Love Without Boundaries (29 page)

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Authors: Michelle Howard,M. K. Eidem

BOOK: Love Without Boundaries
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Chapter 4

Aran sniffed deeply.
The animal within snapped from his control. His desire to breed her became a biological imperative. Muata ruled him now and without the sedative, his body fell into full blown lust. Nothing would sway him from his course.

Her hands pushed ineffectively against his chest while she squirmed beneath him, eyes wide. Fine tremors shook her body. Aran lowered his weight in order to feel every delicious inch of her. Her struggles dislodged the towel and his arousal sprang forth, hard and aching.

How he ached.

If not for the dress covering her, he could slide against her skin to skin. He inhaled the subtle aroma of her arousal. She wanted him too. Her resistance weakened.

Aran leaned into the hollow created by her neck as she arched away from him, leaving the vulnerable area bare to him. The innocent act called to his primitive side. He ran his nose along the sensitive skin of her neck, taking in more of her smell. His animal DNA responded and desire waged a war with his last attempt to do the right thing.

“You say you’re here for a client, Ellie. Let me be your client.” He thrust against her, his meaning clear. “Satisfy

His voice deepened with the passion as his hormones shot into his blood stream. Aran fought the almost uncontrollable urge to take her. He brushed his mouth along the rapid beating pulse in her throat entranced by the sight. She gasped beneath him.

Her head tossed back and forth.

He rocked against her hips, his length sliding between the dip created by the loose folds of her dress. Snarling, he yanked the offensive material up until it bared her from the waist down.

Creamy thighs and a small scrap of blue fabric covered the treasure he sought. Without a second thought, the claw on his pointer finger protracted from his padded tip. He dragged the sharp point over the material and pulled. Blue cloth fell away and her scent exploded into the air between them.

She moaned, drawing his eyes up from the vision of dewy lips and perfectly groomed curls. Bright spears of red stained her cheeks, her mouth parted and her tongue darted out.

Aran whimpered. He’d beg if he had to. It was too late for the sedative to control his muata at this point. He stretched up on one arm and used the other to stroke her bottom lip. Soft like flower petals. “Let me take you, Ellie. Please.”

Her eyes opened, drowsy and filled with an emotion it took him a millisecond to identify.


His hormones affected her too. Aran exhaled sharply, his relief so great he had to stop touching her mouth and brace his arm by her head to support his weight. “I promise. I will make you feel good. You won’t regret giving yourself to me.”

Her arms looped around his neck as she widened her legs to create more space for him. “Show me, Aran.”

His canines descended further from the sultry tone of her plea. Aran had gone through his muata for many years now. Before his registration with the military, females on his home world satisfied the hunger of his mating cycle. He walked away from the meaningless sex physically fulfilled and that was enough. During his assignments in space travel, he used the prescribed sedative for his kind because not a lot of women willingly sacrificed themselves to the rutting passion of an Argoran.

For the first time ever, Aran would satisfy his muata with a female not of Argora. The thought spurred his arousal and his skin tingled as his body released the necessary pheromones to prepare a female for her male. In lab studies, the dark musk proved to work on women of other worlds. Aran had more reason than ever to appreciate the fact now.

One more matter needed to be cleared between them while he still maintained his sanity.
“Another question, Ellie.
Do you belong to another?” He vaguely remembered her answering a similar question but his mind clouded, only able to focus on the sex soon to come.

Her body undulated beneath him. The flush in her cheeks spread down her neck. She clenched her hands in his hair, the small pain causing him to groan in pleasure. His pheromones worked her to a higher level of arousal. Despite the painful state of his condition, he needed to hear her response.

“No one wants me.”

Aran froze.
A strange way to answer the question.
Strange enough to clear his mind.
He started to ask her to explain further when she wrapped her legs around his waist and the head of his erection brushed through her damp folds.

Aran lost his train of thought and darkness descended as muata pulled him under.




Ellie ran her hands through the thick strands of dark brown hair. The texture reminded her of a sleep toy she’d owned as a child.
Soft and silky.
But her feelings were in no way childlike. She burned.
Burned for the man rubbing the tip of his manhood between her legs.

“Aran,” she moaned and raised her legs higher. Ellie couldn’t believe her wanton behavior. She was never this forward, preferring time to get to know a man.

But he smelled so good. Good enough to eat. She leaned forward and pressed her mouth to his. Firm lips parted and his tongue delved into the entrance she provided. Ellie nipped and sucked at the tender appendage. The tips of his sharp fangs scraped her lips but he glided his mouth along hers, ever so careful.

She fisted his hair and tugged, wanting him closer, her hips driving up.

Aran’s breathing altered. Rasping pants puffed air on her cheeks as he nuzzled her neck.
Then he did the amazing thing from earlier when they’d first been body to body.

He purred.
Soft and beautiful.

How could a sound warm her heart?

His chest lowered, bringing them as close as possible save for the material of her dress.


Ellie blinked. Before she could question him, his hand swiped down shredding her clothes. Cool air beaded her nipples and the buds tightened. His stark gaze ran down the length of her naked torso. Her flesh pebbled beneath the wicked stare.

“Can’t wait.”

A blunt finger, thankfully minus the claw, probed her sensitive folds. Her muscles clamped down on the digit and Ellie cried out. Another finger joined the first. Deep strokes penetrated her flesh and liquid heat spilled from her.

“Want you. Need you.”

The words were almost garbled due to the large fangs protruding from his upper gums. She allowed the meaning behind them to sink into her core. Someone wanted and needed her. The long buried craving surged forth. A fierce yearning rose in her chest. Rational thoughts fled her mind.

“Take me, Aran. Make me yours.”

Green jewels glittered down at her then taking her word, Aran pulled his hand from her soaking center and replaced it with his thick shaft. His hips pushed forward and drove deep. No gradual entrance. He possessed her in that one act with a desperation Ellie mirrored.

“Yes, yes,” she cried out.

“Mine. All mine.” Aran’s knuckles grazed her cheek in a tender act at odds with the urgency of their passion.

“Mine,” he repeated. His husky growl hit her once more in her center. Her heart pounded out a matching rhythm to their thrusting hips.

“I want you, Aran.”

“Take me.” The demand was followed by the slap of flesh meeting flesh as his pace quickened. He raised Ellie’s thigh and held it tight to his hip.

She choked out a cry. Aran groaned above her, lids lowered. His hair fell about his face and sweat ran down his temple to hit the tops of her breasts. The friction of their movements hardened the nubs to points.

Every stroke abraded her slickened tissues. Ellie’s back slid on the floor but Aran reached beneath her and pulled her hips higher. He maintained their combined weight with the one arm on the floor at her head. Amazement at the display of his strength spurred her on. Her blood heated and hands trembled as she dug her nails into his back.

Aran hissed. “Again, Ellie mine.”

She’d never known passion this intense. Dark greed stole over her as Ellie speared her nails into the rippling muscles of his back, drawing the same sound again. Her head spun and her lower region clenched around him. His groin pulsed in response.

Released loomed within reach. “I - I’m going to come.”

His tempo increased with her impassioned declaration. Liquid fire arced up her spine. Mouth open, Ellie moaned in time with each plunge into her moist depths. Faster and faster the wave approached. Giving herself up to the pinnacle within reach, Ellie tipped over the edge. Heat cascaded from the inside to the outside as she screamed her release.

Aran grunted and his hips drove harder. The sounds from his mouth were animalistic. He dropped his head to hers then his body stiffened as he moaned low and long. His seed spurted inside in hot pulses. Ellie’s inner muscles clamped down in response as she arched up once more.

Aran nipped her bottom lip and rolled away. Moisture leaked on her thighs from both of them. Ellie attempted to curl to her side but Aran picked her up in his arms and pulled her over him. Her legs parted as she sat astride him and her dress pooled around them.

Large hands gripped the material and tugged on the top half baring her torso. Her breasts bobbled with the motion. Ellie’s hands flew up to cover her chest.

“No,” he protested, his hands covering hers and pulling them to her side. “Let me see you.”

With the crazy heat of passion faded, embarrassment started to snake its way through her mind. Ellie struggled to move from atop him but Aran grasped her wrists.

“Please. Please, Ellie.” His eyes begged as well.

“We shouldn’t have…I shouldn’t have.” She pushed up onto her knees unable to finish the thought. What had she done? What was she thinking? Her hands struggled with his in an attempt to escape but his hold was relentless.

He growled and his upper lip curled to reveal his scary sharp teeth. His eyes were doing the creepy green glow again.

“You don’t understand.” He began to harden beneath her butt.

His rough claim made Ellie stop fighting long enough to hear what he had the say, all the while plotting how she’d leave his room and hide somewhere else aboard ship.

Chapter 5

Aran only knew he couldn’t let the woman go. Once started, the fever would not abate until it ran its course. Part of him wanted to howl in frustration while the other part wanted to lick every inch of the bounty swaying in front of him.

Berry tipped breasts teased until he gave in and let go of her wrists to cup the full globes. Her eyes darkened and she leaned into the caress. He flicked his thumbs over the taut peaks and she gasped.

“Stay. One client’s the same as another.”
Although he didn’t believe Ellie’s lie for one minute.

She nibbled on her full plump bottom lip. Aran gritted his teeth against the urge to takeover the task for her. The heat was building
his recent release a temporary relief from the raging inferno in his loins.

Her eyes met his. Had he ever seen eyes that particular shade of blue?

“Um…about that.”

Would she confess? If she did, he’d be forced to call security since Dar hadn’t returned his message yet. Even off the clock he had a duty to Jax and the Zanian to maintain their safety.

“I should explain,” she whispered and broke off with a moan as Aran distracted her by squeezing her plump flesh.

Hard buds stabbed his palms. Her head dropped forward and the soft ends of her red hair brushed his chest.

“Y-you smell delicious,” she mumbled.

Something wet trailed over his nipple. Had she licked him? Her teeth nibbling on his skin answered his silent question. Aran groaned and snatched her toward him. She fell on his chest, head lifting from the torturous caress.

As his skin heated, the pheromones eased through his pores. His body responded to the rush and Aran thrust up. He ran his hands over her nipped in waist, flared hips and then curved over her round butt cheeks.

“Yes. Yes, give it to me again.”

Aran lifted her weight easily. He rose up with his hips and pressed down with his hands, slamming her onto him. He glided through her slick entrance like the sharpest blade through honey.

“You feel so good,” he ground out in response.

Ellie rode him, her nails scraping his chest. Aran groaned and pumped faster to meet her pace. This was what he needed. The beast inside purred its satisfaction and muata pulled him under once more pushing thoughts of security protocol to the back of his mind.

Aran lost count of how many times he found his release with his beautiful stowaway. His erection rose in an impressive display over and over again. At one point, he’d picked up on the evening chimes signaling shift change but his inner animal refused to settle and continued to hunger for the woman curled in his arms.

Ellie rolled on to her side, legs tucked between his thighs as they dozed on the floor. Aran ran a hand over her belly and down to the tender flesh of her center. He slid one blunt finger between her moist folds. She moaned and shifted forward.

Aran nuzzled her neck and inhaled her scent. Sweat and the essence from their loving filled his nostrils. His animal purred and Aran had the sudden urge to never let her go. None of his past muata partners made him
to stay with them but with Ellie, the thought of her leaving had a band of fear clutching his chest.

He stroked his finger in and out going deeper with each pass. Puffs of air hit his chest as she panted in her sleep. Aran considered easing off and letting her rest but she raised her thigh higher on his hip. All thoughts of sleep faded away at the subconscious gesture. An added dose of energy speared through him.

His tongue dragged up the silken column of her neck. The salty taste of her mixed with a hint of peach burst in his mouth. Her hands moved from his waist to stroke up his back. He leaned back to see her face but her eyes were still closed and her breathing remained the same with the occasional hitch from his fingers driving into her.

Aran added another and her lips parted. The pulse in her throat beat an erotic tempo against her skin and dared him to bite.

Aran jerked back from the sight. Biting during a male’s muata was a serious thing. It implied a desire to enter a permanent mating. He thought he had years before he ever considered he’d find a woman he wanted to spend his life with. Once more, his eyes fell to the pale skin of her throat. His heart hammered out a strident rhythm. She was the one. No other. Aran eased his fingers from her entrance.

His vision hazed and his fangs dropped with a sharp pain from his gum line. The animal within broke his control and sprang forward pushing Aran to change in the fastest shift he’d ever executed.

Ellie’s eyes blinked open at the exact same moment. She took one look at his secondary form and screamed.

Aran snarled and pressed his jaw to her throat, seeking the special spot for his mark. He had to have her. Make her his.


She pushed at his furry chest but Aran growled and tried again for her throat. Her hands slapped at him as she cried and pushed back along the floor until her back hit the wall by the door.

Aran froze as the scent of her fear reached him. On four legs, he paced before her, unsure why she resisted. She was made for him.
The perfect half to complete his soul.
His mate.

But she didn’t look pleased with the idea. The man inside tried to rationalize with his animal half to no avail. If he shifted back, he could explain. Soothe her until she agreed to the bond clamoring for release inside. Instead, his animal tightened its hold on this form and refused to let the man back out.




Ellie’s head hit the wall with a thump. She jerked up and searched the small space. It was still there. The all white cat paced mere feet away, its barbed tail swishing erratically. Razor sharp claws scratched at the floor. Her position seated on the floor placed her at a disadvantage but she refused to get up. If she stood, the cat would probably take it as an act of aggression. She estimated it would reach her waist in height and no way did Ellie want to test the animal’s sleek muscles against her own.

Short tuffs of darker hair sprouted from pointed ears at the side of a large head. Pinpricks of green that shifted to bright diamonds watched her every move. The stubby tail would have looked innocent enough if not for the deadly barbs covering the fur. Her yawn caught her off guard and she flushed when it cocked its head to the side and the ears perked up. Not sure how much time had passed with their
fatigue began its insidious crawl.

If she didn’t figure out a way out of this mess she’d eventually doze off and end up supper for the animal. “One of us has to give in, I think,” Ellie murmured.

The cat inched closer but instead of growling and flashing sharp teeth, it lowered its frame to the floor and crawled in her direction with a whine. Ellie tensed and the animal went motionless. The universe was full of many life forms, making the concept of a man who could change into a large deadly predator not hard to believe. What worried her was the fear that the man she’d made love to now wanted to eat her and not in a good way.

Although, if she thought about it, once she’d pushed it away, the cat stayed clear across the room only venturing close if she nodded off. Her lids lowered and her back slumped against the wall. Between running from her stepfather and the physical exertions of sex, exhaustion called to Ellie. She wanted to rest if only for a few hours.

She leaned her head back and stared at the monotonous grey ceiling. What was it about her that invited trouble? Was it too much to ask for a seamless escape from Palo? Her head lowered and she faced the cat. Aran, she corrected.

“Aran, if you’re in there I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t maul me when I eventually pass out. I don’t taste good.”

He lowered his head on his front paws, those large green eyes never leaving her face. His gaze made promises she didn’t fully comprehend. Did he understand her in this form? Ellie’s lids drifted closed. If only she wasn’t tired beyond belief. She drew her legs up and wrapped her arms around her bare form, too scared to fetch the sheets from his bed to cover her body.

Sleep claimed her between one blink and the next. Ellie never noticed the cat nudge its big body against hers as she curled up on the floor.

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