My Libertine (Trio Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: My Libertine (Trio Book 2)
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“You are what?” Linn shouts at me. I just told her about my arrangement with Row. Needless to say her and Cris are a little shocked. “You are going to let him go off and cheat on you whenever he is gone? What the hell Shane?” yep she is mad.

“It's not as bad as you are making it sound Linnie.” Maybe it is. But really all in all it is my decision. I tell her as much. “It's my life and what I want. Leave it Linn.” I narrow my eyes at her.

“Fine, but I don't want to hear it when that asshole breaks your heart.” She has a point how could this not end up in heartbreak? He only left two days ago and I'm wondering if he has already slept with someone else. How long can a guy go without sex? As if he is reading my thoughts I get a text.


: still haven't fucked anyone, faithful day number three


: well I would hope not you just left me no more than 72 hours ago. You have to have some self-control.


: I have some. I miss you, Dove.


: Miss you too Woodrow


I love his name, It suits him. Sexy and rugged, like him.


: now-now. You only get to use that name when I'm buried balls deep in your pussy


: other than that you are sworn to secrecy


: My lips are sealed


: sealed around my cock


: you wish


: I do. I keep imagining you on your knees in front of me with my cock deep in your throat


And now I'm wet. My face turns red.

“Something interesting on your phone there Shane?” Linn asks sarcastically. Busted. I look up from my sexting with a guilty smile on my face. “A certain cowboy sending you some dick pics or something?”

“No, no pics,” I say too soon. My phone chimes. I look down to a picture of Row. Laying on his hotel room bed with his cock in his hand. Jesus. The angle looks like the lens is pointed downward from his point of view. I can see part of his chest, his abs, and that damned beautiful dick of his. His big hand wrapped around himself probably stroking it. A text immediately follows.


: I'm fucking rock hard thinking about your lips on my cock baby


I almost drop my phone in my lap. Getting a laugh from the girls.

“Must be one hell of a big dick,” Linn says.

“You have no idea.” I blurt out.

“Can I see?” Cris says. My head snaps to her. “What? It's just a penis. He’s hot.” She shrugs.

“I'm going to forget that you just said penis,” Linn says. “I want to see too. Show us!” oh my god these girls. I feel like a teenager again. I pull up the picture and turn my phone around to show them. Both of them have similar expressions on their faces. Eyes wide and mouth agape.

“Seriously Shane? I guess I understand now.” Linn says. I only let them look for a moment then take it back because my alert has gone off again.


: I have my fingers threaded through your hair pushing my cock in and out of your mouth


Dirty bastard. It sends a thrill through me. I have given head a couple times. Nothing much. I didn't even swallow. They came I left. That was it. But with Row I see myself on my knees letting him fuck my mouth.


: you going to let me come down that pretty throat of yours?


“What are you two talking about?” I look up from reading again.

“Just blow jobs.” I shrug.

“Oh, I love doing it. Gives me a sense of control. Even if I'm to one on my knees. I have all the power.” This piques Cris’s interest.

“You have the power?” she asks. “How does that work?”

“How do you give a BJ or how do you have all of the power?” Linn asks. I'm glad she is taking this one I'm not to schooled in the oral department.

“You have their most prized possession in your mouth. Shit you could bite it off if you wanted to.” Cris grimaces at that. “But I think it is because you are in control of the pleasure. Sure they can hold your head or thrust their hips. But it is still your mouth that they are in. It’s weird to explain. It can just be empowering.” We are all quiet for a moment. Then my phone once again chimes. I look down to a picture. Tapping on it, my mouth goes dry. It’s from the same angle as the one before his hand is still around his cock but this time, his stomach is covered in come.


: I wish this load went in that sexy mouth of yours


: can't wait to see you again Dove. Goodnight.


Goodnight indeed.



I wake to my phone vibrating under my pillow. I remember putting it under my pillow last night as to not wake up Karter in case it went off. I lift my head up a little and see he is still sleeping. I grab my phone noticing that it’s Row. “Hello?” I answer whispering.

“Why are we whispering?” he whispers back to me, making me smile.

“Karter is sleeping.”

“Go to my old room then, I want to hear you come this morning.” I roll my eyes. “Hurry up babe I got to get going they are drawing the bulls soon.” Oh, crap he is serious. I tell him to hang on. Quietly getting out of bed I creep out of my room and back into the room he stayed in. I quietly shut the door and get on the bed.

“Okay, I am in here, now what?”

“I have an idea I will call you right back.” What the hell? He hangs up on me. Not two seconds later my face time chimes. Oh no, he wants to do this? Reluctantly I hit accept and see his face pop up on the screen.

“So much fucken better.” He says setting his phone somewhere. It looks like he is in hotel bathroom, it is bright and there is a shower behind him. Oh and he is naked. How could I forget that part?

“What are you doing?” I ask still whispering. I remember Cris telling me how she could hear Linn and Lee having sex in her room when Linn still lived here.

“I'm stroking my cock baby. Why aren't you naked yet?” naked. Oh, crap. Okay. I prop up the phone on the side table moving it just right so I can sit in front and he can see all of me. It feels so weird to be doing this but the sight of him stroking himself gets me moving faster. I have my clothes off and am in position now. Still nervous.

“Touch yourself Dove. Grab those amazing tits of yours.” I do as he says cupping my breasts. “Pinch your nipples.” They are sensitive and when I squeeze them some milk comes out. Oh shit, I'm instantly embarrassed and try to hide it but he can tell I’m flustered. “Hey, look at me, Dove.” I do as he says. “You are sexy as fuck, don't you forget that. I’ve tasted your tits before. They are fucking amazing.” I flush. I didn't even think about that. He never said a word before when he was sucking on my nipples and I didn't leak then. Regardless of what he says, I'm embarrassed. “All of you tastes amazing Dove.” He has stopped stroking himself and has gotten closer to the phone. “You listen cause I'm just gonna say this once. You are fucking beautiful, every fucken part of you. That right there” he says nodding forward “is part of who you are and I fucking love who you are. Okay?” goosebumps break out all over my body at his declaration.

“Okay,” I say back to him.

“Alright then. Pinch those fucken beautiful nipples for me babe.” I smile and continue fondling my breasts pinching a squeezing. Milk comes out and I can hear him groan from the other end. He still isn't stroking himself yet, just watching me. “Spread your legs for me, let me see how wet you are.” He is in for a surprise when I do this. “Shit, you shaved your pussy. Fuck.” I had never done it completely bare before until Linn said how it made things more sensitive so I figured I would give it try. I left an upside down triangle at the top. “Fuck.” He says again. Now he is reaching down to fist his cock again. His veins straining in his forearm. He must be squeezing hard. “I liked your pussy before but god damned. Seeing you like this is fucking hot. Can I help next time I am home?” he asks. Home? It sends butterflies through my belly.

“What do you mean help? You want to shave me?” I ask. Leaving the home part alone.

“Yeah, always has been something I wanted to do.” Something he hasn't done with someone. I will definitely take that one.

“I would love for you to shave my pussy when you get home,” I say being bold.

“Fuck say it again, say pussy.” He says. I'm so turned on now even our conversation hasn't detoured that. I reach my fingers down to my slit and swirl my index finger around my clit.

“Pussy,” I whisper. “I want you to lick my pussy right now.” Whispering again. I take my other hand down and spread my lips apart so he has a better view. I hear some noises on his end I can’t quite make out. He is gripping himself harder now his breaths labored, sweat forming on his brow. I start circling faster adding my middle finger to my index then decide to take it further. I'm so close and I think this will take us both over the edge. I move my two fingers lower and push them inside still rubbing my clit with my palm.

“Fuck I can hear how wet you are babe. Faster I'm going to come, come with me, Dove.” It takes a couple more strokes of my fingers and I am coming. I try as hard as I can to keep my eyes open so I can watch him. I catch it just in time. His release shoots out, looking like it lands on the phone.

“Shit, I got it on my phone. Damnit.” He grabs his phone the screen going blank and the sound fuzzy. I sit up and grab my clothes to throw them back on. I grab my phone and hold it in front of me waiting for him to do the same. His face comes into view once again with that damn smile on his lips.

“Hey, Dove. How is your morning going?” he smirks.

“It’s great so far. How is yours?” he winks at me.

“I do believe I will be face timing you more often. I got to get going. I'm already late. I’ll call you later babe. Love you.” He says and disconnects the call. Did he just?









I feel like my stomach is about to tear me apart. I started feeling sick this morning and now it is a full-blown bout with the flu. I am just about to call Linn and ask her to come pick up Karter so I don't get him sick when Row comes walking through the door. I wasn't expecting him for three more days so seeing him walk into my apartment in his full cowboy glory almost cheers me up. He has his black hat on, long sleeve button down, and black jeans. As always his boots are on his feet. He looks disheveled like he just hopped off a bull and drove straight from Idaho to here.

“Row,” I whisper. “What are you doing hereI thought you had a ride tonight?” I ask trying not to sound like I'm about to die.

“Shit Dove you okay? No offense but you look like death is knocking at your door.” He comes over to me and lifts me up into his arms and walks me straight to my room. Placing me on my bed he covers me up with my sheet and two blankets I have on my bed. “You feeling nauseous?” I nod my head and he leaves the room coming back with an empty ice cream bucket. “Here, just in case, you don't make it to the bathroom.” He looks over to Karter’s empty crib. “Where is the little man?” he asks.

“Out in the living room in his playpen. I was just getting up to call Linn to ask her to pick him up. I don't want to get him sick.” I grumble out. Feeling my stomach roil again I get up and take off to the bathroom, just making it before I dry heave into the toilet that I have come very acquainted with today. I feel Row behind me and tell him to leave. He doesn't listen and I hear the water run. “Not going anywhere, Dove. I'm glad I came home. You need looking after.” I'm too damn sick to care that he just called my apartment home. He places a cool washcloth on my neck and strokes my back. “You go and lay down and I will take care of Karter.” I try and protest but he picks me up once again and puts me back in bed, tucking me back in. “Sleep baby.” He kisses my sweaty forehead and leaves the room.

Waking up I see Row standing by my bedside placing a glass of fizzy liquid and a bowl on the bedside table.

“Brought you something to eat, or drink. You think you can keep something down?” I sit up just a bit before he comes forward and helps me, propping me up with a couple pillows behind me.

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