Neptune's Ring (19 page)

Read Neptune's Ring Online

Authors: Ali Spooner

Tags: #adventure, #haunted, #lesbian erotica, #lesbian romance, #sequel to venus rising

BOOK: Neptune's Ring
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“I am going to track down Killian to see if I
can borrow her camera,” Vanessa said.

“Ok Baby, see you at the club later,” Levi

Vanessa walked toward NeNe’s bungalow and met
her on the sidewalk as she was leaving to meet Levi.

“Hi, NeNe is Killian with you?” she

“No, Vanessa she went back to the ship about
a half hour ago,” NeNe said. “Is everything alright?”

“Yes, it is NeNe, I just wanted to see if I
could borrow her camera,” Vanessa said.

“You can find her on the ship then,” NeNe
said. “See you later.”

“Thanks,” Vanessa said then she walked to the
trolley stop.

Vanessa took the trolley back to the harbor
and found Killian in the control room.

“Everything is in good order I trust,” she
said as she walked up to Killian.

“Ship shape as usual, Captain,” Killian

“That is always good to hear. Is the
re-stocking on schedule?” she asked.

“Actually it is ahead of schedule,” Killian


“What brings you back to the ship?” Killian

“I wanted to see if I can borrow your
camera,” Vanessa said.

“Of course you can,” Killian said. “Come with
me and I will show you how to operate it.”

“Thanks,” Vanessa said and followed Killian
down to her cabin.

Killian went over the basic functions of the
camera with Vanessa as they sat at her breakfast area.

Vanessa told Killian of the plans regarding
the trip to the island the following morning. “I don’t anticipate
any problems, but I will have my cell if anything comes up,” she

“I will stay on board tomorrow and make sure
things run smoothly,” Killian said.

Killian had secretly worried about Vanessa
leaving ever since the talk about the island resort began and she
took a deep breath. “Are you thinking of leaving the ship,
Captain?” she boldly asked.

“I don’t know Killian, but I do want to ask
you to consider signing up for your tests early so you will be
certified if I do,” Vanessa said. “I just am not certain am I am
ready to have my feet on dry land yet,” she said.

“I can fully understand that,” Killian said
with a warm smile.

“Even if the deal doesn’t work out, I would
still like to see you certified,” Vanessa said.

“I will contact the board when we return to
Miami,” Killian promised.

“Thank you, Killian.”

“Thank you for allowing me to learn so much
from you,” Killian said.

“You have been a good student and will make a
fantastic Captain,” Vanessa said.

“I know you will make the choice that is
right for you, but I would hate to see you leave,” Killian

“Thanks, Killian, that means a lot to me,”
Vanessa said. “What plans have you for the rest of the day?” she

“Just to relax until it is time to go to the
club,” Killian said.

“Would you like to join me on a walk of the
ship?” she asked.

“It would be my pleasure, Captain,” Killian

Vanessa and Killian walked each deck of the
ship, speaking to staff and admiring their hard work. Vanessa was
so proud of the ship and her staff of nearly three years and she
doubted that she was ready to leave her at this time. Though Levi
may be disappointed, Vanessa felt sure they could still make their
relationship thrive if they worked together. Her thoughts became
more conflicted with each staff that looked up at her on the tour
of the ship with a smile and admiration for the Captain they

She and Killian finished the tour and parted
for the afternoon with an agreement to meet back at seven for
dinner on the island before they went to the club. Vanessa took the
elevator to her cabin and kicked off her shoes before lying down
for a short nap.

Levi’s afternoon turned busy quickly and she
and Karen served drink after drink to the women who had spent the
day basking in the sun. Nat dropped in several times to check on
business and to show Levi pictures of flooring and furniture that
she had located on the internet. Liz had indeed put her to work to
keep her busy until the time arrived to fly to the island. Nat had
located some beautiful items and Levi’s excitement grew with each
new photograph Nat showed her.

Later in the evening, Killian and Vanessa
dined on the island together.

“If looks could kill you would be dead
several times over, Captain,” Killian said.

“What are you talking about?” Vanessa

“Simone is dining with her cronies a few
tables over and she is boring daggers into the back of your head
with her eyes,” Killian teased.

“I am so over Simone and her childish
antics,” Vanessa said.

“So that means we can’t take her outside and
rough her up a bit?” Killian asked.

Vanessa chuckled. “I am afraid not, even
though I would love to tell her a few things,” Vanessa said.

“Well you might just get the chance, since
she is walking this way,” Killian said.

“Good evening ladies,” Simone said

“Hello Simone,” Vanessa said.

“Hello Ms. Taylor,” Killian said.

“It is nice to know some of my employees
still show some respect for me,” Simone sneered.

“Killian is just being polite,” Vanessa said.
“Is there something we can do for you?”

“You can quit filling Levi’s head with all
your garbage against me,” Simone said.

“Simone, no one has to tell Levi anything,”
Vanessa said. “I think it is quite obvious that Levi has grown
tired of your bullshit and has started moving on with her life. So
I would suggest you do the same with your little sex toys over

“Oh, they are much more than toys,” Simone

“Well whatever they are, go play with them
and leave Levi alone,” Vanessa warned.

“You should know better than that Vanessa,
when I see something I want I go get it,” Simone said.

“Well I sure hate to see you get disappointed
this time,” Vanessa said with a sly grin.

“I won’t be disappointed, you can be assured
of that,” Simone said.

Vanessa stood, quickly followed by Killian.
Simone stepped back and smiled.

“I guess I will see you two later,” Simone
said as she walked back to her table.

“Are you satisfied now?” Del asked with a

“Very much so,” Simone said with a wicked

“She is such a bitch,” Killian said. “Remind
me why we work for her again,” she said to Vanessa.

“Because she has one of the best ships on the
ocean,” Vanessa said with a grin.

“No chance of her selling it to us either is
there?” Killian teased.

“No, not a one,” Vanessa said.

Killian and Vanessa returned to their meal
and finished dining without further interruption. Killian was
relieved when she watched Simone, Del and Petra parade from the
dining room. She was afraid that Vanessa’s contempt for Simone
would encourage her to leave the ship and Killian silently swore
that if that was the case, she would go wherever Vanessa went. She
would not work for a woman who did not appreciate and respect a
great Captain and she would have no part of it either.

Simone left the dining room and they headed
straight to the club. If she was going to have a chance to talk
with Levi alone it would have to be now. She sent Del and Petra to
find a booth while she went to the bar for drinks.

Levi had seen them walk in together, but paid
little attention to them. She was filling an order for Karen when
Simone walked up to the bar and sat down.

“I see you got your cast off today,” Simone
said. “How is it feeling?”

“Feels great, Simone, what can I get you?”
Levi asked.

“A few minutes of your time would be nice,”
Simone said.

“A few minutes for what,” Levi asked.

“Just to catch up with and see how you are
doing,” Simone said.

“I am doing very well thank you, Simone,”
Levi said.

“I miss you,” Simone said sincerely.

“I am sorry for that, Simone, but there is
nothing left between us.”

“We can’t even be friends,” Simone asked.

“Maybe one day, Simone, but right now I don’t
think so after the way you have treated me,” Levi said.

Karen rolled up with another drink order.
Levi turned away to fill it for her while Simone remained quiet.
When Karen took off with the filled order, Simone looked into
Levi’s eyes.

“Is there anything I can do to win you back?”
she asked.

“Not a thing, Simone, you had two chances and
blew both of them, so I am moving on with Vanessa.”

The door opened and Levi looked up to find
Vanessa and Killian walking into the club.

Vanessa tensed up when she saw Simone sitting
at the bar, but her worries were abated when she saw the smile Levi
shot her. She and Killian walked up to the bar and sat on either
side of Simone.

“Hey Baby,” Levi said as she leaned across
the bar to kiss Vanessa. “What may I get you two lovely ladies?”
she asked.

“How about a couple of Tropical E’s, and a
sex on the beach for my Sweetie,” Killian said.

“Coming right up then,” Levi said as she
poured the drinks and placed them on the bar.

“I will be back in a little while,” Killian
said, then walked to the DJ booth.

Del walked up behind Simone.

“I thought you were getting our drinks,
Simone,” Del said with a harsh tone in her voice.

“I am,” Simone nearly growled.

“Three Slow Grinds please Levi,” she

“Don’t make it long,” Del said as she turned
to walk back to Petra.

“Testy little pet, isn’t she,” Levi asked

Simone refused to answer Levi’s jibe and took
the tray of drinks to the table and slid into the booth.

“Remind me to never cross you,” Vanessa said
with a smile.

“Oh Baby, you could never be so arrogant,”
Levi assured her.

Vanessa reached across the bar and placed her
hand on Levi’s. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you too,” Levi said with a grin.

Nat returned to the bar to give Levi a dinner
break and Vanessa and Killian sat with them as they ate their

“I swear I just finished dinner, but the
smell of those is making me hungry again,” Killian said.

“Do you want me to order you one?” Levi

“No, I don’t need to eat again so soon,”
Killian said.

“No worries love, I will work it off of you
later,” NeNe said with a sheepish grin.

“Split one with me Captain?” she asked

“Sure, Killian,” Vanessa said. She walked
over to the bar and asked Nat to order another cheeseburger and
then returned to the table.

After dinner, Nat returned to their suite as
Levi took over the bar. Del returned to the bar for several rounds
of drinks during the remainder of the evening. They dance
provocatively out on the dance floor and near midnight Levi watched
as Simone and Del had a heated exchange and Simone left the

“I wonder what that was all about,” Vanessa

“I don’t know and could care less,” Levi
said. “Simone has made her bed and now it’s time for her to sleep
in it.”


Levi woke the next morning prior to the alarm
clock sounding and she reached over to shut it off. Vanessa was
lying on her back, a smile playing across her face as she slept
peacefully. Levi traced Vanessa’s lips with her fingertips and then
leaned down to softly kiss her awake.

“It is time to wake, Darling.”

Vanessa stretched her body and her eyes

“I could get so used to getting awakened like
that,” she said. “Especially after being loved like last night,”
she said with a grin.

“That would make two of us,” Levi said, as
she softly kissed her again.

Vanessa and Levi showered and dressed to meet
Liz, Nat and Cass for a pre-dawn breakfast. When they entered the
dining room, the others were already waiting for them. Cass poured
them a cup of coffee as they took their seats.

“Did Nat sleep at all last night?” Levi asked

“She slept very well, thank you,” Liz
answered with a wicked smile.

“Eat a big breakfast,” Nat said. “The kitchen
has prepared us a couple of picnic baskets to take, of light finger
foods, which should hold us over until we leave the island.”

They each ordered a large breakfast,
complimented by juice and fresh fruit, as they talked excitedly
through the meal. When Cass finished at last, Nat nearly jumped out
of her seat. She and Liz disappeared into the kitchen and returned
carrying two large picnic baskets.

They walked out of the resort to find a van
already warmed up for them. Nat stored the picnic baskets while Liz
climbed in behind the wheel. She drove the short distance to the
airport and was guided to park in the private charter lot.

The pilot was completing his pre-trip
checklist when they arrived and he welcomed them aboard the air
craft. Liz and Nat stowed the carryon bags then took seats in
preparation for take-off.

Vanessa reached over and took Levi’s hand in
hers and gave it a gentle squeeze as the pilot began to taxi to the

“Relax My Sweet, we will be there in no
time,” Levi said to calm her lover’s nerves.

As they took off, Levi and Vanessa looked out
the windows of the small jet. From the air, the island looked like
it was surrounded by small underwater mountains. They watched in
amazement as the reefs and smaller islands decreased in size as the
jet climbed into the clouds.

It seemed they had only just reached cruising
altitude when the jet began to descend. The clouds slowly thinned
and disappeared altogether as Nat checked her maps. Levi watched as
a small island came into view in the distance and she looked at

Nat smiled and nodded her head, yes.

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