Please Save Me (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (4 page)

BOOK: Please Save Me (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“So help me God, I swore I wouldn’t touch you until you answered, but I just can’t resist anymore, baby,” Gary rasped out in a deep, gravelly voice.

She looked up to see Gary and Steve looking at her through hungry, hot eyes. Gary had her in his arms before she could blink, and then his mouth covered hers. Selina’s gasp turned to a moan when he swept his tongue into the depths of her mouth. He tasted so good she never wanted the kiss to stop. His essence was a mixture of coffee, mint, and Gary’s own exotic masculine flavor. One taste of him and she knew she would never get enough. Thrusting his tongue into her mouth over and over again, he turned her body to molten lava as he fucked her mouth. She clung to him as his tongue explored every inch of her mouth until she was so breathless with desire and lack of oxygen she thought she might pass out. Her knees buckled, and she leaned into him when he finally withdrew his lips from hers so they could gasp in much-needed air.

Feeling hands on her waist, she mewled when Steve spun her around and carried her to her sofa. He sat down and pulled her onto his lap. She froze when she felt his hard cock against her hip. He looked deeply into her eyes and then slowly lowered his head to hers, waiting before closing the last few inches between them. When she didn’t protest but continued to stare up at him with awe, he moved and touched his lips to hers.

She sighed as he kissed her. Their kisses were so different yet no less arousing. Selina thought Gary’s kiss had been one of the most carnal she had ever experienced, but she had been wrong. He had kissed her with soft aggression, both coaxing and demanding a response from her. Steve’s kiss had started off slow, as if testing the waters, but once she opened her mouth to his questing tongue, the meeting of their lips turned positively indecent.

Steve’s kisses were erotically licentious. He demanded, practically insisting she respond with a carnality that bordered on being lewd. Not that it was. It was the second hottest, lustiest kiss she had ever experienced, and both of those had been within the last couple of minutes. Her whole body was on fire, and she had no idea how to put the flames out. Limbs shaking and shivering with arousal, she felt this was just too much for her to process. Her panties were soaked through from her juices.

Steve ended the kiss and lifted his head to stare at her. He seared her with his heat and watched her intently as he slid his hand up beneath the hem of her shirt. She shook as the rough calluses on his fingers caressed the flesh of her stomach, and she panted, waiting with excited anticipation for him to touch where she needed so badly to be touched. Her eyes closed when his hand enclosed her lace-covered breast, and she couldn’t prevent the instinctive arch of her chest when pleasure coursed through her as he kneaded her swollen flesh.

“Open your eyes, sugar,” Steve rasped out.

Selina opened her eyes and looked at him. She mewled with bliss as his fingertip began to flick back and forth over her turgid nipple.

“You didn’t answer Gary, Selina. Are you willing to begin a relationship with us?”

Selina knew there was only one answer she could possibly give. There was no way she could walk away from these two men or keep them at arm’s length if she stayed in Orderville. The only thing holding her back was the thought of placing them in danger. She wouldn’t be able to live with her own conscience if anything happened to Gary and Steve because of her.

“I don’t want to put you in danger,” she answered in a trembling, husky voice.

“We know how to look after ourselves, sugar. Gary and I both have black belts in karate. We don’t need you to keep your distance to keep us safe. You want us as much as we want you, don’t you, Selina,” Steve stated more than asked.

She couldn’t lie, so she answered, “Yes.”

“Good girl. Now I want you to go and pack a bag. Make sure you have everything you’ll need for a couple of weeks, because there is no way in hell you’ll be coming back here just so you can get more clothes. That doesn’t mean you can’t come back to your apartment, but you won’t do so without one of us. Is that understood, sugar?”

“Yes, Steve,” she replied.

He was always giving orders and expecting them to be carried out immediately, and she guessed she was no exception. She might end up with a broken heart and unemployed, but she might also just end up finding the loves of her life. She wanted to yell at the top of her lungs that yes, she wanted to stay with them, but she was also cautious because of the last relationship she had been in.

Joe Cox had been so nice when they had first started dating, but as their relationship progressed he began to get more demanding and picky. First he criticized the way she wore her hair or how she did her makeup. Then he started in on what type of clothes she wore and how she wore them, and what was worse was that she took notice.

She hadn’t been going out with him for very long and thanked God every day that she had held off when he had pressured her for sex. The final straw had been when he had kissed her so brutally she had tasted her own blood. She knew then that she had to break things off. Joe scared her, and there was no way she was going to continue a relationship with someone who terrified her. She had pushed him away from her and told him she was sorry but she didn’t think they were really suited and that they had nothing in common, which was true. Instead of accepting her decision, he had snarled at her that she was a whore and that she belonged to him. Then he had hit her.

The blow had landed on her cheek, and when she fell to the floor, he had leaned down over her and laid into her. She didn’t remember screaming, but she must have, because after the umpteenth punch had landed on her torso, arms, legs, and stomach, he was hauled off of her. The next thing she knew, her neighbor was talking to her, but she was too out of it to comprehend what he had said. She was lucky that he hadn’t ignored her screams, because God only knew what condition she would have been in if he hadn’t come to her rescue. He had called a doctor to her apartment, and much to her relief she hadn’t had any internal injuries, but her ribs had been bruised, so she hadn’t been able to work for the next five days.

Once recovered she had brought a gift for her neighbor to thank him and then, feeling ashamed to be caught in such a situation, had raced back to her apartment and tried to avoid him ever since. But she was eternally grateful he hadn’t taken offense, as after Joe violated his restraining order and forced his way into her apartment, the same concerned neighbor had heard her screams and saved her again. In hindsight Selina knew she really had nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about since none of it was her fault, but Joe had slowly chipped away at her self-confidence until she began to doubt her own intuition and abilities.

Shaking her head and pushing her introspection aside, she decided her bag was packed. Hoping she had gotten everything she needed, she closed the zipper. She had been so absorbed in her thoughts she didn’t even realize what she was doing until it was done. Taking a deep breath, she turned around. She lowered her gaze when she spotted them leaning against the doorjamb of her bedroom. She hadn’t even realized they were there.

“Are you ready to go, sugar?” Steve asked, holding a hand out toward her as he moved closer.

“Yes,” she replied, reaching for her bag.

“No you don’t, baby. I’ll get that. Come on, let’s get you home and settled.” Gary picked up her bag and headed out.

Selina took a deep breath, trying to calm her ragged nerves, and hoped like hell she was doing the right thing.

Chapter Four


“My balls are aching so bad I think they’ve turned blue,” Steve whispered to Gary so Selina didn’t hear him.

“Yeah, I know the feeling,” Gary muttered.

Steve watched Selina in the rearview mirror as he drove toward their home. He was so excited to finally have the chance to get her into their home and hopefully into their bed that his cock continued to pulse against his jeans’ zipper. Both Gary’s reply and the way he kept adjusting his hard dick told Steve that his lover was in the same predicament.

Even though Selina’s fidgeting revealed her nervousness, he was glad she was going to be staying with them. The last thing he wanted was to leave her alone and in danger.

He kept seeing Gary pushing her and lying on top of her when he came close to them, trying to protect her with his body. At the time Steve hadn’t known what was going on, but when he had, he had felt fear so deep for Selina, he had wanted to wrap her up in his arms, carry her home, and lock her inside. Knowing there was no way she would ever allow such a thing only made him seethe with frustration. The knot of fear in his gut began to release now that she was in his truck on the way to their house. He breathed easier than he had for the last few hours.

Steve hit the button for the garage door and parked his truck. He opened the door to the house as Gary helped Selina down from the truck, and then he grabbed her bag and steered her inside.

While Gary continued up the stairs to take her bag to the bedroom, Steve led her into the kitchen. Watching her as she took in the house, he noticed she was nibbling on her lower lip again. He had already figured out she only did that when she was nervous, and he wanted to take her into his arms and soothe the anxiety she was feeling.

“Have a seat, sugar. Do you want something to drink while I get dinner ready?”

“Yes please. If you show me where everything is, I can get it.”

Steve took her at her word and showed her where the coffee, tea, and other beverages were kept. Together they set about preparing a meal. He loved that she was in their kitchen working alongside him. It felt so right, and he wanted her to stay with them permanently. However, he also knew it was way too early to ask such a thing of her. They were going to have to woo her step by step. The first step had been to get her into their home, and now he and Gary were going to coax her into their bed and themselves into her heart.

“Do you want some help?” she asked.

“Sure, honey, why don’t you cut up the veggies for the salad? By the time you’re done the potatoes should have finished cooking in the microwave and the steak won’t be far off either,” Steve replied. “You make perfect coffee, Selina.”

She lowered her head, but he could see by the blush on her cheeks she was pleased by his compliment. He had just placed some small dinner rolls in the oven to warm when Gary entered the kitchen. His lover moved up behind Selina, wrapping his arms around her waist. He nuzzled her ear with his nose.

“You smell good, baby,” Gary said.

Steve watched Selina’s face, gauging her reactions to his lover. Her color heightened and her breathing came faster. Dropping his eyes to her chest, he saw her nipples harden, poking against the material of her blouse. Gary licked up and down her neck until he reached her shoulder. He nudged the collar of her shirt out of the way, and then he nipped her sensitive flesh. By the time Gary was finished loving on her with his mouth, Selina was leaning back against him with her eyes closed and her lips parted slightly as she gasped for air.

“Gary, set the table and then we can eat.” Steve mentally cursed the gravelly intonation in his voice. Goddamn it, he was so horny he wanted to strip Selina down, carry her to the table, lay her down, and bury himself in her wet pussy. He took a couple of deep breaths and turned back to remove the steaks from the grill.

He watched as Selina ate. She was so nervous she only ate half the food on her plate, and he thought about how to get her to relax a little more.

“Why don’t you go up and take a bath, sugar, while Gary and I clean up?”

“Oh, I’ll help clean up first.”

“No you won’t, baby. Go on. You’re beat, and the hot water will help with your aching muscles. We know you’re still hurting. Go and soak for a while,” Gary insisted.

“Thanks, I think I will. A good soak sounds heavenly.” Once she was out of earshot, Gary turned to face Steve.

“I don’t know how much more I can take, Steve. I could smell her pussy creaming for me while I nibbled on her neck, and her little nipples got so hard, they were just begging for some attention.”

“Yeah, I know. Let’s clean up, and then maybe we can give her a massage when she’s finished her bath. We don’t want her to seize up tomorrow,” Steve suggested.

“Good idea. Do you think she’ll let us?”

“Only one way to find out.”


* * * *


Relaxing for the first time in hours, Selina let the warm water penetrate her tense, aching muscles and sank lower into the bathtub. She was surprised to find her bag had been placed into what she thought was the master bedroom. Though she had thought about going back down to ask for another room, one which was smaller and more appropriate to a temporary guest, she hadn’t been able to resist the huge bathtub.

She knew she had been in the tub longer than she should, but she was really quite comfortable and wanted to stay until the water was too cool to endure anymore. But when she felt her eyelids becoming heavy, she knew it was time to get out before she fell asleep and drowned.

Hearing a whisper of sound, she turned her head toward the door and spied Steve and Gary standing in the doorway, watching her. The heat she saw in their eyes singed her from the top of her head down to the tips of her toes. She placed her hands on the bottom of the bath to lever herself into a more upright position, but they slipped on the surface, and Selina slipped beneath the water with a squeak. Hands pulled her up. Coughing and spluttering, she couldn’t talk as she was lifted from the tub and wrapped in a large, warm towel.

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