Neptune's Ring (17 page)

Read Neptune's Ring Online

Authors: Ali Spooner

Tags: #adventure, #haunted, #lesbian erotica, #lesbian romance, #sequel to venus rising

BOOK: Neptune's Ring
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“I am going to have her busy looking at
flooring and furnishings for the resort on the internet,” Liz said.
“I am not sure it won’t intensify her excitement, but at least if
the deal works out, we will be that much further ahead on the
plan,” Liz chuckled.

“Clever,” Levi said, as she shot a wink to

“Nat will you take over the bar for a few
minutes while I take Levi outside,” Liz asked.

“Sure babe,” Nat said, as she looked
curiously at Liz.

“We will be back in a few then,” Liz said, as
she took Levi’s hand and walked outside.

Levi remained silent as they walked, curious
though of what Liz wanted from her. When they reached the steps
leading down to the beach they sat and Liz turned toward Levi.

“In all the excitement over the island Nat
and I have neglected to inform you of something,” she said. “Simone
was discharged from the hospital and is back on the property until
Sunday morning when she is scheduled to fly home.”

Levi looked at Liz and smiled. “Thank you for
telling me so I won’t be surprised to see her.”

“Levi, there is more,” Liz said. “Simone has
taken up with Del and now with Del and a young woman by the name of
Petra. They have been spending quite a bit of time together let’s
just say being romantically involved.”

“Simone involved in a threesome?” Levi

“Yes, I am afraid so,” Liz said. “Tonight and
tomorrow should be the only time you would cross paths with her,
since you will be gone most of Saturday and she will be out of here
on Sunday.”

Levi smiled warmly at Liz. “I can handle this
Liz. I won’t claim to be completely over the hurt Simone caused me,
but I have chosen to be committed to Vanessa and establishing a
long term relationship with her.”

“That is very good news, Levi, but you know
how devious Simone can be, so stay alert,” Liz warned. “Nat has
pretty much given her the riot act over her behavior, so hopefully
Simone will enjoy her little fling and be out of our hair for a

“Let’s hope you are right,” Levi said. “I am
so tired of her drama.”

“Likewise,” Liz said. “I just wanted you to
be aware so if they show up at the club tonight, there are no
surprises for you.”

“Thank you, Liz, I really appreciate that,”
Levi said.

“So, things are going well with you and
Vanessa then?”

“Oh my goodness yes, Liz, she is such a
wonderful woman,” Levi said. “I never dreamed I could feel so
deeply connected to anyone.”

“That’s a great feeling isn’t it?”

“One I hope to feel for a long, long time,”
Levi said.

“I know you haven’t had much of a chance to
talk yet, but do you think you and Vanessa will be interested in
investing in the resort?”

“I am all in and I think she will be in at
least financially,” Levi said. “I don’t think Vanessa is ready to
leave the sea yet.”

“Well I have every confidence we can still
make it work as long as you are on board,” Liz said.

“I have everything crossed that I can cross,”
Levi teased.

“I just hope Saturday gets here soon. I know
Nat probably won’t sleep at all tomorrow night,” she said with a

“Bring her down to the club and I will knock
her out,” Levi said with a devilish grin.

“Oh no you don’t I have my own methods for
wearing her out,” Liz said as she nudged Levi’s ribs with her

“Well I can’t argue with that,” Levi said,
then stood to walk back to the club. “We better get back before Nat
comes looking for us.”

“Or she poisons someone trying to mix a Slow
Grind,” Liz chuckled.

“Good point,” Levi said, as she helped Liz to
her feet. “Thanks again.”

When they returned to the club, Levi ran Nat
from behind the bar by popping a towel at her behind. Nat howled
with laughter and joined Vanessa, Liz and Cass at the bar.

“How about that Tropical E you promised me
Levi,” Cass said.

“I am so sorry Cass,” Levi said as she poured
the drink and placed it in front of her friend.

“Mmm, this is good,” Cass said. “I think I
could get addicted to these.”

Dinner arrived and Nat took over the bar
while Levi and Vanessa joined NeNe, Killian and Karen in an empty
booth for their dinner break.

“Well damn,” Karen said.

“What is it, Karen,” NeNe asked.

“You all have cheeseburgers and I have a
club,” she said. “Those look so good.”

“They taste very good too,” Levi teased, as
she took another bite of her burger.

“From here on out Levi just order me whatever
you are having,” Karen said. “Your food always looks so much
better,” she said with a grin.

“That makes it easy, cheeseburgers every
night,” Levi said, with a hearty laugh.

They ate their meals and made plans to meet
on the beach the following morning for some sun and a few

“I need to get up early and drive down to the
hospital in the morning,” Levi said. “It’s time to get rid of the
blue monster,” she said, as she held up the cast.

“I might not recognize you without the cast,”
Vanessa teased.

“Oh really,” Levi teased back. “I bet Killian
would still recognize me.”

“Yes ma’am I would,” Killian snickered.

“Some First Mate you are turning out to be,”
Vanessa said as she punched Killian’s arm. “I thought I taught you
to always agree with me.”

“Yes, Captain you did,” Killian said. “But,
you didn’t ask the question,” she said, and roared with

“See what you are getting yourself into
NeNe?” Vanessa warned. “Total insubordination, I tell you.”

“I am enjoying every minute of it too,” NeNe

Vanessa shook her head. “I just don’t
understand you young whippersnappers,” she teased.

“I will explain it all to you later,” Levi

“Fine then,” Vanessa said with a smile.

“That’s my last song, so I had better get a
move on,” NeNe said. “Come sit with me later?” she asked

“You bet Babe,” Killian said, then kissed

It was almost ten and when Nat walked around
the bar to stand beside Liz, Liz said, “I think I am ready for a
Slow Grind.”

“Barkeep, you heard the woman, one Slow Grind
please,” Nat said.

Levi smiled back at Nat. “I don’t think she
had the drink in mind, Boss.”

Nat looked back to a grinning Liz.

“She is right baby, I would rather have one
of your slow grinds,” Liz said.

“By all means ladies, we shall see you
tomorrow,” Nat said, as she offered Liz her hand.

“Keep the money bag tonight Levi,” Liz said,
as she stepped off the stool and followed Nat out of the club.

Levi watched as a handsome young lady
approached the bar and stood between Vanessa and Cass.

“May I help you?” Levi asked.

“Actually, I was wondering if you would mind
if I stole one of your mates for a dance,” the young Aussie

“Be my guest,” Levi said, and watched as the
young woman looked at Cass.

“May I have this dance beautiful lady?” she

Cass blushed profusely, but accepted the hand
the young woman offered.

“Now that was smooth,” Levi said. “Did you
catch that accent?”

“Did you catch the blush on Cass’ face?”
Vanessa answered.

“That was kind of hard to miss,” Levi
chuckled. “I think the temperature went up a few degrees.”

“I should have asked for a dance before Nat
and Liz left,” Vanessa said.

“I have a dance planned for you much later,”
Levi said, as her eyes sparkled at Vanessa.

“Now I do like the sound of that,” Vanessa

Levi looked up at the crowd coming in through
the door. The smile she was wearing for Vanessa turned into a scowl
as Simone, Del and Petra entered the club.

Vanessa knew without turning who had just
entered the bar. She leaned across the bar and took Levi’s face in
her hands and locked eyes with Levi. “I won’t stand by and allow
her to hurt you anymore,” she said.

The smile returned to Levi’s face. “She can’t
anymore, baby, I have someone much better in my life now.”

Simone paraded her crew passed the bar with
not even a glance in her direction which was fine with Levi. Del
waited until they were seated in a booth and then walked up to the
bar to order drinks.

“Hey Levi,” Del said.

“Hi Del, what can I get for you?”

“I see you have a new drink on the menu.”

“Yes, a Slow Grind may I get you some?” she

“That is a very appropriate name, yes so let
me have three please,” Del said with a cocky grin to Vanessa.

Levi poured the drinks and handed them across
the bar to Del. “Enjoy,” she said, with one of her best smiles.

“I fully intend to,” Del said, with a smirk
and walked back to the booth.

“She makes my skin crawl,” Vanessa said, as
she watched Levi.

“A good match for Simone,” Levi said, as
Karen rolled up with a drink order.

“Two dozen Tropical E’s please,” Karen said,
as she plopped down next to Vanessa. “You know I have lost ten
pounds since Levi arrived,” she said to Vanessa.

“She keeps you busy huh?” Vanessa said.

“She keeps coming up with these drinks the
ladies would kill for,” Karen said with a wink. “I am already
halfway through my second set of wheels,” she teased.

“Just think of the wear and tear you are
saving your feet from,” Levi said with a chuckle.

“That’s true and my tips have tripled since
you arrived, so I guess I had better be thankful,” Karen said.

“That’s the spirit,” Vanessa said, as Karen
rolled off with her order.

Vanessa caught movement out of the corner of
her eye and saw Del, Petra and Simone walking to the dance floor.
She looked past them and saw Cass and the Aussie dancing close to a
slow song that was just ending and she smiled to herself. When she
turned back to Levi she said, “You know I think I would like a slow
grind too. One for now and another later,” she added with a

Levi mixed the drink for Vanessa and handed
it to her lover.

They watched as Cass and her friend walked
back to the bar and Vanessa slid onto a different stool so they
could sit together.

“Levi and Vanessa, this is Trina,” Cass

“Nice to meet you ladies,” Trina said with a
warm smile.

“Welcome to Venus Rising,” Levi said. “What
are you drinking?”

“I have fallen deeply in love with your
Tropical E’s, Trina said.

“Two TE’s coming up then,” Levi said, as she
poured the drinks and placed them on the bar.

“Thanks love,” Trina said, as she took a
drink from the glass.

“Where are you from?” Vanessa asked.

“I just flew in from Sydney today,” Trina
said. “At least I think it was today, all these time zones have me
so confused.”

“They can be rather disturbing,” Cass

“Do you travel quite a bit Love?” she asked

“I have done my share,” Cass said.

“Well I hope if you make a trek to the land
down under you will consider me your personal guide,” Trina

“I would like that yes,” Cass said.

NeNe cranked up the music and the crowd went
wild on the dance floor. The club was packed and every few minutes
the doors would open and more women would come in.

“Would you ladies excuse me?” Levi said, as
she walked across the dance floor to open the double doors to
extend the bar to the outside patio area. She was weaving her way
back through the crowd when a hand reached out and grabbed her

Vanessa saw what was happening on the dance
floor and stood up from her stool. She was about to take a step
toward the dance floor when Cass placed her hand on Vanessa’s

“Levi can handle Simone,” Cass spoke calmly
to Vanessa.

Vanessa turned to look at Cass and there was
fire burning in her eyes. Cass smiled at her and Vanessa knew she
was right, that Levi was more than capable of dealing with Simone
and she returned to her seat.

Levi looked up to find that it was Simone who
had grabbed her arm and stopped her on the dance floor.

“Join us, please,” Simone said.

“No thanks,” Levi said, then started to walk

Simone grabbed her arm again, more roughly
this time and the anger in her eyes glared at Levi.

Levi calmly took her hand and removed
Simone’s hand from her arm.

Simone’s eyes bored into the back of Levi’s
head as Levi was stopped by another guest and she danced in a group
with them for a few minutes before she walked back to the bar.

“Simone,” Del shouted over the music.

Simone’s head whipped around to look at Del,
anger still very obvious in her body language.

Del pulled Simone close to her body. “You
have all that you need right here,” Del said.

“You are right,” Simone agreed, as she turned
her back to the bar and resumed dancing.

“Would you take a walk on the beach with me,
Cass?” Trina asked.

“I would love to,” Cass answered.

“It was nice to meet you and Levi,” Trina
said, to Vanessa and then she led Cass from the bar.

“Where are those two going?” Levi said when
she walked up behind Vanessa.

“For a walk on the beach,” Vanessa said.
“Looks like a great night for it too, the moon is full and the seas
are relatively calm.”

“Maybe we should take a stroll after I get
off work,” Levi said.

“We are going to stroll right up to your
room,” Vanessa said with a smile.

“That is a much better idea,” Levi

The rest of the evening passed without
incident and Vanessa was silently relieved when Del, Simone and
Petra paraded themselves out of the bar near midnight. She sat on
the bar stool the entire night talking with Levi between orders and
found herself quite stiff when Levi’s shift ended. When she stood
and stretched, Levi smiled warmly at her.

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