My Libertine (Trio Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: My Libertine (Trio Book 2)
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“She didn't want me to. It was breast cancer, she had surgery, they got it all and she did the chemo just as a precaution. I don't know what this is about.” Cris says. I can tell in her eyes she knows nothing more. She is just as worried as us.

“Cristal Moore?” a young doctor comes out into the waiting room. I'm sure if the situation was different Linn would be making some comment about hotness, bathwater, and mouthwash. Cris goes forward, with us behind her, to talk to him.

“That is me.” She says so softly. “Your mother is severely dehydrated. She is on an IV drip for now. I would like to keep her here under observation overnight. Just as a precaution. You can go and see her now. Right, this way.” The three of us follow Dr. McHotness. Yes, I Grey’s named him.

Seeing Brinn in the hospital sends sadness throughout me. She’s so small, hooked up to a tube in her arm, just laying there lifeless. Not the usual Brinn we are used to.

“Hi, girls. I'm so sorry for causing such a fuss. The doctor scolded me on my fluid intake. I'm just fine now.” She is lying but we let her. Maybe sometimes it is better not to know everything. “Did you see my doctor?” she says. Oh my gosh, she is just as bad as Linn.

“I know right? I was going to say something but decided against it. You should have seen the look he gave Cris.” Linn says, giving Cris a side look. In true Cris fashion, she blushes and denies everything.

“He did not, and I don't even think he is that good looking anyway.” I decide to do it, I cant hold it in any longer.

“Oh please, there were sparks with Dr. McHotness.” This gets giggles from them all.

“I love it. You Grayed him!” Linn laughers harder. Brinn has a smile on her face but it doesn't reach her eyes, I'm sure she is tired.

“Well, Linnie lets go home and let Brinn get some rest,” I say then turn to Cris. “You going to stay here?” she just nods in response. I give them both a hug and so does Linn and we leave. In the car we both look at each other knowing something is up but not saying a word. We both know life doesn't last forever. It is just about enjoying the time you have with the people you love.


It's been a week and Brinn has gone home, Cris going with her. At first Brinn didn't want her to but in the end, Cris got her way. We all talked about it and decided that she needed to move to Missoula to be closer to her family. That is what Cris’s mission is. Getting Brinn to move here. I don't think it will be too big of a fight since it has been talked about before. I'm not really sure why it got put on hold but it won't be anymore. Not if we have anything to say about it.

Dad and his new wife, Leanna, have my little boy today. They wanted to take him to the new park the city put in close to their house. They got married about a month ago, said he didn't want to wait any longer, he was in love and that wasn't changing. Just a small courthouse wedding. Perfect.

I'm catching up on my laundry for the week, going in and out of the apartment. I put in a load and head upstairs stopping in my tracks. Right outside my door is Row. I want to turn and run back down into the laundry room but it's too late, he sees me. My heart is racing so fast I think I am going to have an attack. Be brave Shane. I tell myself, be brave. I take a deep breath and continue my path to him, getting closer I can see it written all over his face, something happened. He looks hurt and lost. So sad. Getting to the door I ask him to come in. He just nods and follows me. Keeping my back to him, I go to say something but he beats me to it.

“I have been trying to call for two weeks now. I couldn't talk to you.” He says.

“Your wife called me,” I say, keeping my back to him.

“My wife? What are you talking about?” I can hear the shock in his voice, so I turn around to see it is also on his face.

“I got a call from you. The woman on the line said she was your wife and that you don't spend time with your family because of me. She knew you called me Dove.” His expression changes from perplexed to furious. He starts to pace, running his hands through his now even longer hair. He still hasn't cut it. Said he liked me tugging on it.

“That fucking bitch. She called you didn't she?” who?

“So you do have a wife?” I ask

“No, fuck no. I never lied to you Dove, never. I went through Texas and stopped at home to see my parents. Went to the bar to meet up with some friends. She was fucking there. My ex. She was all over me telling me she couldn't get married. That she made a mistake.” He scrubs his hands over his face. “I told her I was with you and wasn't interested. She finally quit bothering me after that. When I left the bar I forgot my phone, she must have picked it up and called you. I went back the next day and it was behind the bar in the lost and found.” He is still pacing and pulling. There is more I can feel it. I don't want to ask but it needs to happen.

“That isn't all is it?” I ask, stopping him. He looks at me, guilt written all over his face.

“I couldn't talk to you.” Is all he says.

“You said that already. Just say what you need to. Get it out!” I shout causing him to flinch.

“Two days ago, I had a shit ride. Got thrown, no points. I got fucking trashed. I hadn't talked to you at all in days I didn't know what was happening with us. So I got fucked up and ended up back in my room with some chick.” I knew it was coming. My heart rate picks up and I get the sick feeling in my stomach. This is what I agreed to. I said that it would be okay for him to do this. I can feel the shame coming off of him in waves. It hurts him too. “I had her there, but when she was trying to get my pants off all I could see was you. Your face. Your face how it would be, how it is now. I stopped her and kicked her out. I couldn't fucking go through with it Dove. But fuck, I still took her to my room, if I had one more fucking drink who knows? I might have fucked her.” He didn't do it. I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. Taking a second before I speak again.

“You didn't though. You stopped yourself, and if you hadn't, it was what we agreed on.”

“I said okay, but I didn't agree with it. I never wanted anyone besides you, Dove. Just you. I have made more than enough riding. I'm done after the finals. I'm coming here and we are going to be together, because whether you fucking like it or not, I want to be a father to that little boy of yours. I want to have more, give him some siblings.” I don't even know what to say. He walks closer. Wrapping me into his arms, pulling me close. “I fucking love you Dove and if you will let me I will be Karter's father. A real father to him. One he deserves because you and he are the only things that matter to me in this world.” He tilts my head up so he can look at my face. My face that is now puffy with tears.

“I love you too Woodrow,” I say causing him to smile.

“Only when I'm buried balls, deep baby. I told you this.” He chuckles. Then pulls me in for a kiss. It starts off soft then turns desperate. He starts pulling at my tank top when he has that off he goes to my sweatpants and panties and soon they are joining my tank on the floor. He picks me up and sets me on the table, grabbing his shirt off over his head then going to his belt but I stop him. Unfastening it myself. Popping the button then pulling down the zipper, I pull down his jeans just enough. Reaching for the waistband of his red boxer briefs, I pull back and snap the band making him jump.

“You’re a bad girl Dove.” He takes my arms and pins them above my head on the table with one hand taking his other hand and removing his cock from the confines of his underwear. Then stops.

“Shit, I don't have any condoms.” I know this will sound stupid and reckless but I go for it and say it anyway.

“I trust you Row.” I look into his eyes saying this.

“I never lied to you, baby. I haven't been with anyone, just you. Just you Dove. You sure?”

“I'm on the pill. Please, I need you inside me.” I arch into him. He lets out a curse, pushing his boxers down enough to take out his cock, then is inside me. Groaning in pleasure.

“Never been bare with someone Dove.” He confesses, thrusting at a steady rhythm. He leans up and takes both hands, placing them on my breasts squeezing them like he loves to do. He gives me a confused look. “You aren't leaking anymore.” He says referring to my boobs.

“I stopped feeding a while back, being on the pill dried me up completely.” He gets a sad look on his face.

“I will just have to talk you into them siblings soon then. I'm going to miss it.”

“You are so dirty, Woodrow.” I moan out as he pinches one of nipples a little too hard.

“You know it, babe. How about them kids then? I want four more.” Four seriously?

“You just slow down there. We will talk about that later. Right now I just need you to fuck me.” He smiles.

“On it babe.” He picks up his pace gripping my hips hard for leverage. “I'm fucking on it.”











“Hello?” I answer my phone. The number is one I don't know coming from Wyoming. I get a sickening feeling as I answer the call.

“Is this a Miss Shana Cloud?” a voice I do not know asks on the other line. I tell him that I am and he starts talking. Confirming my fears. “Ma’am I from the emergency room here in Cheyenne. We have just admitted a Woodrow Canter. Do you know this man?” I suck in a breath and sink to the floor.

“Yes, I know him. What happened? Is he okay?” I finally get out.

“He took a rough fall off of a bull tonight and then, in turn, the bull trampled him further into the ground causing some damage to his head. He is in a coma for now. We are monitoring his brain swelling.” He keeps going but I'm not listening I'm only thinking about how I'm getting to Cheyenne and packing an overnight bag for Karter to stay with my dad. I get off the phone and drive over to his place telling him what happened and then go straight to the airport.


“I'm here to see Row Canter. Woodrow Canter.” I tell the lady at the desk for probably the millionth time. “This hospital called me and told me to come here and not you say I can't see him are you serious!”

“I'm sorry ma’am but you aren't family so I can't let you back there to see him.” I'm freaking out right now and this bitch isn't helping. Right before I'm about to yell at her some more a petite woman touches my arm, startling me.

“Are you Shana?” she asks in a soft voice. I turn away from the bitch at the desk. A woman probably in her fifties is standing there wearing a cream and dark blue plaid button down shirt. Bright blue eyes just like Row’s. This must be his mother Her jeans and cowboy boots are confirmation of that.

“Yes, that's me.”

“I'm Gertie, Row’s mother.” She extends her hand. “Come with me.” Then she looks at the desk bitch. “She is family.” She snips at her then rests her hand on my are leading me through the doors that say ICU. My heart sinks because I know it is bad if he is still in this wing. It took me twelve hours to get here twelve long and worrisome hours. Gertie doesn't say a word until we are at a closed door. “He is in here. Go in I'm sure he would want you next to him.” I start for the handle but she squeezes my arm she hasn't taken her hand from. “He looks pretty rough, but it's still him.” I nod then go in. Closing the door behind me I try and brace myself for what I'm about to see. It doesn't work. I want to crumble to the ground when I do lay eyes on him. He has a breathing tube in. That is the first thing I see. His head is completely bandaged and his faced is badly bruised. Tears well up in my eyes. He is so broken. My Woodrow. Grabbing a chair I pull it to his side and sit. I grab his hand in mine and place my head on his bed. Kissing down his arm, around his palm, and then the tears fall. “I'm here Row. I'm here. I love you so much please get better.” I weep into his hand. “Please be okay,” I whisper.


I’ve been sitting in this chair for probably two days now only getting up when his mom or dad would force me to stretch my legs and eat. They are very big on eating apparently, always asking if I'm hungry or if I have eaten anything today. I suppose that really is the only questions that are neutral in this kind of situation. The doctor came in and removed his breathing tube today and said he was improving. I cling onto that. His coma is entirely up to him now. His swelling has gone down significantly and could be waking up any day now. I wish it was now. Row’s dad, Walt, I met yesterday and his brother and sister today.

“He’s talked a lot about you ya know?” Jude, Row’s brother, says from behind me. “Said he was moving in with you having all kinds of babies.” He laughs. “Talked a lot about your boy too.”

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