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Authors: Margaret MacMillan

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PARIS 1919 (89 page)

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11. FRUS, vol. 4, pp. 69–71.

12. Keiger, p. 258; British Library, Balfour Papers, 49744/184–190, 14.12.18, Derby to Balfour, 14.12.18; Mordacq,
Le ministère Clemenceau,
vol. 3, p. 191; Trachtenberg,
Reparation in World Politics,
pp. 86–87.

13. Lloyd George,
Truth About the Peace Treaties,
vol. 1, pp. 387–9; Tardieu, p. 146.

14. House of Lords Record Office, Lloyd George Papers, F3/4/2, Foch to Lord Robert Cecil, 8.1.19; Callwell, vol. 2, p. 153; Liddell Hart, p. 411; McCrum, p. 631.

15. McCrum, pp. 629–31; J. C. King, p. 80.

16. J. C. King, p. 41.

17. McCrum, pp. 628–32; Yale University Library, Auchincloss diary, 23.2.19; Scottish Record Office, Lothian Papers, 1229/2, Hankey memorandum 22.2.19; House of Lords Record Office, Lloyd George Papers, F 89/2/29, Kerr to Lloyd George, 22.2.19.

18. House of Lords Record Office, Lloyd George Papers, 52/2/52, Derby to Balfour, 14.12.18; Keiger, pp. 251, 256–57; J. C. King, chapter 1.

19. Yale University Library, House diary, 9.2.19; Scott, p. 372; House of Lords Record Office, Lloyd George Papers, 60/2/42, notes of an interview with the president, 23.1.18; F/147/1, “Notes of an interview between M. Clemenceau, Colonel House and myself, 7.3.19.”

20. Nelson, p. 113 [my translation].

21. McCrum, p. 626, n. 10.

22. D. Lloyd George,
Truth About the Peace Treaties,
vol. 1, pp. 386, 398–99; Tardieu, p. 171; Mordacq,
Le ministère Clemenceau,
vol. 3, p. 118; Duroselle, p. 748; Scottish Record Office, Lothian Papers, 1217, Lloyd George to Kerr, 12.2.19.

23. Churchill College, Hankey Papers, 1/5 diary, 27.8.18; PWW, vol. 56, p. 86; Nelson, pp. 204–5; Seymour, p. 226.

24. Tardieu, pp. 147–67; D. Lloyd George,
Truth About the Peace Treaties,
vol. 1, p. 396; PWW, vol. 55, p. 480; Nelson, p. 209.

25. Scottish Record Office, Lothian Papers, 1174, notes of a conversation of 11.3.19.

26. PWW, vol. 55, pp. 488, 499.

27. D. Lloyd George
Truth About the Peace Treaties,
vol. 1, pp. 247–48; PWW, vol. 55, pp. 152–53.

28. PWW, vol. 55, p. 530; Walworth,
Wilson and His Peacemakers,
p. 204; Callwell, vol. 2, p. 174.

29. D. Lloyd George,
Truth About the Peace Treaties,
vol. 1, pp. 601–3.

30. FRUS, vol. 4, p. 249; PWW, vol. 55, p. 522; Marder, vol. 5, p. 251.

31. FRUS, vol. 4, pp. 224–25, 365; Marder, vol. 5, p. 254; Yale University Library, House Papers, series I/10 0293, Grey to House, 3.6.19; Scottish Record Office, Lothian Papers, 65/49–54, notes on Heligoland, 14.4.19; P. Mantoux, vol. 1, pp. 252–56.

32. FRUS, vol. 3, p. 475; Marder, pp. 257–62.

33. Dingman, p. 84; P. Mantoux, vol. 1, p. 377; PWW, vol. 55, pp. 515–21; vol. 57, p. 92.

34. PWW, vol. 55, p. 458; vol. 57, p. 91; Marder, vol. 5, pp. 228–30, 263–64; House of Lords Record Office, Lloyd George Papers, F/147/1, “Notes of an interview between M. Clemenceau, Colonel House and myself, 7.3.19.”

35. PWW, vol. 56, pp. 338, 518–19; Marder, vol. 5, pp. 231–34.

36. Marder, vol. 5, p. 269.


1. House and Seymour, p. 259.

2. Public Record Office, Cabinet Papers, CAB 29/28, British empire delegation minutes, 34 (1.6.19, P.M.).

3. See, for example, Schuker,

”; Marks, “Reparations Reconsidered”; Marks, “The Myths of Reparations.”

4. Keynes,
Economic Consequences,
pp. 41–45; Skidelsky, vol. 1, p. 389.

5. Keynes,
Economic Consequences,
p. 36; Keynes,
Two Memoirs,
p. 20.

6. Keynes,
Economic Consequences,
p. 7.

7. Skidelsky, vol. 1, pp. 384–91.

8. Burnett, vol. 1, pp. 1011–14, 1018; Silverman, p. 145, and chapter 5,
The End of French Predominance,
p. 9.

9. Trachtenberg,
Reparation in World Politics,
pp. 1–10; Ministères des Affaires Etrangères, Série à Paix, 59, “Conditions de la Paix: Notes et études sur les conditions de la paix à obtenir et les clauses à insérer dans les traités de paix à signer. Résumé des voeux et avis du Bureau d'Etudes Economiques”; Duchêne, p. 40.

10. PWW, vol. 54, pp. 196, 431, 494; House of Lords Record Office, Lloyd George Papers, F6/6/49, Cecil to Lloyd George, 31.5.19, and F89/2/35, Kerr to Lloyd George, 28.2.19; D. Lloyd George,
Truth About Reparations and War Debts,
chapter 9; House and Seymour, p. 484; Silverman, pp. 32–35; Kent, pp. 40–43.

11. Rowland, p. 494; C. T. Thompson, p. 236; Yale University Library, House diary, 21.2.19.

12. Burnett, vol. 1, pp. 31–32; Public Record Office, Cabinet Papers, CAB 29/28, British empire delegation minutes, 13 (13.3.19).

13. Baruch, pp. 5–7.

14. Burnett, vol. 1, p. 34; Hardach, pp. 156–60; Schuker,

” p. 20.

15. Burnett, vol. 1, pp. 33, 514; Public Record Office, Cabinet Papers, CAB 29/28, British empire delegation minutes, 33 (1.6.19, A.M.).

16. Burnett, vol. 1, pp. 4–8, 21; B. Kent, p. 69.

17. Bunselmeyer, p. 174, n. 9; Public Record Office, Cabinet Papers, CAB 29/28, British empire delegation minutes, 33 (1.6.19, A.M.).

18. Silverman, p. 39; Burnett, vol. 1, p. 61; House of Lords Record Office, Lloyd George Papers, F/45/9/25, Smuts to Lloyd George, 4.12.18; F45/9/29, Smuts to Lloyd George, 26.3.19; F 45/9/33, Smuts to Lloyd George, 5.5.19; Hancock, pp. 539–41.

19. Burnett, vol. 1, p. 777.

20. House of Lords Record Office, Lloyd George Papers, F/117/1/3, Imperial War Cabinet, 1918, minute 38 (26.11.18); W. S. Wallace, pp. 193–95.

21. Lentin, “Lord Cunliffe,” pp. 50–86, 52, n. 12; Headlam-Morley, p. 180; H. Nicolson,
p. 350; Seymour, p. 276; D. Lloyd George,
Truth About the Peace Treaties,
vol. 1, p. 474; Burnett, vol. 1, 711; Yale University Library, House diary, 24.3.19, 4.4.19.

22. Burnett, vol. 1, pp. 43–44; Lentin, “Lord Cunliffe,” pp. 50–86; House of Lords Record Office, Lloyd George Papers, F/213/5/6, Lamont to Wiseman, n.d.

23. Public Record Office, Cabinet Papers, CAB 29/28, British empire delegation minutes, 34 (1.6.19, P.M.); Riddell, Intimate Diary, p. 31; Trachtenberg, Reparation in World
pp. 48–51.

24. British Library, Balfour Papers, 49744/258–263, notes of a conversation between Briand and Lloyd George, 18.3.19; Yale University Library, House diary, 6.3.19; PWW, vol. 56, p. 285.

25. Bunselmeyer, p. 141.

26. Ibid., pp. 129–33; Pugh, p. 128; F. Stevenson, p. 180; Rowland, p. 490.

27. House of Lords Record Office, Lloyd George Papers, F28/2/16, Hughes to Lloyd George, 10.12.18.

28. A. J. P. Taylor, Troublemakers, p. 159.

29. Yale University Library, House diary, 28.4.19; D. Lloyd George,
Truth About the Peace
vol. 1, pp. 473, 498; Trachtenberg,
Reparation in World Politics,
pp. 41–43; Mordacq,
Le ministère Clemenceau,
vol. 3, p. 218; Riddell,
Intimate Diary,
p. 38; FRUS, vol. 13, p. 205; Keynes,
Two Memoirs,
p. 61; Noble, pp. 201–5; Poincaré, p. 286; PWW, vol. 56, p. 502; vol. 59, p. 314.

30. Noble, pp. 186–93, 195.

31. FRUS, vol. 3, p. 976; Trachtenberg,
Reparation in World Politics,
p. 43; D. Lloyd George,
Truth About the Peace Treaties,
vol. 1, pp. 441–44.

32. Trachtenberg,
Reparation in World Politics,
p. 42, n. 49.

33. Tardieu,
p. 290; Trachtenberg,
Reparation in World Politics,
pp. 55, 64–66, 71; chapter 2,

34. Trachtenberg,
Reparation in World Politics,
pp. 35–36; House of Lords Record Office, Lloyd George Papers, F/89/2/37, Kerr to Lloyd George, 2.3.19; Scottish Record Office, Lothian Papers, 1236, Kerr to Lloyd George, 1.3.19.

35. Burnett, vol. 1, p. 59; PWW, vol. 56, p. 501.

36. FRUS, vol. 6, p. 796; See article 234 and annex 1, Treaty of Versailles.

37. Guhin, pp. 30–32; P. Mantoux, vol. 1, pp. 106, 147.


1. Yale University Library, House diary. 12.3.19; Walworth,
Wilson and His Peacemakers,
p. 203; PWW, vol. 56, p. 62.

2. Tardieu, pp. 176–82; PWW, vol. 56, p. 81; House of Lords Record Office, Lloyd George Papers, F 3/4/19, Balfour to Lloyd George, 18.3.19.

3. Tardieu, p. 182; Nelson, pp. 232–40.

4. Riddell,
Intimate Diary,
p. 41; Temperley, vol. 2, p. 178; Headlam-Morley, p. 33.

5. Callwell, vol. 2, p. 176; Hankey, pp. 98, 101.

6. F. Stevenson, p. 174.

7. D. Lloyd George, Truth About the Peace Treaties, vol. 1, pp. 404–16; P. Mantoux, vol. 1, p. 31; Tardieu, p. 443; Nelson, p. 227.

8. PWW, vol. 56, pp. 247, 444.

9. P. Mantoux, vol. 1, pp. 33–34, 88; Mordacq, Le ministère Clemenceau, vol. 3, p. 202.

10. PWW, vol. 56, p. 312.

11. Ibid., pp. 347–54; P. Mantoux, vol. 1, pp. 49–68; Mordacq, Le ministère Clemenceau, vol. 3, pp. 195, 205; Library of Congress, Baker notebooks, 1.4.19.

12. Callwell, vol. 2, p. 180; Shotwell, p. 255; National Archive of Canada, Biggar Papers, letter of 7.4.19; C. T. Thompson, p. 287; Noble, p. 315.

13. Library of Congress, Baker notebooks, 3.4.19; PWW, vol. 56, pp. 408, 540; Noble, pp. 315–16; Callwell, vol. 2, p. 180.

14. F. Stevenson, p. 178; PWW, vol. 57, pp. 50–51, 63.

15. Noble, pp. 322, 324–28; C. T. Thompson, p. 291; Mordacq, Le ministère Clemenceau, vol. 3, p. 217; PWW, vol. 57, p. 99.

16. Liddell Hart, pp. 420–23; Mordacq,
Le ministère Clemenceau,
vol. 3, pp. 226–31.

17. Keiger, pp. 258–62; Poincaré, pp. 315–24.

18. Riddell, Intimate Diary, p. 45; C. T. Thompson, p. 288.

19. C. T. Thompson, p. 292; PWW, vol. 57, pp. 98–101, 146.

20. Yale University Library, House diary, 12.4.19 and 14.4.19; Yale University Library, Auchincloss diary, 15.4.19; Schuker, “The Rhineland Question,” pp. 302–4.

21. Mordacq,
Le ministère Clemenceau,
vol. 3, pp. 220–21; Yale University Library, House diary, 15.4.19; Noble, pp. 331–32.

22. Lloyd George,
Truth About the Peace Treaties,
vol. 1, p. 427; Schuker, “The Rhineland Question,” p. 304.

23. Mordacq,
Le ministère Clemenceau,
vol. 3, pp. 221, 245; Ribot, p. 274; Keiger, p. 262.

24. Watson, p. 361.


1. Davies,
God's Playground,
vol. 2, p. 122, and chapter 3,

2. Zamoyski, p. 178.

3. Jedrezejewicz, pp. 4–10.

4. Davies,
God's Playground,
vol. 2, p. 385.

5. Roszkowski, p. 158; E. Howard, p. 342, n. 1.

6. Shotwell, p. 305; Wandycz,
Lands of Partitioned Poland,
pp. 291–93; Davies,
God's Playground,
pp. 52–53; Gregory, p. 170.

7. Davies,
White Eagle, Red Star,
p. 62; Wandycz,
Lands of Partitioned Poland,
pp. 340–41; Scottish Record Office, Lothian Papers, 879/1, Esmé Howard, 17.2.19; Landau, pp. 146–47.

8. Kessler, p. 23; Wandycz, “Dmowski's Policy,” pp. 119–20.

9. Lundgreen-Nielsen,
Polish Problem,
pp. 54–57; Wandycz, “Dmowski's Policy,” p. 118.

10. FRUS, vol. 12, p. 370; Cienciala and Komarnicki, pp. 91–92.

11. Lundgreen-Nielsen,
Polish Problem,
p. 121, n. 163; Latawski, pp. 4–7; Headlam-Morley, p. xxviii.

12. Bonsal,
Suitors and Suppliants,
p. 131; Duroselle, p. 814.

13. Wandycz, The United States and Poland, p. 109; Gerson, pp. 62–63; P. Mantoux, vol. 1, p. 108.

14. Komarnicki, pp. 253–59; Gerson, p. 102–3; E. Howard, p. 339.

15. H. Nicolson,
p. 332.

16. Komarnicki, p. 145; Lundgreen-Nielsen,
Polish Problem,
pp. 80–81.

17. Gerson, pp. 105–6.

18. Lundgreen-Nielsen,
Polish Problem,
pp. 131–34, 231–33; FRUS, vol. 3, pp. 670–75.

19. FRUS, vol. 3, pp. 772–82; Churchill College, Hankey Papers, 3/24, Hankey to Adeline Hankey, 29.1.19; Lundgreen-Nielsen, “Aspects of American Policy,” p. 100, n. 21; Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, Tardieu Papers, 356, “Conférence de la Paix 1919: Pologne: Problèmes politiques et économiques (notes, correspondances), Décembre 1918–Octobre 1919.”

20. Library of Congress, Bliss Papers, box 244, diary, 1.1.19; House and Seymour, p. 70; Bonsal, Suitors and Suppliants, pp. 118–20; P. Mantoux, vol. 2, p. 150; FRUS, vol. 3, pp. 672–74.

21. House and Seymour, p. 72.

22. Temperley, vol. 6, p. 220.

23. Nelson, pp. 147–51, 152–54; Wandycz,
France and Her Eastern Allies,
pp. 34–37; House and Seymour, p. 71.

24. FRUS, vol. 4, pp. 414–19.

25. Komarnicki,
Rebirth of the Polish Republic,
pp. 319–49; Davies, “Lloyd George and Poland, 1919–20,” pp. 132–33; Wandycz, “Dmowski's Policy,” pp. 123–24.

26. F. Stevenson, p. 38; F. Lloyd George, p. 153; Scottish Record Office, Lothian Papers, 911/2, Kerr to Horace Rumbold, 15.12.19.

27. P. Mantoux, vol. 1, pp. 33–34.

28. PWW, vol. 56, p. 313; Tillman, pp. 207–9; Headlam-Morley, pp. 169–71; P. Mantoux, vol. 1, pp. 105–9, 118, 201, 233; Nelson, pp. 187–91.

29. Cienciala and Komarnicki, pp. 106–10; Weinberg,
Foreign Policy,
pp. 13–14.

30. House and Seymour, p. 80; FRUS, vol. 6, pp. 833–35; St Antony's College, Malcolm Papers, 1/12, diary, 8.5.19.

31. Riddell,
Intimate Diary,
pp. 83–84.

32. Public Record Office, Cabinet Papers, CAB 29/28, British empire delegation minutes, 33 (1.6.19, A.M.); PWW, vol. 60, p. 20.

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