Power Play (57 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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“Oh he knows now, but has been acting strange the last several weeks. I initially assumed the lockout made him restless until Mr. Halloran called.”


“What’s going on?” Troy asked.


“Mr. Halloran mentioned Jax’s and your phones appearing shut off when he called about the lockdown ending. I said he could get in touch with Byron since you were in California with the Brady family. Jax’s phone not being turned on was unusual, especially with the baby due soon.”


“I went to Disneyland with Preacher’s kids and forgot to forward everything to voice mail. He gave me Jon’s message. Did Jax say what happened with his phone?”


“Some excuse about the battery dying.”


“Shit happens sometimes, shorty.”


“That would’ve made sense if one of Jax’s workout buddies didn’t tell me he never showed up for their meeting at the gym. I didn’t ask Jax any questions when he came home because I didn’t want to start an argument.”


Troy knitted his eyebrows. “Missing workouts without telling anyone isn’t like him at all.”






Alex bit her lip and held back unshed tears. “I have to wonder if he…he’s…”


“What?” Troy pressed.


“Never mind; pregnancy hormones are making me act paranoid.”


“Al, I can tell you’re struggling with something serious on your mind. Talk to me.”


“I have to wonder if…if Jax is seeing someone else. Not being where he says he’s going, the phone shut off, supposedly hanging out with his friends, our near-nonexistent sex life–”


on you? I should kick his ass!”


“I don’t know for sure, Troy. Please don’t say or do anything.”


“Okay, but it doesn’t mean I’m putting aside my suspicions. I could get a couple guys to follow Jax if you want; just say the word.”


“Don’t bother; there’s no using making trouble because of some paranoid assumption that could be unfounded.”




“You can’t dismiss your feelings, Al.”


“Jax is a damn fool if he’s cheating.”


“Considering the alluring lady he has at home, I must agree.”


“Thank you, Troy, but that isn’t what I meant.”


“Oh right, the pre-nup clause!”


“Now you know why I’m hesitant to make any assumptions. Maybe his recent actions
result from boredom during lockdown. Now that our season’s back on track, Jax will probably resume his normal behavior.”


“I’ll keep an eye on him,” Troy firmly replied. “We better head to the locker room. Our meeting should be starting soon.”













Chapter 108



“Yeah, I’m married; that a problem?” Jax asked someone on the phone, unaware of Alex’s presence in another room. “What did you have in mind? Really? Sounds great! Yes, make sure everything’s finished by Monday afternoon. Stay in touch, all right?”


Alex caught part of his conversation.
Oh no; things are worse than I thought. Jax’s recent bank withdrawal was higher than normal, and then there’s his other weird behavior. Is there another woman or a sugar baby? Has he started gambling again? Maybe Troy
on to something…


She walked into the living room. “Jax?”


He looked up and smiled. “Hey, sweetheart. Did you have a good nap?”


“Yeah. What’s happening? Who was on the phone?”





“I was taking care of some business.”


Lining up meetings with a bookies or home-wrecking sluts?
“Did you get much done?”


“Let’s say I accomplished a great deal.”


“The Prague hockey team is still doing well, right?”


“Glad you asked; I’m in process of working with our staff for a quickest possible return to the Gold League. A more difficult climb to get back there lies ahead of the team, but I’m determined to bring everything to fruition.”


“You do have a knack for meeting goals, no pun intended.”


“I know you have a doctor’s appointment Monday but are you busy any other time next week?”


“Not really, aside from watching Rebels’ practices and games. Why?”


“I have a surprise for you.”


Alex lit up. “May I get a hint?”


Jax shook his head. “Wouldn’t be much of a surprise if I told you, sweetheart.”




“You’re a killjoy.”


“I doubt you’ll view me the same way in a few days. Maybe I’ll unveil your surprise after the doctor visit on Monday.”


“Okay, but whatever plan you have up your sleeve better be good, Jakuas Ivanka.”


“I guarantee everything will be worth the wait.”


“Now you’re starting to drive me crazy.”


Jax pulled Alex onto his lap, something else he hadn’t done the past several months. “I can say the same about you, sweetheart.”


“What happened to being ‘too big’ for your liking?”


“I decided to start being nicer after seeing you so chatty lately with Jokela, Germaine, Donahue, St. Cloud, and Talmadge.”


“More like after I gave you hell for calling me ‘little fat girl’ and your other derogatory comments.”




Jax kissed her. “In that case, I think an evening for the two of us may be in order.”


Either he’s feeling guilty or really making efforts to turn over a new leaf.
“Let me go change into something a little more comfortable.”













Chapter 109



“Start growing those playoff beards, boys!” Troy roared after the Rebels won the second of two games critical to clinch a spot in the Princeton Trophy playoffs. “The Prince is coming home!”


“Looks like you and Ivanka got head starts,” Davy replied. “Looking good, mates.”


Lenny snickered. “Ivanka was always a hairy dude and Talmadge’s scruff makes him look like a 1970’s porn star.”


“At least some of us can grow facial hair,” Troy retorted playfully.


“Kiss my ass, Talmadge.”


“The ladies still love my scruff, gray areas and all,” Jax quipped.


“Easy, Ivanka; you’re an old married man,” Lenny replied.




“Make that being the luckiest man on earth.”


“How is Alex doing?” Brian asked.


“She’s great,” Jax replied. “The big day’s drawing closer.”


“When is Galloway squeezing out that kid? She gets fatter every time I see her,” Marty laughed.


Jax whacked him on the head. “Fuck off, O’Freel. If I can’t tease Alex without her threating everything short of murder, neither can anyone else, especially you.”


“She’s once again cracking the whip, huh?”


“I’ve learned to behave and spend more time with her.”


“That explains your recent cheerfulness.”


“Whoa!” Lenny exclaimed. “Ivanka’s getting some from wifey!”


“Not that it’s any of your business, Walton, but yeah,” Jax said.








“Is pregnant sex hot as some guys say?”


“Go knock up a woman and see for yourself.”


Troy gave Jax a dubious look.
Yet you’re likely still screwing around behind her back.


Jax returned the stare. “What’s your problem?”


Hurt Al in any way and I’ll fucking kill you.
“Nothing; just wondering about all the weird stuff you’re doing these days.”


“Making love to my wife is weird? You should put away the hockey gear and get out more, Talmadge.”


“Jen has a couple single friends, mate,” Davy offered. “She and I can arrange introductions.”


“Thanks, but I have little time to develop potential relationships.”
I’ll wait for Al long as it takes…


Troy’s virtual marriage to hockey was common knowledge and he took jokes from teammates in stride. He’d long come to terms with Alex’s marriage but was still much in love with her.





He strode outside into the warm spring night, his thoughts focused on the Rebels’ first playoff game before the phone rang.


Louise sounded angry and if she’d been crying. “Guys suck! Except you and Dad, of course.”


“What happened?”


“I'm so done with Chris, Troy.
You’re probably ready to gloat about being right that he’s an asshole. I actually gave him benefit of the doubt until seeing something during a post-game party the other night.”


“What exactly did you see?”


“Oh God, I can’t believe I’m telling my own brother something so embarrassing. Don’t you dare yell at or tease me.”


“Sissy, I’ve played professional hockey for over a decade; not much shocks me anymore. I promise not to lecture or make fun, so don’t be embarrassed.”





“I wanted to dance with Chris since his team scored a huge win. I didn't see him anywhere, so I walked around looking for him inside and outside the club. I heard something in a dark spot of the parking lot and investigated in case somebody was hurt or sick. There stood Chris with pants around his ankles while some slut gave him a blow job! I wanted to kill both of them.”


Troy’s heart sank. He knew Chris’ unsavory character when it came to women and hearing Louise sound so hurt infuriated him.
I should beat the living hell out of Chris when I get back to Nova Scotia. Maybe then he’ll think twice about messing with a Talmadge.


He took a deep breath and asked her a delicate question. “Did…did you ever sleep with him?”


“No, thank God.” She again burst into tears. “I knew attracting someone like him was too good to be true.”


“I'm so sorry about what happened, Sissy, but I warned you he’s piece of shit. Please don't think all men are like that. There are plenty of nice guys out there and you’ll find one who cherishes Louise Talmadge the

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