Love Without Boundaries (30 page)

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Authors: Michelle Howard,M. K. Eidem

BOOK: Love Without Boundaries
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Chapter 6

As soon as Aran knew the woman slept deeply, he rose to all four and approached. He nudged his head against her neck. The smooth column tipped to the side in subtle invitation. His growl rumbled from deep in his chest. Her soft breaths ruffled the fur at his neck.
Now was the time to make her his.

Aran nuzzled the tender skin she’d exposed and licked. His saliva contained a numbing agent. It would ease any pain she suffered from the bite. He inhaled her scent to memorize the sweet notes. In this form, the richness of her fragrance mixed with his essence created a potent blend he’d always associate with her.

Never would he be unable to find her if she chose to run. The cat within chuffed its agreement. Running proved fun at times but he didn’t want to lose his mate.

Aran leaned back to get another look at the one he was about to make his own. Lashes fluttered as her eyes opened to half-mast. Caught between dreams and reality, she blinked up at him. Aran flattened himself to the floor to appear less intimidating. Anxiety mixed with her scent. If he shifted, he could reassure her but the bite had to be given in this form and his animal self had no intentions of delaying. She needed the visible sign for all to know she belonged to him.

Weary acceptance blinked back at him. Her chin angled to the side. “I’m too tired to put up much fight. Make it quick,” she whispered.

She was wrong. He’d never hurt her.

“I’m a wuss when it comes to pain. In case you need to know.”

He barely understood her rambles but her hands trembled when she shoved them in the fur at his ruff. Aran licked her neck one more time and mouthed the area where her collarbone hollowed out.

She tensed beneath his fangs but instinct ruled and he bit down, infusing the bite with his mating essence. A squeak sounded near his ear followed by a soft exhale. The hands in his fur clutched tight as if to push him away. Aran whined, wanting to warn her. If she pushed or pulled, the animal in him would resist and he’d hurt her.

Aran didn’t want to hurt her. Not his mate. An eternity later, he released her with one final lick to the four punctures.

She leaned back.
Moved her head side to side.
“It doesn’t hurt.” Her relieved smile triggered his shift and he changed while kneeling beside her.

Ellie blinked. “Whoa. That might take some getting used to.”

Aran ran his hands over her arms, brushed back her red hair and studied the wound. “Are you alright?”

“You didn’t eat me.” Relief echoed in her words and her eyes fell closed again.

Aran traced the bite mark that already took on the dark purple hue that would never fade. Fierce pride roared through him.
His mate.

He replaced his fingers with his mouth and planted a soft kiss on her skin. His tongue flicked over her delicate flesh, tasting the richness of their combined scent.

The weight of her leaned into him as Aran wrapped his arms around her waist and eased her down onto the floor. Stretched out above her, he planted his hands by her head. A deep furrow creased between her eyes.

He rubbed until the wrinkled smoothed out. Now that she carried his mark, his heat settled. Muata flowed into the need to claim the woman he’d spend his life loving but she needed sleep. Aran settled down beside her. In the morning, he’d have to question her. Despite the warm feelings of possession and affection slipping through the framework of his heart, there was still the matter of her presence on the Z.




A loud continuous rumble beneath her ear awakened Ellie. She lifted her head and came face to face with a smooth golden chest. Further inspection revealed her naked body lay across a man’s body.
Naked as well.
Images from the night before flashed through her mind and had her shoving into an upright position.

Only the solid weight at her waist kept her from fleeing. Bright green eyes opened and squinted up at her. Ellie cleared her throat.

Was his slow, pleased smile for her? A kernel of warmth wiggled in her chest. He rolled in one twist until she lay beneath him.

“Hello and good morning.

She nodded. His head lowered and rubbed against the side of hers before he placed a barely there kiss on her forehead then heaved to his feet. Ellie flushed at his lack of modesty when he crossed the room and pulled out a pair of what looked like uniform pants. Before she could voice her request, he tossed a shirt in her direction.

Ellie rose to her feet and slid the grey material over her arms but when it came to buttoning it she couldn’t find any clasp. She jumped when his rather large hands nudged hers aside and smoothed over the flaps to do up the inner zipper. The shoulder slipped off each time she tugged it up and the diagonal cut of the lapel left a gap at her chest but at least it covered most of her body.

He cuffed her under the chin, drawing her gaze up. “I think we need to talk.”

Ellie gulped and pulled on the end of the shirt that skimmed her upper thighs. “There seems to have been a mistake.”

He cocked his head to the side fully prepared to listen. Ellie flushed uncomfortable with her lie after what they’d done the night before.

“A mistake,” he rumbled.

Her core moistened. Something about the deep rumbling tones turned her on. “Well, yes. I was supposed to meet with a client but um…well…then you…”

His brow arched, “Then I?”

Ellie shoved a length of hair from her face and searched the floor for her clothes. She needed to bluff her way through this but lying had never been her strong point and lying while wearing this man’s shirt didn’t add any dignity.


Her gaze jerked up from the frantic glances at his floor. “Yes?”

“I know you’re not here to see a client.”

“You do?”

He folded those divine arms over his chest, continuing to pin her with the laser beam glare from green eyes that missed nothing. “Why don’t you explain what you’re really doing here?”

She couldn’t. Ellie knew her identity would be reported to the authorities the minute she revealed who she was. The thought of what Palo would do if he got his hands on her brought a lump to her throat. No one would believe her and without evidence, it would look like she’d attempted to kill Palo.


The patience in his voice was too much. “I can’t,” she burst out unwilling to add on to the lies she’d already told. “I can’t tell you.”

Ellie expected him to yell or rant. Never did she imagine his arms wrapped around her waist as he pulled her in close.
“Shh. Easy.”

His kindness in the wake of all she’d gone through hit home. Her head rested on his chest as she took several deep breaths and tried to calm herself. The surprising comfort was more than welcome and Ellie allowed the silence between them until he eased her back in his arms and peered down. “At least tell me this…you aren’t here to meet anyone are you?”

Her lips trembled but Ellie shook her head no.

“And you’re not a sex worker either, right?” Humor glinted in his gaze as he asked.

“No,” she whispered wondering what he’d do with her truths.

“Good.” The broad palm of his hand cupped the back of her head and pressed her face back into his chest. His other arm rubbed her back in a soothing motion.

They stood like that for a moment. Ellie didn’t understand him. No one other than her mother had ever held her this way. Her mother’s wealthy background had made every relationship in their lives questionable after her father’s death.

The low ding overheard interrupted them. The body in her arms stiffened.


He moved her gently to the side and placed his palm on the very lock she’d had issues with. The door slid open admitting a man in a grey and black uniform who eyed them carefully.

“What’s going on, Chief T’Kar? I received your message.”

Panic exploded in her chest. What message? Had Aran reported her presence while she slept? Her gaze clashed with his as the bite of betrayal burned worse than the mark on her neck. Fear and worry collided which led to her mistake. Ellie darted to the side and tried to run past the man at the door. She would have made it.
Would have squeezed through the narrow opening if he hadn’t reached out and snagged her upper arm.

Ellie cried out and jerked in his hold. She wouldn’t go to a prison colony.
She kicked out, unmindful of the flash of legs as the shirt twisted around her. The loud roar followed by the low growl stopped her frantic efforts.

“Now you’ve done it,” the man declared in a whisper.
“Easy, Chief.
I’m here to help.”

Ellie turned behind her and froze. A snarling white cat crouched where Aran had stood. The same cat who’d bit her. Her hand flew to the tender spot.

“What’s going on?” Ellie asked unable to take her gaze from the hissing animal.

“I don’t believe this. Did you mate him?” The man in uniformed countered, withdrawing a weapon from his belt.

She had no idea what he was talking about.

He sighed and aimed at the creature.

The deadly cat ceased its pacing. Familiar green eyes stared at the guard.

“Easy, Chief.
I’m not coming in any further.”

Ellie repeated. Fear tripped over her nerves. Who was this man she’d spent the night with? She wrapped her free arm around herself since the guard hadn’t released his grip.

“Aran T’Kar, Chief of Security onboard the Zanian IX.
I’m his second. Lieutenant Dar. Who are you?”

Ellie cleared her throat and wondered if she should risk running again.

The cat, Aran, pawed at the floor. Sharp claws dug grooves into the tile.

“Name,” Dar snapped.

The cat roared and took a step in their direction. The air in the room thickened as both she and the lieutenant froze. Seconds ticked overloud in the silence. Dar’s hand tightened on her wrist and she couldn’t help her wince. This time the cat curled his upper lip and bared his fangs.

“No, no. It’s Ellie,” she squeaked, fearful of Aran doing something that he’d regret.

Dar cursed.
Back to my first question.
Did you mate him?”

“I don’t know,” she cried out, tears thick in her throat. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

Dar’s deliberate tone stressed the patience he used to talk to her. If she wasn’t petrified, she would have gone toe to toe with him. “A male Argoran can offer for his mate during muata.”

He caught her questioning frown. “Muata is a mating cycle. The chief is in the middle of his cycle.”


“Forever bond. Marriage
a bell?”

Her stunned gaze whipped from the cat to the guard. What did he mean? What exactly had Aran done to her?

Ellie’s look must have been answer enough. “Fucking asteroids, he did! He offered to mate you and you rejected him.”

“I did no such thing.” Ellie snapped, startling the cat into pausing.

Dar faced her for the first time since entering Aran’s quarters. Confusion darkened his gaze. “You’ve no idea what you’ve done. Why would you spend muata with him if you don’t know the first thing about Argorans?”

Ellie had to be careful. No way
admit to her illegal passage on the ship. “He didn’t say he wanted something permanent.”

“Did you bite him?”

she’d remember. “No.”

“Did he bite you?”

“Yes.” She shoved her hair from her face. “But, I fell asleep. I didn’t know it meant anything.”

Dar banged his fist on the wall behind him.

Aran/cat curled his upper lip in warning.

Ellie almost laughed, able to read that gesture clear as day. “He doesn’t like your tone with me.”

“Because he wants to defend his mate.”

Her heart stilled then resumed its erratic beat but this time from excitement not fear. “What does that mean exactly?”

Dar let out a frustrated breath. “It means you will only ever be it for him. No other can claim him. Your every need and desire will be his to fulfill and he will do it grateful for the chance to spend his life by your side.”

Ellie’s fingers folded into her palm. She’d take that in an instant if she could believe it existed for her.

“I want that,” she whispered.

Aran’s ears pricked forward.

Dar shot her an ugly look. “The Chief was in bad shape this cycle and I have no idea who you are.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means I’m taking you to detainment.”

Ellie was afraid of that. She swallowed. “You can’t do that.”

Aran’s barbed tail swished faster as he crept closer.

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