New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1)
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This cell was designed with me in mind. They made sure to keep it to a minimum to keep me from hiding behind anything, or using anything to my advantage. They must have had this planned for a long time. I barely notice my feet start to tingle and burn as I put them over the side of the mattress. If I would've stayed put, then Sonny's life and then life of my babies wouldn't be in danger.




Yes love?


Daddy's here. He says to stay strong. He said they are going to be coming in after dark.


OH! Thank you!


I say inside my head as I look up at the ceiling. I process the information. According to my internal clock dark is a few hours away. Tonight is the Silver Moon. The Silver Moon happens once a year. It’s when every supernatural beings being is at their strongest. Most of the wars threw out our history occur during this time.  The Silver Moon last for about a week.


I feel the pull of it.


"Are you going to be ok?"


I notice Sonny has tears in her eyes. Something is seriously bothering her.


"They know I'm your doctor for the pregnancy. They said after you give birth they are going to kill me, once they know you and the babies are healthy."


I can feel my vampire side rising along with my anger, but there is something different about this time.


I feel stronger and more. I'm not sure how to explain exactly what I'm feeling. It’s like as if everything in me, everything that makes me the true hybrid, is more. I feel more aggressive, more lethal, more everything. My emotions are heightened, along with my senses.


Something is wrong mommy!


What’s wrong baby?


Concern for my babies over powers the process of the sensations I'm feeling.


I don't know mommy. It hurts!


Stay calm my loves. I will get us out of here and everything will get better. I promise.


Fear settles low in my belly. Whatever they injected me with must have hurt my babies. I’m getting angrier by the moment. They hurt my babies. Now they will pay. I start thinking of all the ways I will torture Alek-Xander and Samuel, along with their followers.


I’m snapped out of my thoughts by an alarm going off. An ear piercing sound along with flashing lights signals that Zander and everyone he brought has infiltrated the building. Sonny grabs me by my arm. Concern written across her face.


"Are you OK?"


I arch my left eyebrow and look at her with a questioningly. I’m faintly aware of a warm wet sensation running down my inner thighs.


"Your water broke. The babies are going to be here soon."


OMG! This can't be happening now. I won't be able to help. I look down at my feet and notice a small puddle next to them. It looks like a puddle of watered down blood. This is all happening too fast.


I lift my head to look at Sonny, with a horrified expression on my face.


"This can't be happening. Zander and everyone just broke in to rescue us. What are we supposed to do?"


Sonny looks like she is deep in thought. Which means she is probably talking with Zander. Guess I'm on my own for the moment. About the time that the thought crosses my mind, a wave of pain strikes my abdomen. A scream is ripped from my throat, and 2 men I didn't recognize stand in front of our cell.


Sonny grabs onto my arm to keep me from falling face first on the cell floor. Zander's roar is heard clearly threw out the building. The men open the cell and try to grab us, but Sonny places herself between me and the men. They back off when they hear someone approaching.


She separates her feet and crouches low. She starts growling fiercely. The men laugh at her attempt to scare them. Alek-Xander and Samuel come into view. They stop just inside the cell to talk to the men. The pain is starting to go away. I grit my teeth and ride out the last few moments of pain.


"Your man is here causing a fuss, Elisabeth. He thinks he's going to take what rightfully belongs to us."


I glare at the both of them. I open my mind to Sonny. The only visible sign that she is in my mind is the way she closes her eyes, slowly. There is no way in hell I'm letting them come close to my babies. No matter how bad it hurts, I'm getting us out of here.


"He will find us. Hopefully I get to watch him kill y'all."


I watch and wait for the perfect moment. I need to get us out of here before the babies make their appearance.


"I will kill him. Then you will be my slave, while we use your children as our personal weapons. You’re supposed to be indestructible. So, that will be tested. This should be fun."


Samuel gives me a lust filled look as his eyes roam the length of my body.  An invisible shiver of disgust follows his eyes up and down my body. A wave of pain starts, but this one comes on faster. My face never wavers. I’m not letting them know what is going on. My jaw starts to tick.


"Look. The fox is so scared she pissed herself."


He inhales deeply.


"Mm! Smells like she's in heat too."


I don’t turn as I address Sonny.


Are you in heat?


No. I'm standing over where your water broke. That way they don't realize what happened.


I thank my lucky stars for such a great friend. He turns slightly to the left to address Alek-Xander and Samuel.


"Can I have her when we get away from this dump?"


The second male is slowly walking towards us with something in his hand. I’m not letting him get close enough to find out what it is. Sonny follows my lead as I take a small step back.


"You can have her after Elisabeth delivers. We were going to kill her anyways. Just make sure you share her. I'm sure Jake and the other men would like a free ride too."


Alek-Xander laughs.


He thinks taking the life of another is funny? He is more twisted than I originally thought. The pain is easing a little. I mentally breathe a sigh of relief.


"Call off your flunky Alek-Xander. Before you don't have him anymore."


A dark, cynical laugh meets my ears.


"You never cease to amaze me Elisabeth. Back off Jack. We will just grab them and run. There is no need for the sedative.”


Little did he know, I have no intentions of letting Jack get close to me. He must think I’m crazy or something.


“That’s right Jack. Back off. I’d hate to have to hurt that pretty face of yours.”


Jack snarls and curls his lip at me. I smile mentally when he follows orders and turns around to fall back.


“We need to get out of here before they find us. The pawns aren’t going to be able to keep them back for long.”


“Your right. Come now Elisabeth and werefox. Don’t dally. Jack will sedate the both of you if necessary.”


I don’t like the sound of that. There is no way I’m going to let them inject me with something else knowing it’s going to affect my babies. The men step aside for Sonny and I to walk out of the cell.


What are we going to do Lizzy? I’m scared they are going to separate us.


It’s ok Sonny. We are going to get through this. Stay close and follow my lead.


As we cross through the cell door, I notice the men are still in the cell. Using the pain from the building contraction, I rush and shut the cell door. Pulling the keys out of the lock as it latches shut.


Alek-Xander and Samuel stand close to the door trying to grab me. While Jack and the other guy, whose name I can’t remember, stand there with a shocked expression on their faces. I would have sat back and laughed if time wasn’t of the essence. That was entirely too easy.


Taking in my surroundings, I notice we are in a long, solid, concrete covered hallway. We are at the end. There is another cell door right next to mine. That must have been where Sonny was kept.


I take off running down the hallway just as the pain of the contraction starts to subside. My babies can’t be born here. They need their father. I need him too.






We escaped from the cell and are running down a long, empty hallway. We locked Alek-Xander, Samuel, and the other 2 in the cell they were taking me from.


The silence of the hallway is broken by the sound of feet hitting the ground. There has to be a door somewhere. I have to find it. The pain is coming back with a vengeance.


There’s something else. My water broke. I’m in full blown labor.


I hear someone running towards us. They are coming from the rear. Where did they come from? I was in the last cell and there isn’t anyone in the one they kept Sonny in.


Whoever they are and where ever they came from, they are trying to catch us. I can’t let that happen. I can’t let them take my babies.


Sonny. Someone is chasing us. If you see anywhere we can hide let me know.


What are you talking about Elisabeth? We have passed hundreds of rooms.


I stop dead in my tracks. I turn around to face her. What did she mean we passed hundreds of rooms? She had to be pulling my leg. Now wasn’t the time for fun and games.


“What are you talking about? The only rooms I see are the cells we ran from at the end of this hallway.”


She looks at me with a face that says I need to grow up. I’m not impressed. She needs to speak up or get left behind.


“You seriously don’t see them do you?”


I shake my head.


“Reach to your left.”


I do as she instructed. My arm goes straight through the wall. Something is going on and I don’t like it one bit.


Sonny and I are grabbed from behind. Sonny screams and we both start to thrash in our captors arms. I inhale deeply to try and calm my nerves, when something familiar assaults my nose.




He turns me around in his arms so I can see him. Until that moment I don’t realize how much I missed him, but now isn’t the time for happy hellos.


“Are you ok? Did they hurt you? I’m going to kill them!”


Zander is very mad. He is squeezing me tightly. Way too tight.


“Zander you need to let me go. You’re hurting me.”


His grip loosens and he places me on my feet. I feel another strong contraction coming on. We need to get moving. The babies will be here at any moment.


“Zander. We have to go. I refuse to let my babies be born in this hell hole.”


Zander agrees and takes off in the opposite direction we were running. The contraction becomes extremely painful. It seems to have peaked earlier and lasted longer. The pain slows my stride but I fight through it. I’m not going to stop.


At the downslope of the contraction the empty hallway changes. Doors pop out of nowhere. They appear like magic. Magic! A witch or warlock was cloaking the hallway. They had me running right to where they wanted me.


Zander is reading my mind. He hears the thought and I realize I have left my mind open. I’m glad I wasn’t thinking anything private.


Another contraction hits me hard enough I drop to the ground in pain. The babies are screaming in my head and Zander, Sonny, and Zack are talking to me.


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