Power Play (50 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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Alex observed nail-biting action as she sat among several teammates and staff members barely containing both excitement and apprehension.


In a few more hours I’ll be Mrs. Jax Ivanka. I care for him and perhaps this is the best thing for our child, but at often wondered if I should go through with this marriage. Most important, how will Jax explain an unexpected wife to his family aside from having another grandchild on the way?


Davy poked her back to reality. “Hey.”


“Hey yourself. Looks like you guys are having a killer night.”


“I’m totally chuffed! Hard to believe we were underdogs and now it looks like we’ll win with a shut out.”


“The Vegas bookies are probably salivating.”


“I wouldn’t doubt it, love. At least Troy’s in a better mood for the moment.”


“What do you mean?”


“He never said it out loud, but a few of us can tell he’s gutted about your wedding later tonight.”




Troy, I’m sorry, but you need to understand my reasons for marrying Jax. I love you and never meant to hurt you.
“I’m beginning to wonder if I’m doing the right thing.”


“Pre-wedding jitters or having second thoughts?” Davy asked.


“I honestly don’t know.”


“You still have time to call off everything.”


“I would if a baby wasn’t involved. I’m also concerned how Jax will explain to his family the sudden existence of a wife – an American one at that – and we’re expecting our first child.”


“Just be careful what you’re getting into, love. Divorce can sometimes be a messy thing.”


“Then again, I may end up making the right decision.”


“I hope so for your tyke’s sake. Troy would have–”


“I know. I wish he’d spoken up sooner.”




“You would have …?” Davy began.


“Yes,” Alex replied, “but now it’s too late.”





Whistles, clapping, shouts, hoots, and laughter filled the visitor’s locker room as several Rebels celebrated their unexpected victory after the media departed.


“Fortune my ass!” Hank laughingly stated. “They had nothing on the Rebels tonight, brothers!”


“People who bet against us are probably losing their shit,” Marty replied.


“That ain’t all they’re losing. Bookies are probably breaking out the party horns as we speak.”


“Pierre was on fire,” Johann said. “No puck got past him!”


Hank smiled in his direction. “You also looked sharp out there, Baby Finn.”




“I’ve been practicing more often.”


“From what I saw on the ice, your efforts paid off.”


“Why is it when we face guys like the Fortune we blow them away, but get buried by assholes like the Liberty, Wildings, or a bunch of rinky-dink teams?” Brian asked.


“Because they know you want to fight,” Pierre teased. “Only time you drop the gloves is when we’re suffering bad losses.”


“Come to think of it, I still owe Belcher a royal ass kicking for causing Alex’s concussion. When do we face the Wildings again?”


“Let it go, mate,” Davy advised. “She’s long recovered from the noggin injury.”


“We still don’t know why she’s still on inactive status outside of ‘undisclosed medical condition.’ Anyone find out additional details?”


Pierre barely kept a bland face. “Nothing yet, man.”


“Hey Talmadge,” Marty addressed Troy. “You haven’t said much since the press bombarded you.”




“I’m tired, O’Freel,” Troy replied.


“Maybe you’ll liven up with a few celebratory beers and hot chicks,” Lenny offered.


“Thanks, but I promised Boris we’d hang out at the hotel.”


“Dude, some of us would swear you were eighty years old if we didn’t know any better. Come on, we’re in Vegas!”


“Live a little,” Marty encouraged.


“Maybe another time, guys. My head isn’t in it tonight.”


“Obviously; you look like you lost your best friend.”


In a way I have.
“Maybe I’ll feel better after some sleep.”


“Suit yourself, man. See you in the morning before we head home.”















Chapter 96



Jax and Alex’s ceremony was small, with neither familiar faces nor a bridal party among the sparse attendees. The pop-up event took place in one of Las Vegas’ myriad of wedding chapels shortly after midnight.


An official in his sixties stood before the couple and Alex gave him a wan smile.
Thank God he’s not an Elvis impersonator.


“Dear friends, we gather here at this hour to witness and to celebrate the drawing together of two separate lives. We have come so that this man, Jakuas, and this woman, Alexandra, may be joined in marriage.”


“Wait a minute,” Alex whispered to Jax. “Your actual name is


He nodded. “Czech for ‘supplanter’ and Americanized to Jax by my agent when I came to the United States,” he replied.





“Before we proceed,” the official continued, “the groom has requested that you do not use your cameras or phones during the ceremony.”


“Thank you,” Alex whispered.


“Less chance of anyone leaking stuff before we return to Pittsburgh,” Jax replied.


“Two people in love do not live in isolation from the wider embraces of humanity,” the official said. “To achieve love is not to be absolved of social responsibility. So it is that the institution of marriage is ordained as a public recognition of the private experience of love, and as a sanctifying of both parties to its great purposes.”


He addressed Jax and Alex. “Love is the most profound experience that can come to humankind. At its best it reduces our selfishness, deepens our personalities, and makes life far more meaningful. Its very nature is to want to give to another, and to feel joy in the joy of the other. Such love can call forth the best qualities in each of you.”





“Marriage is an estate to embody, nurture and protect all the warm and precious values growing in human companionship and love. Marriage symbolizes the ultimate intimacy between two people. Therefore, it’s not to be entered into lightly, but with certainty, with mutual respect, and with a sense of reverence which can include beauty, humor and joy.”


“Jakuas, do you take Alexandra as your wife, promising to tenderly care for her, respect her individuality, cherish her as she is, and love her with fidelity?”


Jax smiled down at Alex. “I do.”


“Alexandra, do you take Jakuas as your husband, promising to tenderly care for him, respect his individuality, cherish him as he is, and love him with fidelity?”


“I do,” she softly replied.


“The vows through which you accept each other as husband and wife contain no hidden power within themselves. It’s to the extent that they express in words your intention and commitment that have meaning. In a world where pressures pushing people apart sometimes seem stronger than drawing people together, your commitment to each other will need to be creatively re-expressed in the coming days and years. The expression in today’s vows is an important and visible milestone in your journey together.”





Jax repeated the official’s following words:


“I, Jakuas, take you, Alexandra, to be my wife, join with you and share all to come, give and to receive, speak and to listen, inspire and respond, and in all our life together be loyal to you with all my being.”


Alex swallowed hard when her turn came.


“I, Alexandra, take you, Jakuas, to be my husband, join with you and share all to come, give and to receive, speak and to listen, inspire and to respond; and in all our life together be loyal to you with all my being.”


“Jakuas and Alexandra, these rings are symbols of your marriage and a symbol of your life together. Please place it on the fourth finger of your partner’s left hand, repeating after me: ‘As I give you this ring, I give you my love’.”


“As I give you this ring, I give you my love,” Jax said as he placed a Cartier gold band on Alex’s finger.


Alex followed his lead. “As I give you this ring, I give you my love.”




“I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the official concluded. “You may kiss your bride.”


Jax bent Alex over with a deep passionate kiss as a smattering of applause filled the room. Whatever earlier reservations she had about marrying him had dissipated…at least for the time being.
















Chapter 97


“Hey, Boris,” Byron greeted him in the corridor while getting ice. “I thought you and Troy were hanging out.”


“We talk for bit in room, Preacher, but I still worry. I no can sleep.”


Byron sat on the sofa near his Russian teammate. “I noticed he’s not our usual Troy lately. Is something going on?”


“You not say one word, promise?”


“I’m used to keeping confidences as a minister. You can count on me.”


“Okay. Troy upset because Alex marry Jax.”


“Whoa, back up a minute. They’re engaged? Funny neither said a word to me.”





“No, no. They now married. Alex, she…she having a baby.”


“The undisclosed medical condition,” Byron guessed.


“Yeah. Troy not take things so good.”


“I figured long ago he had feelings for Alexandra stemming beyond mentor/protégé. When did she marry Jax?”


“Tonight after game over. You no see them leave arena dressed up?”


“Sure, but didn’t give it a second thought since we’re required to have professional appearances in public at all times. Do you know when Alexandra’s due?”


“I think Troy say in summer.”


“The season’s in its home stretch, Boris, and we need to find a way to get our captain back on track if another playoff berth’s going to be in the Rebels’ future. You and I know how fickle fans can be and the ever-familiar criticism of Troy has once again begun.”


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