My Demons (The Angel Trilogy #2) (12 page)

BOOK: My Demons (The Angel Trilogy #2)
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His body flows in crippling waves toward me. His hands finding my face as he does.

Oh my God! Oh my God!

“You told me to touch you.” The smile is gone and now he has the most breathtakingly gorgeous, but serious as hell look on his face. It’s alluring.

I suck in another deep breath.

“Do you want me to touch you, Abby?” He moves in closer.

“Umm,” I can’t quite get the words that I need out of my mouth.

I look around to see that we’re the only ones in the room. Turning my focus to Evan and his tantalizing eyes suck me in again.

“Do you want me to touch you?” He comes even closer.

My mouth falls open slightly wanting to answer, but I’m left breathless and without words.

“Do you want me to kiss you? Because I want to press my lips to yours, Abby. I want to taste you.”

Holy hell! Please do.

“I’ve been waiting for such a long time for this.” He angles my head as he falls to my mouth.

His lips take mine for everything they have to give. His tongue moves slowly and wraps around every hope that I’ve ever had.

Adrenaline moves across my skin in heated waves taking me to another plane.

He releases his deep hold with his nose touching mine. “I’ll be here anytime you want me to do that again, angel.” His lips find mine again only this time he grips my bottom lip with his teeth.

He pulls away and I know that I want more. And I want it now, but there’s a full house tonight and this isn’t time or the place.

He grips my shoulders bringing me into his chest, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and his smell engulfs and envelopes me. He hugs me tight like he’s trying to keep me from disappearing from his grasp.

I release my hands from my chest to wrap them around him, hearing a slight moan escape as my arms make the contact with his body. He’s so much larger than my tiny body, my arms barely wrap around his sides.

He breaks his hold. “I’m gonna need just a few minutes. I’ll be in shortly, ok?” He looks very much in distress and I want to laugh as he nonchalantly tries to adjust himself. “Oh God, I’m sorry.” He laughs realizing he’s been caught.

“No, don’t be, I think it’s kinda hot.”
Oh shit did I say that out loud?

“You do?” he asks with what can only be described as a shocked tone.

“Yeah…” I trace my fingers along the table I’m standing next to. “I do. You make me feel the same way,” I admit.

He stands erect. “I do?” The most carnal look I’ve ever seen comes across his face, and for a few seconds I actually think he’s going to attack and throw me to the floor and I think at this moment that I’d actually let him.

“Mhmmm.” I smile. “You do that to me a lot, actually.”

“I do?” His mouth falls open.

Inner sexy girl’s cheering from the rooftops that I actually admitted this to not only him, but myself as well.

Why not admit it?
It’s what I want, and I know better than anyone your life can be taken away in a second, so why not live it for what it’s worth every second that you can.

“Yes,” I barely whisper.

“Are you two going to join us?” My mom breaks the sizzling connection my eyes are having with Evan’s.

I sigh looking at her.

“Yes, we’re coming,” I turn my eyes back to his running my tongue across my bottom lip. I catch Evan’s body jerk in response, and I smile.

“Do you think you can hurry, dinner’s being served Abigale?”

“I’m sorry Alison, I just wanted to chat with Abby for a second.”

“It’s been like thirty minutes,” she scolds turning to leave us alone.

We both laugh…

Chapter Thirteen


“Well, well,” Amy hums as Evan pulls my chair out for me.

The table is filled with my dad at the head, at the opposite side, my mother to his left then Dom, Amy, me, Evan, Eva, Hollister, Layla, Walter, and back to my dad.

I want to roll my eyes when Amy nods in her direction. Ava smiles to Evan as he sits in his chair. For a few seconds,
want to rip her weave out.

Geez Abby, jealous much? Get a grip.

“Hi, I don’t think we’ve met, I’m Ava,” she whispers into Evans space and my face heats.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Evan.” He nods.

“Are you two together?” the words leaving Ava’s mouth in a seductive tone.
What is she asking that for?
Evan and I look at each other and smile.

“Are you kidding me?” I hear Amy ask with a pissed off edge to her voice. “Umm, Barbie… I mean, Ava. Tell me what is it you do for a living?” Amy smiles, but only I know how fake it is. I think she’s had a few too many already and dinner hasn’t even officially started yet.

I pull the napkin from the table and lay it across my lap as Sue arrives with a pitcher of water. Her hand lands on my shoulder and she gives me a gentle tap before walking away.

“I see no one but you, Abby,” Evan leans into me whispering into my ear. Parts of my body wake for the first time at hearing those words.

When I shift my head in Evan’s direction our noses almost touch. Dimple destruction is out to play with my heart. He’s setting me on fire and any clear thought I had has totally gone.

“Only you, Abby,” he reiterates, then sits up in his chair leaving me in a puddle of Evan perfection.

Holy shit what am I going to do?

I pretend that I’m not tied up in the erotic thoughts that are trickling through my mind.

His touch…

His kiss…



“Ava’s gonna to tell us all about herself.” She winks. “So, please continue…” She holds her glass up gesturing for Ava to speak.
Wow! This girl might need to start drinking water.

“I’m a model,” she answers.

“Oh wow, you’re a model? Like Penthouse?” Amy asks sarcastically and I wonder why she’s getting her panties in a wad.

“Mhmmm, I’ve also actually been on
‘Page Six.’
Abby don’t you write for that magazine? I’ve read your articles.”

I nod. I know I did and I’d like to get my hands on those articles.

“Do you like that? Writing I mean.” She’s smiling.

“I… I love to write, but I don’t write for
‘Page Six’
at the moment.”

Please drop it. Please drop it.

Everyone’s staring at me and sweat is beginning to bead on my forehead.

“Wait! That’s right you’re Dominic Casta? Yeah, I’ve seen a ton of your stuff.” She bounces in her seat.

“Yea,” Dom leans into the table. “Who’s your manager?”

“Levon Clayton, she swears she’s going to get me to New York.” Her words are perky.

“If she says it then she means it. She
one of the best.” Dom smiles and I think that Amy might actually break her glass over his head.

My parents catch Amy’s anger brewing and I can see the wheels spinning in my mom’s eyes. “Amy?” She shakes her head.

“Yes ma’am.”

My parents are the only people on this earth that can keep Amy’s temper in check. Anyone else can pretty much forget it. Poor Dom, he hasn’t got a chance.

Dinner’s served and I catch myself watching Evan’s every move, but I don’t want to. I know what he does to me and I don’t like it. I mean I do like it, but I don’t because I don’t feel in control. I need some sort of control, I need to know where it is my heart’s leading me and at this point I feel like I’m being dragged around by my hair to places I don’t even see coming.

I notice Amy isn’t eating and I think Dom notices it too.
Thank God
. I think I need to have this conversation with my mom.

The thing is though, that will cause a shift in mine and Amy’s relationship and I don’t want that. But I don’t want her sick either.

I’m tossing my asparagus around my plate thinking of ways I can leave my mom subtle hints.

I feel Evan’s hand gently smooth across my thigh and I raise my head catching Hollister staring at me. He winks.

Amy nonchalantly sends a text when Evan’s phone vibrates.

I see him look up at Amy and Dom. Dom shrugs his shoulders while sipping his water.

What is going on, and why am I always the last one to find out?

“So how long have you two been together?” I ask Ava and Hollister because I’m putting the pieces together. It’s ridiculous, why can’t we all act like adults.

Ava’s face lights up at my question. Hollister’s not so much, and I see a slightly annoyed look cross his face.

“Hollister and I…” She perks up in her seat, “we’ve been seeing each other for a while,” Ava announces.

Amy chokes on her drink. She despises Hollister and I don’t think even she knows why. “Why would you be asking Abby out just today if you have a girlfriend?” She asks tapping her nails on the empty wine glass in front of her.

I hear the silver wear clink against the plates as everyone anticipates a cat fight… maybe? My dad, however, looks intrigued and ready for the answer himself.

“Ava and I aren’t exclusive and let’s not go there right now, Amy,” he sneers.

“Wow, you’ve been practically giving her your undying love bullshit the whole time she’s been in the hospital.”

“Amy… Alexander...” my mom says in a flat, but absolutely firm tone.

“No, it’s stupid. He needs to be called on his crap. Abby is totally venerable and has a great guy right there in Evan and you’ve been sucking up to her this whole time, then you have the balls to bring this Barbie doll into her home?” she says motioning with her hands as she speaks.

“Amy, that’s enough!”

“Ok, whatever, I’m sorry, Alison.” She raises her hands slamming them on the table while giving Hollister a mean glare. As she begins to stand, Dom grabs her waist pulling her down shaking his head.

“Wow,” I whisper to Evan and see that his body is trembling. “Hey? You ok?”

“Mhmmm, I’m good.” He nods clenching his fist around the napkin sitting on the table.

“You four may be excused.” My mom points to Amy, Dom, Evan, and myself. She must sense the tremendous tension in the room that’s on the verge of fracturing and spilling everywhere.

“Come on.” Amy pulls my arm, having had already gotten up from her chair.

“I think I’m ready for bed.”

“Of course you are, it’s before nine. God doll, you’re so boring, but don’t worry I still love you.” She links her arm with mine.

“Hey, can you chill out? You’re having serious mood swings. Have you eaten today?” I ask loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Really?” she hisses snatching her arm away from mine.

I don’t know what to say. I know that this is a real disease and tricky at best, but I don’t want her to think that I’m against her in any way, because I’m not. I love her like a sister. I want her to be healthy and happy.

I see Dom behind her holding his head. “Let’s go,” he says sounding defeated.

“No Dominic, I want to hear what little miss perfect Abigale Hayes knows about my eating habits.” Her arms wrap around her perky chest. “Don’t act like you know anything about my problems, Abby,” she sneers.

Inner sexy girl slaps Amy out of bitch mode. She’s normally so carefree and this is so not her personality.

“Hey, not the place, baby.” Dom approaches.

“Fuck you, I’ll say what I
to say and I’ll say it when I want to say it.”

“Really?” I sigh I can’t believe she’s just said that to him.

Dom doesn’t react and I wonder if he knows something I don’t.

Amy turns toward the pictures of us growing up, my mom has placed them pretty much everywhere so they’re hard to miss. Turning in a hurry she slams her arms to her sides. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. I’ve got some shit going on right now, some shit fucking with my head,” she announces blowing out a breath.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Evan breaks the silence that’s formed. His words are gentle and caring. I smile because he actually cares about someone other than himself.

“Nope, I sure don’t.” I see her shifting her eyes to Dom. Clicking her heels on the hardwood floor as she approaches me. “Look…” She drops her head. “I’m ok, I don’t need you worrying about me. I promise I’m not messed up like that again. It’s all right I promise.”

“You promise? ‘Cause you can tell me anything. I’m not going to judge you or point fingers.” I know that she just promised me, but I feel the need to ask. Something’s just not sitting right with me about this.

Amy pulls me in for a hug. “I promise. I love you, doll.” Her soft words seem sincere. “Let’s get to the real problem of the night shall we?” She turns looking in Evan’s direction. “Why the
are you letting Dr. Hollister Carlson get away with this bullshit?” Evan’s body tenses. “And the way he touches you.” She turns to me making a vomiting sound. “He freaks me out. There’s just something about him Abbs.” She shivers.

“He’s fine.” I shrug.

“He asked you
?” Evan asks.

I shrug again. “Yeah, but he’s not really my type.”

“Yeah, well maybe you should tell him that.” Amy sneers in my direction. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.” Amy seems annoyed. “Unless you want to stay and kick his ass ‘cause that I’d love to see.” An evil grin takes possession of her features.

“Oh my God, we’re not teenagers Amy, you can’t just hurt someone because you don’t like them.”

“Yeah, yeah doll, noted. Pfft”

“Are you all leaving?” Sue approaches. We all look to each other in search of the answer. “No,
going to bed.” I clench my head. My headaches are really putting me on my ass and all of this drama has left me with a doozy in its wake.

“Seriously?” Amy huffs not happy. I hold my head with both hands as the pain makes its way to my eyeballs.

“You ok?” I feel Evan’s warm hands land on my arms.

“Yeah, just another headache. I think I need to lie down,” I whisper.

“I’ll take you to your room.” Evan sweeps me in his arms.
Oh, how can I not fall head over heels for this man?
“Its ok angel, I’ve got you.” He brings me to his face pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “Which door is yours?” “Last on the right.” I wince. This one might actually be the worst of them all, it’s becoming apparently obvious as the pain sears through my skull.

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