Power Play (41 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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Chapter 80



“I know it’s not unusual for you and Talmadge to bicker on occasion, but seems you’ve been pissed at him about something all week,” Jax said. “Anything you’d like to discuss?”


“The whole trade deadline has me a bit nervous,” Alex replied.


“You heard the rumors about him and Furishnykov?”


She nodded. “I could understand if he takes advantage of a better offer given the Rebels’ salary cap issues, but the idea of possibly leaving without saying a word to me? That’s the part I can’t get past, Jax.”


“Why not have a talk and get his side of the story?”


“I have enough on my plate today without listening to more of Troy’s whining. One minute he wants to retire a Rebel, and the next I’m hearing about possible plans to request a trade. For someone who’s allegedly predictable, I’m not sure I know him anymore. Makes me wonder what else he’s hiding from me.”





“Another reason you should clear the air.”


“I’m still so damn pissed at him.”


“Rumors in our business are usually unsubstantiated.”


“Do you mean like last year’s ‘rumor’ Shawn Proctor wasn’t going anywhere yet got traded to New Jersey?”


“Remember a 2015 fifth round draft pick the Rebels got in exchange for Proctor? You ended up being that pick, sweetheart.”


Alex stared at him in shock. “Are you kidding me?”


“Not in the least.”


“For once I’m actually speechless.”


“You should be flattered.”


“I saw Proctor’s numbers. Mine pale in comparison.”


“You’ve done well in your rookie year. Take it from someone who knows.”


“I still have to compensate for the sixteen games I missed.”




“Everyone’s looking forward to tonight’s showdown. Almost every sports channel is hyping your return.”


“You’re certainly enthusiastic about tonight for someone who hated having me as a teammate earlier in the season.”


Jax raised an eyebrow. “I have my reasons.”


“I’m sure you do,” she knowingly replied.


“Do you need a ride to the arena tonight since your car’s in the shop? I can swing by and get you.”


“Thanks for the offer, but Davy’s bringing me.”


“St. Cloud’s a good guy. I don’t understand a damn thing that midget says half the time, but the way he treats you with respect scores major points in my book.”


“I consider him my best friend. I’d help him if he needed it. We’ve always been honest with one another, unlike some other person I won’t mention.”


Jax leaned forward. “Look, whatever’s going on between you and Talmadge is none of my business, but I suggest both of you pull those sticks out of your asses and get on the same page. We’re facing the Liberty tonight and everyone needs to put forward their best efforts.”





“Wow, with that kind of speech I’m surprised no one considered you for captain.”


“The position was long filled by the time I came back to Pittsburgh. I was offered a captain spot at Internationals, but turned it down because I neither wanted media attention focused solely on me instead of my entire team nor aggravations associated with the lead spot. Besides, Talmadge proved many times over that he’s better suited as the Rebels’ captain than I ever would be, and I’ve already been two other teams’ captain. Time for you and other young players to have a turn in the spotlight. Tonight marks a new beginning for not only you, sweetheart, but also the rest of us.”













Chapter 81



Alex’s return to the Rebels began on a high note when her introduction received a standing ovation and the team blew away Philadelphia with a 3-0 lead in the first period. Despite her good mood, Alex was still angry with Troy and avoided him much as possible.


Things went downhill shortly before first intermission. Troy got entangled in physical and verbal confrontations with Claude Caldwell and Brian became combative with Philadelphia goalie Ian Grace. Worse, their 3-0 lead turned into a 5-3 deficit by end of first period.


“If I hear anyone else in this arena blame Pierre for us being down 5-3, I’m bringing out the knives,” Alex said as she walked with Reggie and Davy. “He’s done one hell of a good job tonight, yet we still blew an early lead. A few players can’t do the job themselves. The entire team has to step up!”


“I agree, love,” Davy replied. “You, I, Reggie, Pierre and Ivanka don’t make up a whole team. Even Troy and Boris’ performances went down the loo.”





“I swear if that Canadian shit comes in here and says one word about any of us slacking, I will tear him a few new assholes!”


“Damn, girl,” Reggie said, “are you still mad at him after the last argument?”


“Things go a lot deeper, guys.”


“Does it happen to do with the trade rumors?”


Alex bit her lip to hold back tears. “Yeah.”


“We don’t know for sure if Troy asked for a trade.”


“I have to be suspect with the way he’s acting lately.”


“We’ve had some bad games. He probably has more on his mind than the trade deadline.”


“Why can't he and Coach Barry turn around what we’re missing?” Alex wondered. “I think there are locker room issues, be they trade rumors, player problems, coaching, or some other underlying factors tearing down our team!”


“Troy can only do so much as captain, love,” Davy said.




“You mean like bail out when things aren’t going his way?”


“Troy’s probably gutted and frustrated, but he’s also a professional and perfectionist lunatic focused on the next period.”


“He and Pierre already look exhausted,” Reggie said. “How do you think he feels right now? His interviews make me want to cry because he always sounds sad most of the time.”


“Well he better get happy because we still have two periods remaining,” Alex replied. “I’ll see you guys out front.”






“Miller ran Preacher into the fucking wall!” Troy screamed at a referee. “Fuck off that fucking shit!”


“That’s a legitimate hit,” the referee countered.


“Are they trying to smash someone’s fucking face? Are you fucking blind?”




“No penalty called.”


“That’s a fucking joke!”


“Captain, calm down,” Byron said. “I’m fine and Miller ramming me wasn’t intentional.”


“Still fucking bullshit,” Troy spat before resuming play.


“What’s his problem?” Marty asked.


“Captain’s been moody all week. I thought he’d be happier once Alexandra came back, but looks like I was wrong.”


“Probably had another fight with her. I can’t understand why they won’t get a room and fuck each other’s brains out. You took quite a hit. Does anything hurt?”


“Only my pride but I’ll work through it.”


“All right, man. Let’s get some work done.”









“You Canadians rage way too much; what happened this last period is a perfect example!” Alex yelled during second intermission.


“Right, like Americans never get mad,” Troy countered. “You’re a fine one to talk about someone raging when you’ve done nothing but practically bite my and Boris’ heads off all fucking day. Is it your time of the month or something?”


“I’m not laughing, Troy.”


“I wasn’t trying to be funny. Something’s wrong, Al; talk to me.”


A tear escaped her eye as she turned to face him. “Is it true you and Boris are considering being traded? How could you do such a thing to a team that
your AHC careers? The Rebels have been successful for ten years. You led this team in back to back finals, are the youngest captain to win a Princeton Trophy, and survived painfully short playoff runs. If searching for another franchise in the face of real losses is in your true character, then goodbye and fuck you, Troy Talmadge! Pass along the message to your fellow Judas.”


“I don’t know what you’ve heard, but Boris and I aren’t going anywhere. For starters, I have a no-trade clause in my contract, and if I did decide to sign with another team - again, not happening - do you honestly think I’d leave you and Davy behind?”





She gave him a confused look. “What do you mean?”


“Whoever started the whole ‘Talmadge and Furishnykov want to leave’ bullshit is talking out of their ass. The Rebels have been my life this last decade and long as I can still play, they will be until I retire. Other teams can dangle every lofty contract they want in my face but far as I’m concerned, there better be room for Davy and you to follow me or those teams can go to hell.”


Alex couldn‘t believe her ears. “You’d pass up better opportunities for


Troy wiped her tear with of his thumb. “I’d choose you and Davy every God damn time. I’m too invested in this city and its people to even
asking for a trade. I have a great house here and refuse to burn Jon Halloran by leaving. In turn, Boris is loyal to me and I value his friendship. I damn well promise neither he nor I will request moving elsewhere. Do you trust my word?”


“I do, Troy,” she softly replied. “I’m sorry for acting like a spoiled bitch all week and doubting you.”


“Apology accepted.” He took both her hands in his. “Remember, whatever it takes...”


She stared into his dark eyes and smiled. “We’ll walk together.”





“Now consider this discussion over and get back on the ice. We have a game to win.”


Alex stood on tiptoe and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. “Yes, Captain!”


Floored by her bold move, Troy blushed and chuckled as she exited the room.
Jax was right about Al having a lot of fire. She’s definitely the magic this team needs.












Chapter 82



“Troy Talmadge’s version of cursing: Use many variations of ‘fuck’ in one sentence as possible,” Reggie said with laughter following a narrow win by the Rebels.


“The chap was on a roll tonight,” Davy replied. “When he wasn’t unleashing the wrath of God on refs, he took the piss out of Caldwell.”


“Too bad he didn’t make Caldwell’s cheating ass swallow his own teeth.”


“You’re bloody right about that, mate.”


“It's hilarious when Troy gives the refs hell,” Brian chimed in. “Remember when one called out Troy for sassing him about missing a call?”


“I certainly do,” Jax answered. “He dished it right back at the ref with a parting shot of ‘and that was a fucking hook on the way in, by the way.’ Sometimes a pissed off Talmadge can be a


“I think those damn zebras are almost bad as our opposing teams.”

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