Power Play (54 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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“I’m not a bloke who speculates much and it may be her pregnancy hormones out of control, but Alex doesn’t seem happy in the marriage as she’s displaying to the world.”


“Already trouble in paradise? She and Jax have only been married little over five months.”


“They had a couple big rows before going to Prague and rarely seen out together lately.”


“All couples argue and Al probably doesn’t feel like socializing so close to her due date.”


“She’s also not thrilled with Jax’s whole attitude of making all major decisions because he’s the man.”


“The old dumb ass shouldn’t be surprised,” Troy said. “We all know Al’s a strong and independent woman mature for her age. She rarely took shit from
did Jax honestly think she would change into an obedient slave once he put a bun in the oven and a ring on her finger?”


“Not going to happen in our lifetime. I can’t even imagine Ivanka lowering himself to change the tot’s dirty nappies.”


Troy howled with laughter. “That makes two of us!”





“You should ring her sometime, mate. I honestly think she misses you.”


“I’m not ready to open a barely healed wound, Davy.”


“Then email her. You
one of the tot’s godfathers.”


“Let me mull over things for a few more days. Maybe I’ll feel different before the AHC lockdown eventually ends.”















Chapter 103



“Ugggghhhhh…” Alex groaned when the phone woke her from a nap. “Damn it, Jax, can’t you leave me alone for at least a couple hours?”


“Someone’s grumpy for an expectant mama,” a different man joshed her.


“Troy!” She sat up on the sofa, delighted to hear his voice.


“How are you feeling, shorty?”


“Like a beached whale and I think your godchild’s taken up residence on my bladder when she isn’t doing her kick and stomp dance at three o’clock in the morning. Jax making jokes about me getting bigger and calling me his ‘little fat girl’ doesn’t help matters. Sometimes I want to whoop his Czechoslovakian ass!”


“What else did he expect, you staying the same size the whole nine months?”





“Apparently so; my darling husband’s a moron at times. I guess it comes from him dating all those European models before we met.”


“Davy mentioned you’re glowing.”


“You talked to him! I presume you know he and Jen are engaged?”


“He asked me to be his best man.”


“I hope you accepted.”


“How could I not? Their wedding party will include two of my biggest discoveries – the groom and matron of honor.”


“Oh, Troy, it’s good to hear you sound upbeat again. Staying at Byron’s during lockdown must’ve suited you well.”


“Let’s just say I’m glad I accepted his offer. His and Babs’ place is beautiful; it somewhat reminds me of my lake house in Nova Scotia. Babs also took liberty of trying to fatten me with her home cooking.”


“I’m sure the kids also enjoy your visit.”




“They haven’t left me alone for a whole day since I arrived. All Preacher and Babs mostly hear is ‘Uncle Troy this,’ ‘Uncle Troy that,’ and ‘Where’s Uncle Troy?’ One day Brandon and Brody gave me the rundown on Legos; Becky owned my ass at shuffleboard, and Brittany, Junior, and I kind of got in trouble for shooting hockey pucks in the kitchen.”


Alex broke into a fit of giggles. “I’m sure Babs didn’t appreciate the dents on her new appliances!”


“To say the least; poor Britt and Junior are grounded for two weeks thanks to my bright ideas.”


“No one can turn their back for a minute without you doing something hockey related.”


“As most like to say, the sport is my current spouse.”


“Any idea when you’re coming back to Pittsburgh?”


“Probably sometime in the next few weeks. I’d like to get started on training and prepare for when the lockout ends. Preacher and Babs invited me on a trip to California. I couldn’t refuse, especially after the kids begged them to take me.”




“Good, I’d like to have someone around who doesn’t drive me up the wall for a change.”


“Al…are things really okay between you and Jax?”


“What makes you think otherwise?”


“Davy mentioned some things to me and–”


“What did he say?”


“He senses you’re less happy than people believe.”


She let out a deep sigh. “It’s just that…”


“Tell me the truth, Al. We can talk and nothing will go further.”


“Maybe I’m more sensitive than usual so close to my due date, but this damn AHC lockdown gives Jax the crazies and he’s on my last nerve as a result. If he isn’t calling every hour wondering where I am and what I’m doing, he’ll start with the ‘little fat girl’ comments or say something like ‘Should you really eat that?’ every time I put a morsel of food in my mouth.”


“Maybe he’s worried about you and the baby.”






“Then explain how he’ll go to the gym or hang with his Czech buddies for hours, yet acts like unpardonable sins were committed if I return from somewhere ten minutes late or don’t have dinner ready one second before His Highness walks in the front door. I actually scarfed a whole pizza today and hid the box in our neighbor’s garbage.”


“Why? You’re eating for two, shorty. By all means enjoy yourself.”


“I’m not in the mood for hubby’s bitching when he comes home.”


“Can’t say I blame you in that respect.”


“We’re supposed to have dinner with one of his teammates from the 90’s and the guy’s wife, but I don’t want to dress up and most of Jax’s friends are dull as hell.”


“Tell him you don’t feel like going. The Al I know is hardly the shy type.”


“You’re damn right I will. I’m getting tired of his alpha male bullshit anyway.”


“I thought Jax chucked that attitude after you pulled him into the locker room by his ear.”




“Maybe I didn’t pull hard enough. What burns me the most is Jax ogling young women with his buddies in front of me and the other wives.”


“God, Al, you don’t think he’s…?”


“I doubt he’s stupid enough to consider the idea of cheating, especially when my lawyer insisted a clause be added to our pre-nup making it null and void I show evidence of adultery on Jax’s part.”


“Let me guess, insurance for your daughter and any other kids you may have if a divorce results from him fucking around.”


“You got it, big guy. Too bad Jax didn’t think to apply the same rule to me. I’m neither sex crazed nor does anyone want my fat ass, but I could have all the side studs I want without repercussions. Hell, he probably wouldn’t care if I did see someone on the side, long as I left


“You’re pregnant, not fat,” Troy said.


“Hmmm, thanks for the reassurance. I recall that a certain Canadian commented about my ‘broadening hips’ when I first arrived in Pittsburgh.”


“I was helping prepare you for the draft, which obviously paid off for both of us.”





“I’ll always be grateful for you visiting the
Vancouver Venus


“The feeling’s mutual, baby.”


“You can’t get back to Pittsburgh soon enough far as I’m concerned. Jen and Davy are busy with wedding plans, Phyllis is either working in New York or with Reggie in Montreal, Patti and Pierre returned home, Donna’s still on her news assignment, and everyone else who doesn’t bore me to tears is also away. I’m basically either stuck at home or with Jax and his dinosaur friends. Talking to you is the most fun I’ve had all week aside from pigging out on pizza earlier.”


“You need to explore the world more often,” Troy teased her.


“Get your bubble butt home and I’ll accept the offer.”


“How about after Preacher’s family and I return from California?”


“You’re on! I should royally thank Byron for restoring your sanity. Oh, I almost forgot to mention I heard from Greise.”


“How’s my favorite German adjusting to New York?”





“He seems happy and married his dragon queen. I hope he made her sign a pre-nup. Anyway, Greise sent a belated wedding present and something for the baby. He’s thrilled to hear you and Davy are the godfathers.”


“Greise’s a good soul unless someone pisses him off.”


“I miss him and Reggie. Sometimes free agency and trades suck. One never knows how long players live in a specific city before uprooted at practically the last minute. I hope that never happens to either of us.”


“Rest assured I plan to retire a Rebel, hopefully with you and Davy still at my side.”


“You’d pull out all stops to keep us here.”


“You know I would, shorty.”


“Well, Mr. Excitement just pulled in the driveway so I need to go. I’m so happy to hear from you. Have fun in California!”


“I will. You have my number anytime you need to vent.”


“Thanks, Troy. I already feel better. See you soon!”














Chapter 104



“Jax, I’m not in the mood to go out tonight,” Alex said. “I rather stay here and enjoy some quiet time.”


He gave her a look as if the world ended. “Janny and Inga are only here three days. He went through the trouble of making reservations and you want to sit on your ass at home? Alex, it’s damned if I do and damned if I don’t with you. First you’re bitching that we’ve seldom gone anywhere together since the wedding and then you turn down every fucking suggestion I make for us to go out.”


“No offense, but most of your friends bore me and my feet are too swollen for decent shoes.”


“Nobody’s going to look at your feet.”


“Can’t you invite your sister or niece? Jiva and Pavla traveled all the way from Prague to spend time with you.”


“Take my sister? Who do I look like, Troy Talmadge?”




“Don’t start the grumpy old man routine. I only made a suggestion.”


He grunted. “Fine, I’ll call Jiva.”


“That’s the spirit.”


Jax patted her belly and eyed her top to bottom with a grin. “Looks like my little fat girl’s getting bigger.”


Alex glared at him. “Thanks for pointing out the obvious you dick. I’d like to see men go through the shit we do carrying a baby for nine months.”


“Jesus, retract your claws. I’m teasing.”


“You’re not funny. Call your sister; she, Pavla, and your fossil friends should keep you entertained at least a few hours.”


“Are you sure you’ll be okay alone tonight?”


“I’m here by myself when you’re working out and practicing for when the lockdown is lifted. I doubt any bogeymen will bother visiting me tonight.”


“I think we shouldn’t have any more kids after this one unless they’re adopted. Pregnancy makes you bitchy.”


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