New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1)
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Then he puts some space between us.

“But I won’t have your first time being in the open or when I won’t be able to control myself.”

I appreciates that. And just like that, my shields go crumbling down.

“I truly appreciate that.”

I decide to show him how much. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him to me. The moment our lips touch I want more. I don’t think I will ever be able to get enough of this man. Not even in a million years.

I believe he is becoming my own personal drug, because I’m actually getting addicted to him. I break the kiss, and believe me it is entirely too soon. I know we have to move and get somewhere safe. I grab his hand and watch as my hand is swallowed by his.

I love this man, but I can’t not let him know how I feel. He will break my heart, and then where will I be? Heartbroken and alone, and I can’t let that happen. I push those thoughts away.

I tug on his arm, and we walk to the truck. I have to get rid of it. We will pick up the truck and go to the bank before stopping at a dealership. I take everything out of all my accounts. It equals well over 5 million.

That’s not including all my overseas accounts. They are well into the billions. I have saved almost everything the Elders have paid me. The trip to the dealership is awful. Nothing but male salesmen, and they always treat female’s bad.


They ignore me and go straight to Zander until I pull out the money. Then they are tripping over themselves to get to me. I buy a new SUV under a fake identity I have set up. Paid cash for everything the trade in doesn’t cover, which isn’t much.


We leave the dealership and go to the outdoor store and buy an air mattress and sleeping bags to stay in the back of the SUV. It won’t be comfortable, but we will survive. We also get a portable fridge and stove. It will help us stay hidden.

“We can stay at my place. They won’t be able to get in past my pack.”


I wonder why he decides to open his mouth and talk to me. He hasn’t said much since the River walk.


“I don’t think that’s a good idea. What if they come with reinforcements and someone gets hurt or killed? I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to them because of me.”


I look at the ground as I say the last part. I feel his hand under my chin, lifting my face up to look at him.


“I wish you would stop trying to hide from me. I hate it. I love looking into your eyes and seeing every emotion come through them.”


I blush looking into his eyes. I see all the love he carries for me. It still surprises me to see that it goes as deep as it does. I’ve always heard the eyes are the windows to the soul and they can’t lie.


I never believed it until this moment with Zander. I can see everything he’s feeling through his eyes. It shocks me to see this man with all those emotions. Those emotions are not for everyone, but for me.


I smile and turn my face so his hand is cupping my cheek. I rub my face into his hand and sigh. This feels so right.


“Ok. I’ll try not to hide from you.”


He smiles in appreciation.


“That’s all I ask.”


I enjoy the moment a few seconds long. I grab his hand and we walk in silence to the SUV. I let him drive. He understands how I feel about putting anyone’s life in danger for my own. Being this close to him makes me feel comfortable and safe. I fall asleep in the SUV after a while.


It is a rainy day.

I’m inside a very big house.

The house doesn’t look familiar but it feels like home.

I look around and see neutral colors everywhere.

Wood floors are under my bare feet and I hear Zanders voice but he isn’t calling my name.

I walk to him and he wraps his arms around me, pulling me close.

He kisses me deeply but it doesn’t feel like the kisses I received from him before.

It feel like I’m receiving a kiss intended for someone else.

He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.

“I’m glad I chose you to be my Luna.

No one in this world makes me feel the way you do.”

I smile at him in response.

“You were always the wisest.

You are the only one who could ever make me feel like I’m their world.”

The voice isn’t mine, but another females.

“Are you ready to give me my first born?”

The female’s body I’m in looks at him.

Appreciating the work that went into creating him.

“Are you ready to give me mine?”

Before I can stop what is happening, they are naked with him pounding his shaft into her core.

By the time they are about to climax, I’m no longer in her body but standing at the bedroom door.

Staring in horror at what I’m seeing.

The woman is petite but toned.

She has long, loosely curled, strawberry blonde hair.

Olive colored skin stretches across her body.

Not a tan line in sight.

She is either comfortable with sunbathing naked or it is natural.

She appears to be around 5’ judging by the way her legs are wrapped around Zander’s waist.

I hear a subtle voice in my head and notice she is looking straight at me with dark green eyes as a cynical smile spreads across her face.

He is mine and you will never have him.


I jolt awake with a scream. I take in my surroundings, and realize I’m still in the car with Zander. The anger and horror I feel don’t dissipate after I wake up. There is something with that dream that doesn’t sit right with me.


Maybe it’s a vision of what’s to come. Or maybe it’s a vision about Zander’s past. I can’t shake the feeling that it isn’t going to be the ladder.


“Are you ok?”


I look at Zander’s worried face and the anger gets 10x’s worse.


“Of course I’m not ok.”


I turn my head so I’m staring out the passenger window.


“Well are you going to tell me what’s wrong or are you just to ignore me?”


I don’t feel like answering his question. I’m too angry to talk, or even look at him. I decide no matter how hard it will be, but when we stop I will run. I’m going to run further and faster than I have ever run before.


I can’t allow myself to stay around him any longer, because I know in the end he will hurt me. We drive for a few more hours until the gaslight comes on. We stop at a truck stop. I go to the bathroom while he fuels up and buys snacks and drinks.


I wait until he is inside the store to sneak out the window. As soon as my feet hit the ground I run to the SUV. I grab a sleeping bag, my bag of money, and a couple bottles of water.


After I have everything I run for the tree line. I know I look like a blurry streak to the humans, but if Zander sees me he will be after me in a heartbeat.


I’m miles away from the truck stop moments later. I need to stop for a second to get me a drink of water.


I pull the bag from my back and rip out a bottle of water before taking off again. I come to a stream and decide to walk through it, but I’m not going straight across. I walk up the stream for a while until I feel that Zander will lose my scent, then I cross the rest of the way. I figure that will put him off for a little while.


As soon as I step foot on the bank, I can hear the sound of paws hitting the ground. I start running again. Zander isn’t far behind. I hear him cross the stream and know he is going to catch me. I climb up a tree and decide to travel along the tree top. It will be a lot harder for him for him to follow my scent this way.


I’m staying as quiet as I can. I haven’t heard Zander behind me for hours now. Maybe I lost him. I have to be at least a state away by now. I’m going to slow down. I feel how tired I am. My body is close to shutting down. I need a shower and a long night’s sleep.


About 30 minutes later I come across a town. I jump out of the tree I’m standing in. I walk into the town looking like hell. People probably think I’m crazy. I really don’t care at this point.


It takes me about 10 minutes to locate a motel in the small town. I pay with cash, don’t want a paper trail.


When the clerk asks for an ID, I hand him a hundred dollar bill, which he accepts.


I walk to room number 5. It is the farthest away from the clerk’s office and closest to the woods. The safest place in this whole damn town.


I walk in the room and the smell of bleach hits me. They are hiding something. Something happened in this room that they don’t want anyone to know anything about. I really don’t care right now.


I throw my stuff on the queen size bed, positioned on the right of the room, and continue on my way to the bathroom in the back. There is soap, shampoo and, towels in the bathroom. I turn on the shower. The water is cold at first but it heats up pretty fast.


I strip my clothes off and step into the hot water. I hear a vehicle that sounds a lot like my SUV I pull up outside. I listen as the person goes to into the clerk’s office. When I don’t hear anything for a few moments, I continue my shower. It is wonderful.


I don’t want to get out. The water feels too good. I stay in and just let the water run down my aching muscles, until I hear the door to the room crash on the wall next to the bathroom. I jump out the shower and crouch down in an attack position.


I left the bathroom door open just in case Zander found me. I suspect it is him.


“Elisabeth I know you’re in the bathroom. So, please come out and talk to me.”


I don’t relax. His voice has the opposite effect on me. I tense even more. My body is preparing for the impending fight between us. I stand up and wrap a towel around myself before he barges back here to try and make me get out the bathroom.


I walk into the area where the counter and sink use to be, right outside the bathroom door. I lay eyes on him, and literally feel the anger roll off of him. His eyes are the bright emerald green of his wolf. He and his wolf are furious with me for leaving again. I don’t care.


What I want to know is why he is following me. Doesn’t he realize I don’t want anything to do with him?


“Why are you here? I know you can sense I don’t want you around. So, why follow me all this way just to be turned away again? Oh yeah, and you’re paying for that door to be replaced!”


I am getting tired of his little game of being the macho man and always trying to make me do what he wants.


“I told you we can’t survive without each other. Even if you don’t want me or to complete the bond. We still have to deal with each other unless you’re ready to die.”


His voice sounds low and calm.  The complete opposite of how I know he is feeling.


“I think I’d rather die than be around you and watch you with other women for the rest of my life. Or more specifically the Luna you chose even though you knew your bond was out there, somewhere.”


A smile appears on my face when I witness the shocked expression on his. He don’t think I know about her, but guess what? He is so very wrong. I can handle a lot of things, but that is something I can’t. Especially from my bond. I’d rather die than live my life knowing that.


“I was going to tell you.”


I cut him off before he can finish.


“When? When I finally decided to tell you how I felt about you? When I told you that I loved you? Or after she challenged me for alpha female?”


He looks away, which makes me angrier. He isn’t planning on telling me. He is going to make me find out the hard way and have to fight her for him with no clue of what I’m going to be walking into. He is being a selfish male right now.


“I’m not proud of the way I treated you. I have not been faithful to us even though I knew I would eventually find you. I’m sorry. You deserve better than me, but knowing what I know now I would take it all back. You are right. You were better off without me.”


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