New Title 7 (9 page)

Read New Title 7 Online

Authors: Emma Clark

Tags: #Kindle Store, #Kindle eBooks, #mystery, #Thriller & Suspense, #crime fiction, #erotic thriller, #suspense, #anti-hero, #bdsm, #Controversial, #psychological, #captive

BOOK: New Title 7
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Commanding myself to act, I shifted and my toes made contact with the carpet. He emitted a drawn-out moan and scared the living
out of me.

I crept through the doorway, wandered to the basement steps and continued upstairs. Then I stole into the corridor like a fugitive evading prison.

Comfortable enough to quicken my pace, I approached a living area where ghostly silhouettes lurked. A dim kitchen light illuminated a section of carpet while shadows darkened all corners.

Before me stood the front door with its stained glass window. Praying my fiercely thumping heart wouldn't give, I unlatched the deadbolt and eased open the door. A sidewalk led to the street ahead.

I held my breath.

The curved street vanished behind a row of similar houses. Stiff grass stung my feet as I headed to the right. Shrouded by bushy shrubs, the nearest house nestled many yards away, taunting me.

No matter how quickly I walked, I couldn't get closer.

Rustling grass whispered from behind. I froze.

Oh Jesus Jesus. Please don't be him. Please, please please please. Oh god let it be something else.
I stared at the neighboring house, hoping, praying.

And then—strong arms encircled my waist, jerked me to the ground. Everything occurred at break-neck speed.

Pleas flew from my mouth, words involuntarily spewing as he gathered my hair and dragged me. I kicked as my spine scraped the rigid, rocky earth. Trimmed lawns whizzed by during my torturous travel to Brandon's doorstep. Suburban landscape spun, green and cyan shades bleeding together and scorching pain as hair
from my scalp.

My ass struck the cement step while Brandon got in my face. I had to think

"No, no. Please, I love you, Brandon. I love you, I swear I do. I swear I don't wanna leave. I swear, I swear, I swear. Please don't hurt me. I didn't mean it."

Really Mia
?" He panted, eyes feverish. He tugged my hair and I yelped. "You just made the biggest fucking mistake. Do you understand that? Huh?
Do you
?" He yanked again. My scalp felt like it was on fire.

"I wanted to leave because of the baby. I fucking did it because of the baby!"

." He seized, lifted and carried me into the house. My head bounced.

"I did it for the baby. I did it for—"

"Shut up, Mia."

"Oh, god. My head. My hair. It hurts."
Everything hurts
. White walls zoomed past. My body continually bounced as he rushed onward.

"I said shut up. You'll be alright." Squashed within his arms, I clutched his shoulders as he delivered me to the basement depths.

Vomit paid my throat an unwelcome visit.

"Oh my god. I'm gonna puke, Brandon."

"No you're not. Hold it in."

I floated weightlessly as we drifted toward the bedroom. My cheeks puffed out with revolting puke. I withheld it, tasting putrid nastiness which made me sicker.

Brandon flung me on the bed and my body ricocheted. Vomit hurled past my lips, splattering the bedspread. I brought my trembling knees to my chin as chunks dribbled and inundated my senses with sourness.

Springing forward, I puked a second time—all over the black comforter. My shoulders heaved as I endlessly hurled and pressure mounted in my head. Pasty fluid crossed my thighs and footage of Linda Blair from
The Exorcist
flashed in my vision.

I'd made a gigantic hideous mess of the bedroom and myself.

But my stomach was better.

"Are you finished?" Brandon riveted a fiery glare on me. He was shirtless and his baggy pajama bottoms settled below his hips, revealing some pubic hair. He yanked up his pants after he saw where I was looking.

"I think so." I moaned, held my pulsating head while observing the liquid mess which deluged the bedroom. "My head hurts. God, do I have any hair left?"

"You're fine," he said. "I'm very disappointed in you, Mia." He strode to the foot of the bed, steadily eyeing me. "Really disappointed."

you—I wanted to leave for the baby's sake. I can't stay in this basement if I'm pregnant. I can't give birth here. I definitely can't take care of a baby here. Don't you get that?"

He stayed silent for myriad seconds, expression hard as stone.

"It's my baby," he hissed. "My baby's inside you, Mia, and if you leave you'll be taking
baby with you. Or don't you—
get that

I just stared not knowing what to say. Afraid to say anything at all.

"I think—what you don't seem to
is that I have rights as the father." He paced. "I have
legal right to see my child."

"I never said you didn't."

Abruptly he leaped on the bed and then leaped to the other side, tracking vomit across the carpet. He switched on the sconce which bathed his scary features in muted light.

He resumed his bizarre lecture.

"You were going to get an abortion, weren't you, Mia?" His eyes penetrated mine. "
Weren't you


"Don't. Don't fucking lie to me." His face went a deeper shade of scarlet. "Tell me the truth."

"Sure, I've thought about abortion because I'm not ready for a baby and neither are you." I paused to catch my breath. "You can't seriously think you're ready for this. Are you? Are you really ready for a baby? Even if you
you are, I'm not. Don't I get a choice? I never planned this and—
I never wanted to get pregnant

"And the truth comes out," he said with a smirk, slanting toward me with his hands on the mattress. "I knew it. I knew you wanted to kill my baby. Thank god I stopped you."

"No, that's not what I said."

He stuck his hand in the air. "I don't wanna hear your bullshit, Mia. You've already proven to me that you're nothing, nothing but a fucking liar."

My throat constricted as he coldly glowered.

"So you wanna leave me, is that it?" His mouth twisted to a half-smile. "Alright. You can leave." He backed up as if allowing me enough room to escape.

He was merely toying with me, so I didn't bother leaving.

"Go ahead. Leave." Strangely grinning, Brandon gestured dismissively at the doorway. "Go on. You're welcome to go."

"I don't want to—"

His grin collapsed. "Fucking leave, bitch. Leave!
Get the fuck out before I kill you

I didn't move.

Raising his arm, Brandon's fingers spread as he casually swiped my snowglobe off the bureau.
. A jagged line marked the glass as glittery water gathered and music chimed eerily out of tune.

I launched from the mattress, spine taut as a stretched wire. He kept motioning to the door.

did you break it?" I yelled.

"Apparently the globe meant nothing since you were in such a rush to leave. So if it means nothing to you, it means
to me."


"You planned to run off, kill our baby. You broke my heart. Now I'm going to break you."

"Stop acting crazy!" 

"Okay then, let's make a game of this. I'll give you about twenty seconds to get out of my house, but then I'm coming

"I can't."

"Twenty seconds starting. Right. Now."


"Nineteen seconds before I kill you. Eighteen seconds before I cut you. Seventeen seconds before I slit you." He licked his lips in a seductive manner.

"It's not enough time!"

"Fifteen-and-a-half seconds, Mia. Better hurry or I'll give you my special brand of punishment." He pulled on two sides of his waistband, tied a knot so his pants wouldn't ride down.

Frantic, I glanced beyond the doorway.

Oh god. God god god god. Please.

"Mia," he chastised, arching an eyebrow and leaning in. "Twelve more seconds to go. Better hurry. I told you Daddy Brandon will be coming to get you."

I couldn't move, and the seconds were ticking as he was happy to remind me. I fidgeted, glanced here, there and going out of my mind. 

"Mia, only six more seconds."

I ran.

"Five seconds!" he shouted. 

My feet pounded the stairs and I burst through the door and flew through the hallway. I blinked, tears blurring my view.

"I'm coming," Brandon warned as I passed the living room. His banging footsteps drew near, long legs giving him the advantage.

I simply stood at the front door, waiting. It was too late.

He already had me.

"Mia." His hot breath caressed my neck. He tugged me against him and I lost my balance.

I scrambled while face-down, tried to crawl but he seized my arms and wound them behind my back. Pinioning my wrists with one hand, he situated his thighs between mine.

When I thrashed to fight him off, his fist drilled my thigh, stopping me cold.

Brandon put all his weight down and his body smashed my backside like a steel slab. Slipping a forearm under my stomach, he lifted and adjusted my ass so it aligned with his erection.

His cock slammed into my vagina, punishing as he gulped in air.

"You wanna fuck me over?" Brandon's blunt, unforgiving weapon impaled and tore my insides. "Fine, I'll play that game. I'll fuck you too. I'll hurt you, punish you till you understand...
understand that I own you
And I hereby stake my claim
I am your goddamn master and you will obey accordingly... or suffer the goddamn consequences

He's out of his mind. There's no way I'll get out of this alive.

Cool sweat saturated my forehead. Blinding pain radiated with each slam. Bristly carpet wedged to my mouth, nose and burned as he bucked.

Told you, warned you. Warned you. Told you
..." He jolted and filled me with surging warmth. "
Ohhh, oh, oh, fuck

"Fuck you, Brandon."

Massive pressure diminished as he withdrew, clenched my shoulder to whirl me about. Spasms shot through my arm.

did you say to me?" he asked.

"You heard me, motherfucker. You crazy piece of shit
cock sucker
." I nearly spit in his face as my entire being flamed with rage.

He fell silent.

"Yeah, that's right Brandon. Fuck you, you crazy motherfucker. Fuck—
." I screeched the
so loudly that he recoiled.

"Kiss your life good-bye, bitch. You're fixin' to be dead." He retreated only to return with a switchblade.

I hoisted myself to a sitting position, hoping my brave front wouldn't crumble. He crouched, grabbed the back of my hair while thrusting the blade to my throat. I flinched from the stinging razor.

I'm so over it
. I wanted this to end, no longer cared
it would end. My thirty days of hell were over. One way or another.

"Do it, motherfucker. C—cut me. I'm ready to die." My teeth chattered as sharp steel nicked my flesh, blade trembling with Brandon's hand. He didn't make a move.

"For Christ's sake just do it!" I wept, whimpered, begged him.

He didn't. He wouldn't.

It was my final chance so I took it. We wrestled to the floor where he gained control, straddling me. I gathered all my strength to steal the knife but he easily worked against me, pulling when I pulled, chortling gleefully and taunting me for my weakness. The blade protruded dangerously as we fought, our fingers merging and sliding off the base. Determined, I grabbed the base whenever my hand started to slip. 

Brandon laid his arm flat on the floor, taking the knife out of my reach. "Now what are you gonna do, baby? I got you trapped and your little arms are too short."

"We already know you're stronger than me, right Brandon? I'm just a pathetic little girl. I can't fight you. I can't win. So

"And your point?"

Swiftly I drew up my leg, kneeing him in the balls. He inhaled as his face reddened. Freeing me, he rotated to his side, cupped his crotch and abandoned the switchblade. I snatched it.

He rolled, squirmed, cursed.

I went for the door. Within seconds his fingers tightened around my leg.

Get your pretty ass back here, bitch

The floor shattered my spine with one tug of his hand. He squeezed my wrist and the switchblade tumbled from my grasp.

, bitch. Look who's back in control." Brandon held the knife high, aiming at my heart.

Do it
," I said. 

Not another sound followed. Anger drained his features until he resembled a scared little boy whose glistening tears trickled to my face.


"Don't say anything." He spoke in an even tone, wept without his face crumpling in anguish, perfectly composed even as his bloodshot eyes and steady tears betrayed him.

He lowered the blade. "I—love you, Mia. I just wish to god you loved me. Why won't you let me love you?
Why can't you love me


"Don't say you do, if you really don't." Brief pause. "Haven't I been good? Haven't I treated you well the last few weeks?"

"Yes. You have."

"Then why leave?"

"I'm not ready to have a baby. What else do you
me to say?" I choked with my own tears. "I'd stay if I wasn't pregnant."

"I don't know what I want you to say. I'm sorry, sorry I did this to you. So sorry. I never should've..." He chanted his sorries while bowing his head.

"It's—okay." I touched his shoulder. Just a touch was all I could muster for now.

We lay there forever it seemed. Daylight broke and rosy light basked our faces in a dreamy glow. I could've sworn it'd been a dream.

A nightmare I was still trapped in.

"I love you. Oh god, Christ I swear I love you so much. I've loved you since the first second I saw you. I swear it. I swear." His head rested on my chest. "I always,
knew you were the one, baby."

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