Neptune's Ring (15 page)

Read Neptune's Ring Online

Authors: Ali Spooner

Tags: #adventure, #haunted, #lesbian erotica, #lesbian romance, #sequel to venus rising

BOOK: Neptune's Ring
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Reluctantly, Vanessa rose from the bed. “That
is my signal to get back to work. I will see you tonight,” she
said, then kissed Levi and left the cabin before the tears welling
in her eyes could fall.

Nat heard the blast of the ship’s horn and
walked to the window to see the Sappho One at the mouth of the

“They are home,” she said to Liz, who wrapped
her arms around Nat’s waist as they gazed out at the large


Levi sat on the balcony of Vanessa’s cabin
and watched the Sappho One approach the docks, moving slowly
through the smooth water. She watched as the ship was carefully
moored and the gangplank was lowered onto the waiting pier. Levi
would wait a few minutes to disembark to allow the excited ship’s
passengers get underway on their island excursion. She picked up
her bag and made her way slowly from the cabin to the busy
elevators. When the main rush ended, Levi pushed the button and had
a smooth ride down to the debarkation level.

Killian was standing on the deck as the
passengers filed onto the gangplank and she smiled at Levi’s

“I certainly hope this won’t be the last time
you sail with us,” she said.

“Are you kidding?” Levi teased. “You have me

“Good, that’s what we like to hear. We will
see you very soon,” Killian said, then watched as Levi followed the
crowd to the waiting trolleys.

Nat paced like a caged cat. She was so
excited she was unsure if she could wait until lunch on Friday to
talk with Levi, Vanessa and Cass. Liz sensed her excitement as she
watched her lover pace the office floor.

“There is nothing that says you have to wait
until tomorrow, My Dear,” Liz said with a chuckle. “However, I do
think you need to at least let Levi make it back to her room before
you bombard her.”

Nat watched out the windows when the first
trolleys arrived and watched for Levi. She was somewhat
disappointed when Levi did not appear.

“Come on, Nat let’s go down to meet her,” Liz
said, as she took Nat’s hand in hers.

Nat eagerly followed behind Liz as they rode
the elevator down to the main floor and walked out to the trolley

Levi stepped onto the trolley and smiled when
she saw an empty seat next to Cass.

“Imagine meeting you here, mind if I join
you?” Levi asked.

“Please do,” Cass said, while she took one of
Levi’s bags in her lap.

“Thanks,” Levi said, then sat beside

“What time will the club be open?” Cass

“We open at four,” Levi said. “I will be sure
to have a tall Tropical E waiting for you my friend.”

“Ah, I can taste it already,” she said with a

“What will you do until the club opens?” Levi

“I thought I would try to catch up with Liz
and Nat to see if my suite is available for the next few

Levi smiled at Cass.

“If not you can bunk with me,” she

“I have a feeling your room is going to be
well occupied for the next few days,” Cass said.

“I am sure we can find some way to
accommodate you,” Levi said, as the trolley turned into the
resort’s drive way.

She smiled when she saw Liz and Nat standing
at the trolley platform. Nat waved vigorously when she saw Levi and

“I think someone missed you.”

“Now I really have to wonder what those two
are up to,” Levi said.

“From the look on Nat’s face I would say that
you will find out soon. She looks like she is about to explode with
excitement over something.”

Nat grabbed Levi up in a huge hug when she
stepped off the trolley.

“Welcome home, Levi,” she said.

“Thanks, Nat.”

“I think she missed you just a bit,” Liz
teased. “But it is good to have you home and bringing a good friend
with you. Hi, Cass, how are you?”

“I am doing well thank you, I thought I would
sneak off the cruise for a visit and see if you have my suite
available for a couple of weeks.”

“I think we can work something out,” Liz said
as she took a bag from Levi. “Nat and I would like to talk to you
and Cass once you are settled back in,” Liz said, while they walked
toward the elevators.

“Very well, let me shower and get dressed for
work and I will meet you in the office,” Levi said, then took the
bag from Liz and disappeared into an elevator.

“What is so fabulous that it has got Nat
smiling like the Cheshire cat?” Cass asked Liz.

“We have come up with a business proposal for
you, Levi and Vanessa to consider. One that Nat cannot wait until
tomorrow’s lunch to share,” Liz said, as she hugged Nat close.

“Why don’t you come up with us and Liz can
check on your room while we wait for Levi,” Nat said.

“How long do you want to stay?” Liz asked as
they walked into the office. She walked over to the computer on her
desk and began to click on tabs.

“I was thinking three weeks if you have it
available,” Cass said.

“Three weeks,” Nat exclaimed. “Have you
stayed anywhere for three weeks before?” she teased.

“Not in a long time, but Levi has convinced
me to relax and recharge for a while and she suggested the resort
to do just that,” Cass said, with a smile.

“Well there is nothing like some time in the
sun on the beach or around a pool, to help you relax,” Liz

“That sounds like just the respite I need,”
Cass said.

Levi rushed through the shower and dressed in
a uniform as she wondered what Nat was so excited about. She knew
from the message that there was some form of business proposal to
be made, but Levi could not begin to fathom what Nat was

Levi walked into the office, her hair still
damp from the shower.

“That was quick,” Nat said, as she grinned at

“You have my interest peaked, Nat, what have
you got in mind?”

“Have a seat, please ladies,” Nat said.

Levi, Liz and Cass sat around a small table
where Nat had a stack of papers sitting in front of her.

“Levi knows that Liz and I have discussed
expanding business and opening a new resort,” Nat said to Cass.
“Liz has been doing some research and we think we have arrived at
an offer that is almost too good to pass on.”

Levi leaned forward in her seat as she
listened to the excitement in Nat’s voice. Cass too was listening

“I know we should wait until Vanessa can join
us, but we are just way too excited to wait and will bring her up
to speed when she arrives,” Nat said.

“We have searched the internet and have found
a property that would be a perfect resort,” Liz said. “It is an
entire private island that has a resort property about eighty
percent constructed. It has a large owner’s mansion with six
bedrooms and has fresh water and power to the island already.”

“Liz has made contact with the realtor and
has arranged a private charter for us to go visit the island on
Saturday,” Nat said.

“The owner is extremely motivated to sell the
island and would take much less than the asking price according to
the realtor,” Liz said.

“What is the asking price?” Cass asked.

“For the ten acre island and all the property
and equipment already on the island, the asking price is three
million,” Nat said. “I think we can get the property for half of
that for a cash deal.”

“That would be a steal if it’s possible,”
Cass said. “What’s the catch?”

“The island was owned by a Texas oil tycoon
and he used the island to facilitate his illicit affairs. The
island is also rumored to be haunted,” Liz said.

“Haunted by whom or by what?” Levi asked,
completely enthralled by the story.

“Van Buren employed a young woman as a
housekeeper and she mysteriously disappeared and has not been seen
nor heard from in several years.” Liz took a deep breath and
continued. “An investigation was completed and there was no
evidence of foul play, but after her disappearance, the
construction workers got spooked and would not work on the island
after dark.”

“Nothing violent has occurred, just harmless
irritating pranks,” Nat clarified. “After Van Buren was murdered
back in Texas by the husband of one of his mistresses, construction
was halted. The island has lain dormant for two years except for
monthly visits by a group of housekeepers to maintain the owner’s
house.” Nat looked at Liz and smiled. “The island and her husband’s
behavior is a source of embarrassment for the widow who wants to be
rid of it as quickly as possible,” she said.

Nat passed around a packet of photographs and
data on the island for Levi and Cass to review.

“It is hard to tell without seeing the
island, but I think we could finish construction and equip the
resort very handsomely for a million dollars.” Nat watched as they
looked closely at the photographs. “There is a world of possibility
if the place meets our approval.”

“So what are you proposing?” Cass asked, as
Levi continued to pour over the pages.

“A partnership between the five of us,” Liz

“What are you looking for as the cash outlay
of each partner?” Levi asked.

“A half million from Liz, Cass and I and a
quarter million from you and Vanessa,” Nat said.

“Why the difference,” Levi asked.

“Because we hope that you and possibly
Vanessa will run the property,” Liz said. “The partnership would be
split equally five ways with you and Vanessa having the complete
oversight of the property while Nat and I continue running Venus

“What are your plans for the resort?” Cass

“Fifty luxury guest rooms, a salt water pool,
separate night club and many different water amenities, snorkeling
the beautiful reefs to deep sea fishing excursions,” Nat said. She
looked at Liz and grinned. “This would be a very exclusive resort,
priced to accommodate the most elite of travelers,” she said. “I
also have an idea that I haven’t quite gotten Liz sold on yet, but
I think it would be worthy of discussing,” she said.

“Spill it,” Levi said.

“I think it would be very popular to have one
suite designated as a “Fantasy Room”, Nat said. “Guests could
submit to us a written request of a fantasy that they would like to
experience and we would make it happen, for a nice price of

“A Fantasy Room sounds interesting, but do
you really think it would be a success?” Cass asked.

“It sounds like a very interesting concept,
but do you think the elite clientele would be willing to pay for
the experience?” Levi asked.

“I really think they would at a thousand
dollars a night,” Nat said. “Yes, I have done some research on that
as well.”

“Wow,” Levi said, “A grand a night.”

“It goes for much higher at other resorts,”
Cass said.

All heads turned toward Cass.

“At least that’s what I hear,” Cass said,
with a rush of color to her cheeks.

“So what do you think?” Nat asked.

“It sounds like it would definitely be worth
taking a look at and if we can swing a good deal, count me in,”
Cass said.

“Me too,” Levi said. “I think Vanessa will
jump on the opportunity to invest, but I am not sure she is ready
to leave the cruise lines yet,” she added.

“Well, I still think we can run the two
resorts, even if she doesn’t come on board right away,” Liz said.
“There is one other thing that needs to be considered,” Liz

“If all works out and we move with this
venture, we feel it would be necessary to have someone on sight to
oversee the construction,” Nat said. “The owner’s home comes
completely furnished and is move- in ready after the purchase of
groceries. We would like you to be the one to oversee the
construction Levi, while Liz and I continue operating Venus.”

Levi sat back in her chair as she thought
over Nat’s plan. “It is something I will have to think about and
discuss with Vanessa.”

“No need to rush into a decision,” Liz said.
“We haven’t even seen the property yet, but do consider the
possibility of living on the island for about two months while
construction is being completed.”

Cass had remained very quiet as she listened
to the plan and she looked over the photographs one more time.
“This does look workable. So what time do we leave Saturday

“We fly at seven and the flight is just under
an hour,” Liz said as she beamed at Cass.

“Whoa, speaking of time, I need to get moving
so I can open the club,” Levi said. “I expect Vanessa around eight
tonight. Do you wish to talk with her or do you want me to?” she

“If you wouldn’t mind, I would like to bring
her up here so we can discuss this in private,” Nat said. “I
promise not to keep her a moment longer than necessary,” she

“Very well then ladies, I shall see you all
later at the club,” Levi said, then left the room with her head
spinning full of ideas.

Is this what she really wanted to do with her
life she asked herself? The money was not an issue. She had over
half a million invested so taking half of that out would not leave
her financially strapped. She also had a decent income from the
resort. If the business plan was solid, she would reap a healthy
return on her investment in a few short years. Her brief tenure at
the resort had taught her that there were women who could afford
and would not hesitate to spend that amount of money on a vacation.
How would her absence from the resort affect her relationship with
Vanessa, she wondered? She was so deep in her thoughts Levi didn’t
realize that NeNe was walking beside her until she reached for the
door to the club.

“Oh, hey NeNe,” she said, as she held the
door for her friend.

“Welcome home. You sure were deep in thought,
Levi, is everything ok?” she asked.

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