Playing with Passion Theta Series Book 1 (25 page)

Read Playing with Passion Theta Series Book 1 Online

Authors: Gayle Parness

Tags: #vampires, #demon, #paranormal romance, #magic, #werewolves, #theta, #paranormal series, #nyc adventure, #werewolves demons and vampires, #demon villian

BOOK: Playing with Passion Theta Series Book 1
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"The morning after I met you, and
several times after that."

"I hope her ass wasn't so

He moved his hand to her butt and
squeezed again, grinning like a kid who’d won a prize. "Maybe
you're right; your real ass is much nicer."

Mack leaned in to kiss her mouth, but
Ingrid pushed him away, suddenly distracted as she puzzled over
something he’d said. "You create fantasies, which means you can use
your psycore. You fooled Giovanni and Paolo that way, too. So how
is it you never have to reboot, like the actors do?"

He’d never been asked
these questions before so he took the time to think about how to
answer. "Techs are trained to open a full link between our axis and
our psycore at every show and every rehearsal. Our power runs more
smoothly when we do. During a performance we draw from
the source
, and that
seems to recharge us as we work.”

“You draw from
the source
.” Puzzle
pieces were clicking into place. “What is that, exactly?

“According to The
Director, every planet with a sentient race, also has a
, kind of a major
power generator that most living species are unaware of. It
responds to our kind of magic and allows us to pull energy from its

“Our kind of magic?”

“Organic, natural to our
race and our planet. The Archdemon has a harder time pulling
the source
because he’s not native to our world. Plus he’s

“And you?”

“Never had a problem.”

“I think we should discuss this with
Gene later.”


“When actors reboot, we
exchange psycore during sex.” Mack had winced at the word
, probably
envisioning Gene and her together. It was adorable that a guy so
powerful and self confident in his work, could be so insecure
around her. She smiled inside, wanting so much to make him see that
he was her forever guy. But she liked a challenge, especially one
involving spending lots of time with the hottest guy on the

“Have you ever shared basic axis
energy, like you automatically do with me?" he asked, swinging his
legs over the side of the bed so he was facing away from

He was reaching for his boxers when
she rose to her knees, placing a hand on each of his shoulders,
kissing across his muscled back. "No, not like we do. Can you
listen for a minute? I want you to know what happened with Gene two
nights ago.” The muscles under her hands stiffened, so she began to
knead his upper back. “We rebooted, but we didn’t fuck.”


“We didn’t need to. I fueled the
looping of our psycore with my axis energy and we dropped our
shields, both layers. We were able to bring each other to orgasm
and reboot without intercourse.”

Her massage didn’t seem to be working
its magic. She turned him around so she could see his face. “What’s

"You rebooted normally?"

"Actually, it felt stronger. Gene said
he was good for the next decade." She laughed softly, stopping when
she noticed Mack’s serious expression.

“Wouldn’t it have been easier to fuck
each other?” He tried to stand, but she held him in

The green-eyed monster was rearing its
ugly head. Best to get this straightened out. “Gene’s great. If I’d
never met you, and I knew I was stuck in this life as a troupe
theta, I’d have no problem being intimate with him.”

“But I’m your ticket out of here,

She pushed on his back and scooted
away. “Did anyone ever tell you you’re an asshole?”

“Several times, especially lately.” He
said, scratching his stubble.

Celeste stroked his other cheek,
enjoying the roughness. “I was in your head. I saw how you felt
about me. What did you see in mine?”

“Anger. Fear. Conflict, especially
where I’m concerned.”

“Why did you…?” She gestured to the
bed. “This wasn’t only lust. I know the difference.”

His face softened. “Because you make
me crazy. I can’t think like a PM around you. It’s not only your
body I want. I want to possess you, mark you, claim you, body and
soul. You have me floundering around like a demon without his

“And I’m the same. Everything is so
new. Looping into a mega reboot with Gene blew my mind. And then
today, you turned me into a trembling ball of gooey

His mouth spread out in a sexy grin.
“You’re honey in my mouth.”

“I like that. To me you’re more like
butter pecan ice cream.”

“Butter pecan?”

“Yeah, you’re smooth and cool, sweet
and delicious, and you’ve got these lumpy bits I like to

Mack laughed full out, collapsing back
on the bed with an ear-to-ear grin that had her wanting him all
over again. After a minute, his gaze turned thoughtful. "The
strength of your reboot must have something to do with adding axis
power to your psycore energy loop.”

"Probably like the two
power centers were
to do by evolution." Something clicked in
Ingrid’s mind, another gear settling in place. "Shit. That could be
it." Tugging Mack back into the middle of the bed, Ingrid pushed
him down, straddling his hard stomach. "Want to take part in one of
my infamous experiments?”

His eyebrows arched in curiosity. "I
need more information."

"I'm going to make you
crazy hot for me, then we're going to link axis
psy power. Two separate loops,
which we’ll combine to make one large loop.”


“We’ll explode in simultaneous
orgasm," she said, sounding more confident than she actually

"I like the beginning and the end of
that theory." Mack looked skeptical.

"C'mon, what could happen? Gene and I
were fine."

"You two didn't form a single ring,
and I'm not Gene. My base axis energy is six times what the average
actor's is. Your psy-power is way over the limits. We're told by
the instructors that…"

Ingrid scowled at him. "Do you hear
yourself? They're afraid of us. They don't tell us the truth." She
scooted backward over his cock, rubbing her wet center against him
as he groaned.

"Crazy hot?" His eyes were already
rolling back in his head, his penis already hard. Theta males
rarely had trouble in that department.

Ingrid moved off his body, leaning in
for a quick kiss. "I" She slid her hand down
his chest, past his stomach and over his cock. He hissed when she
cradled his balls.

"Oh, god,” he moaned. Ingrid loved
that sound. Having him at her mercy for a change was a real turn

She whispered, using her sexiest voice
to deliver her own orders. "Watch me, Mack." He lifted his head and
leaned on his elbows. "See what I’d doing with my perfect mouth?
Using my tongue." His flesh tasted salty, the skin of his erection
soft above the firmer layer. Mack clutched at her hair with one of
his hands, the other bracing his body so he could see everything
she was doing. "I’m using my whole mouth." Ingrid sucked gently at
first, pulling in rhythm, but stopped to allowed his shaft to slide
slowly out. "Taking all of you in."

She sucked him deeper, his cock
brushing against the back of her throat. He groaned. “Ingrid—oh
man—how do you...? He began to move against her, thrusting his hips
to push farther inside her mouth. When she thought he was ready,
she straddled his hips.

"Crazy hot,” he gasped.”

She guided him inside, sliding down
his erection until she was stretched to her limit. The incredible
way he filled her burned into her core, branding her as his. She
moved with purpose now, guiding his hand to her hip to steady her
motion. They locked eyes as she clenched inner muscles to bring him

"Pull up your power, Mack. Like you do
in a show.” She was breathing faster now, her heartbeat

"Yes," he panted, lost in her spell.
Mack’s magic pushed into her axis, heating her spine, her brain,
her sex. As Ingrid’s back arched from the intensity of their
connections, she exchanged her energy for his, creating two perfect
loops, a continuous feed in two places. The magic flooding her mind
flamed like a laser, exploding into ribbons of color and heat
behind her eyes.

"Deeper.” He thrust harder and Ingrid
met him with equal force, his large erection burying itself in her
slick warmth over and over again, the sound of their bodies
slapping together, igniting them to go faster. Her skin tingled as
magic colored her skin in a golden glow. She leaned closer to
Mack’s face, her hair tenting his head. His golden-flecked eyes
darkened sexily right before they kissed.

"Try now," she croaked, forcing her
axis energy up to her psycore, joining them the way Mack had
described. She felt him do the same and suddenly the outside world
disappeared. Ingrid experienced a strange awareness, as if someone
else was in the loop, helping her connect with her lover. Hundreds
of thoughts and emotions flickered randomly through her brain, like
the quickest of slide shows.

He had to keep the troupe
safe from The Director, especially me. He wanted me to come when he
did. He didn't want to be alone anymore. He thought he might love

She knew him, heard him, felt his pain
and pleasure, but he hadn’t spoken those thoughts out

"I hear you."

Ingrid called his name again with a
hoarse cry, as the burning intensity permeating her body
transformed into more than she thought she could bear. A wider
connection erupted between her center and her mind and instantly,
there was real pain. The two loops had finally carved a path to
become one, their dual powers melding. As her body arched and
jerked in agony and pleasure both, her mind began to lift away,
shielding itself from the sharp knives of the magical

You really could die from
, she thought.

Almost there. Almost
Was that her or Mack? She couldn't
see anything.

Were her eyes open or
? Her blood drummed frantically in
her head, her chest, her gut, their hearts beating in sync.
The pain, the pain
Her head was
. Any second now, she figured
she’d be walking down that infamous tunnel toward the

But the joy…

When the pleasure/pain of
their pounding bodies began to drown her senses, making it
impossible to take another breath, Ingrid thought she might have to
abandon her idea. It was too much—too strong—and she began to black
out. Mack must have felt her flash of fear, because he clutched at
her hips, forcing her to stay where she was. "
Ingrid, now

Anchoring her, he pushed for one last
moment. They came in a glorious pulsating blast of raw energy,
arching her backward after several exquisite spasms, throwing her
glowing head into a collision course with the bedpost. Ingrid was
mercifully set adrift, the last thing she remembered hearing was
Mack's voice saying, "Oh shit."

Ingrid became aware of a damp coolness
on the back of her head. She opened her eyes only a slit, crying
out from the intense glare of the light. Closing them again, she
curled into a fetal ball on the bed. "Too bright," she

She heard Mack moving around the room,
closing the shades and the curtains and then finally the door. "Try
now." She peeked out, her eyes still slits. It seemed better, but
still much brighter than it should have been. "Here." Mack handed
her a pair of sunglasses, which were too big for her head, but at
least made it possible for her to open her eyes fully.

"The light sensitivity seemed to
lessen for me after a few minutes. How do you feel?"

"I think I'm okay." She patted her
face and various parts of her body.

“There’s no lump where you hit your
head. If you had one, it must have already healed.

Ingrid started to sit up, but Mack put
a hand on her shoulder and pushed her back down. "Trust me; you
don't want to do that yet. When I woke up, I got out of the bed too
fast and spent the next ten minutes dry heaving in the

Ingrid scrutinized Mack more closely,
noticing that he was also wearing sunglasses. "Are you

"I think so. My nose is completely
healed, much faster than normal. In fact, I feel amazing. I mean,
some things have changed completely, but I haven't figured it all
out yet."


"My eyes."

"Are they injured?"

"No, I see really well. Better than
before. The color has changed."

"To what?"

"Kind of a copper color, I

"Let me see."

He sat down on the bed and took off
the glasses. She gasped and clutched at his arm to steady herself.
His lovely hazel eyes were now a shiny dark copper color, the
golden flecks still there. "I can't believe this."

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