New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1)
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The link is silent for several moments. I think Zander has severed it.  He finally replies.


Your right. I pushed you and the babies on everyone else because as bad as I wanted you, I wasn’t ready for any of this. After we got back I realized there was a lot of things I needed to change and do before I was ready. I should have spent more time changing myself before I went after you but I was selfish. I’m sorry about everything. Is there any way you can forgive me?


I think for a moment about his apology. He is trying to be sincere but there is this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that he is just trying to get me back or at least find out where I am.


I forgive you Zander, but until you can prove it I won’t be back. I won’t keep the babies away from you as long as you don’t trying using them against me or try pumping them for information about where we are or anything.


Again the link goes silent. I think Zander does that on purpose, see if I’m going to give in.


I can’t guarantee that. You are my other half and not in the safety of my pack land.


I think someone has proven that your pack land isn’t that safe.


A growl comes through the link and I know I struck a nerve.


Either you take it or leave it. I will be in touch to get your answer.


I sever the link before he can argue. Just need to breath. I need to relax. Sonny starts stirring next to me.


“You ok hun?”


She looks at me and then takes in her surroundings.


“I’m good. Where are we?”


“We are at one of my places that Zander doesn’t know about. It’s a cozy cabin. I think we will be safe here.”


I give her my best fake smile to hide that I have a feeling that Samuel and Alek-Xander are hot on our trail.


“Ok. Maybe we can go get something to eat and come back? We can leave all the unpacking for tomorrow.”


I nod in agreement. I’m tired and starving.


“What do you feel like eating?”


I ask Sonny. Thinking she might want something in particular.


“Whatever is closest. I want to eat, clean up, and go to bed.”


“I agree. Today has been a long tiring day.”


I back out of the driveway and turn back onto the main road. The cottage is surrounded by trees, and if you don’t know what you're looking for then you will miss it. The drive takes about 10 minutes. There’s a small diner in town and the food is great. I find a parking spot fairly easily.


“Whatever we get, it has to be to go. I don’t want anyone to recognize us and report it back to Zander or anyone else.”


Sonny nods and we exit the SUV. The diner is small and quaint. It is an old wooden building. The sign is a white painted piece of wood with black lettering saying Pop’s. When we walk through the front door a bell chimes overhead. An older female walks up. She’s wearing the olden blue type outfit, and her name tag states her name is Ann. We follow her to the counter to place our order.


“What can I get ya?”


Ann is soft spoken.


“I’ll have the deluxe breakfast and a large soda to go and whatever she wants.”


I wait patiently as Sonny looks over the menu. I look around and notice several old posters and photographs. It isn’t very modern looking, but it is very nice. The countertops are white with grey speckles. The floors are black and white checkered.


“I’ll take the same, but I’d like my eggs scrambled and cheesy.”


“I’ll be back in a few with your drinks. Ya orders shouldn’t take too long. And they are both to go right?”


Sonny and I nod in agreement. Ann brings our drinks, and starts idle conversation.


“I’ve seen you in here before, but you I don’t recognize. I’m Ann.”


“I’m Sonny. A real close friend of Lizzy here.”


Sonny smiles at me at her secret.


“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you. How have you been?”


I study her face for a moment. She has crow’s feet by her eyes and bags under her eyes like she hasn’t slept well. She has soft wrinkles and a kind face. She is about 5’4 with grey hair and blue eyes. I give her a warm smile.


“I’ve been good. Just busy lately. How about you Mrs. Ann? How have you been?”


She returns my smile.


“I have been good hunny. Jack’s was sick. He’s better now.”


Jack is Ann’s husband. They own Pop’s Diner. They have always been warm and welcoming to me and everyone else around here.


“Glad to hear Jack is better.”


We make small talk with Ann until our food is ready. We thank Ann for the conversation and food while we pay. As we walk out the door Sonny speaks.


“Ann is really sweet. I like her.”


I look at Sonny as she speaks. She is being sincere.


“I like Ann and Jack. They are good people.”


We walk the rest of the way to the SUV in silence.


Something is wrong. We are being watched. I scan the surroundings, knowing I won’t see anyone. I inhale through my noise, processing all the smells that assault me. I listen for anything that appears to be out of place. I smell small creatures running around in the nearby woods, our food, and several other things but nothing is familiar or out of place. I unlock the SUV, and we climb in.


“So, you gonna tell me where we are or what?”


Her voice pulls me back to reality.


“I think it best if you stay in the dark for now. Don’t want Zander or Zack trying anything. As long as they can’t dig through your mind and find where we are, we’re safe.”


She stays quiet for a moment, appearing to be deep in thought. She nods in agreement as we leave the parking lot.


“I understand. Doesn’t mean I have to like it though.”


I know she is right. She deserved to know, but I’m more worried about our safety. The drive back to the cabin is silent and uncomfortable. I make sure we take the route that doesn’t have any signs to give away our location.


The smell of the food fills the car, and my stomach starts growling. I look at Sonny as she looks at me, and we burst out laughing at the same time. Guess my stomach is hungrier than I felt.


We get out and walk into the cottage. The living room is painted with warm colors. I inhale deeply and notice something is off. The smell of someone assaults my nose, along with the musty smell of the air in the closed up cottage. I reach out and pull Sonny to my side.


"What the ...?"


Putting my hand over her mouth to keep her from finishing.




I whisper.


She breathes deep. Recognition shines bright in her eyes. I drop my hand and listen intently. Something is wrong. The smell is fresh but the cabin smells like no one had opened a door or window to enter.


Without speaking I tell Sonny to stay put. She shakes her head, but complies. She is out of her element. I open the closet behind the front door without making a sound. Inside the closet, above the door frame, is 2 Glock 35's with gold/titanium rounds. I hand one to Sonny.


She is hesitant to take it, but her fight or flight sense is telling her to fight. For being inexperienced in combat she is being a trooper. I gain a lot of respect for her in this moment. I turn my back on her to make my way through the cabin. I stay in the shadows of the walls, that way no one can sneak up on me.


Constantly scanning my surroundings to detect the threat. Entering the living room slowly first. I stay against the wall, seeing the TV on the joining the one I'm walking against. I stop short of the door frame going into the kitchen. The walls are gray and bare.


Scanning from right to left I make sure to pay close attention to the doorway on the opposite wall, which leads to the hallway. There is a lounger a few feet away from the doorway. The couch is positioned directly across the TV. I remember why I kept everything simple and bare. Checking a house with tons of furniture is a pain in the ass.


After making sure no one is about to walk through the hallway I slowly scan and enter the kitchen. The walls are white. The cabinets are closed.


Again I scan the room from right to left, making sure to keep checking behind me. The small wooden table in the middle has 2 chairs and one is pulled out. There is fresh wet marks on the table where someone wiped it.


Walking softly I make my way across the room, and stand next to the sink. There is a couple plates and glasses drying in the drain next to the sink on the cabinet. The cabinets run along the wall, with the stove in the corner and more cabinets running down the adjoining wall.


There is a fridge and chest freezer across from the sink. There is another doorway next to the freezer, which leads to the same hallway as the other. Slowly approaching the doorway, I scan the hall to make sure no one is approaching.


As I enter the hallway something odd comes to mind. I haven't heard from the elders since the night at Blood Moon. As the thought crosses my mind someone grabs me from behind and sticks a needle in the left side of my neck. The burning sensation is intense.


Mommy is everything alright? Talk to us mommy.


I hesitate for a moment. Trying to clear the fog in my mind. It’s creeping up fast. Everything is blurry. As darkness takes over I reach out to my babies.


Tell your daddy they got us.


"Lizzy you have to wake up."


I hear someone talking to me, but I can't open my eyes. I gather enough strength to respond.


"Not now. I'm too tired."


I recognize the voice.


It’s Sonny. Guess I missed my appointment. Then everything comes rushing back. I jerk to a sitting position. My eyes spring open and I start taking in my surroundings.


We are in a cell that is made out of a gold/titanium mixture. There is 2 mats on the floor, one of which I am on. There is a sink and toilet behind us. The toilet paper is attached to a holder between the two. There is a sliding bar style gate in front of us.


I inhale deeply and notice the smell of my worst nightmares. Alek-Xander and Samuel are close by. I jerk my head towards Sonny and take in her appearance. Her right eye is black and swollen, but not completely shut.


She looks like she hasn't taken a shower in weeks, nor has she eaten.


"Where are we?"


She looks at the ground. Sorrow written all over her face.


"They got us. I don't know where we are. They just brought me back in here to check on you and the babies."


I process that information for a moment.


"So they are keeping you in a separate well?"


She nods.


"I thought they killed you, or worse. They wouldn't tell me anything. There isn't a window in the whole building. I tried contacting Zack and Zander but I can't get through."




Yes love?


Something is wrong.


Don't worry love. Mommy is going to take care of it.


I can't believe they caught us. I shouldn't have left, less long took Sonny with me. This is all my fault. The sick realization hit me. They have been watching me. Waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

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