Natasha's Awakening (33 page)

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Authors: J. A Melville

BOOK: Natasha's Awakening
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The restaurant was about half full of diners when they got inside. A waitress seated them, taking them to a table in the far corner as Eric had requested and bringing them a couple of menus. He pushed his sunglasses up to sit them on the top of his head since the lighting in the restaurant was quite dim. Natasha spent some time going through the menu, her mouth watering over all the delicious sounding food. Another waitress took their drink orders and once Eric had made his selection he shut his menu looking over at Natasha who was still debating what to have.

“Have you made up your mind what you’re going to have yet?” He asked and she looked up at him confusion on her face.

“I don’t know Eric, everything sounds so good.”

Their waitress approached them again to take their orders and Eric told her what he wanted then looked over at Natasha who hastily decided on the Seafood rolls for entrée and Honey Chilli Prawns for the main. He looked at her in amusement after the waitress had left. “Is seafood all you eat?” He asked and Natasha grinned at him.

“No it’s not, but since I don’t eat it much at home, I always order it when I go out for dinner. Why order something I can have anytime?” That was how she reasoned with it anyway and Eric just smiled at her.

“Whatever you reckon baby.”

While they waited for their entrees Eric told her about his property, how he’d bought it 4 years ago and how it had a very old rundown farm house on it. He’d demolished it and had designed and built the home that was on it now all by himself. “Well most of it.” He said.

“It’s beautiful Eric, I can understand why you would love coming to stay in it. It’s so peaceful and tranquil.”

“Unfortunately I don’t get many opportunities to come and stay in it. I’m lucky I found Maggie and Thomas to caretake for me when I’m not around although they don’t live on the property but they’re my neighbours, so it’s not too difficult for them to keep an eye on things and maintain the grounds and clean it for me occasionally.”

The waitress turned up with their entrees and no more was said while they ate their meals. Eric had ordered the short soup and after blowing on a wanton for her, he offered it to Natasha. She opened wide closing her mouth around the spoon and wanton and as she closed her lips around it taking it into her mouth she looked up to see Eric watching her closely. His eyes darkened and he cursed softly under his breath. “Fuck it baby, do you have to eat it like that? You’re making me hard.” He said quietly so only she could hear him. “I want you to do to me what you just did to that wanton.” And Natasha’s lips curved up in a smile at his words.

“But I have done that.” She said. “Have you forgotten already?” She gave him a look of mock confusion and Eric moaned.

“Fuck it baby, don’t remind me. You do it so well. I love it when those beautiful lips of yours are wrapped around my cock.”

Natasha’s insides clenched and she felt herself getting wet at his huskily spoken words. She struggled to pull herself together long enough to finish her own meal which was delicious but probably not getting the level of appreciation it deserved when her mind was on what would happen later once they were home at Eric’s place.

The waitress turned up to remove their empty plates and Eric just sat there, his eyes on her, hunger burning in his gaze. Natasha squirmed as he watched her. This was becoming very erotic for her and awkward given they were in a restaurant surrounded by other diners.

Beneath the cover of their table and the dim lighting she slipped off her shoe and reached out to run her foot up Eric’s leg. She didn’t look at him, just glanced around the restaurant at the other diners but she heard his sharply drawn breath. Slowly she inched her way up until she could press her foot against Eric’s crutch, gently sliding her foot up and down against him.

“Natasha.” He growled softly and she turned to look at him in wide eyed innocence. His hand came across the table, closing over hers and he brought it to his lips, turning it so her palm faced up to him. He nipped her on the fleshy part of her palm and his grip tightened, a warning look in his eyes.

Natasha raised an eyebrow at him and curled her toes to rub them over his erection that she could feel through his jeans. Eric’s hand tightened even more around hers and his other hand disappeared beneath the table to clamp around her foot. With her foot restrained by his hand, the best she could do was wiggle her toes which she did, slowly against his fly and he groaned. “Fuck it Natasha, don’t do this.” He warned her but she just smiled at him.

Right at that moment the waitress appeared with their main meals and Natasha pulled her foot free from Eric’s hand and dropped it back down to the floor. For a moment her focus was on the culinary delight before her. Her honey chilli prawns were served in an edible pastry flower and there were so many prawns, she thought she might have died and gone to heaven. Natasha sat inhaling the delectable aromas coming off her meal and when she glanced up Eric was watching her, arousal mixed with a little amusement in his gaze.

She looked over at his meal which was some chicken dish with cashew nuts and vegetables in it which looked delicious too. “Forget it baby.” Eric growled. “You’re not getting any of my food when you turn me on then leave me high and dry.” He said, his lips curving up in a smile. Natasha stuck her tongue out at him and began to eat her meal, her eyes almost rolling back in her head and a long throaty moan escaping her when the flavours hit her palate.

Eric watched her eat for a few moments before he started his own meal, throwing the food down like a starving man. Natasha laughed at him. “Hungry are we?” She grinned.

“Starving.” He said, his eyes burning with desire and she felt her insides flutter like she had a stomach full of butterflies at his innuendo. She just knew from his expression that he wasn’t talking about the food.

Natasha continued to eat her food as quickly as she dared, not really wanting to risk potential indigestion and once Eric finished he sat and watched her eat. She offered him a prawn which he ate slowly, his eyes never leaving hers and again her stomach fluttered. While she ate, she lifted her foot again and pressed it to Eric’s crouch and he breathed in harshly, his hand going under the table to stop her again. Despite him restraining her foot Natasha still managed to move her toes, curling them and uncurling them against the denim of his jeans.

Eric’s eyes were starting to look like he was in pain and when he reached out to pick up his glass and have a drink she could see the fine tremor in his hand. She watched his face, the play of emotions across his features and continued to tease him with her toes. Eric wouldn’t put both hands under the table as that probably would have looked a little suspicious but with only one hand, he couldn’t fully restrain all the movement of her foot.

A fine film of perspiration broke out on Eric’s top lip and he bent towards her, which brought her foot hard against his straining erection. “I would advise you to remove your foot from my cock Natasha, finish your food and stop what you’re doing otherwise I’m going to have no choice but to throw you down on this table and fuck you so damned hard, you’ll scream.” He said quietly. He straightened up and held her startled gaze with his. “Ok?” He said.

Natasha pulled her foot free and lowered it to the floor, her eyes dilating at his words, her nipples beading and pushing against her dress and she couldn’t stop herself from shifting restlessly in her chair as she soaked her panties at his words.

Quickly she finished her meal and looked over at Eric to see if he was ready. He sighed and leaned forward. “Thanks to you I can’t get up yet.” He told her. “I can’t walk the length of this fucking restaurant with a raging fucking hard on.”

Natasha just looked at him, mock horror on her face. “Such language Mr Rothman. Do you speak like that when you’re in a board meeting?” She asked her head tilted to one side as she looked at him, amusement in her voice.

“Get fucked Natasha.” He growled. “Oh wait, you will, later Ms Barrington.” He said, slowly and very precisely.

They both sat there for a few minutes longer until Eric decided he could finally get up. When Natasha stood, he put his arm around her, tucking her in close, trying to use her as a shield she suspected if the hardness pressed up against her hip was any indication. He paid for their meal and they left the restaurant. The walk back to the car was done in record time. Eric held her hand pulling her along so quickly she had to trot after him to keep up. Once they were back at the car, he unlocked it and opened the door for her so she could get in and after he’d closed the door he came around to the driver’s side and climbed in, wincing when he sat down in the low seats.

“God this is going to be torture.” He groaned. The denim of his jeans was cutting in to him. “I’m going to do myself a serious injury.” He moaned and Natasha laughed. “You are a cruel woman Natasha. I should make you take care of this right now as punishment for doing this to me.” He said and she shivered at the thought. She was so tempted to do it too and when she looked over at him and her eyes met his, he shut his, another groan squeezing past his lips.

“Don’t look at me like that or I’m going to embarrass myself right now and I haven’t come in my pants since I was a young teenage boy.”

With that comment which make her insides tingle, Eric started the car and headed for home. It didn’t take long and he was swearing as they tried to leave Devonport. For a fairly small town, they got every red light they could. As Natasha looked over at him she could see the frustration and tension etched in his face. He kept dropping a hand to gingerly try and adjust himself through his jeans and she wished she could take him in her hands and relieve that pressure for him.

Once they got out of Devonport and onto the country roads that led back to Eric’s country home, Natasha leaned over and placed her hand on his thigh. He twitched under her touch, his eyes shooting over to hers briefly. She moved her hand up his thigh until she could cup him through his jeans. Eric’s hands jerked and the powerful car swerved slightly before he got it back under control. “Fuck baby, don’t do that. You’ll have us wrapped around the nearest tree.”

Natasha moved her hand enough to pop his jeans open, easing down the zipper and Eric dragged in a harsh breath. “Natasha, please.” He begged, his jaw tense as he glanced over at her.

“Let me take care of you.” She said and Eric groaned.

“While we’re driving baby?”

“I’ll be quick.” She assured him and he cursed under his breath.

“It will be fucking quick alright.” He said. “One touch and I’m going to explode if we don’t die first when I lose control of the car.”

“I have every faith in your ability to get us home safely.” Natasha told him, slipping her hand gently into his jeans to pull his erection free. She left him with his straining penis jutting out of his jeans while she dug around in her handbag for her travel pack of tissues. She pulled a few free from the pack and spread them over Eric, tucking some into the waistband of his jeans.

He twitched as she arranged the tissues and her fingers grazed his engorged shaft as she worked. “Fuck baby. Do you think that’s going to be enough? The way I’m feeling I think a tarp would be more effective.”

Natasha smiled at him. “Deal with it Mr. It’s either the tissues or I leave you as you are until we get back.”

“Fuck it then.” He groaned. “Just do your worst.”

At the first touch of her fingers on him, he exhaled noisily. She curled her hand around his rock hard shaft and slid her palm up and down the length of him, brushing her thumb over the swollen head which brought a tortured sounding groan from Eric.

As she ran her hand up and down him, his teeth clamped together, his jaw tense, a muscle twitching in his cheek. His hands tightened on the steering wheel as he fought to concentrate on his driving, still changing gears as necessary.

Eric said it wouldn’t take long and it seemed in no time at all, he tensed, his knuckles white on the steering wheel and he thrust up as much as he could under the restraint of his seat belt. Natasha felt him swell in her hand and he began to spurt his release, making no sound other than a low groan.

She hastily grabbed the tissues and wiped him down as he pumped his seed over himself. She licked the traces of his release from her hand causing Eric to moan and once he was all cleaned up, she balled up the tissues and dropped them on the floor of the car then carefully eased his softening penis back into his jeans, but didn’t make any attempt to zip him up again in case she accidently hurt him.

Eric reached out and placed a hand on her thigh, squeezing her leg before taking her hand and raising it to his lips to kiss her palm. “You are so fucking amazing. You’re the only woman I’ve ever known who acts like she enjoys doing that. I can almost believe you do love the taste of my cum. I’m used to women who do it reluctantly and they never swallow and they sure as hell never lick it off themselves.” He said and released her.

“I do enjoy it Eric. I love to swallow, I love the taste and I love to watch you come. It’s kind of a power trip for me to know I can reduce you to this. To know that I’m responsible.” She reached out to brush her fingers down his cheek.

“Oh fuck baby, you’re making me hard again. I’ve never known a woman like you. You’re one of a kind Natasha.” His eyes met hers briefly before his attention returned to the road and controlling the car as the powerful vehicle took them closer and closer to home.


                                                                        Chapter 16.

When they got home Eric dropped Natasha off at the front of the house while he took the car around to the garage. Once the car was back in the garage he unlocked the house and they went inside. He dropped his keys on the kitchen counter and grabbed a couple of glasses. “Drink baby? Bacardi and Coke?” he asked her. Natasha nodded and watched as Eric poured her drink and a whiskey for himself.

He dropped down on the lounge and when she sat down with him, he put his arm around her and tucked her in against his side. They sat in silence for a while, sipping their drinks and Natasha kicked her shoes off, stretching her legs out in front of her. Eric hadn’t bothered doing his jeans back up she noticed and her eyes strayed to that patch of thicker hair that was visible where the denim had parted.

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