Love Script (24 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Ashley

BOOK: Love Script
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Expecting to see kids running down the hal as a joke, she was caught off-guard when she met Nick’s dark blue eyes. He looked like he’d just woken up.

His hair was mussed, and a shadow of whiskers crossed his jaw. And he was literal y shaking with fury.

“You should have been back to our room hours ago!”

Laney was shocked to see him—too shocked to argue her reasons for sleeping alone, but it would not have mattered anyway. Nick wasn’t here to talk.

He walked past her, locking the door behind him.

Laney watched as he stepped into the center of the room, his intense gaze evaluating every square inch of the space. Although wel -designed, everything was compressed. It was a far cry from the spacious suite she shared with him. The room’s only saving grace was the smal window facing the open sea.

Moonlight spil ed through the pane, giving the room a dreamy glow.

His gaze landed on the bed where, until minutes before, she’d been sleeping in. His head suddenly snapped in her direction. It was too dark to be sure, but she could have sworn there was a look of angry confusion on his face. Pul ing the bed sheet tighter around her, she stepped backward, putting as much distance between them as possible. Her intent was almost immediately cut off when her back pressed up against the door frame. Refusing to be intimidated, she crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him. He met her glare with one equal y venomous. The tension was so thick, it threatened to overwhelm the confines of the smal cabin.

As if in slow motion, he pul ed his shirt over his head and stepped out of his sweatpants. Laney’s mouth went dry at the sight of his gloriously erect body kissed by the moonlight. He came to her and tore the blanket away. Pul ing her up against him until she had no choice but to wrap her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, he slid inside her and carried her to the bed. He laid her down careful y, his body fol owing hers. Kissing her soundly, he began to move inside her. His pelvis worked rhythmic music until she was begging him to bring them both satisfaction. Her pussy was so wet for him, her thighs squeezing him tightly, wanting to keep him there always.

“Yes, Nick. Take me. Please.”

He said nothing, only deepened the passion of his kiss and pumped harder into her until she feared he would break her. Laney came on a thunderbolt of crazed lust, his climax fol owing seconds later. He shivered against her as his seed surged inside her.

He tucked his face into her neck as the waves of passion washed over them. When at last his breathing became steady again, Nick rol ed over, pul ing her on top of him.

For long minutes she lay awkwardly stil , waiting for him to say something, anything, but he remained silent. She knew he was awake. She could literal y feel his mind working at rapid speed. The fact that he was stil upset was obvious, and she wished he would just start barking at her so she could scream right back at him. His continued quiet unnerved her, and she could feel a bal of anxiety growing in the pit of her stomach.

Refusing to be the one to speak first, she bit her lip and focused on other things, like the sound of his heartbeat. Holding her breath, she matched her own to his, somehow calmed by their rhythmic sound. He tightened his hold on her, an action that made her secretly swoon. She kissed his chest, knowing why she needed this but not wil ing to admit it to herself.

Again, she questioned, how could a man who held her so close think so little of her? Feeling her eyes sting with tears, she squeezed them shut and tried to block out their earlier argument. It was difficult; a lot of damage had been done, but with determination she pushed the encounter to the far recesses of her mind to be dealt with at a later date. And with a long sigh, she fel asleep to the feeling of his hands massaging the tenderness out of her bottom.


Nick woke Laney early. They dressed and made their way back to their room. Laney was surprised he didn’t head for the gym. Instead, he climbed into bed beside her and went back to sleep for several hours before final y getting up. Out of habit, he lay in bed while she took possession of the bathroom. When she came out, he was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for her.

His voice was rough when he spoke. “Stick to the script.” She nodded. “Regardless of how we feel toward each other, just stick to the damn script.” He rose off the bed and stood before her. “That means you sleep here with me every night until we’re back in Florida. No exceptions.” She shot him a glassy look and stepped past him. He grabbed her arm. “I mean it, Laney, don’t make me hunt you down again.” He released her and slammed the bathroom door closed.

❧ ❧ ❧

They met the Zelmans and Wrights on deck. They were now in Dominica. The men had heard the famous attraction here was river tubing. The women were helpless to resist their pleas to go. They traveled through Roseau, the island capital, on a twenty-minute scenic drive to the Layou River Gorge.

After receiving a quick safety briefing, they set off in tubes floating down the river. The banks were lined with lush tropical rain forest. Every now and then, they spotted tiny monkeys hanging from the branches. Tal cliffs overhung parts of the river, their large shadows offering some relief from the noon sun. The sky was a beautiful blue bowl above them; the water was cool and the weather was wonderful.

After an hour of drifting with the current, they decided to take a break. With coordinated effort, they pul ed onto a bank to enjoy fruit and rum punch.

The Zelmans were enjoying themselves immensely, laughing the entire time. Between the playful antics of the men and the sil y prattle between the women, it was barely noticeable that Nick and Laney had little to say to each other. Of course, Nick was ever the gentleman, helping her fasten her vest, asking if she was enjoying herself and occasional y stroking her bottom. Despite those few interactions, they remained silent around each other. The day passed quickly, and by the time the excursion came to an end, the sun was an hour from setting.

Back on the boat, they al departed for their rooms, making plans to join again later for dinner.

Nick left for the gym while Laney passed away the time lounging on their private balcony. The sun was so relaxing, she drifted in and out of consciousness, only waking when Nick came back. After taking a shower, he joined her out on the balcony, a towel wrapped loosely about his waist.

At the sight of his rippled abs, she said the only thing that came to mind. “You didn’t shower at the gym?”

He looked down at her. “It would seem I am not as welcomed there as I once was. The women you scared off earlier this week have become rather hostile toward me. They glare at me the entire time I work out and clap when I leave.”

She shrugged. “They’re just sore losers. It was al in good fun. I have a very handsome husband, if you haven’t noticed.”

“So you say.”

“I do.” She gave a soft smile in an attempt to lighten the tension between them.

He grinned. “Open your legs, Laney.” Al humor left her. “What?”

“Open your legs. I want to taste you.”

“I don’t think we should, Nick.”

“I think we should. Open your legs, please.” She would have firmly told him “no” if it weren’t for the knock on the door. There was a glimmer in his eyes that told her he would ignore the guest, but Laney leaped to her feet and answered the door. It was Wil iam Zelman.

“Hel o, Laney. Is Nick available?”

She looked nervously over her shoulder.

“Actual y, he just stepped out of the shower—” Nick stepped behind her. “Mr. Zelman. How can I help you?”

“I wanted to have a word with you. Do you have a minute?”

“Let me grab my clothes and meet you at the cabana.”

“Sounds good.” He looked at Laney and nodded before leaving.

Laney closed the door and turned to Nick. He looked her over.

“You aren’t off the hook, Laney. When I come back, I want you lying on the bed, waiting for me.”

“And if I decide I’m not in the mood?”

“You’l have a very unhappy husband on your hands.”

Laney watched Nick prepare to leave. She stared after him long after he was gone. What did he expect from her? That they would continue to have sex during the entire trip? She would have to take control of the situation. If left up to Nick, they would be coupling every chance he got, and she would be setting herself up for a rude awakening four days from now when they were back in Florida. She tried to busy herself tidying up the room, but there wasn’t much to clean up. After repeating her speech for the hundredth time, she was final y ready to confront Nick, but after half an hour he stil had not made an appearance. The day’s events were starting to take a tol on her, and she decided to take a nap. When Nick got back, she’d set him straight.

❧ ❧ ❧

Laney’s eyes flung open at the sound of her own moan echoing off the wal s. She was breathless, flushed, and naked. The sun had long since set, casting the room in dark shadows. Her legs were spread apart, and Nick’s face was buried between her thighs. Her body told her she had already climaxed; her limbs stil shook from the aftermath.

His steady gaze rol ed up to her, making her melt with its heat. He came up on his knees and hovered over her. Lowering his head, he suckled at her nipples. She groaned loudly, her back arching off the bed.

“Wrap your legs around me, Laney.”

It took al her energy to resist. “Nick, we need to talk.”

He shook his head. “Wrap your legs around me

When she did not move, he did it for her.

Holding his cock in hand he stared her down.

“Give it to me.”

“We can’t.”

“Laney, give me what I want freely, or else I’l be forced to take it from you.”

“No, Nick,” she said with a little more determination.

He rubbed the head of his cock against her pussy lips. “You say no, but you’re wet for me. You and I both know I would have no problem getting what I want.” He breathed in her scent. “I can’t stand being this close to you without being inside you.” She tried to turn away from him, but it was a halfhearted attempt. He laughed and pul ed her back beneath him, continuing to rub himself against her slit, which was now dripping with yearning.

“Kiss me,” he demanded.

She turned her face away from his, but when he lowered his face to hers, his lips brushing tenderly against the corner of her mouth, she was overcome with a desire to taste him. With a defeated sigh, she lifted her lips to his, at the same time tilting her pelvis upward, welcoming his triumph over her body.

Nick groaned loudly. His mouth came crashing down on hers. At the time he drove into her, her body wrapped around him like a wet, warm glove. Sliding his hands beneath her shoulder blades, his hands hooked onto her shoulders, pul ing her down with every thrust of his hips. His mouth pressed down on hers, trapping her hoarse moans. Their tongues searched and tasted, lusty hunger overwhelming them both. Laney’s hand cupped the back of his neck, her fingers weaving themselves in his hair, while her other hand had a firm grip on his hard ass.

They quickly found their rhythm, each movement melting into another with fluid grace. Nick would plunge his cock inside her with powerful thrusts and then drive her wild by swaying his hips with torturous slowness, leaving her panting in his ear, begging him not to stop. He worked deliberately, brewing a sensuous enchantment over her. Any lingering fight she may have had earlier had long since departed.

She was clinging to him for dear life, knowing any second he would bring her immeasurable joy.

When she came, her pussy tightened around him as wave after wave of white-hot pleasure pul ed her farther and farther away from the shores of reality.

Nick’s breath halted, and he gave a ragged curse as he shuddered against her, joining her in bliss. They lay together for long minutes, saturated in each other’s sweat. She welcomed his hard body pressing into her, even as she gasped for breath.

There was no need for sweet words of encouragement or promises of undying love. For the moment, she had al she needed.

❧ ❧ ❧

They were late for dinner. The Zelmans and Wrights were having dessert when Nick and Laney appeared. There was no reason to give an explanation for their tardiness; everyone at the table seemed to have come to their own conclusions. Nick had not given her time to speak with him. After having passionate sex, he rushed them to get ready for dinner. Every time she tried to begin her speech, he snapped at her to hurry along. Now seated among their companions, Nick appeared unruffled and relaxed, easily blending himself into the discussion and taking over the conversation with great refinement. Laney was relieved she did not have to talk much. Her embarrassment made her a poor conversationalist, and she welcomed the end of dinner. Nick escorted them to their suite. She was thankful he didn’t make a move to take her again, just spooned her from behind and fel asleep within minutes.

❧ ❧ ❧

The next morning they arrived at St. Thomas. The women ganged up on the men, insisting that they go shopping. Nick, Wil iam, and Cooper begged mercy.

In the end, they compromised; the women would do their bargaining while the men would relax at the nearby beach resort. However, the only way the women would concede was when the men pushed credit cards and cash into their hands.

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