Neptune's Ring (18 page)

Read Neptune's Ring Online

Authors: Ali Spooner

Tags: #adventure, #haunted, #lesbian erotica, #lesbian romance, #sequel to venus rising

BOOK: Neptune's Ring
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“Do you need help with that stretching?” she

“As a matter of fact, yes I do,” Vanessa said
to answer Levi’s question.

“See you tomorrow night, Susan and have a
great one,” Levi said, as she tucked the money bag under her arm
and took Vanessa’s hand.

“You too,” Susan said then watched the two
lovers leave the bar.

Levi placed the money bag in her small closet
safe and returned to the bedroom to find Vanessa starting to

“Not yet,” she said as she walked to the
sound system to turn on slow music. “I have a dance to collect

Vanessa smiled. “Yes, you do.”

Levi stepped into Vanessa’s arms and their
lips met for a slow, sensual kiss as they moved to the rhythm of
the music. She could feel Vanessa’s hands stroking down her back
causing her arousal to soar. Her tongue danced in Vanessa’s mouth
while her hands cupped her ass, pulling Vanessa’s body into hers as
they ground their hips together during the dance. Levi softly
moaned when she felt her nipples grow hard as she moved against
Vanessa’s body.

When the song ended, Vanessa’s hands pulled
Levi’s shirt from her body, soon followed by her sports bra and
shorts. Vanessa knelt down in front of Levi and teased her hard
nipples as her hands caressed Levi’s body.

“You are so delicious,” Vanessa purred.

“Let’s get you undressed then and go to the
bed so you can have a feast, my love,” Levi said as she raised
Vanessa to her feet.

Levi undressed Vanessa and led her over to
the bed. Vanessa lay beside Levi and covered her body with light
kisses as her hands teased her lover. When she moved between Levi’s
legs, she tenderly lapped up Levi’s juices, building her arousal to
a roaring climax as Levi’s thighs clamped around Vanessa’s head and
she released a flood of juices.

Vanessa moved on top of Levi and kissed her
deeply as Levi’s hands pulled Vanessa into her body. Levi rolled
Vanessa onto her back as her tongue left a blazing trail of desire
on Vanessa’s skin as she moved lower down her body. Levi’s teeth
nibbled the soft skin of Vanessa’s inner thighs as her fingers
parted her soaked lips. Levi entered Vanessa with the tips of her
fingers while her tongue glided up to trace circles around her
clit. Vanessa’s body trembled with anticipation as Levi’s mouth
covered her wetness and her tongue probed deeply into her body.
Levi’s fingers stroked across Vanessa’s clit until Vanessa arched
her back and released her orgasm, soaking Levi’s face and hand with
her sweetness.

Vanessa took Levi in her arms and held her
close as tremors passed through her body in waves as Levi’s hands
softly stroked her stomach. Levi placed her head on Vanessa’s chest
to listen to the pounding of her heart and when her pulse finally
slowed the lull of the strong beat coaxed Levi into sleep.

The next morning Levi woke early and showered
quietly. She wrote a note to Vanessa explaining that she had gone
to the hospital and would be back soon to take her to breakfast.
Then she would spend the day on the beach with her. Levi signed the
note then slipped quietly from the room. Levi dropped the money bag
off to Liz and asked to borrow her bike to go to the hospital.

Levi enjoyed the feel of the morning air
rushing through her hair and she remembered standing at the bow of
the ship with Vanessa during an evening and feeling the same joy.
Levi was so lost in the memory she did not see the truck pull out
in front of her.


Vanessa stretched her body as her eyes slowly
opened to find she was alone in the bed. She looked over to find
Levi’s note on the bedside table and smiled as she read her sweet
words. She climbed from the bed and stretched again before walking
into the bathroom to shower.

Levi had hung her clothes up in the closet.
Vanessa stepped into a bathing suit and then added shorts and a
shirt as a cover up. She ordered a pot of coffee from room service
and scanned the television stations while she waited for Levi’s

When Levi’s eyes focused back on the road
ahead of her she saw the rear end of the truck nearing quickly.
Instinctively she hit the brakes, as her eyes searched for a means
of avoiding the truck. It was still early morning, so the island’s
inhabitants were not awake and mobile, making traffic light on the
narrow roads. Levi steered the bike hard to the left and felt the
bike wobble as she cleared the rear bumper of the truck by several
inches and she twisted hard on the throttle to accelerate around
the truck to avoid possible oncoming traffic. Her heart was about
to explode from her chest as she carefully turned into the drive to
the hospital and sat still trembling with fright on the bike.

One of the hospital staff had pulled into the
parking lot behind Levi and rushed over to her.

“Are you alright?” he asked. “I saw that
truck pull out in front of you without looking,” the man said.

“I am fine, it just gave me one hell of a
scare,” Levi said.

“Would you like me to walk in with you?” the
man asked kindly.

“Thanks, but I am going to take another
minute or two and catch my breath,” Levi said.

“I will wait,” the man insisted and waited
patiently for Levi.

After he walked her into the emergency room,
he smiled and said, “Have a great day and be safe on that

“Thanks,” Levi said, giving the man a warm

She walked up to the counter in the emergency
room and explained who she was and that she was there to have her
cast removed. The nurse asked her to take a seat and she would be
called back shortly.

Levi sat in the waiting room and felt her
body still trembling from her scare. She would have to be more
alert if she was going to ride Liz’s bike and she silently
chastised herself for her inattention. She jumped, startled out of
her reverie when the nurse called her name and asked her to come
back to exam room one.

Levi was examined by a young doctor she had
not seen before and he gently removed the cast and observed her
range of motion.

“Are you feeling any pain?” he asked, as he
carefully removed the dead skin on her wrist.

“No pain, just some stiffness,” Levi

“That is to be expected. I want you to wear
this elastic support for at least another week and take it easy on
that wrist,” he said.

“No cartwheels?” Levi teased.

“Definitely no cartwheels,” he added with a
smile. “Don’t hesitate to come back in if you feel pain or if the
stiffness lingers beyond the next few days,” he instructed.

“Thanks, I will,” Levi said, as he walked her
back out to the waiting area.

Levi left the emergency room and carefully
drove the bike back to the resort, hypersensitive to any other
traffic around her. She was relieved to pull into the garage safely
and park the bike. She returned the keys back to Liz and went back
to find Vanessa.

“That looks much more comfortable,” Vanessa
said, as she noted the elastic support.

“It is much more comfortable,” Levi said. “A
week of this and I should be free.”

“Excellent news Baby,” Vanessa said.

“Are you hungry?” Levi asked.

“Starving,” Vanessa said with a smile.

They walked into the dining room and were
waved over to join Killian and NeNe for breakfast.

“You two are up early,” Levi said.

“We haven’t been to sleep yet,” NeNe

“What?” Levi smirked.

“Just kidding, we didn’t want to miss out on
any fun today,” NeNe said.

“Are you two ready to hit the beach?” Vanessa

“We will be very shortly after breakfast,”
Killian said.

“I already called down to reserve four lounge
chairs for us,” Vanessa said.

“You are so smart, My Baby,” Levi said with a

“I had to do something to kill the time when
you were at the hospital.”

“Oh, you did get your cast off today,” NeNe
said. “How does it feel?”

“Still a bit stiff, but that is to be
expected. I have to wear this brace for a week and then I should be
back to normal.”

“That is good news,” NeNe said.

The four women finished breakfast and were
walking back to the bungalows when they met Nat and Liz.

“Are we still on for lunch today?” Nat

“Sure, what time?” Levi said.

“Let’s meet about one,” Liz said.

“That will give us plenty of time for some
beach fun and a shower,” Levi said with a grin.

“We shall see you later then,” Vanessa said,
as she took Levi’s hand and they returned to the room to brush
their teeth and pick up their beach bag.

Vanessa and Levi made it down to the beach
first and located their lounges. They were lying in the sun talking
when Killian and NeNe arrived.

“What took you two so long?” Vanessa

“We had to change into swim suits, silly,”
NeNe said, but the blush on Killian’s face told Vanessa there was
more to the story.

“Let’s take a swim before we lay out,”
Killian said, as she took NeNe’s hand and ran with her into the

She and Vanessa watched NeNe and Killian romp
in the water, splashing and dunking each other until they ended up
in a tight embrace.

“Foreplay,” Vanessa chuckled.

NeNe squealed and they looked back out at the
water just in time to see NeNe breaking the surface after Killian
had dunked her yet again. Killian walked through the water away
from NeNe, but was quickly overtaken by the smaller, quicker NeNe
who rode her body underneath a crashing wave.

Vanessa and Levi enjoyed the sun until noon
and then said goodbye to Killian and NeNe to prepare for their
lunch meeting. Levi dressed in her uniform in case the meeting ran
longer than expected and Vanessa dressed in shorts and a pullover.
They were excited to discuss more about the new resort and arrived
at the office ahead of schedule.

Liz, Nat and Cass were already sitting around
the table discussing issues when Levi and Vanessa arrived.

“Hey ladies,” Nat said when they approached
the table.

“Good afternoon,” Levi said.

“Have a seat,” Liz said. “We are developing a
list of questions and items to review tomorrow when we are on the

“How far have you gotten so far?” Vanessa

“Just general information,” Nat said. “Check
the condition of the construction, equipment, water and power
supplies and taking a look at the house and night club.”

“Should we tackle this as a group or break
into groups?” Levi asked.

“I thought originally that we would split up,
but I think we will have plenty of time to review everything
together,” Nat said. “You three may see something that Liz and I
have missed and vice versa.”

“This is so exciting,” Cass said.

“There are a few things I would like for you
and Levi to spend particular attention on and be able to report
back on,” Liz said.

“Which would be what, Liz?” Levi asked.

“I would like you take pictures of the night
club and get basic measurements so we can plan for the completion
of the construction.”

“Great, I have a brand new digital that I can
use for that,” Levi said.

“I think Killian has one as well that I can
borrow,” Vanessa said.

“That would be great,” Nat said with a

“Vanessa, since you have the most knowledge
of boats and water activities, we would like you to focus on the
condition of the small harbor on the island. We need to know if it
will support a small fleet of boats for transport to and from the
island and water activities.”

“Would you like me to bring some diving
equipment so I can check out the reefs surrounding the island?”
Vanessa asked.

“No, I think we should be able to get a good
view of those from the air as we fly in and if time permits we can
take the boat around the island as well,” Liz said.

“We thought that after we all did a
walkthrough of the resort, then you and Levi could check out your
projects while Liz, Cass and I check out the equipment and
utilities. Afterward, we would meet again to walk up to the house

“That sounds like a good plan,” Cass said. “I
can’t wait to get on the island.”

“If we have some extra time I think we should
survey the local economy to ensure it could accommodate the needs
of the resort. Most importantly food supply, transportation and

“Cat is bringing the contractor to meet with
us and get some ideas for finishing the construction and provide
timelines and general costs,” Nat said. “We should have a rough
estimate of what it would cost by the time we leave the island to
fly home.”

“I think we can make a decision and propose
an offer by the end of the weekend if all are in agreement,” Liz

“Sounds wonderful,” Vanessa said.

“Enough business for now, let’s eat,” Nat

“I am starving,” Cass said.

“Liz has cooked chicken Alfredo for us and we
got wine and crusty bread from the kitchen,” Nat said.

“The smell is heavenly,” Levi said then stood
to help Liz in the kitchen.

Vanessa and Nat cleared the table as Cass
poured the wine. Levi set the table as Liz brought out a large
container of the pasta dish and slices of the bread.

“Let’s eat,” Nat said once they were all
seated around the table again. “Baby, this looks delicious.”

“Thanks, I hope everyone enjoys it, I haven’t
had the opportunity to cook in a while,” Liz said.

“Very tasty,” Vanessa said when she had
finished a bite of the creamy pasta.

“You can cook for us anytime,” Levi added and
watched Liz beam with a smile.

The five of them ate a hearty meal and sat
drinking wine until it was time for Levi to go open the club. Levi
and Vanessa left the office together with an agreement to see the
others later.

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