My Libertine (Trio Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: My Libertine (Trio Book 2)
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“Thank you.” I tell him and grab the glass. “ginger ale?” I ask then take a drink answering my own question. “You really didn't have to do this. What if you get sick too?”

“Got a good immune system. Don't worry about me.”

“How is Karter? God, I feel horrible I can't even take care of him myself.” I whine.

“Shh. Don't even Dove. He is just fine.”

“Did you call Linn?”

“Na, we hung out today. Man to man time. Watched the Gas Monkey marathon.” I laugh a little. “You feeling better?”

“Yes much, thank you for doing this, you didn't have to.”

“I wanted to.” He gets up and walks to the door and that is when I notice he is limping.

“What happened Row? You are limping.” I say getting up more and swinging my legs over the side of the bed. He turns and narrows his eyes at me.

“You better be getting up to pee, if not you keep your ass in bed until I say, Dove. Dr. Row’s orders.” He smirks.

Fine.” I grumble and sit back in bed and cross my arms. “But you tell me what happened and why you are limping.”

“Got thrown from a bull and just landed wrong is all. Tore a muscle.” He shrugs lilt it is no big deal.

“Seriously? Is that why you are here and not riding tonight? How bad are you hurt Row?”

“Not taking about this babe, I'm fine. Just needed it to heal before I got back on. Now drop it. I'm not talking about my riding anymore. It's part of the road and it stays there. Alright?” I decide to let it go and nod.

“Alright Row, have it your way.” I sigh and get comfortable back in bed. Still pissed that he won't talk to me. He leaves the room and I fall back asleep.


The morning comes and I feel better but after taking a shower I feel like a brand new woman. When I step out I see Row standing there in the bathroom with a smile on his face and his arms crossed over his broad chest. He is propped up on the door jam looking like the fine ass cowboy he is. His boots are one as well as his beat up jeans and a tee shirt that says Roper on it. If I wasn't still slightly weak from my exertion yesterday I would be begging him to take me on the bathroom vanity.

“Don't give me that look Dove, while I may be dying to get back into your pussy, I know you still have to be beat from yesterday.” He chuckles a little. “Anyway, Linn is here, wanted to check on you. Make sure you were still alive. I think she even brought you something.” He smiles then walks out of the bathroom handing me a towel before he leaves. I dry off quickly then dress in the clothes I brought in here with me. Just my usual sweats and tank top. I squeeze as much water out of my hair as I can but leave it down to air dry.

I walk out to the living room and see Lianna and Cris sitting on the couch with soup and breadsticks from the Olive Garden. Oh, these girls. “Oh my god I love you!” I say and sit right between them on the couch.

“Thought you could use a little comfort. How about a dirty Tuesday? We both are playing hooky.” Linn says and I totally agree.

“Just don't get us sick,” Cris says.

“I'm sure I won't.” I say then Linn being Linn just has to pipe in.

“How do you think you won't? Are you pregnant?” just as she says this I see Row walk into the living room and lock eyes with me with a stunned look on his face. Little bitch.

“No! Jesus Linn. Filter!” I scold her and look at Row once more mouthing ‘no’ to reassure his suddenly worried look. He gives me a small smile and nods his head in response.

“Alright ladies,me and Little Man are going to head out and let you have your girly time.” Wait what?

“What?” I ask getting up and going over to him where he starts getting Karter ready. “Where are you going?” I ask trying to hide the worry in my voice.

“Don't worry Dove, he will be fine. I promise I won't lose him. We are just going out for a stroll, got to hit up some stores.” He shrugs and continues to get him ready now going to pick up. Grabbing the diaper bag he has already packed he leans forward and gives me a kiss. “Say goodbye to mommy Little Man.” I reach up and give my baby boy a kiss and hug, telling him I love him.

“Okay but…” I start to say but Row cuts me off slamming his lips to mine once again. When he pulls back he looks at me and winks.

“We will be back soon.” He turns and regards the girls. “See you girls later. Go easy on my Dove she had a rough day yesterday.” He says and my heart flutters when he calls me his Dove. Then they are out the door.

“Oh, my god Shane, if I didn't have Lee…” Linn jokes and fans her face.

“He is quite taken by you, and Karter,” Cris says. I know he is but still our arrangement still stands, he can still sleep with whomever he wants to on the road. He hasn't, yet. And that is the key word there yet. Some part of me believes that he won't but the other part, that knows him as the drifting cowboy, believes that he just might.

“How is the open relationship going?” as if she knows what I'm thinking Linn asks the million dolor question.

“Great. As far as I know he hasn't slept with anyone, just me.” I say in a cheerful voice hoping that it will be enough to bypass the question.

“Well I still think it is crazy, but like Cris said he is crazy about you, and Karter. Maybe there is something there.” I crush my hopes when I start to think like this but today give in to hope. The fact that he stuck around and helped me through being sick and took care of Karter I can't help but believe in hope.

“Only time will tell, won't it? Now, we have some soup to eat and Grey’s to watch.” I smile and squeeze back in between them and we dig into the food they brought.








I end up falling asleep in between Cris and Linn. When I wake up my head is on a pillow and I'm covered by a blanket. In my still half asleep state, I hear Linn and Cris saying their goodbyes to Row and Karter. When the door closes I hear Row talking to Karter and I think I fall for him even more in that moment.

“Let's get you to bed buddy. Going to set you up in my old room tonight, hope you don't mind.” I hear him come up to the couch. “Damn your momma sure is one beautiful woman isn't she?” then his voice drifts off toward the rooms, him continuing to talk to my son about their day. I get up and get a drink of water then go over to listen outside of the room my boys are in. My boys. I like how that sounds.

“Had fun today didn't you? I'm thinking that your mom is going to like what we got her.” He tells Karter laying him down into the playpen with his bottle.

“And Whit is it exactly that you got me?” I ask walking into the room to give Karter a kiss goodnight. “You have fun today buddy?” I ask getting him to smile in response just for a moment then he quickly puts his bottle back into his mouth. “Goodnight love you, sweetie.” I give him one more kiss then Row and I leave the room. “So what did you two do today?” I ask as we slowly make our way to our room. I really don't know when it became ours.

“Well, we met up with your dad and had lunch.” He starts and I stop at the door and look at him.

“You did what?” I say trying not to shout but it comes out louder than I mean it to. “Please tell me you are joking.”

“No, met him at your favorite place. That mustard place. Good shit babe.” Is he serious right now?

“I can't believe this. You really did. He doesn't even know about you, why would you be having lunch with him?”

“Shit, Dove, are you pissed? I didn't think it would be a problem. We ran into him at the jewelry store and…” I cut him off.

“Wait what? Why were you two at the jewelry store? What were you doing there?” he doesn't answer just comes at me caging me in his arms.

“Shh.” He hums against my lips, and just like that my thoughts are fogged. “Calm down Dove.” He presses his lips to mine and in one quick motion lifts me up to wrap my legs around his waist, holding me up against the wall. His hands go to my ass and knead the globes, grinding himself into my core. I moan into his mouth squeezing my legs tighter around him. “Dove.” He whispers then starts trying to pull my pants off not getting anywhere until I release my legs from around him. My feet touch the floor and not long after so does my sweat pants and panties. He lifts me back up and runs his hands up my sides dragging my tank top up over my head. “Love having you naked.” He mumbles in between the kisses he peppers my neck and chest with. He is slow like he is taking his time to savor me. Holding me tight with on arm he takes his free hand and starts teasing my entrance with his talented fingers.

I reach out and tug at his shirt pulling it up so I can see his muscled chest. Leaning forward I start kissing and nipping much like he was doing to me moments before, now it is my turn.

My hands drift down to his belt and I start unfastening it trying to get to the part of him I want most right now. “My little Dove wants something doesn't she?” he chuckles and holds me so I can unbutton his pants, pulling them down just enough to free his hard cock. He reaches into his back pocket, pulling out his wallet he produces a condom. I take it from him and rip it open with my teeth, hearing something thud on the floor. I feel his hands cup my ass again, he must have dropped his wallet. Taking the condom I slowly roll the latex down his length causing him to groan in frustration. “Hurry Dove, need to be inside you.” He grits out as if he were in pain. I look up at him and push my hips forward silently telling him I'm ready. He lifts me up only to bring me back down, impaling me onto his hard shaft. We both groan in pleasure and hold onto each other for a moment. Looking into his face I want to tell him right then and there that I love him but the words get caught in my throat. Instead, I lean forward and kiss him slowly. That is when he starts to move, in time with the kiss, he pulls out to the tip then thrusts back in. Each time getting a gasp from my mouth.

“Don't stop I'm so close.” I whimper clutching onto his neck for more support. I'm falling apart, mashed in between the wall and this man who has stolen my heart so completely I can't even find the words to tell him.

I come with a long drawn out moan, it seems to last forever, and before I know it his pace quickens. He grinds himself harder into me then stills, my walls clamping down on him making me feel his cock pulsating inside me. “It gets better every fucking time. How is that even possible?” he says in between breaths. He gently pulls out and lets my feet touch the floor. “Go get in bed. I'm going to take care of this.” He tells me gesturing to the condom he is pulling off his length. “I will be right back.”

I do as he says and get into bed. The sheets have been washed and so has the comforter I had laying in the corner of the room. I love getting into a freshly made bed. I don't bother with putting my clothes back on because knowing Row we will be fucking at least once more before we fall asleep.

“So you asked what we bought you today.” Row says walking back into the room, naked, but I don't look at that. No my eye zeros in on the small blacker velvet covered box he holds in his hand. I think I forget to breathe right then and there until I realize it isn't a ring box. “Now I wanted to give you this on his birthday in a couple weeks but I won't be able to make it. So…” he comes closer and gets into bed with me pulling me close and handing me the small box. I take it in my hands and open it up to see a small silver necklace in the shape of a heart. It has Karter's birthstone on it and his name is engraved up one side of the heart. It is absolutely beautiful.

“Row, this is amazing. Thank you. I love it.” I take it out of the box and hand it to him. “Will you put it on for me?”

“My pleasure Dove.” He says making his southern accent thicker for the moment causing me to giggle. He clasps the necklace in place and rights it on my neck. “Looks beautiful on you babe. You are a great mom and I'm sure if Little Man could talk he would tell you himself.” He leans forward and captures my lips with his. “You feeling okay?” he asks pulling back just an inch.

“I feel wonderful. Thank you, Woodrow.” I smile going back to kiss him.

“Balls deep Dove.” He murmurs against my lips and moved forward pushing my body down to the mattress covering me with his body. Kissing a path down he starts working on that second time before we fall asleep in each other's arms.

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