Natasha's Awakening (31 page)

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Authors: J. A Melville

BOOK: Natasha's Awakening
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Natasha gasped when he began circling her clitoris, dipping into her dripping entrance to smear her juices over her hard button, brushing his thumb from side to side. “Do you have one of those condoms you always seem to be carrying?” She gasped.

“In my pocket. I’m a man baby, we’re always optimistic. We never go anywhere without one. We never know when the opportunity might arise to get lucky and I’m feeling lucky.” He said his lips curving up in that slow sexy smile of his.

He groped around until he found the small square package and Natasha took it from him, tearing it open before rolling the condom down his shaft. Her need was too great to bother removing her thong so she impatiently pushed it to the side before positioning herself over Eric’s penis and with one hand holding him against her opening, she lowered herself until he filled her completely.

He felt so good and Natasha’s muscles fluttered and clutched at his shaft as she remained still for a moment, simply savouring the feeling of him stretching and filling her. Eric’s hands came up to caress her breasts under her sweater and suddenly impatient with it, she pulled it over her head, tossing it aside.

With her bare breasts now free to his touch, he cupped them, rubbing their tips with his thumbs, his eyes devouring her as she sat, impaled on him. Natasha bent forward touching her lips to Eric’s and his parted to close over hers as he kissed her deeply with all his pent up passion and emotion. Their tongues toyed with one another, they nipped at one another’s lips until finally they broke apart, dragging air into their lungs as they stared into one another’s eyes.

Natasha began to rotate her hips, rubbing her breasts over Eric’s chest, savouring the feel of the fine scattering of his hair teasing her nipples. His arms came around her, his fingers trailing up and down her spine from her nape to her buttocks and she squirmed, her body shivering in reaction to his feather light touch.

Neither of them were in a hurry to bring their love making to its climax despite Natasha’s craving for release. The bottom line was she was never going to be able to get enough of Eric. No matter how many times they made love, no matter how many times he brought her to a mind blowing, shattering climax, it was never enough, she always wanted more.

Natasha straightened up her eyes moving to Eric’s face and he lay there, eyes partially closed, just a sliver of that intense blue visible. “You’re not going to sleep on me are you?” She asked. He was looking quite sleepy, probably a combination of the whisky, the warm fire and her prolonged denial of his release, followed by his hugely spectacular explosion all over himself not that long ago.

As if on cue, he yawned and then chuckled quietly when he saw Natasha’s face. “It’s ok baby, if I nod off, you just do what you’re gotta do, ok?” There was a trace of amusement in his voice. Strangely his words turned her on more than she would have thought. The idea of taking her pleasure from his body while he slept sent a wave of arousal through her and her muscles tightened, squeezing him as he lay there, still buried deep inside her.

Eric groaned softly when she tightened around him and he shifted, raising his hips to thrust slowly into her. Natasha braced her hands on his chest and began to move with him, rising up and lowering herself until she could feel him pressing into her as far as he could go. They continued on with their unhurried pace, their eyes locked but eventually she needed more. She began to move faster and faster, her breasts bouncing as she rode Eric. His hands closed over her hip bones, holding her steady as he bucked up, driving into her as deeply as he could.

Natasha could feel her orgasm building. She began to pant, her lips parted, head thrown back as every thing focused on the pleasure centred around Eric’s rock hard shaft that filled her so completely. He moved a hand down to where their bodies were joined and began to brush his thumb back and forth over her swollen clitoris. He circled it, pressed down on it and Natasha cried out as pleasure speared through her body. She began to move faster as she straddled Eric, her movements erratic, abandoned and as he flicked his thumb over her highly sensitized clitoris one more time, her body shattered, her climax dragging a tortured cry from her lips. She came apart around Eric, tears squeezing out and rolling down her cheeks.

She rotated her hips, muscles clutching at him, desperately trying to prolong the overwhelming sensations chorusing through her body. Vaguely she heard Eric shout out her name before he pumped his release deep inside her and with that, Natasha collapsed on his chest, her tears wetting his skin.

Eric’s arms came around her and he held her close. They didn’t speak. The only sound in the room was that of their rapid breathing, which gradually began to slow. He didn’t ask why she was crying, he seemed to know that it was her uncontrollable response to the intense pleasure his body could bring her.

Finally their breathing returned to normal, the sweat drying on their skin and Eric shook Natasha gently as she lay sprawled over his chest, their bodies still intimately joined. “Baby, are you awake?” He asked her and she nodded, her cheek rubbing against his chest hair. “Sweetheart, I need to get up. As tempting as it is, we can’t stay like this all night.” He said, thrusting his hips up enough to make his point.

“Why not?” Natasha mumbled against his skin and Eric chuckled.

“Because I didn’t invite you to my home here just so we can do this all the time, as appealing as that idea is. I want to show you around, take you sightseeing, play the tourist baby and I can’t do that if we’re always like this.”

Reluctantly Natasha sat up, lifting herself off Eric, feeling him slip free of her body, a trickle of moisture making its way down her inner thigh and Eric caught it with his finger, raising it to his lips to lick it off.

Natasha flopped on the lounge and watched as he climbed to his feet, pulling the condom off and walked off to the downstairs bathroom. She heard the toilet flush and within moments he was back at her side as she lay sprawled out on the lounge, her body too lethargic to bother moving.

“Bed for you baby.” Eric said, bending down and lifting her into his arms. She looped her hands behind his neck, her face pressed against his chest as he carried her upstairs. Next to the bed, he placed her on her feet while he pulled back the blankets and she crawled onto the mattress before flopping down, suddenly exhausted. Eric climbed into bed and reached out for her, tucking her body in against his and Natasha sighed, wriggling in closer to him as his warmth encompassed her.

She felt his lips brush her neck, his arms tightened around her and finally she slept, cocooned in the warmth and safety of his arms.


                                                                            Chapter 15.

When Natasha and Eric woke in the morning he insisted on them getting ready to go out as he wanted to take her sightseeing for the day. They had sleepy morning sex first, then showered together, followed by another round of love making under the warm spray of the duel shower heads. Natasha was relieved that it was a warm sunny day and dressed in an emerald green sleeveless dress that hugged her curves, finishing at mid thigh, with a matching short sleeved jacket to go with it. She wore shoes that went with her dress as her secret love were shoes and she had a pair for every occasion and outfit.

She came to the conclusion she must have looked ok when Eric’s eyes racked over her body from head to toe and he cursed under his breath, mumbling something about how she was obviously out to kill him.

They had breakfast and once they were ready, Eric told her to wait at the front of the house and he walked around to the garage to bring the car around. Natasha heard a powerful sounding engine start up and her curiosity was peaked as to what he drove when he was at his country home.

Still she wasn’t prepared for what came around the corner of the house and her eyes widened in surprise before she started laughing. Her laughter wouldn’t stop and she ended up almost doubled up at the sight of Eric’s car.

He climbed out of the vehicle and hurried over to her. “What’s wrong baby?” His voice was filled with concern but Natasha couldn’t answer him. It registered with him that she was laughing uncontrollably and Eric frowned at her. “What’s so damned funny?” He asked and Natasha pointed to his car. He looked over at it then back to her and his expression darkened. “What the fuck is so damned funny about my car?” He asked, his voice clearly showing his growing annoyance.

Natasha straightened, her amusement dying when she saw his face. “I’m sorry Eric, but…but it’s just so cliché. Rich, millionaire business man, Ferrari. Doesn’t every self respecting millionaire business man drive a red Ferrari?” She asked, struggling to keep the amusement out of her voice. “That’s when he’s not been driven around everywhere in his limo of course.” She joked.

“I don’t give a shit how many millionaire business men drive red Ferraris, I don’t give a shit if it’s cliché, I happen to love my car and for your information many rich, millionaire business men drive Porsches or  Lamborginis.” He pointed out. “The Ferrari is not the only car I have, but when I come to stay here I love taking this car out on the country roads. Now are you gonna keep insulting me and the car, or damned well get in it?”

Natasha reached up and cupped his cheek when she saw his expression. He looked so indignant and an indignant, affronted Eric was just so adorable to her. “It’s a beautiful car.” She told him, making an attempt to soothe his slightly dented ego and reached up to kiss his cheek.

He grunted. “Don’t diss the car baby.” He told her and dropped a hard kiss on her parted lips.

He opened her door and Natasha lowered herself into it as carefully as she could for such a low slung car pulling her dress down again when it rode high up her thighs. Eric climbed into the driver’s side and his eyes dropped to where she was trying to pull her dress back down so she wasn’t revealing so much thigh. She saw his lips curve up in a smile before he started the car and started driving away from the house.

It didn’t take Natasha long to concede that the Ferrari was an impressive car. It ate up the kilometres swiftly and Eric handled it skillfully. She found herself watching his hands as he controlled the car, watching him change gears, his hand wrapped around the gearstick and she couldn’t help but think about what it was like to have those hands on her. She mentally chided herself for turning even the simple act of him changing gears into something sexual. Dragging her eyes away from his hands, she looked out the window at the scenery as it flashed by.

“Where are we going?” She asked.

“Sheffield first baby. It’s known as the town of Murals. It’s a popular tourist town, I want you to see it.“

I wish I had a camera. I wonder if I can get one in Sheffield? I can’t be down here and not take photos.”

“We’ll have a look. One of the shops should have one baby.” Eric glanced over at her. “You have your mobile phone don’t you? You can take some photos with that.” And Natasha nodded.

The rest of the drive was travelled in silence. Natasha was fascinated with the views and couldn’t get over just how green it was everywhere. When they drove into Sheffield she gasped. “Oh Eric, look at the paintings, they’re beautiful.” She said in awe.

“Hang on baby, I’ll find us somewhere to park and we can take a look around, get you a camera if we can.”

Once Eric had parked the car, he took Natasha’s hand, which secretly thrilled her that he wanted to do that in public, slipped on his sunglasses and they started walking down the main street of the pretty little town of Sheffield.

He found a camera at one of the gift shops and after a brief fight when Natasha tried to pay for it and Eric insisted that he was, she immediately began taking photos of the beautiful paintings on the sides of so many of the old buildings. Some were so cleverly painted that they looked like views into rooms and she went crazy taking photo after photo. She managed to sneak in a couple of photos with Eric in them but she so badly wanted a photo taken together, if she could find someone else to take the photo for them.

As luck would have it, they came across a man with an alpaca. Natasha looked at it in surprise since she’d never seen one in the flesh before, plus seeing it standing on a street corner as it was, definitely got her attention. It was wearing a money belt around its neck and the alpaca’s handler explained that it was $2 to have their photos taken with the animal.

“Eric let me photograph you with the alpca. Please.” She begged.

He grinned at her. “Sure baby, just don’t put the photos on facebook, ok?”

Natasha laughed at him. “I don’t have a facebook account.” She told him. “I must be one of the extremely small percentage of people who don’t.”

She paid her $2 and got Eric to pose with the alpaca and took a couple of photos to make sure she had one that was ok. They turned our really well and of course he looked so damned good in the photos.

“Come get your photo taken with me baby.” Eric said and Natasha looked at him in surprise.

“You don’t mind?” She asked casually, while inside she was secretly rejoicing that he had suggested it first.

“Why would I?”

“So you’re not worried I might sell it to the first gossip magazine I find? No one knows we’re here together Eric, I thought you might prefer that no one ever finds out about that.”

Eric pulled her towards him, planting a kiss on her lips. “Well hell baby, if you’re gonna sell it to the gossip magazines, lets make it a damned good photo then and no one is going to know us down here anyway so don’t worry.”

This time Eric paid for their photo, throwing a $50 note into the money belt around the alpaca’s neck. “Keep the change.” He told the handler before asking him to take their photo and he pulled Natasha into his arms, standing behind her with his arms around her.

Natasha curled her hands around his arms and leaned in to him as they posed for their photo. Once it was taken, they both bent over the camera to see how it looked. It was a beautiful photo of the two of them and she felt wildly happy to have that permanent record of their time together. Even when their time was up and they went back to life before their holiday, Natasha would always have that photo to treasure.

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