Neptune's Ring (14 page)

Read Neptune's Ring Online

Authors: Ali Spooner

Tags: #adventure, #haunted, #lesbian erotica, #lesbian romance, #sequel to venus rising

BOOK: Neptune's Ring
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“For the most part yes, but I have gotten so
spoiled waking up next to her warm body,” Levi said with a

“Have you considered taking a job on the

“I could not leave Nat and Liz right now,”
Levi said.

Cass smiled. “They are very lucky to have

“They have been incredible to me,” Levi

“So what are your long term plans, Levi?”

“I am really not certain anymore,” Levi said.
“I thought I would settle down in a financial firm and do the
corporate grind thing, but now I have the lure of the islands in my

“Somehow I can’t see you trapped behind a
desk all day,” Cass said.

“Me either,” Levi admitted. “For now I will
continue working for Nat and Liz and keep saving my money. I am
sure when the time is right I will know that it is time to move

Cass watched Levi carefully as she spoke and
the more time she spent with Levi, the more she was impressed by
the young woman’s maturity and good sense.

“Well I am certain I could find a spot for
you if you ever wanted to try your hand in the publishing
business,” Cass offered.

“Thank you, Cass, but I think your business
would be safer if I stayed far away from it,” Levi teased.

“Oh, it’s not that difficult to learn,” Cass
said, as she grinned at Levi.

“Much different than tending bar,” Levi

“You have much more inside than you than
being a bartender, Levi. You just have to determine what it is you
want to do and I am certain you will be successful,” Cass said.

“Thanks for your vote of confidence, Cass,”
Levi said, giving her a warm smile.

Breakfast arrived and they shared a pleasant
meal together. Once they finished eating, Levi and Cass parted

“I hope to see you later at the club,” Levi
said, as she hugged Cass and went in search of Vanessa.

“I am sure you will,” Cass said, as she
returned Levi’s hug.

Levi found Vanessa at the pool bar engaged in
conversation with Cory and Kiki. She waited until there seemed to
be a break in the conversation and walked up to sit beside

Vanessa turned to find Levi beside her and
her smile beamed. “Good morning, Love,” she said, as she leaned
over to kiss Levi.

“Hi Baby,” Levi said. “Good morning

“Did you sleep well?” Vanessa asked, with a
devilish grin.

“Yes, I did,” Levi said as a slight flush
rose to her cheeks. “Then I had a nice breakfast with Cass.”

“That’s great,” Vanessa said. “Are you ready
to go look at some pictures?” she asked.

“Sure am,” Levi said.

“Let’s go then,” Vanessa said, as she stood
and offered Levi her arm.

They walked to the hallway where they had
taken the photographs the previous night. The walls were covered
with a thousand photographs of couples and Levi worried that
finding theirs would prove very difficult.

One of the staff saw them approach the order
counter and waved them directly over.

“I have your photographs here, Captain,” she
said with a smile.

“Thank you Elisa,” Vanessa said. “Levi, this
is Elisa.”

“Nice to meet you,” Levi said, as she smiled
at the young woman.

“It is my pleasure to meet you, Levi, I have
heard so much about you,” she said. “The photographs of you two
turned out fantastic,” she said to Vanessa to hide her blush.

“That is good news,” Vanessa said, as she
watched the young woman open up a portfolio of photographs.

Elisa was correct, the photographs had turned
out well and it was difficult for Levi and Vanessa to choose
favorites from the dozen to select from.

“I am sorry Levi, I just can’t choose a
favorite,” she said. “Why don’t we take them all and you can pick
half to take back to the resort with you.”

Levi smiled up at Vanessa. “You make things
so easy for me.”

“Not really,” Vanessa chuckled, “You still
have to choose six from this batch.”

“Good grief, you are right,” Levi said.

“Yes I am, but at least you can do it in the
cabin at your leisure,” Vanessa said.

“No way,” Levi said, “I am going to ask Cass
and Cory to assist me to choose.”

“Smart move Baby,” Vanessa said, as she
closed the portfolio and handed it to Levi.

“I am supposed to meet them for drinks at the
pool bar later this morning,” Levi said.

“Do you have plans for lunch?” Vanessa asked,
as they walked.

“I was hoping I could steal the sexy Captain
away for lunch.”

“I will be sure to check her schedule for
availability,” Vanessa said, with a chuckle. “How about lunch on
the cabin balcony?” she asked.

“That sounds lovely,” Levi smiled. “What time
will you need to be back in the control room?”

“The Harbor Master will arrive at twelve
thirty, to guide the ship into port,” Vanessa said.

“Lunch at eleven then?” Levi asked.

“That sounds good, something light?” she

“A nice salad I think would be nice,” Levi

“I will order them and will see you at
eleven,” Vanessa said, then kissed Levi. “I will see you later, My

Levi watched Vanessa walk away and walked
down the hallway. She felt very lucky this morning and decided to
make a stop at the casino before she went to the pool to meet Cass.
She entered the casino and searched for an empty seat at a slot
machine. Levi inserted a twenty dollar bill and watched the credits
ring up on the machine. She placed the maximum bet and pulled the
handle. Levi watched with growing excitement as the first red seven
stopped on the pay line and then the second. When the third line
stopped with a seven times pay seven, Levi nearly fainted from
fright when the bells began to clang on the machine. She stared in
amazement as the winnings continued to climb as a crowd began to
form around her.

“That is a two thousand dollar jackpot,” a
casino staff said.

“No way,” Levi said.

“Yes, way,” she teased Levi. “If you will
follow me, I will escort you to the cashier to collect your
winnings,” she said.

“Oh my goodness, you are serious,” Levi

“Yes, ma’am, very much so,” the young woman

Levi picked up the portfolio of photographs
and followed the woman to the cashier’s office where she signed for
her winnings and collected twenty brand new hundred dollar

Levi smiled brightly as she placed the bills
in her pocket and walked to the pool bar.

“Well aren’t you grinning like the cat that
ate the canary,” Cory said, as she saw Levi walk up to the bar.

“This has been a very lucky trip for me. I
just hit a two thousand dollar jackpot in the casino.”

“Now why can’t I have your luck?” Cory asked.
“I just make donations to the one armed bandits.”

“Congratulations,” Cass said.

“Thanks, I may have to cruise more often,”
Levi teased.

“If your good luck would hold, that might not
be a bad idea,” Cass said.

“May I get you a drink?” Cory asked.

“A cherry coke please. I need your help
ladies,” Levi said, as she spread the portfolio open on the

“Wow, would you look at those smiles,” Cass
said with a grin. “You two look very happy,” she said.

“We are, but I need help to pick out which
ones I want to take back to the resort with me,” Levi said.

Levi, Cass and Cory were bent over the bar
studying the pictures when Killian walked up behind them.

“Great photographs,” she said, as she peaked
over Levi’s shoulder.

“Hi Killian,” Levi said. “We are trying to
pick out some shots for me to take back to the resort.”

“I like them all, but I really like this one
and that one,” Killian said, as she pointed out two photos.

“I like those also,” Cass said. “They look in
your eyes has a dreamy look to it.”

Levi chuckled. “Well Vanessa is my dream come

“Aww, that is so sweet,” Killian said. “I
have it on great authority that she thinks the same of you, Levi,”
she said with a grin.

“I hope it is a love that lasts for a long,
long time,” Cass added.

“Me too, Cass,” Levi said, as her excitement
sparkled in her eyes.

Killian excused herself to join Vanessa back
in the control room and left the women pouring over the
photographs. They had picked out three favorites when Cass said, “I
will be back in a few minutes,” and left the bar.

“These really are wonderful,” Cory said.
“Seeing these it makes me wonder why Kiki and I haven’t had photos
done yet.”

“It is never too late, and you have the
perfect backdrops here,” Levi said.

“I may just have to dress up and take my lady
on a date,” Cory said with a chuckle.

“With your connections, I bet you could even
convince one of the photographers to come to the resort and take
some photographs there,” Levi said.

“That is an excellent idea,” Cory said. “I
will speak to the Captain about that once we are docked.”

Cass returned carrying a small bag which she
handed to Levi.

Levi opened the bag and pulled out two
matching pewter picture frames.

“These are beautiful,” Levi said as she
hugged Cass.

“I was thinking that these two photos are
very close to being identical, so you could take one and leave one
for Vanessa,” Cass said. “With these frames, you both would have
another special memory of this trip knowing that the other had the
same photo and frame in their bedrooms.”

“That is such a sweet and romantic idea,”
Levi said. “Thank you my friend.”

“My pleasure Levi,” Cass said. “I have really
enjoyed getting to know you and it makes me smile to see how happy
you and Vanessa are together.”

Levi hugged Cass again and squeezed her

They finished sorting out the photos and Cass
helped Levi frame the two photos they had selected.

“I need to go finish packing my bag, and meet
Vanessa for lunch,” Levi said. “If I don’t see you before we
arrive, I will see you later at the club,” she said. “Thanks again,
Cass for the beautiful gift.”

“My pleasure, Levi and I will see you again

Levi walked back to the cabin and took one of
the framed photos and placed it on the table beside Vanessa’s bed.
She placed the remainder of the photos she would leave for Vanessa
on the desk and packed the portfolio in her bag with the remainder
of her clothing. Levi was just finished packing when a knock came
to the door and a room service staff delivered their lunch. The
young woman was just leaving as Vanessa walked in.

“Great timing, Julia,” she said, as she
handed the young woman a tip.

“Thank you, Captain, Julia said, and closed
the door behind her.

“I hear that I must get you off the ship
quickly before we go broke,” Vanessa teased.

“Word travels fast through a cruise ship
doesn’t it,” Levi said.

“It is not often that anyone hits a two
thousand dollar jackpot on a slot machine and it looks even more
suspicious when the Captain’s lover does it,” Vanessa said with a
laugh. “Congratulations Baby.”

“Thanks, I was so excited when it hit,” Levi

“Ah, what’s this?” Vanessa asked as she
picked up the framed photo from beside the bed.

“A gift from Cass to each of us,” Levi

“That was very kind of her,” Vanessa said,
and what a great photo.”

“I have one almost identical to that one that
I will place beside my bed so I can say goodnight to you when we
are apart,” Levi said.

“That is so sweet,” Vanessa said, as she took
Levi in her arms. “Thank you for making me a happy woman.”

“Likewise Darling,” Levi said, as her lips
touched Vanessa’s for a brief kiss.

“Are you ready for lunch?” Levi asked.

“Yes, I am starving,” Vanessa said, as they
walked onto the balcony.

They could see the faint outline of a
landmass in the distance.

“Is that the resort island?” Levi asked.

“Yes, it is,” Vanessa said. “For once I wish
it were farther away, so I had more time to spend with you,” she

“It has been wonderful being here with you,”
Levi said. “We will be spending more time together in the future, I
promise,” Levi said.

“I will hold you to that,” Vanessa said, as
she smiled across the table at Levi.

They ate the fantastic lunch and gazed across
the water together as the island came to life before their

“The island is much bigger than I originally
thought,” Levi said, “seeing it from this viewpoint.”

“There is the resort,” Vanessa said, as she
pointed out the beach in front of Venus Rising.

“Will I see you later tonight?” Levi

“Yes, it will take several hours to ensure
the ship is in place and in good condition once we arrive. I will
plan on being at the club around eight if that is good for you,”
she said.

“I will wait to order dinner until after you
arrive then,” Levi said.

“I sure do hate to see you leave,” Vanessa

“Well we can come back here tonight or you
can stay at my place,” Levi said.

“Why don’t we plan to stay at your place for
a few nights,” Vanessa said.

“That’s fine,” Levi said. “If you want to
pack a small bag, I will take it to the resort with me.”

“You have a deal, My Love,” Vanessa said, as
they walked back into the cabin.

Levi sat against the headboard and watched as
Vanessa packed several outfits in a small bag and placed it beside
hers on the bed. Vanessa then moved to sit beside Levi. “I love
you, Levi,” she whispered.

“I love you too,” Levi answered.

The blast of the horn interrupted their kiss
to signal that they had entered the port and would await the
arrival of the Harbor Master’s boat to guide them into port. They
could feel the ship’s movement slow and then come to a complete

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