Please Save Me (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (3 page)

BOOK: Please Save Me (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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She cleared her throat and licked her dry lips. Looking at Detective Lyons, she began to tell him the reason she had moved to Orderville.

“I was in a relationship for two months in my hometown of Little, Idaho, with Joe Cox, but things didn’t work out. I had to file a restraining order against him, but that didn’t seem to make any difference, because every time I turned around Joe would be there. The last time I saw him he pushed his way into my apartment and hit me. I think he would have raped me if a concerned neighbor hadn’t come to my rescue when he heard me screaming. Just before he left he threatened to kill me. I couldn’t take his threats anymore, and I was scared he would hunt me down, so I packed up and moved here. He’s the only person I know who could be holding a grudge.”

“Did you call the police when he violated his restraining order?” Crispin asked.


“What happened?” Russ asked.

“Nothing. Joe went into hiding, and the law couldn’t find him. There was nothing they could do unless he resurfaced.”

“Hmm, I’ll definitely look into that. Did either of you see what happened?” Russ directed his question to Steve and Gary.

Selina listened to Steve as he explained he hadn’t really seen anything, as he was too far away. But she listened intently when Gary recounted his memory of the incident. When he began to give his description of the person behind the wheel of the car which had slowed near the office, she felt all the blood drain from her face. She gasped, and the air in her lungs and esophagus formed a huge lump. She couldn’t breathe. A film of perspiration formed on her skin, and her chest felt very tight.

“Selina, calm down. He can’t get to you now. You’re safe, sugar,” Steve stated quietly as he picked her up and pulled her onto his lap. He wrapped an arm around her, and she hid her face against his chest.

She felt like such an idiot for panicking, but she couldn’t seem to control her body’s reactions. Just when she thought she was going to pass out, Steve tilted her face to his and looked her in the eye.

“Take a deep breath for me, sugar. That’s it. Good girl,” he whispered and caressed her arm until she calmed down. “Relax, honey. It’s going to be okay.”

“All right, thank you for giving your statement, Selina,” Crispin said. “I think it would be best if you weren’t alone. Do you have any friends you can bunk with for a while?”

“She’ll be staying with us,” Steve stated in a firm voice.

She pushed off of Steve’s lap and turned to frown down at him, but her eyes met with his chest since he stood up as well. She looked up until she met his gaze, and the look of implacability on his face made her shiver, so she quickly lowered her eyes.

Gary saw the two detectives to the door and came back until he was standing on her other side. She realized she was between her two bosses. The heat emanating from their bodies was as comforting as it was arousing, but she didn’t want to look at or listen to them, because she couldn’t have stood to see pity on their faces.

“Why didn’t you tell us you were in trouble, baby?” Gary asked.

“Why would I have done that? I didn’t even know you.”

“Come with me, sugar,” Steve commanded and gently grasped her wrist.

She followed him down the hall to the bathroom and looked up at him questioningly.

“We need to clean up your scrapes. I’m sorry I didn’t do it sooner, but you needed comfort, and then the detectives arrived. Sit down, sugar,” Steve commanded and helped her to sit on the edge of the countertop.

Selina winced when her bruised posterior and hip contacted the hard surface but bit her lip to prevent her gasp of pain.

“You hurt your ass, didn’t you, baby? Why don’t you strip down so we can make sure you haven’t broken the skin,” Gary suggested gently.

“Uh, I’m okay.”

“I won’t be happy until I’ve seen all your injuries, sugar. So be a good girl and do what Gary suggested,” Steve demanded.

“I don’t think that’s very appropriate. You’re my employers, for God’s sake,” she replied acerbically.

“As of two hours ago, you were off duty, so now we are just friends. I want to make sure you aren’t hurt too severely, sugar. Now, you can either strip down and let us check you over, or I can bundle you into the car and take you to see a doctor. What’s it going to be, Selina?” Steve asked.

Nibbling on her lip, she thought about letting him take her to the doctor, but she knew she wasn’t hurt badly enough. But the thought of the two men watching her, seeing her almost naked, made her heartbeat accelerate and her pussy cream. Reasoning they wouldn’t see anything she wouldn’t bare at the beach if she kept her underwear on, she decided to placate Steve and reached for the first button on her shirt. Her hands were shaking so much that she fumbled with the button numerous times. She sighed with relief as it finally slipped from its hole.

“Let me, sugar.” Steve gently brushed her hands aside.

Selina kept her eyes lowered as he made quick work of her buttons and eased her blouse down her arms and off. He helped her to stand. Gary moved in closer and worked on her skirt, pulling it over her hips and down her legs, then picking it up and draping it over the counter. He placed his hands on her shoulders and slowly turned her until her back was facing the two men. She heard their indrawn breaths and wondered if she had grazed her hip as well. Looking over her shoulder, she tried to see for herself by using the vanity mirror, but Gary’s body was blocking her vision.

She felt her eyes widen when her gaze snagged on Gary’s crotch, catching sight of the massive bulge his hard cock made in his denim jeans. Sliding her eyes to the other side, she saw Steve was sporting a matching hard-on. When she realized where she was looking, she quickly looked away, but she couldn’t control the heat rising in her cheeks.

“You have a large bruise on your hip, Selina. We’ll get some ice on it as soon as we get you home. Turn around, baby, and let me clean up your scraped palms,” Gary stated.

“I can do that myself,” she replied quietly.

“We know you can, sugar, but let us take care of you now. Okay?” Steve asked.

She nodded in acquiescence and bit her lip as Gary began to clean the dirt out of her scraped palms, and then she hissed through her teeth as the disinfectant stung her skin.

“Sorry, baby. I know that hurt, but it needed to be cleaned. Okay, let’s get you dressed, and then we can go home.” He suited action to words by helping her to re-dress. He led her from the office.

Chapter Three


Gary adjusted his hard, aching cock surreptitiously so Selina wouldn’t see his predicament, but he was pretty sure her gaze had latched onto his crotch when she had tried to see her bruised hip earlier in the bathroom. Her cheeks had turned a becoming shade of pink, and he’d had to bite his tongue when she had unconsciously licked her lips.

Ever since they had stripped her down to her sexy, lacy white lingerie, his cock had been hard enough to hammer nails and his balls had begun to ache. He had never seen such a sexy sight in his life. Selina had the body of a sex goddess, with her full breasts, slim waist, and gently curving hips, and there was a vulnerability about her that just made him want to wrap her up in his arms and never let go. He had caught sight of her puckered, rosy nipples and areolas through the sheer lace of her white bra and had to physically restrain himself from bending down and taking those hard little buds between his lips and sucking on then.

Steve had drawn in a gasp when they had her stripped down to her underwear, and Gary knew his lover’s cock had gone hard from the way he had shifted from foot to foot. He had looked up into his partner’s eyes, and Steve had given him a nod of affirmation. They had already decided it was time to begin courting Selina, hoping she was the missing piece in their relationship, and they had planned to begin wooing her in the next couple of weeks. But now that her life could be in danger, and knowing Steve had a protective streak a mile wide, he knew that nod meant they would be starting their courting a lot sooner than planned.

Steve led her to their truck, and Gary noticed she was limping slightly. He wondered if she had pulled a muscle and vowed to run a bath for her as soon as they got back home. When she stopped before reaching the door, he watched and waited to see how Steve would deal with her stubbornness.

“I need to go home,” she stated firmly.

Gary kept his face a blank mask but watched as Steve stepped up close to Selina and looked down at her with a stern expression.


“Because all my things are at my apartment,” she replied.

Gary couldn’t contain his smile when Steve picked her up and placed her onto the seat.

“We’ll stop by your place so you can pack a bag,” Steve answered gruffly.

“It’s not necessary for me to stay at…”

“Yes, it is. You heard what the detectives said. They don’t want you to be alone. Your life was threatened today, Selina. There is no way in hell I’m leaving you alone to deal with this by yourself. Scoot over,” Steve said and climbed into the passenger seat when she had complied with his directive.

Gary wiped all expression from his face as he got into the driver’s seat and started the vehicle. He’d already worked out what Steve was up to. His lover was trying to get Selina used to being in between them so she wouldn’t balk when they began to make their move on her. He was just thankful their truck had a front bench seat with three safety belts.

“Where do you live, baby?”

Selina directed him to her small apartment complex. When they got there, he was secretly appalled by the lack of security. Anyone could get into the place and no one would be the wiser. He was glad Steve had put his foot down and told Selina she was coming home with them. The thought of her beaten and bloody at her ex’s hands made his stomach churn with nausea and fury, but the thought of her shot or dead filled his heart with pain and dread. There was no way in hell he and Steve were going to let anything happen to her.

Even though they didn’t know her through and through, he knew her well enough to ascertain she would fit well in his and Steve’s relationship. Plus, he and Steve weren’t gay, they were bisexual, and even from the start of their relationship they had planned to bring a women into their midst. He just hoped that Steven’s dominance wasn’t too harsh for Selina to deal with. He wasn’t a Dom, but he liked to give orders and have his command obeyed in the bedroom. It wasn’t very often that Steve let Gary top him, much to Gary’s disappointment, but maybe Selina would be able to get Steve to loosen up with her gentle, loving personality.

Gary followed Steve and Selina into her apartment. It was decorated with soft colors and throw rugs as well as a few knickknacks. Just as he imagined it to be, but it was way smaller than he would have thought. As far as he could see there was only the one bedroom with a bathroom connected, and the kitchen and living room were only separated by a counter. What he didn’t like was that the hallway leading to her door was only lit by one dim lightbulb. There were shadows and corners which could hide anyone with nefarious intent. There was no way he was letting her come back here until he knew she was going to completely safe.

“Go and pack a bag, sugar. Make sure you bring everything you may need for a few weeks,” Steven stated firmly.

“Look, I really appreciate that you want to help me, but I don’t think I should be staying with you,” Selina replied.

“Do you have anyone else you can stay with?” Steve asked.

Selina didn’t answer. She lowered her eyes, nibbled on her lip, and shook her head.

“Do you really want to stay here all alone? Are you willing to take the risk of that bastard coming after you and hurting you again?” He paused and sighed with frustration. “He’s already taken a shot at you, sugar. What do you think he’s going to do when he finds you here by yourself?”

“I—I’ll come and stay with you. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. The last thing I want to do is disrupt your lives. Thank you for helping me out.”

“Baby, look at me,” Gary commanded.

She lifted her head and met his gaze. Her gasp told him that all the desire he felt for her was evident in his expression.

“We want you to stay with us, Selina. We want you to ‘disrupt’ our lives, as you put it. We want you in our home, in our lives, and in our bed, but most especially we want to keep you safe,” Gary said with sincerity.

“Sugar, we have both wanted to form a relationship with you from nearly the first moment you walked through our door asking for work. We haven’t done anything before now because we didn’t want to scare you away, but since that motherfucker is out to hurt you and we can offer you protection, we thought this would also be the perfect opportunity to court you. We want to share you, Selina.”

“What do you mean by that?” she asked nervously, looking from him to Steve.

“We are bisexual, baby, and have been in a relationship for years, but we’ve always known that eventually we would bring in a woman to complete our bond.” Gary looked at her earnestly. “We think you are the woman we have been waiting for, the woman we could very well fall in love with. What do you say, Selina? Are you willing to see what develops between us all?”


* * * *


Gary and Steve watched her as she sucked her lower lip into her mouth and thought about what they had asked her. It would be so easy for her to say yes and to hell with the consequences. Her mind and emotions were in turmoil. She yearned to experience making love with these two gorgeous men but did not want to put their lives in jeopardy. She hadn’t known they were lovers, but the thought of these two hot men having sex with each other turned her on big-time. Her breathing escalated imagining just what they would look like as Steve fucked Gary in the ass or as they sucked each other off. Juices leaked from her pussy and soaked her panties, her nipples pebbled as if begging to be suckled on, and she couldn’t stop a small moan from escaping between her lips.

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