Power Play (40 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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“You still have little over two nights remaining, Captain,” Byron said. “I suggest you set the record straight with Alexandra soon as possible.”


“Not a bad idea, Preacher. Maybe I’ll stop by her place on my way home after the game for a chat if she isn’t sleeping.”













Chapter 78



Alex penned secret journal entry before bed to air her feelings of anger, sadness and confusion concerning the Troy/Boris trade rumors:


Can a person love and hate someone else at the same time? I don’t have a clear answer, especially when the question pertains to someone perplexing as Troy Talmadge.


I give him kudos for most of my success with the Rebels and other times should kill him for stupid shit he does (or doesn’t do, depending on the situation). He was so happy last week when I finally got cleared to play after being inactive so long and ready to kiss me Saturday night at Jay’s wedding reception before we were interrupted.


I didn’t even care Troy passed me his stomach bug over the weekend (it’s spreading in the AHC big time) but am resisting the urge to put my hands around his throat and squeeze hard as possible when I learned something else today.







Reggie and Davy alerted me on talk about Troy and Boris’ frustrations with the Rebels’ current performances and requesting trades to other AHC teams. Whatever happened to Troy’s “one a Rebel, always a Rebel” speech last season? Do trophies and larger salaries suddenly matter more than loyalty to a team that made his career?


I’m not upset about him leaving if it should happen; Troy’s more than earned his dues over the last decade. I can’t blame him in a sense if he wants to go to another AHC team or possibly return to Canada and play in their pro league.


What makes me angry is he never mentioned one word about being unhappy. I can see putting on brave faces for the press and fans, but damn it, I’m his teammate, protégé, and friend! I’d certainly talk to him if the situation was reversed. How could Troy keep something so important from me?


Days like this I have to wonder if he cares about me much as he says he does. “We should have almost no secrets between us,” he always said.


“Almost no secrets” my ass. Wonder what else he’s hiding? Perhaps some blonde bombshell in Canada or a few jersey chasers on the side while he’s stringing
along all season? I wouldn’t doubt anything for a second at this rate.




Then he has the nerve to constantly carp about Jax and me! At least Jax was upfront with me about some aspects of his life; I never got secondhand information about his “wild child” days being antagonistic toward teammates, his ginormous gambling problem, a glove box full of unpaid speeding tickets, and fallouts with a couple former girlfreinds!


Jax told me everything without prompting; he feels any type of relationship should be based on honesty. Yes, I enjoy the sex (stating otherwise would be an outright lie!), but knowing Jax trusts me enough to share sensitive things about his past makes me feel more valued as a whole person rather than only someone kept for the occasional fuck. Do I love him in “that way”? I don’t have the answer to that yet.


If Jax can be open about his flaws and voice occasional anger about the Rebels on-ice issues, why can’t Troy discuss the idea of a trade with me?


Thursday will be tense, but I’ll do my best to get through the night. I missed being on the ice, so maybe something good can come out of all this.













Chapter 79


“Not now, Troy,” Alex snapped at him Thursday morning. “I’m not in the mood for any of your diatribes and need to get in extra practice before tonight.”


“Are you sure you’re ready? You were sick for a few days and still look a little wiped out.”


“I’ve played under worse circumstances. Don’t you have someone else to bother?”


“I’m concerned about you, Al.”


“Save your energy; I’m a big girl and can look after myself.”


“You’ve been moody all morning. We can talk if something’s on your mind.”


“I’m a little tired. Now will you get lost?”





He held up his hands in surrender. “Do what you want. I’m not in the mood to deal with a crabby bitch anyway.”


“From what I’ve recently heard, you don’t want to deal with a lot of things, Troy.”


“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”


“Nothing. Go away.”


Johann witnessed their exchange and then noticed Troy’s solemn expression when he joined Johann on the bench.


“Is Alex okay?”


“I don’t know what’s going through her mind, Baby Finn. Seems like she’s had a bug up her ass all week; she’s bitched at me about one thing after another.”


“Maybe she’s nervous about coming back tonight.”


“No, I think something else is on her mind.”


“The trade deadline? No way would Mr. Halloran agree to trade Alex for another player!”





“Glenn wouldn’t consider having Al go somewhere else either unless a more lucrative deal’s on the table. There are a lot of trade rumors going around and I can’t help but wonder if she’s concerned about certain people possibly leaving.”


“Like who?” Johann asked.


“I know Montreal wants Reggie in exchange for next season’s third round draft pick. New York’s bigwigs have been eyeing Greise for a starting goalie position with a better salary since their last guy retired, so he may also be leaving the Rebels soon. Marty could also hit the road next season when his contract expires.”


“What about you and Boris?”


“No, Baby Finn, we aren’t being considered for trades.”


“Thank God; Alex would really get mad if you left.”


“That’s putting things mildly, kid. I can’t help but think she’s starting to hate me.”


“No way! Whatever you did to make her mad today will pass. You guys always make up after fighting.”




Troy grinned for the first time that morning. “You’re right; much as Al sometimes gets on my nerves, all it takes is one look in those eyes for the world to fall away and me wondering why I was pissed at her in the first place.”


“You really like her, huh?”


“Yeah…I do.”


“Have you told her?” Johann pressed.


“Not yet; timing hasn’t exactly been right.”


“You better hurry up, Troy. I think Jax likes Alex too.”


“I wouldn’t read much into how he acts around her, Baby Finn. They’re good friends and he’s a little old for Al.”


“They sure do touch a lot for being friends.” Johann got up from the bench. “I need some water. You want some?”


“Yeah, thanks.”


Troy leaned back with a pained expression and observed Alex crack several pucks as Jax praised her from the rink’s opposite side.
Seems she goes to him when we have disputes. What did I do wrong this time? Why won’t she talk to me?




Johann returned with two bottles of water and handed one to Troy. They talked a while longer before Johann’s tutor arrived for morning classes. Troy headed to the dressing room, still muddled in the head about Alex’s attitude change from the previous week.


He sat and stared at his locker’s contents before noticing something amiss. The athletic strap hanging on a hook near his jersey looked off. Troy grabbed it for a closer look and dropped it in horror.


This is one of Al’s jills! Someone pulled another prank. Oh God, I do not need this today.


Troy wasted no time confronting teammates as they filtered into the locker room and began laughing at his predicament.


“Damn, Talmadge, some people say you’re a pussy, but we had no idea you and Galloway shared jills!”


Troy glared at him. “You’re not funny, O’Freel; not funny at all.”


Alex spied the garment and snatched it from his hand. “Troy Talmadge, you disgusting pig! I would’ve expected something like this from Lenny or Vince, but





“Al, I didn’t take anything. Someone put that in my locker and–”


She put up a hand. “I can’t even deal with you today. So help me God, you are dead meat if anything of yours turns up in my locker.”


“I can assure you the Captain had nothing to do with your protective gear turning up among his things, Alexandra,” Byron said.


“Well it didn’t grow legs, walk out of my dressing area, and jump into his locker.”


Jax glared at Vince. “I may have an idea who is the guilty party.”


“Why do I always get blamed?” Vince asked.


“The whole thing was
idea, Beaumont,” Lenny replied.


“You’re the one who put her spare jill by Talmadge’s game jersey and then hid his lucky stick, Walton.”


Troy scoffed. “I should’ve guessed it was you fuckheads.”


“Smile, Captain; our girl’s back on ice tonight,” Lenny said. “We needed to stir some excitement.”




“Putting a female pelvic protective device in my locker does not thrill me, Walton.”


“Then you should get out more, dude.”


Byron shook his head in annoyance before leaving. “Y’all need to grow up and find Jesus.”


Alex turned to Lenny. “I thought you were done with practical jokes?”


“Come on, pretty girl,” he said with a grin. “We had to officially welcome you back to the fold somehow, especially after scaring most of us shitless with your concussion.”


“You could’ve just bought her a card, cheap bastard,” Marty replied.


“I’m surprised you didn’t participate in the joke, Howdy Doody,” Alex said.


“What, and risk you practically breaking my arm again? No thanks.” He handed her a bag of peanut M&M’s. “I preferred to bring a peace offering.”


She accepted the bag with a smile. “Sometimes I can never figure out who you really are aside from being a strong defenseman.”





“I like being unpredictable.”


“You can say that again,” Lenny said.


Marty thwacked his head. “Shut your mouth!”


“Are we still on for lunch and hanging out, sweetheart?” Jax asked.


Alex nodded and smiled. “You better believe it.”


What the fuck?
Troy looked bewildered. “You really should go home and relax before tonight’s game, Al.”


She glared at him. “Who died and appointed you king?”


“I’m only making a suggestion. Jesus.”


“Then take your own advice and put that piss and moan syndrome you’ve had all morning in check. I’m going to change. Jax, I’ll meet you out front in about ten minutes.”






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