Power Play (43 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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She smiled. “You may be able to help me choose baby furniture to set up a nursery in my spare room.”


“You want to raise a kid in your


“Do I have a choice?”


“Yeah, it’s time to find an actual home. I know a couple neighborhoods great for raising families with houses in your price range. I’ll call a friend of mine in real estate and see what he recommends.”


Alex looked up at him with a wider smile. “You seem to know everyone in almost every type of business. I’d love to see what your friend has to offer.”


“Great, I’ll call Dennis after practice. Don’t worry; everything’s going to be okay. We’re in this for the long run.”


“Yes,” she agreed. “Whatever it takes, we’ll walk together.”
















Chapter 84



“I’ll presume that you’re done for rest of the season, Alexandra,” Jon Halloran said when she informed him, Coach Dean Barry, and General Manager Roy Bright of her pregnancy.


“Looks that way,” she agreed. “I doubt I’ll return in time for playoff games should we advance in the postseason.”


“Don’t worry about your place on the team,” Coach Barry replied. “The important things now are taking care of yourself and the baby. Hank Stover will be brought from Scranton while you’re gone. He’s done a great job for us in the past and may earn a permanent spot with the Rebels next season if Marty O’Freel and Reggie Hebert don’t renew their contracts.”


“Thank you, gentlemen; I was concerned about your reactions once you learned about my pregnancy.”


“You’re always welcome back once the doctors clear you, Miss Galloway,” Roy said. “We’ll have you placed on our inactive list effective immediately.”





“I appreciate the offer.”


“All of us are parents so your concerns are understandable.”


“Have you told the father?” Jon asked.


“Not yet; I’ll talk with him later but not going to push any involvement if he’s uncomfortable.”


“Are you sure that’s a wise decision, Alexandra?”


“I don’t want anyone assuming I got pregnant to trap him which is why I want the final decision on whether or not being part of our child’s life to be


“All right, but let us know if you need additional help with anything.”


Alex prepared to leave. “Thanks for everything. I’m going to watch the guys practice, head to my doctor’s appointment, and then talk to the baby’s father. I’ll keep in touch with everyone on my progress.”










“Alex is out for rest of the year?” Davy asked. “I thought she was over her concussion.”


“Coach said there’s another medical issue that could put her at risk if she plays,” Pierre replied. “They’re bringing back Stover from Scranton.”


“Did the bosses mention anything specific wrong with her?”


“No, seems everything’s being kept hush-hush unless Alex says something.”


“Troy, did she tell you what’s happening?” Davy asked.


“We talked before practice, but I don’t feel comfortable betraying her confidence.”


“Bloody hell; the news is bad, isn’t it?”


Troy shook his head. “How about we talk later? You’re Al’s best friend; I’m sure she won’t be upset if I tell you.”


“Sure, we can chat over some ale. I hope she’s not dealing with anything serious.”


“Nah, Al’s all right. We both know she’s tough.”





“No question about that, mate. Give me ten minutes to finish changing and I’ll meet you outside.”















Chapter 85


Alex mentally rehearsed what to tell Jax as she drove from the obstetrician’s office. Her estimated due date was the following summer, making her at eight weeks along.


I made up my mind about the baby’s fate, so why am I still nervous?


She parked, walked to the front door of Jax’s residence, and rang its doorbell. Alex heard uncouth language in Czech as his heavy footfall drew closer.


His expression changed after opening the front door. “Alex! What do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”


“I’m not here for a social call. We need to talk.”


“Sure, come in. You look distracted. Are you okay?”


“Jax, I’m cutting to the chase, but first want to let you know no obligations on your part will be expected as result of what I’m going to tell you.”




“What do you mean by ‘obligations’?”


“Jax, I’m pregnant.”


She expected a reprimand for not using protection or accusations of trying to “capture” Jax while he silently pondered the news for what seemed an eternity.


Instead, he scooped Alex into his arms and kissed her.


His reaction stunned her. “Jax, I…”


“What's the matter, sweetheart? I thought you wanted kids.”


“Well yes, but this wasn’t exactly how I pictured becoming a mother.”


Jax retained his embrace and pressed his forehead against hers. “Marry me.”


“I already said you didn’t have to–”


He kissed her again. “Marry me.”


“My God, you
serious. We really don’t have much time and I can’t hide my condition forever.”






“No problem; I know you’re Talmadge’s date for Casino Night, but the Rebels play the Vegas Fortune a few days afterward. We’ll have our marriage license and other things arranged beforehand.”


“All right, but how will we manage a wedding while in Las Vegas?”


“We can make everything official before or after the game, your choice. I’ll even let you pick the chapel.”


“I can’t believe you want to get married and start a family so late in life!”


“There are men older than I having kids, sweetheart. I’m looking forward to being a dad. When are you due?”


“Next summer.”


“So it’s safe to assume you’re done with hockey for rest of the year.”


“Yes. I should be back between next year’s preseason and home opener.”




“Does anyone on the team know?”


“Only Troy, but I plan to tell Davy next time I see him.”


“We’ll probably get so much shit in the locker room once you start showing,” Jax said with a laugh. “How did Talmadge take the news?”


“I think the poor goober’s still in shock but offered his support. He knows you’re the father so you need not worry about any repercussions on his part.”


“I figured such. Want to go furniture shopping? Our kid’s going to need a crib and other things.”


“Sounds great, but Troy is contacting a real estate friend to find houses for sale. He’s not thrilled about the idea of me raising my – and your – child in an apartment setting.”


“Why? You’ll live here after the wedding.”


Alex chuckled. “I wasn’t expecting an impromptu marriage proposal when I came to see you.”


“On second thought, I could use another residence.”




“Jax, you already own this wonderful house and have an elegant apartment in Prague.”


“Sure, but something more conservative for raising our son would make a better choice.”


“Wow, someone’s convinced we’re having a boy.”


“I have a good feeling.”


“What if the baby’s a girl?”


“May she be beautiful and talented as her
To be honest, it doesn’t matter long as we have a healthy, happy kid together.”


Alex snuggled against him. “I’m glad everything worked out.”


“Me too.” Jax kissed her one last time. “Thank you for making another one of my dreams a reality.”















Wife, Lover,

Expectant Mother


“Everything carries me to you,

as if everything that exists,

aromas, light, metals,

were little boats

that sail

toward those isles of yours that wait for me.”


-Pablo Neruda,
If You Forget Me















Chapter 86


“What did you want to discuss, mate?” Davy asked when he and Troy picked up Alex’s dress in addition to their own outfits for Casino Night. “You appeared gutted this morning.”


Troy hung their garments on hooks above the car’s back side windows. “First you have to promise you won’t tell Al what I said. She’s probably planning to break the news herself, but I wanted to give an advance warning as to what’s happening.”


“Did you have another row?”


“No, Davy. Al…well…I don’t know how else to put this but…she’s pregnant.”


“Bloody hell! Did she tell you the pater’s name?”


Troy glanced at Davy with a raised eyebrow. “Want to take a few guesses?”




“God save the Queen, don’t tell me it’s…”




Davy grimaced. “The thought of Ivanka spreading his DNA gives me a dicky tum. Has the old sod ever heard of using a johnny? ”


“I doubt Al got pregnant by Immaculate Conception and condoms seldom topped Jax’s list of priorities.”


“How is she handling everything?”


“Better than I thought,” Troy replied. “She wants to keep the baby whether or not Jax remains in their lives. I’ll give Al all the support she needs starting with house hunting.”


“Why? She has a nice flat in a fairly posh neighborhood.”


want to raise a baby in one? Come on, Davy; kids need lots of space to grow and play. A decent house complete with big backyard would be more ideal.”


“Now that you mentioned it, a house makes more sense. How will Alex explain lack of a pater to the tyke when he or she grows up?”


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