Power Play (38 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves; the season isn’t over for at least another four or five months and free agency begins in early July. Tonight’s about two people coming together, not discussing business. Think you can handle not talking hockey for an entire evening?”


“I’ll make the effort though plenty of other players are attending Jay’s wedding. While I have your attention, I’ve given some thought to how well we’ve gotten along the last several months in spite of disagreements here and there, all the fun we have when you and I go out, you returning to active status soon, and Casino Night’s in a few weeks…”


Hope bubbled up in Alex’s heart as she listened to Troy ramble.


Finally she blurted, “Are you asking me to be your date for Casino Night? If you are, the answer is yes!”


He was elated. “Seriously?”


How cute; he’s like an awkward teenager.
“Of course I’m serious, you big nerd! Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited for you to take me to a Rebels function?”


Troy amusingly scrunched his face. “Yeah, I think you did mention that a few times…”




Alex gave his arm a playful punch. “Stop it!”


“I figured I better make a move before Baby Finn or Jax cornered you.”


“Johann’s a little young for a potential date; besides, he’s working the door with me. I have no idea what Jax is doing or if he’s taking anyone.”


“Probably working the floor with Marty; Jon and Roy picked them and a few of the other bigger guys. I’d guess they did to make sure everyone behaves.”


“Jax could scare people straight, but I can’t picture Marty as a bouncer.”


“He may prove us wrong. You’ll get a chuckle out of Preacher and a few others as drink servers.”


“Oh my God, those poor guys, especially Byron.”


“Yeah, he’s not thrilled since alcohol and gambling are against his religion, but Preacher’s willing to be a good sport since Casino Night’s a benefit, plus the girls love him.”





“Don’t say that around Babs. She might bring out the daggers.”


“No worries; she’s more tame than she appears. You need to understand the viewpoints of players’ wives and girlfriends. Some are cool with a female on the team – as you’ve noticed through Babs, Hannah Donahue and Patti Germaine, for example – but others still can’t adjust to the idea of a woman younger than the majority of them playing alongside their husbands and boyfriends.”


Alex’s eyes widened. “Good grief, what kind of wanton woman do they think I am? I never had more than platonic relationships with taken men; at least the ones I
were attached or married.”


“You’re a pretty lady under the uniform. I’d be uncomfortable too in their place and my man had you as a fellow player.”


“No one should bother caring. I have zero interest in unavailable guys aside from being friends and colleagues. I once had a shot at Claude Caldwell until I saw the wedding ring he forgot to remove.”




Troy grimaced. “How well I remember. Thank God you had better sense than getting further mixed up with him. Jax Ivanka’s lesser of the two evils.”


“I thought you and Jax became friends.”


“We did, but I can’t help but sometimes wonder if he’s using you for sex.”


“Who says it’s not the opposite?” she jokingly asked.


“I’m serious, Al.”


“Troy, I know you feel awkward with the age difference between him and me. The sex is great – mind-blowing, in fact – but I was abstinent for two years prior to sleeping with Jax the first night I stood at his place and things mushroomed from there.”




She noticed him becoming more uncomfortable and switched to another topic. “How long have you and Jay known each other?”


“Seems like forever. Not only did we attend the same boarding school, but also roomed together during Draft Week.”




“Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun. Do you know anything about the lucky bride?”


“Kaitlyn has her own dental practice. Funny thing; her dad was the oral surgeon who fixed my jaw and did dental implants to replace some broken teeth two years ago after Reggie nailed me in the face with a puck.”


“Small world!”


“I know. Far as I’m concerned, Jay couldn’t marry a nicer girl. Kait’s smart, pretty, and independent, yet supports his career without feeling obligated to be present at every game. She reminds me of you in some ways.”


“I’ll take that as a compliment.”


“You should; Kait’s a Yale Dental School graduate, well-versed in ice hockey terminology in addition to participating in occasional rounds of street hockey, into theater, a voracious reader, and from what Jay tells me, an exceptional cook and housekeeper.”


“She sounds like my kind of person.”


“I wouldn’t be surprised if you and Kait automatically click. She and Jay are eager to meet you.”




“Thanks for asking me to come with you, Troy.”


“Thanks for being my date, shorty; it’s the least I could do to compensate for slacking on time we should’ve spent together.”


“You’re busy and I’ve been on injured reserve though I
starting to get a complex.”


He squeezed her hand and pulled into a parking spot at the church. “Tonight’s only the first among many I plan to make everything up to you.”












Chapter 74



“Looks like our women hit it off better than expected,” bridegroom Jay Lassiter said as he and Troy observed Alex having an animated conversation with Dr. Kaitlyn Hobbs-Lassiter.


“Your bride and my protégé,” Troy corrected him. “Al’s only my date for the evening.”


“Come on, Talmadge; you wouldn’t consider someone so cute and down to earth? I know she’s not lingerie model or centerfold material, but damn, quit being so picky. You aren’t getting any younger. If your mom’s anything like mine, it won’t be long before she drops hints about grandchildren.”


Troy rolled his eyes. “Thanks for the reminder, Lassiter.”


“Kaitlyn would’ve never entered my life if I didn’t broaden my options. Try opening your eyes a little wider; you may have the perfect woman in front of you.”





“She’s sort of…involved…with someone.”


“Wait! Are you saying Alex has a boyfriend? Then what’s she doing here with


“We go out socially, and her so-called relationship is…” Troy leaned and whispered in Jay’s ear, “…more like a sex thing.”


“Oh, another of those friends with benefits arrangements?”


“I guess so.”


“Time to step up your love game, Talmadge; you have far more to offer someone like Alex. Women crave stability though some may act otherwise.”


“I first thought Al was mesmerized with the guy because he’s several years older, gave her a few gifts and lots of attention, but aside from sex, he’s a friend and another person on the team.”


A revelation hit Jay. “Holy shit, Talmadge; are you saying she’s screwing Jax Ivanka?”


“Gross as it sounds, they’ve been together a few times.”




Jay shuddered. “I think I’m going to puke.”


“For what it’s worth, I don’t think they’re serious about one another aside from sex.”


“More reason to get your ass in gear and make some moves. You’re closer in age and seem to have more common interests. The lady couldn’t praise you enough when we talked.”


“Did I mention she tends to exaggerate on occasion? We’ve had our share of disagreements along the way.”


“You are too modest, Talmadge. When a lady builds you up like Alex does, take the praise she offers and run.”


“Kait’s stroked your ego quite a few times, huh?” Troy joshed.


“Sure, but she has other great qualities.”


“I noticed.”


“I’ll tell her to save you a dance after we cut the cake. Meanwhile, keep working magic on Alex until her fling with Old Man Ivanka is nothing more than a distant memory.”




“I won’t offer any guarantees,” Troy replied, “but will make my best effort.”


“That’s what I like to hear. Maybe someday we’ll attend


“Don’t hold your breath, Lassiter. You and Kait will probably be grandparents before that happens. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to retrieve my date for one last dance before the cake cutting.”






“I thought you didn’t slow dance well,” Alex said as Troy effortlessly led her across the floor.


“Usually I don’t, but this must be one of my better nights.”


“Sometimes I think you’re full of shit.”


“Yeah, yeah; I should quit being so humble and yada yada.”


“That’s one of many things where Jay and I agreed. He’s nice and a class act. I can see why you guys stood friends for years.”




“Yeah, success never changed him in the least.”


“He also has the same sense of humor as you. Nothing’s sexier in my book than a guy who can make me laugh.”




“Of course, and being a great kisser also doesn’t hurt.”


Troy shot up his eyebrows. “Is Jax any chance…?”


“Yes, but let’s not discuss him tonight. I’m your date, remember?”


Troy nodded as his fingers brushed away a few strands of her hair. Alex smiled at him, pulling his face closer to hers until their foreheads touched and then their lips slightly grazed each other’s before the song ended and Jay called their names from across the reception hall.


“Be there in a minute!” Troy yelled.


He released his grasp on her without a word and they walked to a nearby table. Alex smiled at fellow wedding guests before taking a seat beside Troy and watched the happy couple cut their cake.





Troy and Alex ate slivers of wedding cake as they listened to the bride and groom’s parents tell amusing stories. Alex felt a warm hand wrap around hers and looked at Troy, who didn’t return the glance. He kept holding her hand under the table while focusing his attention on another tale from Jay’s father.


Alex bit her lip and remained silent.
Having two men in my life – all of us on the same team aside – should make me uneasy, but oddly enough, it doesn’t. Am I really a bad person or only confused?





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