New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1)
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He starts humming which adds to the soothing effect of him. I have no idea how long I laid there just listening to the beat of his heart before I fell asleep. It was nice. I fell asleep in the safety and warmth of his arms.

I am warm, warmer than I’ve ever felt.

I feel grass under my feet.

It is a bright sunny day.

You can hear birds chirping and animals scurrying around in the underbrush of the nearby tree line.

Looking around, I see a lake nearby.

I start walking towards the lake when strong arms wrap around my waist.

I smile when I smell who it is.

I turn around in his arms so I can kiss him.

As our lips touch he grabs my thighs as he lifts me up off the ground.

I wrap my legs around his waist.

In the next instant we are both naked.

His shaft is pressing against my core.

I feel my body slide against his as he lowers me onto him.

I feel complete, full.

We groan in unison as he is fully sheathed in my tight, moist core.

After a few moments he starts moving me up and down.

I moan and he starts moving me faster and pulling me down on him harder.

My need becomes more urgent.

I start moving in time with him.

I feel my climax building.

Almost there.

After one final thrust we are climaxing at the same time.

I scream his name while he groans out mine.

That was wonderful!


I wake up with the strangest feeling. Like I am being held down, but I feel safe and warm. Hearing a grunt from my left has my sleep filled mind clearing in an instant. I sit up fast, which causes the room to spin. When the room settles down I notice I am feeling a breeze against my skin. I look down and am completely shocked by what I see. I’M NAKED! My mind is screaming at me to run to the bathroom, but I am frozen in place by a male voice.

“What? What’s wrong love?”

Looking to my left I see my bond with a sleepy concerned look on his face. The sight makes my heart melt a little for him. I need to get away from him. In my line of work there is no room for feelings. Feelings get you hurt or killed.

So, I do like any hybrid would do. Inside joke being that I’m the only one I know of. I turn them off, but they won’t stay off with Zander in such a close proximity. Feelings are a pain in the ass anyways.

The bad part about turning them off is that it gets harder to turn them back on. Once they are off you have to find an important reason for them to turn back on, and right now he is laid next to me. Since they won’t stay off I do the next best thing.

I try looking anywhere but at him. OH MY LOTUS! HE’S NAKED TOO! Did we have sex? Did I really lose my virginity on the first night? I waited 20 years to have sex, and yet I don’t even remember it.

“Did we…?”

I let the question hang in the air because he isn’t stupid. He knows what I am asking.

“Do you feel sore or hurt?”

I don’t understand what he is asking.

“What do you mean?”

“Do you hurt between your legs?”

I have the sudden urge to palm my forehead for asking such a stupid question.

“No. I don’t feel anything.”

I probably let a little too much relief out with that statement. I watch as hurt crosses his face.

“Then that means we didn’t do anything. Believe me, once we have sex for the first time you will know.”

An excited evil grin spreads across his face. My bladder decides at this particular moment it cannot wait anymore. I hang my legs off the edge of the bed, taking the sheet with me to cover myself. Zander starts to laugh and reaches for me.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

Wrapping his arms around my waist to keep me in bed.

“Nature is calling, and unless you want it all over us I advise you to let me go.”

Zander laughs again. It is a great laugh. It is a deep belly laugh, and I want to hear more of it. He releases me and I sprint to the bathroom before I embarrass myself.

After the pressure is gone I look at myself in the mirror. Green eyes and hot pink hair stare back at me. Ugh! Curse my pixie DNA. At least I don’t sprout wings and those skimpy clothes.

I put on the clothes Zander left for me before exiting the bathroom. After walking through the bathroom door I come face to face with a very naked, very aroused Zander. Actually it was a little more like face to mouth. My eyes roamed down his body, but shut instantly when I spot his stiff shaft.

“Like what you see, love?”

A light pink blush covers my face at his words. I can’t believe he saw the way I was looking at his body. I am so embarrassed that I storm in the direction of the bed without opening my eyes. The only thing I accomplish is hitting my shin on the bed frame. So not only is my face red, but my leg is too. But the only thing that makes it better is the fact I hear him in just as much pain as I am. Peeping through my eyelids I see Zander bouncing up and down rubbing his shin.

“Ugh! Why do you keep doing things like that? You’re not only hurting yourself, you’re hurting me. I hate to see what would happen if someone would decide to kick you between your legs.”

Between his face and what he says is my undoing. I burst out laughing uncontrollably. I fall on the floor because I am laughing so hard. It is priceless. I’m going to look back on this day and smile. Nothing can be more perfect in this very moment. I feel strong arms wrap around me.

“You know it’s not nice to laugh at someone who loves you.”

That stops my laughter. It is a shock to hear him flat out say it. I don’t know how to respond to such an outburst of feelings. Confusion crosses his face as I just stare at him.

“I can’t. You can’t. It’s not possible. We don’t know each other.”

“I didn’t ask you to say it back. I also didn’t ask for the horrified look you gave me. I told you how I feel. I didn’t expect anything back.”

This man is full of surprises. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get enough of him. Ugh! What am I saying? I can’t be doing this to myself. I’m not going to stay. I have to get as far away from this man as possible. It’s going to be hard. He won’t let me nor do I want to.

He’s bad for business, and I’m sure he’s not going to give up so easy after such a long fight. As I look into those emerald green eyes I make up my mind. I’m going to run the first chance he gives me.

Zander must’ve heard my thoughts because a deep growl surrounds me. No way. No one can read my thoughts. I have to give them permission to do anything like that.

“I don’t have to since I have marked you. Hasn’t anyone taught you about werewolf history?”

“No. Everything I know I taught myself. The only thing I was ever taught by anyone was what I learned from the Elders. And believe me I became a very quick learner.”

I laugh to myself thinking of all the trouble I caused them. I’m sure they wanted to murder me a time or two. Guess I’m making up for all the trouble I caused them by getting rid of the trouble makers. I look at Zander to see a dark, angry expression on his face. It doesn’t settle well with me.

“Don’t get upset. I’m a better person for everything I’ve been through. Can’t you see that?”

He is too shocked by my outburst to reply, so he just nods.

“Well I can hear your brain shaking around in there, but you still haven’t given me an answer.”

Laughing to myself at the shocked expression on his face. An evil glint lights up Zander’s eyes before he walks to the bed and drops me. I am too busy laughing to notice Zander tying me to the bed. As he turns around and walks to the bathroom to take his shower, I enjoy the view.

I watch the muscles in his back, butt, and thighs coil and flex with each step and swing of his perfectly defined arms. His muscles aren’t too bulky and they are bigger and more defined than mine are, so that makes them perfect. His muscles look like hardened steel wrapped in freshly woven silk. Just before he enters the bathroom, he looks over his shoulder grinning from ear to ear.

“You can join me if you like since your bath got cut short last night. I don’t bite … hard. I promise.”

He tries giving me his best puppy dog look, but I see straight through that. He thinks he is going to smooth talk me into letting him into my pants. Huh! He has another thing coming then. I try to get up but am held down by my arms and legs. OH NO HE DIDN’T!

I am not going to put up with this. I use a little bit of my strength to break the ties. Did he really think it was going to be that easy?

I notice he tied me to the bed with several ties. They are all made of silk. So no matter how hard I pull or fight they will only irritate my skin and turn it red, or so he thought. They aren’t intended to inflict any real damage.

AWW! He is being considerate while trying to hold me captive. Time for payback! I notice the bathroom door is lying on the floor behind the TV.

Walking softly to the door, grabbing the ice bucket on my way out, and finding the ice machine was easy. It was at the end of the hall to my left. I fill the bucket up ¾’s of the way and walk back to the room.

Zander is still in the shower when I return. There is a sink behind the door. I place the bucket in the sink and fill it up the rest of the way with water. Grabbing the bucket, I walk to stand outside the bathroom door.

I am going to wait until he gets out of the shower to douse him with the cold ice water. I am so excited. Payback is going to be so sweet. I have a feeling this is going to start a never ending battle between Zander and I.

He is only in the shower for a few minutes after I post up by the doorway, but it feels like he is taking forever in there. I hear the water shut off. I take a deep breath and turn into the bathroom.

Zander looks up and notices my evil grin. He goes to take a step towards me, but before he is able to complete the step I throw the contents of the bucket on him. I’ve never heard a male sound like such a girl.

I am bent over, holding my sides while I laugh. Zander turns the shower back on and jumps back in. A stream of profanities leaves his mouth, but I am laughing too hard to make them all out.

“Payback for tying me to the bed.”

I am able to choke it out between laughs. Zander decides on a little payback on his own. I try to run out the door but am caught. He picks me up and puts me in the shower with him. Wrapping his arms tightly around my waist, he pulling me close.

I continue to laugh until his lips brush my mark. My body turns to mush at the simple touch. My arms wrap around his neck. Forgetting about my clothes and his nakedness, I pull him close and capture his lips with mine.

He growls and I feel it vibrate through my chest. I growl back, which makes him tighten his hold. He licks my bottom lip to ask for entrance. I allow him entrance and we fight for dominance over the kiss. I end up letting him control the kiss.

It is deep and passionate. It makes my toes curl and my body to heat up and soften. Zander slides his hand up and down my back in a soothing motion. I start to make a purring noise, which Zander likes.

He slides his hands down my back, over my butt, and grabs my thighs to pick me up. I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist. He starts sliding me up and down against his stiff shaft. I gasp at the feeling of him teasing my core. I can’t let this continue. I place both hands on his chest and push back a little.

“Zander, we can’t.”

“I know we can’t go all the way but that doesn’t mean we can’t get pleasure from each other.”

He is probably right but I decide it isn’t a risk I am willing to take.

“I understand what you’re saying but do you think you will be able to control yourself and keep from doing anything more?”

I am looking him in the eye with a serious look. Defeat enters his eyes but only for a split second before he starts nodding.

“You’re right. I might not be able to stop myself if it starts to go too far. I’m able to control it as long as I’m focused on not doing anything you don’t want too. I’m sorry.”

I look up into those emerald green eyes and feel bad. It is my fault we are in this situation.

“You have nothing to be sorry for. This is entirely my fault. If I wouldn’t have run away from you all those years ago we might be happy. I’m sure as soon as my heat would hit we would be expecting pups of our own.”

“No it’s…”

I capture his mouth with mine before he can finish.

“You do know we have to leave this hotel?”


I guess it doesn’t register. Judging by the confused look on his face I am correct. I laugh a little before I tell him.

“I haven’t checked in yet. So the Elders will send another enforcer to come and find me.”

“No they won’t.”

“Why won’t they? What are you not telling me Zander?”

“Well… I called in a favor to get you here.”

The look on his face is priceless. He looks like a child who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I can’t control my anger.

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