Perfect Ten (10 page)

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Authors: Michelle Craig

BOOK: Perfect Ten
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“So?” Chloe was in a rush, as usual. Her ex had their kids for the afternoon
, and she needed to meet them at the dance studio in time for her daughter’s recital.

I definitely had their undivided attention. “Well, you remember Joe, right?” Gracie poured us each a beer from the pitcher the waitress dropped off. I had just raised my glass to my lips when Chloe slapped the table, making me jump and spilling beer down the front of my shirt. “Shit, Chloe! What the hell?”

“Sorry.” Chloe waved her hand around, obviously not sorry at all. “Joe ‘oh my god, he’s so hot’ Starling? Yeah. I think we remember him. Of course, I never got to see him.”

was an area of contention with her. She was still a little mad that I let Gracie come over when Joe picked me up and not her. But there was a reason for that, as she also knew. Gracie is mouthy, to be sure, but Chloe would have probably measured his biceps.

“I know, Chloe.
Susie didn’t either. Anyway, he’s been texting me, and today he sent me flowers.”

“What kind of flowers?” Gracie asked with a grin. She always wanted the details.

“Sunflowers. He had to know they were my favorite. I guess you put that in my file.” I wasn’t really sure what I wanted from the girls. They’d always encouraged me to go after anyone I was interested in and called them assholes when it didn’t work out. I don’t know what I’d do without them.

Our wings were delivered and Chloe dove in with abandon. She was one of those creatures who could eat
anything she wanted and not gain an ounce. One day it would catch up with her. “So, what did his texts say? What was on the card with the flowers? What did you say to him?” The hot sauce around Chloe’s mouth did me in, and I grabbed two wings for myself.

Susie was still sipping her beer and listening to the conversation. She was our quiet one. Always listening, always getting all of the information before offering her opinion.

“Basically, he says he wants to see me again,” I told them around a mouthful of spicy heaven.

“That’s great, Faith!” Leave it to Gracie
to only think of the immediate bliss of the moment.

“Yeah, okay, but here’s the thing.”

“Here we go, Grace. We knew it was coming,” Chloe said around a mouthful of food.

“Well, really. You tell me what you would do. He’s an escort. Think about that.
Really think about it. Would any of
want to date a man who made his living dating two or three women a week?”
Answer that, girls!

y looked at each other and grimaced. “Huh. I guess we didn’t think about that. You actually do have a valid point. So, what are you going to do?”

“I already sent him a text telling him it wouldn’t work, but I’m torn. I know how stupid it would be to say yes to him.”

“But? I hear a ‘but.’” Gracie finally gave in and grabbed some celery with a ton of bleu cheese dripping from it.

“But, he seems different to me. Maybe I need to give him a chance, you know?”

“At the very least, you have to sleep with him. He’s too yummy to pass up.”

“Well …”

It was quiet Susie this time who hit the table. “What?” Her beer sloshed precariously before she grabbed the glass and steadied it. “You slept with him? How did you keep that to yourself? I can’t believe you didn’t tell us!”

“Not exactly.” Why, oh
, why did I open my big, fat mouth? Now what do I say? He just went down on me? I passed out as soon as I, err, screamed out his name? It was the best orgasm I’ve ever had? Anything I say will sound as pathetic as I feel about the whole thing.

They were not going to let me get away with such a half-assed answer.

Once again, Chloe had a mouth full so Gracie was the one to grill me with questions, as Susie had refilled her beer and was silent again. “Not exactly? You can’t ‘not exactly’ have sex. Either you do or you don’t. I know it’s been a while, but if the man puts his penis in your cooter, it’s sex. No penetration? No sex. So… details, if you please.”

“Okay, listen.” I bent down
low and motioned them closer. My head was just about hitting the table. I wasn’t like them. I was not comfortable talking about my sexcapades in public. “He—oh, geez. Forget it.”

“I’ll take care of this,” Chloe told Gracie. “Stop me when I have it.” She cleared her throat before rattling stuff off at typical Chloe speed. “You jerked him off. He finger fucked you. You blew him. He sucked you
until you screamed. You—”

I put my hand up. “Um, that one
, and a little of the second one. And I think I really did scream.” In total mortification, I covered my face with my hands as my insides tingled at the memory. My face was flushed red. I could feel it. Even my heart beat erratically. “And then… Ugh, I can’t even finish.”

, you can. Then what?” The wings were now forgotten. Everything was forgotten except my stupid, pathetic sex life. “What, Faith?”

My hands still covering my face, I took a fortifying breath and rushed out, “

Chloe started laughing so hard, she was snorting. Gracie joined in and I wanted to kill them both.
Susie, bless her heart refrained, but was grinning from ear to ear. A couple seconds later, I was laughing as hard as they were. And that’s when Joe walked in, and I laughed even harder. I think I was close to hysteria at that point. God help me.

Chapter 15



Not in a
million years did I think I’d find Faith in Diamond Dave’s. The place had incredible wings, but that was about it. Dave’s was a dive bar. Tired looking, hard-working men filled every bar stool, drinking beer before having to go home to their women. Heavy metal blared out of the old juke box in the corner, making it hard to be heard, and the waitresses were barely dressed. It was definitely an acquired taste. I just wanted some beer.

Shawn ran straight into my back as I slammed on the brakes the second I saw Faith. Carrie quickly followed suit.

“What’s wrong, Joe?” She placed her hand on my arm and gave me a gentle squeeze. Carrie was a mother hen to everyone around her. It was one of the things I liked best about her. She reminded me of my own mother.

“It’s her. Faith is sitting over there with her girlfriends. Just took me by surprise, that’s all. Let’s go say hi.”

Before Shawn could talk me out of it—because he thought I needed to give it up—I walked up to their table, smiling at the laughter that was so freely flowing. “Hi, Faith. How are you?”

“Hi, Joe.”
She continued to laugh until I was worried she would fall off her chair. So I did what anyone would have who was concerned for her safety. I put my arm around her. Smooth, right? Yeah, I thought so, too.

“What’s so funny?”

They quieted down with occasional snorts coming from one of the ones I hadn’t met yet. “Nothing. Girl talk.”

was fidgeting. I wasn’t sure if that was a good sign or not. Maybe she was excited to see me, or maybe she wished I wasn’t there. “These are my friends, Shawn and Carrie.” I left it up to her to introduce her friends.

Faith stuck out her hand to Carrie’s offered one and clasped it. “It’s nice to meet you both. This is Gracie
, Susie, and Chloe. We’re having a girl’s night out. The wings here are great. Not that I usually eat that kind of stuff. Really, I don’t. I just needed—”

Luckily, Chloe saved the day. I’d been around Faith long enough already to know that I hated it when she talked about herself and anything that had to do with food or size or whatever. She was perfect, just the way she was.

“You guys want to pull up some chairs? The table behind us is clearing out.”

“We don’t want to intrude on your girl’s night,” Shawn said. And then grunted as my fucking foot came down
hard on his. I most assuredly
want to intrude on their girl’s night.

“Thanks, we’d love to.” I started pulling chairs over for Shawn and Carrie before either one of them said anything else. There wasn’t much room left, so I squeezed in as close to Faith as I could
get. Yes, I’ve got the moves!

After we ordered another pitcher for the table and some more wings, Faith quietly whispered to me. “Thank you for the flowers.”

I whispered just as softly back to her. “You’re welcome. Someone like you should always have flowers.” Taking the chance of her not wanting to make a scene, I put my arm on the back of her chair and lightly rubbed her back.

“So, we already know what Joe does for a living.” Chloe threw me a wink, before addressing my friends. “What keeps you two busy during the day?”

“I work for the firm that Joe used to work for, and Carrie runs our local animal shelter.”

“You’re an escort
, too? And you’re married? Wow, Carrie. You’ve got to be the most secure woman on the planet.” Faith’s outburst explained what I already knew. She’d never date me while I was still an escort.

Carrie laughed as she explained. “Oh, heck no. There’s no way I’d share Shawn with anyone.” I
gently kicked her under the table. “Sorry, Joe, but it’s true. No sane woman would date an escort.” Turning back to Faith, she began to tell her about the firm Shawn worked for before I had a chance to change the subject.

“No. He works for Starling Architecture. Joe
and Shawn both worked there all through high school, but Joe left after everything happened. Shawn stayed through the aftermath, though.”

Starling Architecture?” Faith’s brows rose as she spared a glance for me.

was my father and uncle’s firm. I had a disagreement with my uncle and left. It happens. I didn’t want to work there anymore. After that, I went to another architectural firm and worked there through my first year of college, until Perfect Ten found me.” I really didn’t want to go down the road our conversation was going. If I were lucky enough to be in a relationship with Faith, I would tell her my entire life story, but right now, she didn’t need to know the extent of my family skeletons.

Carrie got it, and changed the subject. “What do you do, Faith?”

“I’m an accountant. It’s really rather boring, but I’ve always been good with numbers, so it just fit.” There it was again. She was constantly apologizing for herself. That was going to change.

“It may not be an exciting job to some people, but I could never do it. All those numbers would drive me nuts. I’m lucky if I can balance my checkbook. Luckily, I don’t do it much.” Faith turned to me with a truly pained expression.

“Did you seriously just tell an accountant that you don’t balance your checkbook? Geez, Joe. Now I won’t be able to sleep tonight.”

“I’m sure I could help you sleep tonight.” Dammit, these things just c
ame out of my mouth. Before I could make it into a light-hearted joke, Chloe gave a whoop and banged on the table.

“Ha! Oh, I like you, Joe Starling. I think you’re perfect for our Faith. Don’t give up on her. She’s starting to cave.”

“Chloe!” Faith’s hand reached out to slap Chloe on the arm, but never connected. She was already up, throwing some money on the table.

“Well, sorry to run, guys, but
I have a beautiful ballerina to see—and an asshole, unfortunately.” She shook Shawn and Carrie’s hands, gave Joe a slap on his rump, and off she went.

Faith took a big gulp of her beer and apologized to all of us
, though it wasn’t needed. “Sorry about her. She’s wound pretty tight, but we decided long ago to keep her.”

“Nothing to apologize for. I, for one, love her. Especially if she’s on my side. So, what do you say? Have dinner with me tomorrow night.”
Come on, say yes!

“All right. You win, but I can’t tomorrow. Friday?”

Fuck. I have a job Friday night and Saturday during the day and into the early evening. “I, ah, can’t Friday or Saturday.”

“Oh, right. You
those nights, don’t you? No problem. Thanks for the reminder. I almost forgot what you did for a living.” And there was the backbone she showed now and then. She shook her head and put her hand on my arm. Such a small touch, but I could feel it sear through my body. “Look, I’m sorry, Joe. I’m trying not to judge you, really, but I just can’t date someone who sees other women.” She put her hand up right in front of my face when I started to speak. “Seriously, forget it. I know it’s just a job to you, but I am not a strong enough woman to share my date.”

For the first time in my life, I was ashamed of how I’d earned my money. I can’t say I wouldn’t do it again, because
, let’s face it, being able to fuck so many women with no ties was just about heaven for all those years, but I hated seeing the disapproval in Faith’s eyes. I gently took her elbow and asked her to talk with me in private. “Just give me a couple of minutes to talk to you. Then I’m going to ask you out one more time. If you say no, I’ll go away. Forever.”

She glanced sideways toward Grace, and at her nod and gentle shove, she got up and allowed me to pull her farther away from the jukebox to a
darkened corner, sandwiched between the end of the bar and an old phone booth. It was marginally quieter.

“Okay. First things first. If this might be the last chance I have to be with you…” I kissed her. It was a need so great
that I couldn’t have stopped myself if I wanted to. And I didn’t want to. At first, I think she was too shocked to respond, but then… then, she responded.

I had her pushed up against the wall, so I could touch as much of her as possible. From head to toe, we touched. Using anything I could think of to give her pleasure, I put my thigh between hers and added gentle pressure. My cock was already hard for her. It almost always was, and I pushed into her so that she could feel what she did to me.

“God, Faith. You always taste so good.” Tonight she was a mixture of spice from the hot sauce and cold beer, intermingled with her own unique taste. I couldn’t get enough of her. My tongue slipped passed her lips when she tried to pull away and I had her. The first lick of the inside of her mouth melted away all of her resistance.

Her arms, which were pinned between us, slipped up to wind around my neck. The more I kissed her, the deeper I went,
and the more she pushed her breasts against me. Little moans began at the back of her throat, and she started sliding her pussy against my thigh.

If we were alone, I would have had her pussy in my mouth
in two seconds flat. Fuck, I remember her taste and I wanted more—her juices on my lips—her hands grabbing fistfuls of my hair to push me harder into her as she came around my tongue.

Of their own accord, my hands wandered from her hips down to her
bottom, grabbing her and grinding my cock against her. All the while, we were both frantic with our kisses. Just like before, we were so caught up in each other, our teeth banged together, and I tried to force myself to slow down, but she’d have none of that. As I pulled slightly away, she whimpered and pulled me back, slipping her hands to get to the hem of my shirt. At the contact of her hands on my bare skin, my cock jumped and wanted out. And then in, and then out again, and then—you get the picture.

I’m not sure either of us realized we were still in a public place until the bartender interrupted us. “Hey
, guys. If you’re going to give us a show, you might as well get up on the bar so everyone can see, eh?” He chuckled as we broke apart, Faith’s hand going up to her bruised lips. Swollen lips. Most beautiful fucking lips on the planet. And
did that. It was
who caused that lustful look on her face.
put that passion and fire in her eyes. Fuck yeah, I did.

, my God. What was that? Why do you make me forget everything when you touch me? It’s maddening.” Amid the catcalls from around the bar, she fiddled with her hair and straightened her blouse.

“That was a kiss to end all kisses, I’d say.” I wasn’t entirely sure how to play this, but my eyebrow rose
with a confidence I didn’t completely feel. I was definitely feeling a tad smug at her reaction to me, but this was Faith. She was skittish at best, downright negative toward me at worst.

When she turned around, ready to
run back to her friends, I remembered why I wanted to talk to her in the first place. Kind of wiped the smugness right out of me. I think I only had one final chance to win her over. “Wait. I’m sorry. Christ, Faith, I’m sorry. It’s just that I lose my mind around you. I honestly don’t think you can blame me. You’re too … too …

Was she going to stay or go? God, I just wished she’d say something.
She shook her head, but stayed put. “What did you want to talk about?”

When I
stepped closer to her again, she held me back with her hands. “Ut uh. No way. You stay over there and talk.”

I nodded in agreement, even as my feet shifted just an inch or two closer. “I wanted to tell you that I quit. I quit Perfect Ten. You won’t have to worry about me
being with other women. I don’t want to—I just want to be with you.”

Her reaction was not what I expected. I mean,
I’m not so conceited that I thought she’d jump up and down for joy or anything, but she was obviously not happy with my news.

She lifted her right palm to her forehead and scanned the room, looking
anywhere and everywhere but at me. “What? You quit your job? You can’t do that because of me, Joe. That’s crazy!” Her hand slipped down to cover her eyes for a second before coming down to slap her thigh. “No way. I’m not going to be the reason you give up your job. I mean, you’re really successful there. You make a ton of money! No.”

“Listen. I don’t need to make that kind of money. I’ve saved and saved over the years. With my investments, I wouldn’t have to ever work again if I lived my life right. You aren’t one hundred percent of the reason I quit, Faith. It’s more than that. It’s even just the idea of you.” She was still shaking her head and inching away from me. To be honest, it was starting to piss me off.

“Stop! Jesus. I don’t get it. I know you’re attracted to me. That’s pretty obvious. And it’s equally obvious that I’m attracted to you. Christ, Faith! I’ve been walking around with a cock hard enough to pound nails with since the wedding.
do that to me. And I want that. I want one woman to share things with, make memories with—is that so hard to believe?”

“I don’t know, Joe. I really don’t know you. We had one date and then … well, you know.”

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