always been reserved in his feelings or had associated himself with the wrong women, he did not know. But there was something special about Laney. He enjoyed her nearness even when she ignored him. She demanded more forethought from him than any other woman. If she had any idea what power she held over him, he would be in big trouble.

“Why does everyone at the office cal you


Nick was happy to hear her voice. It put a halt to the perverted direction his thoughts had conjured.

“Why do you ask?”

She shrugged. “I know very little about you, and the game between the Zelmans and the Wrights just started. I figure now is just as good a time as any.” He glanced over her shoulder at the couples playing. “It started with my father. When he was CEO, he preferred everyone cal him Mr. Sinclair, thinking it asserted his position. When he brought me in seven years ago to learn the operations, I kind of inherited the formal title. At first, I used to ask people to cal me by my first name, but they would never comply, so the name just stuck.” His hand fel to her knee. “But you can cal me anything you want.”

“Are you and your father close?” She seemed to be







“You could say that.”

“I’ve never seen him at the office.”

“You wouldn’t want to. He had a reputation for being an asshole.”

“That’s not a very nice thing to say about your father.”

“If you knew him, you could think of a dozen worse names.”

She shrugged. “What about the rest of your family?”

“My mother was a school teacher before she married my father. Now that he’s retired, she’s learning to deal with him being at home al day.”

“Would your father approve of you being married?”

He laughed. “Sheldon Sinclair would never believe it.”

“Why is that?”

“He thinks I am too cavalier with my personal life. Doesn’t think I’l ever settle down.”

“Would he be right?”

“Yes,” he said rather firmly.

She tugged a piece of fruit from the brunch tray and popped it into her mouth. “Is your father anything like you?”

“If by that you mean devastatingly handsome as wel as charming, then yes.”

She smiled. “A bit arrogant, don’t you think?”

“I was thinking more like irresistible.” She licked her lips nervously. “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

He didn’t answer, just stared at her. His gaze made a slow sweep of her body before resting on her breasts.

“Stop that!”

“Stop what?” His stare didn’t waver. When she crossed her arms over her chest, he was forced to meet her glare. He wasn’t happy about it.

“Stop looking at me like you want to eat me alive.”

His brow arched. “I do. Is that an offer?”

“Siblings?” she reminded.

Nick shook his head. “Tel me something about you. Why did you major in marketing at UT? Why did you move from Austin to San Francisco?” Her shock was evident. “How do you know those things?”

“I had your records sent to me.”

She frowned. “You could have just asked me.”

“I’m asking you now.”

“But you already know.”

“Not true. There are a lot of things I don’t know about you.”

“Like what?”

“Tel me more about your boyfriend.”

“Rob? No, thanks. I’l pass.”

“I told you about me. It’s not polite to take a pass.”

“I’l have to settle for being rude. Rob is off-limits now.”

He leaned back in his seat. “So you plan to get back with him?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“You didn’t say he was your ex.”

“He is.”

“Wil that be your answer when we get back to


“Why should you care? You’l forget my name by the time the boat reaches port.”

“Like you plan to forget me?” he retorted.

She looked like she wanted to scream at him, but Wil and Vivian were headed back to the table.

“We had to forfeit.” Wil iam Zelman rubbed his back as he eased himself into a chair. “Vi was right, I’m getting old.”

“Are you alright?” Laney poured him a glass of water.

“Oh, he’s fine.” Vivian harrumphed. “He was losing. This was his way of keeping his undefeated record.”

“Vi, I’m hurt! You’re supposed to feel sorry for me.”

“Oh, I feel sorry for you.” She waved a waiter over. “I need a drink.”

Cooper and Heidi joined them. Nick marveled at how convincing they were. Especial y Cooper. If he hadn’t known the truth, he would have thought they were a happily married couple, that the near-fight outside the casino had been a figment of his imagination. Cooper pul ed out a chair for Heidi before looking for an empty seat for himself.

Although he knew it irritated her, Nick offered Laney’s chair to Cooper and pul ed her down on his lap. To make amends, he ordered her a frozen piña colada.

After her second drink, she eased back against his chest, and he felt quite comfortable settling his hand on her thigh. She didn’t even fidget knowing he was semi-hard. He, Wil iam, and Cooper discussed business while Vivian instructed Heidi how to deep-fry a turkey.

Eventual y, Nick asked if Laney wanted to return to the room. She was noticeably enjoying the weather and her drinks, but in her near-drunken stupor, she was useless conversation-wise. Although she agreed she could use a nap, he had the feeling she was hesitant to leave. Why she shot Heidi a nervous look, he had no idea.

❧ ❧ ❧

She’d grudgingly left Nick’s side. It felt so good to be close to him. When he flashed her one of those wicked smiles—a smile that had very little to do with humor and everything to do with sex, she went breathless. It made her mouth dry and her pussy wet.

Something told her he knew exactly what he was doing to her.

What real y bothered her was Heidi. Ever since their conversation in the spa, Laney would find herself, at the most unexpected times, consumed by unjustifiable jealousy. Knowing that Heidi was plotting her attack made Laney unbearably nervous.

Laney found it pained her to let Nick out of her sight, and it simply didn’t make any sense, as she’d already given Heidi her blessing. But it soothed her nonetheless to keep a close eye on them.

Upon her return to the room, Laney practical y fel into bed. She blamed it on the alcohol, never having been a big drinker. She now felt sluggish and lazy. A nap would be welcomed. She closed her eyes and tried to clear her head but thoughts kept assailing her. Would Heidi try to seduce Nick today? Would he fal for her advances? She squeezed her eyes tighter. Yes, he would. Nick was no saint. Before leaving his lap, she’d definitely felt the makings of a hard-on. Would he satisfy himself with Heidi?

She groaned and felt the approach of a headache. Rol ing off the bed, she undressed and took a quick, and very cool, shower. She took a Tylenol PM pil to ease the headache and help her get some rest. Pul ing on Nick’s pajama top, she same one she’d worn the night before, she crawled into bed and almost immediately slipped into a deep, black sleep.

To her relief, Nick was lying next to her when she awoke hours later. He had once again wrapped himself around her, but as he wasn’t humping her this time, she reveled in his nearness. The heat of his body sent chil s down her spine. How was she ever going to keep the chemistry between them at bay when her resolve was melting by the minute?

She tried not to dwel on the pleasures she knew he could bring her in bed, but that was proving to be impossible. He was everything and everywhere. She had to constantly remind herself that she had been hired to do a job. A job that seemed less important by the moment.

When they final y awoke, they did so just in time to enjoy an early dinner before checking out the shows. Laney dressed in a sleeveless ice-blue dress with a plunging neckline that stopped just above her navel. She wore her hair down in loose waves. Nick was more conservative in a pair of dark slacks and a dark blue dress shirt.

They met up with the Zelmans and Wrights at the entrance of the entertainment hal . The men had a look of dread on their faces while the women giggled excitedly over their selections. In the end, they agreed on a musical.

At Cooper’s suggestion, they ventured into a jazz club afterward. In the far corner, they found a booth large enough to accommodate their group. The table, dimly lit by votive candles, offered a ful view of the musicians on stage and the bar. Nick snuggled Laney into his side, taking ful advantage of the poor lighting. They sipped wine while listening to the relaxing melodies of a saxophone solo. To Nick’s relief, the Zelmans and Wrights quickly took to the dance floor. He indulged himself to kiss Laney openly, and to his surprise, she didn’t pul away from him. She welcomed his affection as if they had done this dozens of times before. They kissed and stroked until Nick was ready to take her right there, but they were interrupted by the approach of the Zelmans. Nick excused himself from the table to take his mind off his throbbing crotch.

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