New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1) (25 page)

BOOK: New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1)
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He turns and walks away. Nothing makes me feel worse than when One points out my flaws. He is right. I can’t expect something from Zander that I’m not willing to do or be. I need to be better not only for me and Zander, but our babies as well.


Over the next week I think about what One said. He is right, but forcing myself to do what I want Zander to do is rough. It doesn’t feel right, but I know it will get easier with time.


Training continues as normal. Zander, One, and a few warriors and pack members help. Zander and One still fight over me. One thinks Zander is trying to turn me into a pussy, and Zander thinks One is trying to kill me.


The babies have grown so much over the past 2 months. They each weigh between 25 and 35 lbs. They have mouths full of teeth, talking, and walking/running. To them the walking and running are the same thing. They appear to be between 9 and 11 months.


My babies and I move back into Zander’s room. I sleep better now, and Zander helps with the babies. They are sleeping through the night. They go to bed around 2000 (8:00pm) and get up between 0600 (6:00am) and 0800 (8:00am).


I just finish with my shower. Sonny is still here. She spends most of her time with me and my babies. I couldn’t ask for a better friend.


“We have a problem”


I turn around and see Zack standing in the doorway. He has a panicked look on his face.


“What’s wrong?”


Immediately I think something’s wrong with my babies or Zander.


“Someone tried sneaking into pack lands. They ran as soon as they were spotted. It was Samuel.”


My heart sinks and my anger flares. He wants my babies. Well! He can’t have them. It’s time I take them out at the source. I will stop at nothing to keep my family safe.


“Where is Zander?”


“This way.”


I follow Zack to Zander’s office. He is on the phone setting up a meeting with the Elders.


We are going to act like nothing is wrong. We are setting up a meeting for them to approve or deny our bond.


Ok. We have a reason to go in. now it’s time to discuss a game plan. It has to be something stealthy. We can’t give them any reason to suspect we are up to something.


Of course Alek-Xander and Samuel will, but they won’t say anything knowing they will have to explain their own actions and motives as well. They may be stupid, but they are cunning. They will think something is up. So, we will have to plan this out to the T.


“The babies are bathed, fed, and in bed for the night. What’s going on in here?”


I look over my shoulder. Sonny is standing in the doorway, looking at us questioningly. Zander hangs up the phone and addresses Sonny’s question.


“We found an intruder. They fled without being caught, but we know who it was. We are simply going to meet with the Elders tomorrow night in Biloxi, MS. They are going to accept or deny Elisabeth and I’s bond.”


By the look in her eyes, she knows there’s more to it, but knows better than to push Zander for an answer.


I’m not telling Sonny because they will be dipping into everyone else mind to make sure our intentions are pure. They won’t be able to read anyone’s mind who holds rank or doesn’t allow it. So, we will have to spread it to the pack.


I understand. To protect oneself, you must first protect the pack.


So, how can pack not have their minds read?


Zander sometimes forgets I’m new to this whole pack life thing and I don’t know how everything works.


They attempt to enter the mind, and if they hit a wall they simply stop. There is plenty of reasons why you would block them, but they think our baser instincts are the reasons. Privacy, sex, etc. They know several pack members won’t block their minds, but most will.


So, why not tell Sonny?


I know he’s not fond of Sonny, but he likes her more than One.


She is weak minded. They seek out the weak links in the pack. Sonny is a weak link.


I don’t like the way he is talking about my friend, but the truth is normally harsh.


“Will you be able to keep the babies’ tomorrow night while we are gone?”


Zander looks at Sonny innocently. It still hurts when he refers to my babies that way. Sonny thinks about it for a moment before she looks straight at me and nods.


“You can stay here. There will be several guards staying with you. Don’t need the babies getting kidnapped by the same men that took you and Elisabeth.”


“I understand. I will need to pack a few items for the night.”


“Good! Be here like normal. We are leaving after the babies are settled in the morning.”


With that Sonny bows her head and bares her neck. It’s a sign of submission. After Zander touches her neck, she leaves. I want to tell her everything, but knew I will get the chance when I get back.


We spend most of the night talking strategy. We go to bed around 0400 (4:00am). I toss and turn most of the night. Zander tries wrapping his arm around me to help me settle down, but it doesn’t work.


I spend most of the night worrying about Sonny, my babies, the pack, and the impending battle that is going to take place tonight. Now we are getting everything together to leave. We will be gone at least 1 night. I pack for 2. I’m not use to packing without having an extra bag just for my weapons and money. I am my weapon now.


Zander is in his office making a few calls. There is warriors all over the house and my babies are darting between them, trying to get someone to chase them. Sonny is watching my babies.


There is something different about Sonny. It dawns on me as the thought crosses my mind. Zack must have manned up and bonded with her. She is practically glowing. Oh my lotus! I know that glow. SHE’S PREGNANT!


I run to her. Throwing my arms around her and whisper in her ear.


“Congratulations momma!”


It’s hard to contain my excitement. She gives me the biggest, brightest smile she can. She mouth’s that we will talk about it when we get back. I’m so happy for them.


“Time to head out.”


I hear Zander’s voice over everyone. Everyone who is staying walks us out. I’m the only bond leaving with her man. So, I don’t have to say goodbye and spend the night wondering when and if he’s coming home. I feel for these women.


We pile up in separate vehicles. One is riding with a warrior I’m not familiar with. It’s just me and Zander in his truck. I decide since I didn’t sleep very well last night, that I will try to sleep on the way.


I wake up about the time we pull into a driveway that goes back into the woods. Nothing appears to be around. Figures they would live in a secluded area outside of town.


The driveway is about a ½ a mile long, but there isn’t a house in sight. Did they have a witch or warlock to cloak everything? Just as I’m about to ask Zander where is everything, a crowd of supernatural beings walk out of the tree line.


Something is very wrong here. They are up to something. I’ve never actually met the Elders. This isn’t what I was expecting.


A man that looks like a slightly older Zander brakes away from the crowd and approaches us first.


“Welcome Zander. I have missed you. Who is this?”


Zander and the man shakes hands in greeting.


“It has been too long grandfather. This is Elisabeth. How is my grandmother doing?”


“Nice to meet you Elisabeth. I’m Henry. Your grandmother is fine Zander.”


“Hello Henry. Nice to meet you too.”


Zander and Henry continue with their idle chitchat. I survey the other Elders. There is roughly 30 or so members. Females are outnumbered 10 to 1. Female leaders are a rarity.


A succubus approaches us.


“It is time Henry.”




Everyone walks into the center of the empty field just as the sun sets. There is something wrong. The 2 Elders we are hoping to see are absent. A male shifter speaks above everyone.


“Welcome brothers and sisters. We have joined together on this night to decide the future of Zander, the alpha of shadow pack and Elisabeth, a member of our enforcers. Will the couple step forward to address the Elders?”


Zander grabs my hand as we start toward the Elders. Our family at our backs, and our enemy’s in front of our face. I notice several figures inside the tree line.


Something is wrong Zander. We are slowly being surrounded by figures in the tree line. Are they planning on attacking us?


Zander surveys the tree line. His muscles become rigid, but says nothing. He is pretending to not notice anything amiss.


The air shifts and I feel the anticipation and aggression in the air. Our pack knows something is up. I glance behind us and notice everyone is on high alert. I also notice One is nowhere in sight. He’s hiding close by. He doesn’t want them knowing he’s alive.


“We are asking the Elders to approve of our already existing bond. We have nothing to hide in our relationship.”


The male shifter who addressed everyone spoke up.


“Is it true that y’all are already parents to a set of four?”


“Yes we are.”


“Is it true that y’all have been bonded for since Elisabeth’s birthday?”


I know where this is going, and I don’t like it one bit.


“Yes it is.”


“So, y’all thought y’all could sneak behind the Elders back and commit an unforgivable come? The penalty for breaking this law is death.”


I feel eyes on me. I turn around and notice One approaching. He has a determined look in his eyes. There is an aura dominance and strength around him. As One reaches Zander and I the male shifter speaks again.


“I see you have found your twin.”


Shock of the statement shakes me to my core. This explains why One and I got along all the time. The Elders lied to both of us. They will pay.


“What do you mean twin?”


One asks, unable to process the information.


“Exactly as I said. Elisabeth is your twin One. She was originally Three. We assumed the two of you would figure it out eventually if she stayed Three. Her mother called her Elisabeth the whole time she was pregnant. You were Jonathan.”


One’s anger flared. I felt it feed my own. We are to the point of blind rage.


“You lying, good for nothing, Son of a bitch!”


“Enough! You both belong to the Elders. We deny the bond. We also have evidence that all of y’all tried killing 2 Elders. Alek-Xander and Samuel. You can step forward now.”


Wait for my signal. We will take care of everything. I will leave here with my bond. No one touches Henry. He was unknowing.


Alek-Xander and Samuel approach from behind the Elders. They both have a cocky smirk plastered across their faces. I can’t wait to knock those smirks off.


“Alek-Xander. Tell the Elders what you told me.”


Alek-Xander stepped in front of the Elders to address everyone.


“As everyone knows Samuel is my bond and needs to step forward with me.”


Samuel walks to Alek-Xander. They have something planned.


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