New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1)
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He doesn’t like my reply. So, he decides not to answer me right away.

“Whatever you feel like eating. I’m not a picky eater.”

“Ok. So I think I’ll go into town and pick something up. I’ll get groceries while I’m out too.”

He looks like I said the right thing. A smile spreads across his face.

“I’m going with you. Not letting you out of my sight for you to try and run off again.”

I am offended by what he said. Why would I run away and leave him in my house? I love the thought of him wanting to be seen in public with me, but does he have to say it like that? It hurt that he would think I would run again. He caught me the first time so what in his right mind would make me think he can’t catch me this time? Especially in his pack’s territory. My hurt leads to me being angry. Angry with him and angry with myself.

“What makes you think I’m dumb enough to run a second time?! Do I really look that stupid?! Obviously so. Why don’t you just go back to your pack and leave me alone?! I don’t want you around, and I don’t want to be bonded to you! You’re the worst bond ever!”

He looks just as hurt as I feel. He needs to realize I survived without him once before and I can do it again. He looks angry with me. He turns around and walks out the front door. I don’t run after him. I just grab my keys and go to get supper and groceries. Even though I am mad at him I’m not gonna stop eating.

The walk to the 4x4 I can feel someone watching me. I shake off the feeling and leave. The trip to my favorite restaurant takes 20 minutes. I order 2 of my usual’s of; a shrimp poboy, large fry, and the biggest homemade bloody Mary’s in case if Zander decides to show back up.

I decide I will skip the grocery store, until tomorrow. That way I know how long I’ll be home this time. So, I can buy groceries accordingly. The whole trip I feel like someone is watching me. It is actually creeping me out. When I arrive back at my house Zander walks out of the woods, naked. He is dirty and looks tired.


He just nods and walks in the house. He goes to the bathroom with a pair of black shorts that has a white stripe down the sides, while I walk into the kitchen to get the food out. 10 minutes later Zander walks into the kitchen wearing only the shorts. His hair is wet.

He doesn’t say anything to me. He just grabs his food and bloody Mary, and walks to my bedroom before shutting the door. It is about 1800 after I finish eating and getting everything thrown away. Zander still hasn’t left my room.

I decide it is well past time for me to bathe. I walk to the door that leads into my room. I try the doorknob and discover it is locked. I knock thinking he might have went to sleep.

“I need to get some clothes to shower Zander.”

He doesn’t reply. He walks to the door and opens it. As I walk in and the smell of his arousal hits me. I don’t ask, because I don’t want to know what he was doing in here. It is none of my business. I grab my clothes and go to leave but stop just inside the door.

“What’s wrong?”

He looks like he doesn’t want to talk to me, less long me talking to him.

“Nothing. I’m giving you what you want.”

I don’t say anything. He is obviously hurting as much as I am. I walk out and leave him alone. I go into the bathroom, which happens to be attached to my room. I take a deep breath and end up aroused. The smell of his arousal is driving me nuts.

After locking the door I walk to the tub and turn the water as hot as I can stand it. I get undressed, climb in the tub, and let it finish filling up. I turn off the water and turn on the jets. It is very relaxing. So relaxing in fact that I fall asleep.

I don’t know how long I was sleeping, but when I get out the tub I am as wrinkled as a raisin. I get dressed and walk into the bedroom. It is quiet and Zander appears to be sleeping. I walk as quiet as possible on wood floors, as to not wake him.

After walking out the bedroom, I go to the closet in the living room. I grab a blanket and a pillow. I look at the couch for a moment before putting the pillow on the right armrest. I climb on the couch and cover up.

Sleep is not finding me. I toss and turn on the couch, feeling like something is missing. I close my eyes and after a few hours’ sleep ends up finding me.

When I wake up the next morning and feel worse than I did before I fell asleep. Ugh! Today isn’t going to be a good day. I look at my door and notice Zander walking out looking as bad as I do.

“This is all your fault love.”

I don’t understand what he means. How am I the cause of his sleepless night and crappy attitude?

“How is this my fault? I didn’t do anything to you!”

He is starting to make my bad mood worse. I’m trying not to argue with him but he isn’t having any of that.

“If you would have just got your stubborn self in the bed, then we both would have gotten a good night’s sleep. So I say again. This is all your fault.”

How is us not sleeping together the cause of us sleeping like crap?

“What do you mean? I don’t understand.”

It must be something I don’t know, but I’m sure he’s going to tell me.

“We are bonded, and you are marked. Now, we can’t sleep without each other. I was going to sneak in here with you last night, but thought better of it. I knew you would have to find out the hard way, just to prove my point. We need each other to survive.”

I know he is counting on this. I can’t get rid of him now. Ugh! Why did fate have to bond me to him? What did I do wrong in my past life for fate to screw me over like this? It must have been pretty bad for them to get me back like this.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

I can see from the expression on his face that I am about to receive the short stick.

“I would have told you but you would have called me a liar!”

Ok. It’s time for me to leave. I walk to my room, and go in my closet to get some clothes. I decide on a pair of dark blue jeans and a strapless blue shirt with a pair of black lacy boy shorts.

I was going to wear tennis shoes, but decide to wear black flip flops instead. I go in the bathroom to get dressed and decide to look in the mirror. I notice my hair is brown and my eyes are yellow. Yay!

Today is going to be a sunglasses kind of day. All day long. No matter where I’m at. Someone might think I’m wearing the sunglasses because I have a black eye from him, and they might call the police.

Won’t that be funny? Zander in handcuffs. Laughing to myself as I got dressed. I walk out the bathroom and see Zander in the middle of getting dressed in my room. I have to say he has a nice butt. I don’t have enough time to look away before Zander starts talking to me.

“Like what you see love?”

I blush and run out the room. Why do I have to be attracted to him? It’s just not fair. I grab my keys, wallet, and sunglasses before I sit on the couch to wait for him.

A few moments later out walks a very attractive Zander. He is wearing blue jeans and a skin tight white shirt. He is looking me up and down since I ran out the room before he could catch a glimpse of me. A very pleased growl leaves his mouth. It makes me blush again.

I get up without saying a word and walk out the door. Leaving a drooling Zander to appreciate my rear view as he follows. I unlock my oversized truck. Zander looks at it in appreciation. It has big mud tires and it is 4 wheel drive. 4 doors make it easier to go grocery shopping.

We climb inside, and Zander still hasn’t talked to me. We drive into town in silence. I decide since I am hungry we will go to my other favorite restaurant and eat breakfast. It’s about 10 minutes away. They are never busy, so finding a parking spot is easy.

A bell chimes overhead as we walk through the door. I order the deluxe platter. It comes with eggs, bacon, grits, roll, and pancakes. Zander orders the same. I decides to get a large chocolate milk. Zander orders a coffee.

The waitress makes sure to show her cleavage to Zander. I know he notices because he makes a comment to himself about how women like her made him sick giving away Victoria’s secret. I laugh on the inside so he doesn’t know I hear him. We spend the rest of our breakfast staring at our food and eating in silence.

After we finish, he insist on paying. Guess it’s just a man thing. We walk to the truck and something didn’t feel right. I looked at Zander, and he was obviously having the same feeling.

I looked around and noticed 6 males staring at us. We avoided the truck and went straight for them. They stood their ground while we approached. Something was off about them. Then it dawned on me. They are Hybrids. Each a different mixture, and they weren’t here to talk. As we approached I decided to be the first to open my mouth.

“What do y’all think y’all doing?”

The guys just looked at me like I didn’t belong. These guys must not know who I am. Maybe it’s time to show them. I planned out how I was going to take them out. The big guy would go first. The rest will follow in chronological order by size.

Before anyone could blink I was behind the guys, slitting the first one’s throat and moving on to the next one. They didn’t like a female having the upper hand on them. I changed the order and went for the most powerful one 3rd. He appeared to be the leader. I was right. As soon as I grabbed him the rest froze.

Zander was in shock and awe. He was frozen in place, and watching every move I made.

“Now. I’m only going to ask one more time. What do y’all think y’all are doing?”

I watched as they waited for leaders signal. What they didn’t realize was they would all be dead if my curiosity wouldn’t have gotten the best of me. The guy I’m holding hostage is about 6’. He had grey eyes and blonde hair. He was wearing jeans and a loose fitting green t-shirt.

The other 3 guys were wearing black shorts and grey muscle shirts. One had brown hair and eyes. The next had red hair and green eyes. The last had blue eyes and hair.

The leader eventually took my threat seriously when I drew some blood from drawing a line down the artery in his neck.

“We came to talk with him.”

He points at Zander and I know he is lying. He is here for more than a conversation, but I go with it.

“You feel that burn? It’s because this knife is a mix of gold and titanium. So guess what that means. It means if I cut too deep you won’t be able to say anything. So you better start talking before I lose my patience.”

He didn’t want to tell us the truth, I’d either cut it out of him or one of his friends. Zander caught that thought and waited for my signal.

“We were sent to kill him.”

Finally! The truth.

“Who sent you to kill him?”

His eyes grow in size.

“I can’t tell you. If I tell you he will kill me.”

I turn him around to face me. The scared look on his face has me knowing when he realizes who I am.

“If you don’t tell me, I’ll kill you now. No chance to run and hide. You will be another notch on the Reapers scythe. Understand?”

If I didn’t see it for myself I wouldn’t have believed it. His eyes actually grow in size.

“I can’t tell you who exactly, but I can tell you there is no way in hell you’ll be able to do anything to him.”

With those last words I slice his throat. I am making my way to the next one as Zander shifts and takes out the other 2.

“We have to get out of here. Get somewhere safe.”

Zander nods in agreement. We go to the truck.

Zander gets in the back since we didn’t bring an extra set of clothes for him. We drive into New Orleans. I buy some clothes for him from the River walk.

He goes into a bathroom that is outside. That way he can go in it in wolf form. It only takes him a few moments to change and come out.

The shirt is a bright green and the shorts are black and silver plaid. He is wearing a pair of black flip flops. I look him up and down.

“Like what you see?”

I decide to stand my ground and give him a seductive reply.

“I’m a sensible woman who can appreciate a great piece of meat. Why? You got a problem with it?”

My new found seductress wavers when Zander pulls me close and growls against my neck.

“If you keep teasing me I will take you in front of everyone, and no one will be able to stop me from fully claiming you. Understood?”

I look at him and smile.

“Anything you say Hunny.”

His eyes ignite with a deep dark passion. He reaches for me and I run away at normal human speed. He growls and sprints after me.

I know he will give chase, and I want him too. I know I will suffer if he catches me. I just have to make sure to keep in front of him. I know you’re not supposed to look back when you’re being chased, but I can’t help it.

I turn around just in time to watch him catch me. I squeal out loud as his arms wraps around me. He swings me around in a circle. I’m enjoying the carefree side of both of us. He stops and kisses my mark. It causes all the pleasure to shoot straight to my core.


His name comes out as a gasp.

“I warned you, but you didn’t listen. Now you’re mine, and I plan on taking what I want.”

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