New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1)
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I can’t open my eyes.

It’s like they are too heavy.

There are straps around my arms, legs, and waist.

I can’t move.

“What do you think you are doing?”

I recognize the voice but I’m not sure where from.

“What do you mean?”

All of the sudden I hear a smack and feel as if my leg just splits open.

“You know damn well what I’m talking about.

You’re choosing a target over us.

We are your family.

We are supposed to come first.

What has happened to you?

You’re not the same.”

I don’t know who they are talking to but I am sure it isn’t me after hearing the second male voice.

Whoever the second voice belongs to I don’t hear when they speak the second time because they are talking too low.

I hear another smack, but this one feels like it splits my back open.

I know that is impossible because I am lying on my back on a hard table.

It appears to be steel because of the cool feeling.

Then it hits me.

The voice belongs to the Elders and the second voice belongs to Zander.

Someone is abusing him for some reason and I am feeling the repercussions of his abuse.

I try to reach out to him with my mind but he has me blocked off so I won’t feel his pain on top of my own.

It is killing me knowing that I am so close and feel like there is nothing I can do to help him.

I feel tears running down my face.

I feel a surge of power threw my body.

Breaking my restraints as the sight before me has me rushing to his side.

Zander hanging from a pair of cuffs suspended from the ceiling.

He is black and blue.

There are open wounds all over his body.

He doesn’t even have the strength to lift his head and look at me.

I pick him up and break the cuffs.

Wrapping my arm around his waist and throwing his arm over my shoulders we run.

We run for what seemed like hours until we come face to face with a big heavy door.

It takes every bit of strength I have to open the door.

As soon as the door opens I am blinded by the bright sunlight.

What the hell? That was a very strange dream. It almost seemed real. I can still feel all the bruises and open wounds on my body.

Oh no! The only thing that dream can be is a glimpse into the future. I have to figure out a way to change it before it comes to pass. I can’t let anything happen to Zander. It would kill me.

Speaking of which. He has perfect timing for waking up. I am absentmindedly rubbing his arm that is draped over me. He is nuzzling into my neck. I roll over in his arms and kiss his lips, nothing more than a peck. He cracks his eyes open to see what I want.

“I’m hungry.”

Which is followed by my stomach growling loudly.

“I didn’t need the emphasis, love.”

We laugh. It couldn’t have worked out more perfectly. I walk across the room to the small fridge and take out two plates of food. I turn around and walk to the small counter located in the back of the room.

I place Zander’s plate in the microwave first. It is baked chicken with mashed potatoes, whole green beans, and a roll. As I am waiting for Zander’s food to heat up I walk back to the fridge and grab 2 bottles of water and 2 forks off the top. I hand Zander the drinks and forks and go back to the microwave.

As I get close to the counter the microwave signals it is done. I pull out the plate and put the next one in. I walk to Zander and give him his food. He eats in silence while I impatiently wait for mine to heat up.

As soon as the microwave signals my food is done, I take out my food and go to sit next to Zander on the bed. We finish eating in silence.

After I finish, I place my plate and bottle in the trashcan. I go back to my seat and turn on the laptop. It only takes a few seconds for it to load. I begin typing my report. Zander stays in the back until about 20 minutes after I finish writing my report.

We sit in silence. I end up falling asleep on the long ride home. I don’t dream this time. There is just nothing but black nothingness while I sleep and I am thankful for that.

When I wake up I am back in the bed in Zander’s arms. Instead of saying anything or moving, I just snuggle deeper into his embrace and try to go back to sleep. Sleep doesn’t reclaim me.

Instead, Zander informs me that we need to get up because the jet will be landing soon. I am tired but get up and go back to my seat anyway. I buckle up and start drifting back off until I hear Zander talking to me. He is trying to keep me awake so he doesn’t have to fight with me to get off the jet.

I just glare at him. Can’t he let me sleep a few more minutes before he starts in on me, again? I keep my comment to myself. It will do me no good to sit here and argue with him. Besides I am way too tired to argue.

I forget. Zander is going home with me and he has nothing to wear and I don’t have an extra bed. Guess he’s going to try and steal my couch. At least until he goes away. Actually I don’t want him to leave but it will be for the best.

He will probably treat me like he would any other female. As soon as he gets what he wants, he’ll be gone. That’s fine with me. I prefer to be alone. Can’t get blamed for anything and can’t be bothered by anyone.

I like my privacy. I’m not use to having others around me, except for when I’m out and about in public. Even then I don’t like people too close to me.

We start our decent. Zander sits patiently waiting for us to land. I am ready to be back on solid ground again. The jet bounces a little as the wheels touch the ground. We start slowing down.

As soon as the jet stops moving I jump up and grab my stuff. I walk to the back of the jet with Zander hot on my heels. I wait patiently as the airport crew unloads everything.

As soon as my 4x4 is out, we are in it and on our way. I am making my way to the gate when Zander freezes. I stop the vehicle and reach for his hand.

“Are you ok?”

He turns to look at me and I notice he is scared about something.

“I’m fine. I just realized I don’t have anything to put on. I was worried you thought I did it on purpose.”

I have to slow down and fight back the laughter.

“I realized that about 30 minutes ago. I planned on stopping so you could get something to wear. Not that I mind you running around my house naked.”

As soon as the words leave my mouth I cover it and regret it. Why does all of what I’m thinking have to fall out my mouth?

“I’m sorry. Didn’t mean for that to come out.”

I can feel Zander staring at the side of my face.

“It’s ok. Just never expected to hear that come out of your mouth.”

I blush a bright red color. I feel so embarrassed. The rest of the ride is silent. We stop in New Orleans to get Zander a few things. He doesn’t get much saying that he is going to run around naked most of the time. Zander says it just to make me blush again.

After about an hour we are on our way to my place. My house is about an hour outside of New Orleans. It’s an old plantation style house. It belonged to my parents before I was born.

After my parents died, the Elders kept it for when I became of age to own it. The house had many rooms but only a few were in use. Out of the 4 bedrooms only 1 is used. The upstairs isn’t used at all.

Everything I need is down stairs. The house is white with a red door and shutters. The downstairs has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living room, kitchen, and dining room.

Zander will be staying in my bedroom while I stay on the couch. I know he’s going to argue with me but it’s not going to do him any good. I can be just as stubborn as he is.

As we walk up to the front door I pull out my keys and open the door. Zander stays right behind me. The foyer is the first room we walk into after I unlock the front door. The walls are a honey brown color and paintings are everywhere.

Throughout the house are the original hardwood floors. I thought about replacing them but they give the house something. My bedroom has black walls with white trim and a black cherry stain on the wood floors. The ceiling is the same color as the floor.

The kitchen is bright blue with grey countertops. The wood floors are a honey color. The dining room has red walls and sand color stain on the wood floors with white trim.

The bathroom is midnight blue with the wood floors being almost white in color. The counter is a black and blue tile. The same tile is around the tub. The tub is a Jacuzzi. Jets all around the sides.

I give Zander a tour of the rooms that we are going to use. He stays quiet, appearing to be deep in thought. I reach out and touch his arm. Seeming to have shaken him from his thoughts.

“Are you ok? You look like something is bothering you.”

He smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes, and I know something is wrong.

“I’m fine. This is a very lovely home you have here. It looks familiar though.”

I understand what he is saying.

“It should. My parents were part of your pack before they died.”

I can see recognition in his eyes. Then I watch as a little pity flares but is smashed down. I turn away. Not wanting him to have pity for me. It hurts that I never got to know them. I guess I would have had a normal life for a were if the Elders wouldn’t have interfered. I would have met Zander and had a happily ever after. But I guess none of that matters now. Taking a deep breath, I turned to face him.

“I’m sorry love. I didn’t mean to bring up bad experiences.”

I look at him and fall in love a little more. How does a man like Zander break down every barrier I have with just a few words or a look?

“You didn’t. I didn’t know them, never met them. It’s just sad that I never met them.”

I look away; not wanting him to see the pained expression I know is on my face. I hate feeling weak, in any situation. I feel strong arms wrap around me and know in that moment no matter how hard I fight Zander he will always be there and he will always find a way back to me. I feel safe in his arms. I don’t feel like I am being judged. I feel like he will accept me no matter what. Then it hits me. The dream I had. His arms tighten around me.

“What’s wrong?”

I proceed to tell him about the dream I had on the jet. He listens, and never once interrupts.

After I finish, he appears to be taking everything in. The thought of someone hurting him for any reason has me seeing red. No one is allowed to hurt him but me. Oops. Laughing to myself. That came out wrong. Funny but wrong.

I can’t believe where my mind is going with that thought. I blush and giggle a little. Zander looks at me questioningly. I just shake my head.

“Inside joke.”

He just nods and lets it go. We walk outside to go back to the 4x4 to get the few bags of things Zander got. My house is set back in the woods right outside of a swamp area. It’s a secluded area.

I have a specially designed jail under my house. It’s reinforced so it doesn’t flood. The cells are 10x10. They have titanium and gold mix bars. The bars threw the reinforced walls are the same mix. That way no one can escape.

I can be either the sweetest thing you’ve ever met, or the meanest.
It all depends on whether you’re a job or not. If you make it down in the hole then you’re royally screwed. Not very many people have a basement in Louisiana.

So, no one thinks to look for it when they are trying to snoop around my house. I will probably get Zander to stay in there during my heat. I’m sure he won’t like that. If not, I’ll be staying in there. That might end up being the worse experience of my life. Zander starts talking, which shakes me from my thoughts.

“So where am I sleeping? I only saw 1 bed.”

“You’re sleeping in the bed and I’m going to sleep on the couch. That way there in no more incidents like at the hotel.”

He doesn’t look too happy about it.

“You know I’m going to take you off the couch and put you in the bed with me. So, why prolong the inevitable?”

I can’t believe him. He would rather be tortured with me sleeping next to him, than sleep without me. That’s one love sick puppy. No pun intended.

“I’m sleeping on the couch and if I wake up in bed the hotel payback won’t be anything compared to what I’ll do to you. Got me?”

He seems to think about it for a moment before replying.

“Crystal clear, love.”

The way he replies makes me wonder but I drop it as we walk back through the door.

“What sounds good?”

I always seem to be thinking about food. Especially lately. Guess food is my way of not thinking about Zander and the things he does to me mentally and physically.


I look at Zander and don’t like what I see. He is being serious.

“You can’t have me. So, what do you want to eat?”

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