Love Without Boundaries (33 page)

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Authors: Michelle Howard,M. K. Eidem

BOOK: Love Without Boundaries
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Chapter 11

Aran wasn’t sure how he managed to let Ellie leave with the Jutak warriors but he’d done it. He’d allowed his new mate to be taken. Arrested as the official file stated when he’d checked the status of her warrant back on the Z. Torkel had done as promised and logged her arrest immediately. The goal was to lull Hinder into a sense of relief that she’d been caught.

No mention would be made of her presence on Enotia. As far as the Senate Leader and anyone else were concerned, Ellie would be remanded into the custody of Rastor security forces in several days.

The kick aimed at his mid-section broke off his train of thought and Aran landed hard on his back side. He leaped to his feet, crouched with his hands out and lips peeled back to show his teeth.

Dar laughed. “It’s called training for a reason, Chief.”

Joss who also stood by snickered and soon several other members of his security team joined them. “I’ve never seen you this distracted on a training exercise, Chief T’Kar.”

Aran shot Dar an ugly look and straightened from his attack position. Dar gave him a subtle head shake and a frown.
“A little tired, Joss.”

The lie seemed to work. The others broke off to continue their one on one sessions and Joss offered a sympathetic smile. “Glad you’re out of your muata. It came on faster than I ever recall.”

Aran could only manage a short nod. As soon as he and Dar were alone, Aran punched his friend hard in the mid-section. The loud grunt satisfied his need for retaliation. Dar’s evil stare didn’t faze him.

“I’m trying to help, Aran. If you keep acting like this someone’s going to notice.”

Aran didn’t care for himself but Dar was right. They needed to pretend everything was normal to keep suspicion from the Z as well as their involvement with Ellie.

“I understand but it’s hard.” Aran shoved a hand through his hair, dislodging the band he’d used to hold it back for the exercises.

Dar cast him a sympathetic glance and tossed a towel at him. “Have you talked to her since they left yesterday?”

Aran wiped the sweat from his face. “No. Jax believes it’s a bad idea. Ellie’s safety is more important than my inability to control my need to know she’s fine.”

He hadn’t spoken to Ellie or Torkel but he did know the disc she’d made had been transferred to the proper authorities. In another day, their training would be over and Jax would detour toward Enotia to pick up Aran’s mate before they completed this trip and ended at Argoran for the standard maintenance on the Z. At that time, Aran would have a week of leave.
A week to spend with Ellie and to introduce her to his parents.

Dar punched him in the arm lightly. “After hand to hand combat, we’re scheduled for weapons training. Best score gets drinks from the loser tonight at the bar.”

Aran actually smiled at that. Dar’s marksmanship had won awards during his years in the academy. They’d had matches in the past during their service together and it always ended close. What his friend didn’t know was that Aran allowed him to win by the smallest margin to increase his confidence. In a few years, Dar would make an excellent Chief in his own right and their time together would come to an end when he eventually transferred.

“You’re on,” Aran agreed.

He headed to the lockers, Dar at his side cracking jokes and offering challenges to the younger security members if they joined in. Jax entered and his presence ended the camaraderie. The men drew to attention, spines straight, gazes forward.

“Commander Brom, Sir!”
Snapped out multiple times.

Jax waved his hand at them.
“Dismissed except the Chief and Lieutenant.”

Aran’s stomach tightened. He didn’t like the worried expression Jax couldn’t hide on his face. As soon as the three men were alone Jax met Aran’s gaze. The grey darkened to a cloudy mist. “There’s been a change, Aran.”

Aran’s hearts and lungs slowed. He’d never forgive himself if his actions had put Ellie in more danger. “What happened?”

“As expected, the disc caused quite the uproar. The Senate Leader has been arrested. He called in legal assistance immediately.”

“And Ellie?”

Aran sensed Dar shifting his weight beside him but his focus stayed on his commander.

Jax shook his head, guilt stamped on his features. “I’m sorry.”

Aran staggered back. The words hit him like a blow to the mid-section. His claws exploded from his fingertips and he barely heard either man over his snarls and growls.

Aran! Get yourself together, Chief. Ellie Cage needs you.”

Aran fought hard for control against his cat. The animal raged inside wanting only to seek those who’d hurt Ellie. Spill their blood. He struggled to make sense of Jax’s words. “Is she alive?”


Aran sagged. Relief so great he saw spots in front of his eyes cascaded through him and he had to shake his head to dispel the dizziness. He ignored the wary looks from both men. “Where’s Ellie? Where’s my mate, Jax?”

“Enotia, for now but this is happening faster than we expected. The alliance officials want her in for questioning as soon as possible.”

Aran’s lungs seized. “They want her to go back to Rastor? Where Hinder could have access to her?”

Jax exhaled in frustration. “He has a right to challenge his accuser.”

“She’s not his accuser. There’s proof of Ellie’s claims. His actions betrayed him, his illegal use of funds sealed the deal and murder has condemned him to a prison colony.”

“We know that, Aran but they can still demand her presence and they have.”

This was why Aran hated the game of politics. “I have to go to her. Be with her.”

Jax groaned and folded his arms over his chest. “This is why I prefer the leading officers on my crew stay single. You can’t go to her yet, Aran. We’re here another day and I’d be putting my ass on the block with the Admiral if I pulled the Z and left early. The training hours have to be logged.”

“Then let me leave. You know I’ll qualify on all of the exams when I rejoin you.” Aran would never let Ellie face this alone.

Dar chimed in. “He’s a mess anyway, Commander. I took him down twice because of his mooning over her.”

“It was once, Dar.”

His lieutenant shrugged. “I would have won our little weapons challenge as well.”

Aran didn’t bother to reply.
You don’t have to pull the Z. Let me take a shuttle transport to Enotia. I’ll log my hours when this is done.”

Jax knew him. Knew he was good for his promises. Every year Aran ranked as top five in the officer category for hand to hand, weaponry and system knowledge. Commanders begged him to transfer his service to their cruisers for the opportunity to have Aran train their security staff to the same level as his men on the Zanian IX. Aran never considered their offers because he got along well with Jax and there was no price on their friendship.

Jax tunneled his hand through his dark hair. “Go. You’ll owe me a bottle of Marenian whisky for this.”

Aran grinned not even concerned with how difficult it would be to get the famed liquor from the slaver planet. He knew someone that would help him pay off his debt to Jax.

“Thank you.”




Ellie didn’t know what to expect when she arrived on Enotia. The Jutaks took her directly to their home quarters where all the teams resided. She didn’t have any clothes or possessions which increased her feelings of anxiety. It didn’t help that she missed Aran the moment they’d taken off and left Urala. All of that melted by the way side when Torkel Alonson escorted her to Lissi’s room.

Her friend took one look at her and enveloped her in a warm hug. Tears pricked the back of Ellie’s eyelids and she had to swallow hard to choke back a sob.

Lissi leaned away, hands cupping Ellie’s shoulders. “I’m sorry for all you’ve been through, Ellie. I can’t imagine.”

Ellie wiped at her damp eyes. “Thank you and I’m sorry for getting you caught up in my affairs.”

“Of course I’d help after finding out what you’ve been through.”

Torkel groaned low but both women heard.

“Not one word from you, Tor,” Lissi chastised with a defiant shake of her blonde head.

The dark Jutak tugged on a loose strand of her hair. “We’ll see what Rydak has to say when he returns.”

Lissi’s blue eyes narrowed. “If you ruin my night with my Chosen…”

Torkel’s brow rose when she didn’t finish the threat. Ellie stared in amazement at the two of them. Like true siblings, they squabbled with one another though there was a layer of affection beneath the teasing. No one listening would know that the Jutak warrior was not related to Lissi by blood. He’d been adopted by her parents when he was a baby.

Ellie admired her friend for her lack of fear in the face of the tall warrior. Brother or not. “I owe you Lissi.”

Lissa stuck her tongue out at Torkel before facing Ellie.

“I will leave the two of you alone.” Torkel hugged his sister and left them alone.

Lissa reached for Ellie’s hands and entwined their fingers. Her blue eyes softened. “Tell me everything, Ellie.”

Chapter 12

Ellie had enjoyed her evening reconnecting with her friend and especially enjoyed meeting Lissi’s two children, Aya and Boid. It was hard to believe that Lissi was a mom but it was clear with the hugs and gentle smiles that she adored her children and they in return adored their mother. Both were playful and full of giggles.

Lissi’s Chosen was a different matter. No one would expect Rydak Jaard to be playful and full of giggles. The Jutak team leader joined them later in the night once the kids were in bed. Despite her feelings for Aran, Ellie almost swallowed her tongue when the tall blond entered the kitchen where she and Lissi snacked on cubed pieces of fruit.

Lissa chattered on about a funny shopping incident at the marketplace when a man dressed in all black came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face in her neck.

“Rydak,” Lissi gasped with pleasure. “I didn’t expect you back this soon.”

She immediately turned in his arms and embraced him while stroking a hand down his long pony tail. His hands locked around Lissi’s waist as he lifted her up to kiss her on the mouth. When he lowered her back to her feet, the smile on his face changed his handsome features to beyond gorgeous.

“You have to meet Ellie. She’s a friend from long ago.” Lissi shifted but didn’t move from Rydak’s arms. “Ellie meet my Chosen, Rydak.”

Rydak stretched a hand in her direction still keeping one arm around Lissi. Ellie’s gaze dropped to the black leather glove then shook his hand. “Thank you for helping me, Rydak.”

“It’s nice to meet you. Lissi doesn’t have many friends but her loyalty to the few she has can often be a flaw.”

His voice flowed out melodious and smooth but his silver eyes shimmered with admonishment. Ellie flushed at the subtle dig. It was worth another apology. “I’m sorry.”

Rydak tipped his head to the side studying Ellie. Though his grey eyes reminded her of Aran’s commander, this man’s gaze swirled and shifted as if the shadows held secrets untold.
“Sometimes we do what we have to do.”

He lightly touched Lissi on the top of her hair before stepping back. “I can’t stay long. Torkel wants to meet with the teams again tonight. I’ll be back late.”

Lissi’s mouth pinched in the corners. “Wake me anyway.”

Rydak grinned and left.

The door closed quietly behind him. Lissi’s eyes took on a wistful cast when she said, “I love that man.”

Her words hit particularly close. Ellie thought of the few days she’d had with Aran. Not long enough to constitute a relationship and yet she couldn’t deny the strong feelings she already had for him. If a label was needed, she was pretty certain what she felt was steps away from love.

Ellie froze and was stunned to the point she missed Lissi’s question. She was falling in love with Aran T’Kar.

Ellie are you listening?”

Ellie blinked and shook her head. “Yes. No. What were you saying?”

The rest of the evening passed in a blur but Ellie’s recent discovery about a man she hadn’t known long stayed on her mind well into the night. It wasn’t until Lissi’s Chosen returned with Torkel the next morning that the horror of what they asked pulled her back into the present.




Every muscle in Ellie’s body shook when Rydak and Torkel sat her down to deliver the news. Her gaze flew from the one man to the other but their expressions remained the same.
Concerned and angry.
They weren’t the only ones.

“They can do this? Demand I go to Rastor?” She asked.

Rydak’s grey eyes gentled when he answered her questions. “Yes. We knew this was a possibility but under the circumstances expected that your statement would be accepted via vid-conference.”

Ellie balled her hands into fists in her lap. Lissi had purchased her a few items but the dark gold flowing dress no longer brought her pleasure when she imagined Aran’s reaction to it. Instead, it represented her doom because she’d be wearing it when she returned to where her nightmare started.

“What about Palo? Will they make me see him?”

“No.” Torkel’s denial was swift, his brown eyes blazing with anger at the actions of the Alliance. “You won’t have to see him. The authorities will question you, ask for clarification on some of the things discovered on the disc and then you’re free to leave. I promise this.”

Ellie swallowed. The promise was given in a voice that brooked no refusal. She could see why he’d been given the task of leading forty-five elite soldiers in a specialized unit. Ellie wouldn’t want to come face to face with him in a dark corner.

“I don’t suppose I have a lot of choice in the matter. What about, Aran? I need to let him know.” She really wanted to hear his voice reassuring her that everything would be okay.

Rydak frowned. “Your mate’s already been notified. It’s best you not contact him directly to alleviate suspicion. We’re not sure why Hinder demanded they speak with you in person. Your answers won’t change.” He rose to his feet. “I’ll get you something to
this has to be a shock to you.”

Lissi leaned into her side and rubbed Ellie’s thigh. “It will be fine. Tor’s sending some of the guys with you. No one would mess with one Jutak warrior let alone two or three.”

Rydak stood over her holding out a glass of water in his glove covered hands.

She accepted the drink and emptied it but her throat remained tight. Worry crept up on Ellie. She couldn’t shake a strong sense of foreboding. Time with her friend had given her an illusion of comfort and security but there was no safety for Ellie. Not until Palo paid for his crimes.

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