New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1)
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I estimate we have about an hour before Zack lets Zander out of the cell and he tries coming after me. Zack may be ordered to keep Zander from coming after me, but Zander is powerful alpha and Zack won’t be able to control him long before Zander puts him in a cell.


The road is empty of heavy traffic. It is around 8 am and everyone is still sleeping after a night of partying. The only souls in sight are the small shop owners. The buildings are all close together, and appear to be historical. After about 20 minutes, we come to the interstates intersection. We have to decide to head north or west.


“Which way?”


Sonny looks at the signs, trying to decide. After a few moments, I hear her voice.


“West. You went north last time. Maybe if we go west it will throw him off for a little while.”


I nod my head in agreement. Zander has mistaken me for a creature of habit once before. I don’t follow the same path unless I have to. It won’t buy us a lot of extra time, but it will get us some. I make sure all my mental blocks are snugly in place before I take a left into the intersection.


Just as an extra precaution that Zander will have a hard time finding us. I’m not as worried about him trying to use Sonny to find us, because only a bonded pair can do that. He can’t command her to tell him either. We have taken care of that during the past month.


After the way he has treated me over the past month, he’ll be lucky to see my babies. Even though he is their father, I refuse for them to deal with him being that way with them. They will not be used as his leverage over me.


We drive down the interstate for about 2 hours before I pull over into a truck stop. We need gas and snacks. I also have to use the restroom.


Sonny fills up the SUV, while I go to the restroom. The restroom is clean for a truck stop. Everything is powder blue and appears to be new. It smells of cleaners. There is a single white toilet and sink. It is small but nice. I hurry up and met Sonny in the diner. She appear to be slightly stressed.


“What’s wrong?”


She has tears in her eyes as she speaks.


“Zander and Zack are trying to get threw my barriers and force me to tell them where we are.”


I wrap my arms around her shoulders in an attempt to comfort her. I know it is useless. It has to be very painful for her.


I look into her eyes and give the command for her to sleep. It will only help for a little while. I place an order to go. While they are preparing the burgers, fries, and shakes to go; I carry Sonny out to the SUV.


After she is settled, I lock the SUV and walk back into the diner.


I pay for our meals and go back to the SUV.


As soon as I walk out the diner, a strange feeling of discomfort comes over me. I know I need to get us out of here fast. Something is coming for me and it isn’t looking to play nice. I run to the SUV and start it before the door closes all the way. I hit the gas, and we are on our way again.


I know the uneasy feeling from somewhere but just can’t place it. I push the feeling to the back of my mind as I concentrate on the road. The smell of the forgotten food hits me after about an hour of driving, and my stomach starts to growl.


I laugh as I pull over onto the shoulder. I reach over to wake up Sonny, but just as I’m about to touch her she wakes up. It must have been a mix between the stop, smell, and the sounds my stomach is making. I laugh again.


“What’s so funny?”


I look at her questioning face and a smile spreads across mine.


“I was just laughing at the thought of how you woke up. The sounds my stomach was making, the smell of the food, or the stop.”




I reach into the bag of food that is on the center console and hand her a couple of burgers and fries.


“I didn’t know if you liked chocolate or vanilla. So, I got one of each.”


She looks at the shakes for a moment, as if she’s deciding which one she wants more right now.


“I like both, but I’m feeling a little vanilla.”


After she finishes, we both start laughing.


“I wish I felt vanilla. Maybe Zander wouldn’t be after me if I was vanilla.”


We laugh a while longer.


“Zander would be stupid if he wouldn’t come after you. I would lose the last ounce of respect I have for him. Zack on the other hand, I have no respect for.”


I watch as a frown crosses my friends face. I wish I could beat some sense into that boy. He won’t give her a chance. Does he realize how happy she will make him? Guess not.


I unwrap my first burger and give it a sniff. Can never be too careful. The smell makes my mouth water but nothing stands out. It smells like cooked meat, onions, and seasoning. I take a huge bite of my burger and let all the taste hit me.


“Thank you!”


Sonny’s voice shakes me from my food induced orgasm.


“For what?”


“Putting me to sleep. So, Zander and Zack would stop bothering me.”


I look up from my burger and smile.


“It’s no problem. Just let me know if they try doing it again. I want to try reinforcing your mental barriers.”


“Will do.”


We ate the rest of our food in silence. Sonny offers to drive and I let her.


We are about an hour and a half away from the Texas Louisiana border. I feel we are safe for the moment. I sit in the passenger seat and watch the scenery roll by. I doze off about an hour after Sonny starts driving. I didn’t realize how tired I am.


“Wake up Lizzy. You either need to start driving, or give me directions.”


I crack open my left eye and look at Sonny. She has a smile on her face. I stretch and took a look around. It is starting to get dark.


“How long was I out?”


“About 4 hours.”


I stare at Sonny with a shocked expression on my face.


“Why didn’t you wake me up sooner?”


She just shrugs.


“Ok. I’m going to drive. I’m better with driving, than directions.”


She nods and opens the door to walk around to the passenger side. I get out the passenger side and walk around to the driver’s side after she exits the SUV. As soon as I stand up, the urge to use the restroom hits me. So, I make a small detour to a bush to relieve myself.


After I finish, I notice Sonny is standing by the rear of the vehicle with a horrified expression on her face. I look behind her back and notice a male behind her.


“I don’t know who you think you are, but you obviously don’t know who I am. You better let go of her and be on your way before you become a pelt on the top of my SUV.”


I look at Sonny, and notice a knife glinting in the setting sun, pressing against her throat. I make the male nervous. His hand is starting to shake.


“This is your last warning.”


“You don’t scare me female.”


His voice is deep and scared.


“Then why don’t you let her go and come show me how not scared of me you are?”


I guess that one gets threw his thick skull. He let Sonny go and starts walking towards me. The wind blows his scent towards me. He’s a weretiger. Oh joy.


After he is a safe distance from Sonny, I pounce. Knocking him on his ass. I know my eyes are starting to glow a deep red. His fear is feeding my vampyr side.


“I told you to leave. You obviously have a death wish. Do you know who I am?”


He shakes his head in a jerky movement.


“I’m the Reaper.”


Horror enters his face and eyes as the name leaves my mouth.


“Now I’m going to ask you who sent you and are you ready to die. If you lie to me about the first, then you will experience the second. Understand?”


He shakes his head. After a couple of moments he answers me.


“No one sent me. I was going to kidnap y’all and see if anyone came looking for y’all. If someone came then I would put a ransom on y’all head. If not y’all would become my sex slaves.”


I let the information process for a moment.


“So, what would have become of my babies?”


He noticeably swallows hard at my question. I raise an eyebrow, as if I’m losing my patience.


“I would have killed them.”


My anger is out of control and he has to die for his intentions. I pull the knife out of his hand and shove it through his heart. I savor the feeling of his death at my hand after his intentions. I look up at Sonny and notice she has fallen to the ground. I run to her.


I can hear her pulse strong and steady. She has fainted. Lucky her. At Least she didn’t see what I did to the male. I place her on the passenger seat and close the door. We are roughly 2 hours away from one of my houses.


I walk around the SUV and smell the air for anymore creeps. When nothing comes to me, I open the door and get in. Taking a deep breath, to make sure no one sneaks in, I place the SUV in drive when nothing but familiar smells assault my senses.


After assuring myself that no one is hiding in the vehicle with us, because I left the passenger door open and Sonny left the driver’s door open while we switched places. I take off driving again. It is dark outside by the time we reach the house. It is a cottage style home. Very cozy. None of the lights are on.


I look into the passenger seat. Sonny hasn’t moved. I check on her several times throughout the rest of the journey. She seems to be sleeping. The strange male must have taken it out of her. He’s lucky I didn’t feel like torturing him before he died.


I would have if Sonny wouldn’t have been with me. I know he was lying to me. Something he was hiding. Samuel and Alek-Xander. They must have followed us from the pack. They are going to try and take me and my babies.


Mommy, is everything ok? We have been trying to get thru to you for the past couple of hours. Daddy is looking for you. He wants us to find out where we are and tell him.


I take a moment to think about what Zander is trying to get the babies to do.


Everything is fine. I can’t tell y’all where we are because your daddy doesn’t need to know. He hurt mommy’s feelings and doesn’t want to let mommy have time and space to think about everything. You can tell your daddy he will see us when he finds us. Other than that I have nothing else to say to him.


I hear the babies sigh. They don’t like the fact that we are fighting and they are being put in the middle of it. I don’t like that Zander put them in the middle either. He needs to grow up and realize not everything will go his way.


Ok Mommy. We told him and he’s very upset now.


It’s ok. He will be fine. Y’all need to get some rest. Block your daddy out and relax. I love y’all with all my heart.


Love you too mommy.


I listen to make sure they fall asleep. I knew what I have to do, and I don’t like it one bit. I open a mind link to Zander.








Where are you?
I’m coming get you.


No, Zander. You should not have brought the babies into this. They are not something you can use for leverage over me.  I left because you are a selfish person when it comes to anything dealing with me and the babies. You push us off on Zack and Sonny. We are your responsibility, not there’s. You need to grow up and take responsibility for us before I will even consider going back.

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