Love Without Boundaries (26 page)

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Authors: Michelle Howard,M. K. Eidem

BOOK: Love Without Boundaries
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-Muscled, tatted, long-haired men are my own personal kryptonite.

-I can’t deal with the cold which is why I live in Phoenix, Arizona, USA

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this lady!

At first meeting me, people often think I’m somber and a little standoffish.
I’m really not.
It’s a case of my outsides not matching my insides.
Because there’s a freaking party in my head almost twenty-four/seven.

I’m old enough to know better but still young enough to do it anyway (…the BEST part of aging is that you know the CONSEQUENCES of your actions and figure the ratio of outcome to resulting punishment accordingly!)

I love reading and writing, especially
But only where the ‘man’ portion is included in the ro-man-ce.

And I believe
I really do have faith, that there are happily-ever-afters.
And I hope you do as well.

[email protected]



J.A. Hornbuckle

Yeah…I’m still working on it!

Other Books by J.A. Hornbuckle:

The Grantham Series

-Pole Dance

-Human Hieroglyphix 1

-Tap Dance

-Human Hieroglyphix 2

-Bewitchments 1

-A Grantham Christmas


Stand Alone Novels

-Everybody Falls

-Hiding in Plain Sight


Hellion Motorcycle Club Series

-The Possibility of Trey

-Reinventing Mel

-Taking a Dare

-A Civilian for Silo

-Checkmate with Bishop (coming late 2014/early 2015)

Mating Urge

By Michelle Howard


Published by Michelle Howard


Copyright © December 2014 by Michelle Howard


Cover Design

License Notes


This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. The eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this novel with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this eBook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please buy an additional copy for each recipient.

No part of this book may be distributed in any format, in whole or in part without the express written consent of the author.

Thank you for respecting the author's hard work.

This is a work of fiction and is not a reflection or representation of any person living or dead. Any similarity is of pure coincidence.



This is for the ladies who keep writing from being a lonely endeavor. Thanks to JA Hornbuckle and MK Eidem for listening to me whine, complain and laugh when I’m in the middle of a story. You both make this exciting.

Mating Urge


Desperate to escape her stepfather and false criminal charges, Elliana Cage needed a way out fast.  It made perfect sense to sneak onboard the first ship departing her home world.  When her path crosses with a handsome stranger, she’s in for the surprise of her life.

Aran T'Kar didn't expect to discover a beautiful woman hiding out on the Zanian IX.  Protocol dictates immediate detainment, but Aran can't resist the urge to take one forbidden taste.

Chapter 1

The discordant notes of loud laughter and conversation assaulted Aran’s ears when he entered the establishment. Aran usually liked crowds and the social atmosphere of entertainment bars. Part of his genetics thrived in the presence of others, the camaraderie. But today, his senses could barely handle the high pitched squeals, the odor of sweat and alcohol and the oppressive heat caused by the volume of bodies squeezed together in such close proximity.

“Chief T’Kar, over here.”

Aran’s gaze shifted in the dim lighting until he found the young crewman calling his name. In the far corner sat three of his ship’s security team as well as the Medic and Commander. They wore the distinctive gray and black uniforms for the United Alliance making it easy to identify them. Other patrons in the bar kept a careful distance away from the group, unwilling to draw attention to their potential illegal dealings or outstanding warrants.

Someone walked too close to him. Aran practically jumped away to avoid the collision and stumbled into a table of three gambling chameles. The lizard men took one look at his face and their skin changed to varying shades of green before they scattered.

Aran snagged
a bottled
water from a passing server and hurried toward his friends.
Judging by the number of glasses on the table, they hadn’t been here long and everyone was taking it light. Today was their last day in port and it looked like the crew was being cautious about their alcoholic intake.

“Getting close?” His second in command, Dar, asked with a lift of his dark brow when Aran neared the table.

He pressed his lips together tightly and nodded. The hot flashes raging through his body increased the closer he got to
his muata. In twenty-four hours he would be in his full blown mating cycle. A mating cycle Aran suffered twice a year as did all male Argorans when the heat drove them to procreate.

On his home world this wouldn’t be a major issue for Aran because willing females always made themselves available to help ease a male through his cycle. They controlled their fertility and there were no unwanted children. In Aran’s case, the situation was different. He served as the Chief of Security aboard the Zanian IX. The battle cruiser spent most of the year in space helping to patrol the border separating neutral zones from raiders. Trips home were few and far between.

This left him with one workable solution during his service over the last five years. Aran had to request the ship’s strongest sedative and confine himself to his quarters for the three days. It wasn’t ideal but it beat going mad from fighting the constant pain of arousal and worrying that he’d attack an innocent crew member for sex. In his state, he wouldn’t be able to form coherent thoughts.

Muata drove males beyond what would be considered rational behavior. Sex and release would be his only concern.
The need driving him until he succumbed and fell into the endless cycle to give and receive pleasure.

Hell, even if a crew member agreed, Argorans were very prolific. Normal birth control means didn’t work on them and he’d worry over any woman he impregnated because Argoran fathers had to be present for the birth or risk the woman’s life. The very idea caused Aran to panic.

Another reason not to let his muata rule him while on duty. No matter the race of the mother, all Argoran children needed the presence of their father during childbirth for the survival of mother and child because Argorans took their second form in the womb and only the paternal connection could ease their panic to allow for a safe birthing.

Aran reached the table of his friends with relief and no further incident. Joss and Mik moved over, kicking out the last available chair for him to sit. His weight hit the seat near his security officers hard, causing the others to wince.

“Shit, Aran. You look bad.” The honest words out of Commander Jaxon Brom’s mouth provided Aran with his first real smile all week since he’d noted the heat building.

“It’s coming fast this time.”

Faster than ever before.
Aran had no warning and thought his muata was still weeks off. He planned to talk with his father on their next scheduled call to see if he needed to be worried about anything. There were a few cases in Argora history where unmated males cycled faster and more often as they got older until they sickened and died. Something about divine interference to keep the species populated. Argorans weren’t meant to live a solitary life. The nature of their animal half craved a sense of belonging and familial bonds. Aran didn’t think he was old enough to worry about that yet. Still, he shouldn’t have suffered his heat this early.

“What do you need from me?” Jax asked.

Aran appreciated the immediate offer. It was one of the many reasons he and the Commander got along very well. The Chief of Security and the ship’s Commander had to rely on one another without hesitation. Aran’s trust in Jax was absolute and vice versa.

“I’m confining myself to my quarters as soon as we take off.” Sweat beaded Aran’s forehead as if to reaffirm his plans. His uniform scratched his skin and the otherwise comfortable fabric abraded every inch of his flesh.

“No problem,” Jax instantly agreed. “We have everything under control.”

Jax clasped Aran on the shoulder and red hot fire seared him. Aran jerked away, his lip curling in a snarl.

Jax released him immediately, sympathy glinting in his grey eyes. “Sorry.”

The others at the table eased back in their seats, tension ratcheting. He could imagine how he looked to them. Despite his uniform and bearing there was no hiding the animal that rode close to the surface of his skin.

Aran shook his head and ignored the way his cock hardened and throbbed. His body wanted to mate. “Physical contact right now isn’t a good idea.”

“Are you sure you want to wait until launch?”
This from Joss who reported to Aran.
“The team can manage if you need to leave earlier.”

Again, Aran shook his head and clasped his hands on his thighs firmly to hide the tremors. “I’ll make it.” He wouldn’t shirk his duty. Another fifteen minutes wouldn’t kill him.

He hoped.




Ellie’s breath rattled in her chest. Hiding in the corner of the busy space port, she kept her eyes on the security force asking questions and stopping travelers. Travelers meandered throughout merchant shops on both sides of the busy thoroughfare while they waited for their shuttles to depart. A uniformed officer walked passed her little alcove and Ellie jerked back with a gasp. Her heart throttled and sweat popped on her forehead in tiny beads.

Overhead, viewing monitors mounted on the walls flashed pictures of her, Elliana Cage, stepdaughter to government official Palo Hinder. According to the media blurb, Palo would recover from the injury sustained after his stepdaughter attacked when he tried to help her through one of her ‘psychotic episodes’.

Ellie wanted to laugh at the phrasing. She didn’t have psychotic episodes. Two nights ago, she’d discovered evidence that Palo had killed her mother. When she’d naively confronted him, he’d threatened, bullied and finally attacked her.

When Palo attacked, she’d reached for the weapon he routinely carried on his hip. They’d struggled for his stunner until the grip filled her trembling hands. He’d jumped for her not believing she’d shoot. Ellie had defended herself by aiming the weapon right at his chest as she fired.

Since it was on the stun cycle, she hadn’t expected his heart to falter or lose its rhythm. He’d paled and collapsed on the floor of his office. She’d just wanted him to leave her alone. Medics were called by staffers who heard their fight and Palo was rushed to the health center.

Torn between fear and anger, she’d gone to the authorities only to overhear a guard speak of plans to arrest her for the attempted murder of Palo Hinder. Apparently, her stepfather was smarter than she’d given him credit for and had already set the wheels in motion from his sick bed to blame Ellie. Seeing no other option, she had raced out with no thought except to avoid going to a prison colony.

Now the increased security patrols at the port jeopardized her plan to get off planet. Her stepfather clearly expected her to try and escape, thus this show of force. Ellie squeezed back further among the cargo boxes. She checked on the guards. They gathered in a circle and the one with silver stripes on his dark sleeve shook his blond head.

Another few moments of talk and the uniformed men left. A shaky breath eased from her throat.
Now to find a way out of here.
Ellie rose to her feet and smoothed the hem of her dress. The simple orange silk was one of her favorites and though the bright color stood out perhaps it was what her pursuers least expected.

Ellie searched for any ship with an immediate launch scheduled. She edged around corners and jogged down motorized pathways, apologizing to the couple kissing when she jostled them. There was a departing ship in lane three already on the launch pad. According to the time ticker above, it would leave in twenty minutes.

As she crept closer, she read the name of the ship emblazoned on a small plaque bolted to the exterior along with a string of numbers and identification codes.
Zanian IX.
The launch monitor didn’t give the location it headed toward but since she needed to leave Rastor immediately her destination wasn’t important. Ellie planned to be far away when Palo recovered enough to track her.

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