My Demons (The Angel Trilogy #2) (13 page)

BOOK: My Demons (The Angel Trilogy #2)
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“Pills? Do you have something to take?” he asks while

“In my bag.” I point in its direction.

“All right, let me get you something to drink.” He searches my room.

“Here.” Sue enters my room. I don’t see her because my eyes are closed, but I hear her. “Have you been getting these a lot and have you told your parents?”

“Mhmmm,” I start to nod realizing that it’s not the best idea I’ve ever had and the crippling pain begins to take on a life all its own.

Sue rubs my temples as I lift my head just enough to swallow the two pain pills Evan’s placed in my hand. “Would a cool cloth on your head help?” I shrug knowing that speaking is becoming impossible at this point. A cool rag is placed on my forehead. Opening my eyes, I see that it’s Evan caring for me. He sits on my bed and brings me into his chest. “Can I stay and look after you?” He leans into my ear.

I’m in so much pain that tears fill my eyes and I know I can’t keep how horrible this pain is from everyone anymore. “Please,” I cry.

“Oh baby.”

“I’ll check back in shortly.” The door clicks behind Sue as she sneaks out.

I hear Amy in the hallway asking how I am and then I hear Sue asking her to leave me be.

Evan’s arms are strong and warm and if I have to live through this hell it might as well be right here, right now, with him.

Chapter Fourteen


My stomach growles bringing me to life. I yawn and stretch in my warm and comfy bed.

“Good morning beautiful.” I quickly open my eyes scared out of my mind not realizing anyone was in here.

“What are you doing here?” I gasp realizing my clothes aren’t on. Well, I have a kami and panties on, but that doesn’t count. “How did I get undressed?” I pull the sheet over my exposed bottom and tummy.

Evan laughs. “It’s ok, nothing happened. I just thought you’d be more comfortable out of that stunning dress.”

“You did this?” My mouth drops open. He saw me like this?

Sitting on the bed he speaks, “It’s not something I haven’t held in my hands many, many times before.”

I have to be blushing crimson. “I… ” I try to speak, but there are no words.

“Are you hungry?”

“Starving,” I answer as my tummy begins speaking loud enough to alert everyone in the house.

“I don’t think you ate anything at all last night. How’s your head?”

“Wait… ” I hold up a hand and reposition myself on the bed. “Did you stay here all night?”

“I wanted to take care of you.” He reaches for a tray. “Voila, breakfast is served.” He smiles.

“Did you make this?” I’m surprised he would do this for me.
Or am I?
I don’t know if this was something that he used to do for me or not, but I’m impressed all the same.

“No, Frank did, I just carried it up here.” He tucks a napkin into the top of my kami. “Coffee?”

“Please.” The smile still holds on my lips.

“How are you feeling?”

I reach for the toast on the tray. “I feel better.” I shrug taking a bite of the sweet goodness that’s smothered across the top of the bread.

“Your mom said you’re going to get these headaches for a while.” He rubs my leg through the sheet.

I shrug. “Mhmmm, that’s what they say.” I take another bite. “You didn’t have to stay.” My eyes meet his.

“Abby, I know that you don’t remember me.” He runs his hands through his hair. “I get that, but I remember
. I can’t just shut out my feelings. Not these feelings.” He blows out a breath. “I can’t pretend that I don’t care about you. I can’t act like we’re
just friends.
I want you in ways you’ll never understand. If you’re sick, then I want to be there to comfort you. If you’re sad, I want to be there to make you smile. I want to be with you, in your life the way it was,” he proclaims. “Or be here the way it is now, I don’t care. I just want to be with you.”

I nod my head bringing the toast to my lap gazing at it. “I get that too.” I nod again. “I did agree to date you, that’s a good first step, right?” I offer.

“Yeah, and that reminds me. I want to make you dinner at our… at my place, tonight. Date?”

I smile. “And what’s on the menu?” I tease.

“Whatever you’d like.”

“Hmmm, so you
cook?” I tease.

“Yes I cook.” He laughs.

“Then it’s a date.” I grin, licking the strawberry jelly from my lips.

“If you’re feeling better, I’m going to head out.”

I nod my head. “Yeah, I feel fine.” I look toward the doors that lead to the balcony.

“Sure?” He asks leaning his head into me.

Realizing how close he is to me I feel the sudden urge to kiss him and I know that I want him to touch me again. “I’m great.” My body stills. He raises my hand sucking a finger into his mouth. I know I’m going to crash and burn hard for this man.

“Jelly.” He whispers then runs his tongue over his lips. “Until later?” I nod again, speechless, hot and a little wet in my panties.

“I’ll pick you up, seven,” he announces.

I’m still speechless, so I do the only thing I can and nod. If his tongue can do that to my finger, what would he do…?

When he leaves the room, I crash backward on my bed hearing something crumple underneath.

A piece of paper.


An angel has wings that rise.

Love has no option, but to love.

Time has no option, but to tick on.

My love for you will rise.

My love for you will go on.

No matter the amount of time that goes by before you remember how much you love me too.

I will love you completely, without a thought of the effects it has on my own soul. My love for you will remain what it can only be. Forever. Until you remember, I’ll be waiting


I didn’t realize I was crying until a tear falls onto the paper. I fold it up and place it on the table next to my bed.

“Maybe I really want to give this a chance.”

I stand, grab my robe and walk to the doors leading to the balcony. I see him approach his Hummer. I wave. I want to say something, anything, but what? He must feel my eyes hard on his body because he shifts his body looking up and blows me a kiss. When he shuts his door my heart sinks. I don’t want him to go.

“Confused much?” I ask myself as I watch the back Hummer disappear down the driveway.

I walk back inside and move to the bathroom hanging my robe and stripping off my cami and panties. I turn the lock on my bathroom door. I stand in front of the mirror for a few minutes wondering what he sees that I don’t. I’m so self-conscious right now. My head’s been shaved and hasn’t fully grown to a manageable length. I have scars on my face, and I wonder if every time I look in the mirror I’ll remember that I don’t remember.

I sigh and untie my hair. I slide the glass shower door open turning the hot water on. Once it’s hot
, I step in. I relax into the heat that’s pounding against my bare flesh.

I quickly wash my hair and then suds my body also seeing the scars that the car’s windshield left in its wake. I’m lucky to be alive, and for that fact, I don’t dwell on my appearance too much.

I turn the water off and pull the long plush towel around my dripping body. Opening the door, I see the clock on my table that reads eleven.

I slip into my skinny jeans and a maroon top from my closet and proceed with pulling on my panties and a bra. “I need to get out of here.”

Once I’ve brushed out my hair and placed the right amount of make-up to my scars I head out of my room.

I follow the hallway to Amy’s room knocking on the door. “Huh,” I say when no one comes to the door.

I hop down the stairs wondering if anyone’s here not, having seen my parent’s cars in the driveway when I was watching Evan leave.

“Hey Sue, where is everyone?” I snatch up a banana from the counter.

“Amy was gone all night I think, and she hasn’t heard her come in yet. And as far as your parents are concerned they are off playing golf.”

I laugh almost choking on my banana. “Isn’t that a cliché or something?”

She shakes her head. “I think it’s great that they’re finally able to spend some time enjoying their success, doing what they both love.”

“I guess.” I agree.

“What are your plans for today?” She sits down in the seat next to me. Just like old times.

“I have a date tonight.” I smile hiding behind my banana.

With whom is this date?” She rests her chin on her hand waiting patiently for me to explain.

“What’s that fabulous smell? Blueberry muffins?” I grin trying to change the subject.

“Would you like one?”

I nod my head like an excited little girl.

“So, do tell about this date,” she says while preparing a plate with a large muffin sitting in the middle

“He’s cooking dinner at his apartment.”

“Oh, how romantic.” She claps her hands together excitedly. “I really like that boy.” She leans on the counter.

“Me too.”

“How do you feel about the date?” She leans in.

“I just feel lost. Like the invasion of the body snatchers or something,” I confess then take a bite of the warm goodness in front of me. “So good,” I say with a mouth full of muffin. I place the muffin on the plate. “I’m excited actually,” I finally admit.

“Abigale,” she scolds me for talking with a mouth full. “It’s all going to work out. You’ll see Abigale.” She’s mindlessly wiping the counter now.

I nod wondering if she’s right. I don’t know why I’m scared. I wish I did. I hang my head.

“Hey, it will be as it’s meant to be, have faith.” She winks.

I stand from my seat taking my plate to the sink.

“Oh, dear child are you trying to have me fired? If your mother saw you doing your own dishes. Oh.”

I’m shocked when she snatches the plate from my hands. “Sue, she’s out of control.”

“Honey, no one knows that better than I do.” She shakes her head.

She shakes her head again and laughs. “It’s just so good to have you here safe and sound.”

“I’m off to take a walk.” I smile and reach in to hug her.

“Oh, that sounds nice. Have fun.”

I’ve been stuck in this house for far too long with just minor leaves here and there. I can’t drive because of the seizures I was having, so I’m very limited in what I can and can’t do right now.

I take the steps two at a time to my room. I think I’ll walk around and get some fresh air.

After I slip into my sneakers, I pull my hair into a side braid and head downstairs for the door.

The air feels great, just a little chill but enough to wake you up. I start down the driveway with my earphones in my ears.

I walk around the neighborhood taking in the memories of my childhood that are flooding my mind. So many good times spent here. I’m so thankful that I’ve been blessed with such a fabulous family.

It really wasn’t until Addie died that I felt my dad change. And then when I almost died it changed him right back. Maybe he realized what he’d been missing out on. Now we watch movies and eat pizza. Just like old times. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I reach for it.

I miss you and can’t wait till tonight.

I’m excited too. I can’t believe I’ve let myself go there, but I have.

Me too.

I think it’s best to be short and to the point. I don’t want get his hopes up, well maybe it’s my hopes I’m trying to save.

He doesn’t text back.

I continue my walk until I’ve come full circle. When I finally arrive home, it’s after two in the afternoon. I walk through the doors hearing the howl of my dad’s laughter.

“Hi.” I wave.

“Hey, I was so worried about you, but Evan stayed over so I knew you were in good hands.” My mom hugs me.

I nod. “Yeah, I feel great today.”

“Good, well we are going to have dinner at Rose’s tonight. Would you be up for joining us?” She smiles.

“Our neighbor, Rose?” I ask and she nods. “No, I’m having dinner with Evan,” I barely get the words out when excitement fills my mom’s face.

“Oh Abigale, that’s wonderful. You two want to join us?” Her cheeks light up.

“Is he taking you somewhere amazing? Like a first date kind of amazing?”

“We’re having dinner at his apartment, he’s cooking.”

“Oh, Abby that’s wonderful.” She cheers.

“I guess.” I shrug. I don’t want to let on that I’m excited. I just don’t want her making a big deal about it I guess.

“I’m excited, Evan’s a wonderful man Abigale. He loves you so much and you deserve a man that will stand by you no matter what. He did that you know.” She nods. “He never left.” A tear falls from her green eye. “I couldn’t believe it.” She points a finger at me. “Now there’s a fairy tale and a happily ever after if you ask me.”

“Thanks mom.” I smile and reach in for a hug.

“I’m off to shower.” She announces as she pulls away grabbing her bag.

“I’m going to read for a while.” I follow in the direction she’s headed taking the stairs to my room. When I enter, I reach inside of my drawer for my Kindle. I decide I’ll read on the balcony and enjoy the fresh air.

Closing my eyes, I daydream about possibilities with Evan. Maybe there are possibilities in the future with Evan and me.

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