Power Play (52 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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“You’re not funny, Howdy Doody.”


“In all seriousness, he’s not taking the news well.”


Poor Troy; this whole thing is probably killing him.
“I presumed that would be his reaction which is why he and I need to talk.”


Davy soon arrived with Johann, Lenny, and Vince.


“Morning, guys!” Johann cheerfully greeted everyone.


Davy sat beside Alex. “Morning, mates; it’s a beautiful day for flying home.”


“Hey, Alex and Jax, congrats!” Johann said. “We read about your wedding online.”


“So has most of the world,” Jax said with a resigned tone.


“What’s wrong, Old Man?” Lenny asked. “You’re acting more like someone headed to his own execution instead of an ecstatic groom.”


“Someone took liberty of blabbing shit all over the Internet and fucked up all intentions for an official announcement once Alex and I settled at home.”




“Not guilty!” Vince spoke up.


“Hell no; you and Marty were drunk off your asses and barely made it to your rooms,” Lenny replied.


“Sure, Lenny, and why don’t you tell our friends about you getting down with the swirl last night?”


“You boys know I’ll try almost anything once; twice if I really like it.”


“Hope you wrapped your willy, mate,” Davy said. “Last thing you need is a second bout of the clap or worse.”


“Shut up, St. Cloud!”


“Where’s Troy?” Johann asked. “He’s usually here before the rest of us.”


“On his way with Furishnykov and Germaine,” Vince said.


“They probably had a late night celebration too,” Lenny added with a wink.


“Knock off the homo references, Walton,” Jax rebuked. “That shit got old ages ago.”


“You don’t think Talmadge ever used those lips, ass, and thighs for the greater good?”





“None of my business if he has.”


“He allegedly did at least once, but not with Furishnykov,” Marty answered.


Davy steered the conversation in a different direction by addressing Alex. “So where and when do you newlyweds plan to have a honeymoon?”


“Probably not until end of the season,” she answered.


“I’m taking Alex to Prague to meet my family,” Jax volunteered.


“Aren’t you worried everyone on the Internet learned about your nuptials before your folks?”


“Another reason we wanted to keep things quiet, but that plan also got ruined. My parents and sister are probably beside themselves wondering why I never told them about getting married.”


“I’m sure they’re happy you found a wife, mate. You’ve been a bachelor way too long.”


“I could almost say the same about you, St. Cloud,” Jax ribbed him.


“I’m only twenty-seven! Bloody hell.”




“Life has a strange way of working out.”


“Hey, look who rose from the dead!” Vince joyfully cried when he spotted Troy arriving with Pierre and Boris. “About time you assholes showed up.”


Boris scowled at him. “No start today, Beaumont. Pierre not feel well and Troy have little sleep.”


“Thanks to you snoring almost all fucking night,” Troy growled and took a seat.


“I try not snore and you no complain before.”


“Are you okay?” Alex asked Pierre.


He rubbed his temples. “Yeah, but I’m beginning to wonder if I’m getting too old to party.”


“I have some Tylenol in my purse. Jo, would you mind bringing Pierre some water?”


Johann nodded and stood. “No problem.”





Hank bopped through the terminal singing along to music that played on his iPod, Brian and Byron in tow.


“Hey, Ivanka and Galloway! Congratulations. I hope you have a long and happy union.”


“Thanks…” Alex said uneasily as Hank resumed his off-key singing.


“For fuck’s sake, Stover!” Troy yelled. “Can you knock off the caterwauling? Pierre and I have headaches.”


“Damn, excuse a dude for enjoying the Las Vegas morning.” Hank turned to Byron. “Talk about some dudes needing church.”


Byron gave him a slight nod and sat beside Troy. “Want to have a chat later, Captain?”


“Nothing left to discuss, Preacher. What’s done is done.”


“I sense you still have a lot on your mind.”


“Thanks for the offer, but I’d rather spend time alone once we hit Pittsburgh.”


Byron patted his shoulder in sympathy. “I’m willing to lend an ear anytime you’re ready.”




Vince downed the last of his rancid coffee and belched.


Boris frowned at him. “Excuse you.”


“God damn, Beaumont,” Jax said. “Nobody wants to hear that bullshit. Take it outside.”


Vince apologized. “I forgot to stop at Starbucks on my way here and that vending machine rotgut sucked.”


Johann returned with a bottle of water and sodden paper towels. He handed the water to Pierre and placed the paper towels on his forehead. “These might help your headache.”


“Ahhhhhh, thanks, Baby Finn,” Pierre said appreciatively. “I think you missed your call of being a nurse.”


“I don’t think my dad would agree after all the money he put into hockey stuff.”


Brian looked up from his magazine. “You’re still good people, Baby. Maybe you can help Hannah and I find a wedding present for the happy couple after we get home.”


“I’d like that,” Johann replied.





“Guys, no presents are necessary,” Alex said. “Jax and I have everything we need.”


“We’ll have more than enough once she moves into my house,” Jax added.


“At least let the rest of us give you a decent reception,” Pierre offered. “I’ll ask Patti for suggestions.”


“Great idea,” Byron said. “Babs may also help.”


“I’ll contribute much as needed,” Davy replied. “Nothing’s too good for my best mate and her new husband.”


“Me too!” Johann exclaimed.


“How about the rest of you boys?” Pierre asked.


Troy grunted in response.


Lenny and Vince wordlessly nodded.


“Long as I’m in charge of booze,” Marty teased.


“You’d be the last person I’d elect for bartender, O’Freel,” Pierre said.




“Your loss, Germaine.”


The team plane was announced as ready to board and everyone gathered their belongings. Lenny, Vince, Hank, and Marty laughed and talked among themselves, Johann and Davy checked on Pierre’s headache, and Alex and Jax walked hand in hand.


Troy lagged behind the others, his head hung low. He found a seat on the plane far from everyone else and closed his eyes.


Sleep eventually overtook him, but what he really wanted was to lock himself away from the world and have a good cry.
















Chapter 100



Alex and Jax’s surprise wedding made headlines in both sports and mainstream media. Gossip message boards came alive with theories and speculations, mostly how Alex accomplished something Jax’s past love interests hadn’t: getting him down the aisle.


Does anyone wonder if he’s going broke again from gambling and married her for money?


No way! He quit that shit years ago after his last debt leaked to the press.


How about a little Ivanka on the way?


Y’all could be right; Alex does look like she gained a little weight.


That may explain why the Rebels higher-ups never specified a reason for her inactive status. That and the sudden wedding all make sense now.





Guess we’ll know for sure in upcoming weeks.


Their rings are nice. Look like Cartier. Wish there were more pictures from Vegas.


Yeah, but maybe no other Rebels attended or the chapel didn’t allow cameras. Oh well.


What’s Alex going to call herself, Alex Galloway-Ivanka or Alex Ivanka?


No law says she has to take Jax’s name, but Galloway-Ivanka would be interesting to see on a jersey!


Alex logged off the computer and pinched the bridge of her nose. Fatigue crept through her body after a long afternoon of razzing from teammates, holding press conferences arranged by the Rebels’ PR staff, and granting interviews. Mostly, she still worried about Troy.


He’d isolated himself from everyone and remained silent during the entire flight to Pittsburgh, barely acknowledging her with a few grunts. She noticed redness around his eyes, weariness that etched his face, and sparkle extinguished from his eyes.


I hope Troy doesn’t try anything stupid. I would never forgive myself if something happened.





Alex dialed Troy’s number while Jax swam in their indoor pool downstairs.


“What?” he groggily answered.


“I wanted to make sure you got home okay,” she replied without preamble.


“Shouldn’t you spend time with your new husband?”


“Troy, I consider you one of my closest friends and concerned about you.”


“Save your strength; I’m fine.”


“You don’t sound fine and didn’t act that way on the plane.”


“I’m tired, Al. Can’t people leave me alone for five fucking minutes?”


Maybe I should call Byron. Troy always listens to him or Boris.
“I’m sorry.”


“For what, falling into bed and getting knocked up by the first guy who smiled at you? Why not just get passed around the locker room?”







His voice broke. “I should’ve been the one, Al.”


“I know,” she soothingly replied, “and you would have if I’d known your intentions before I talked to Jax. You and Davy are still the baby’s godfathers.”


“Yeah…I almost forgot.”


“We have the next two days off. Go enjoy them with some of your buddies. Chase girls, play shuffleboard, ice skate or whatever else guys in their late twenties do. Be normal; there’s more to life than hockey.”


“I haven’t done much of anything normal since age two.”


“No time like the present. You need to get out more.”


“Don’t even think about fixing me up with one of your friends.”


“I hoped you’d bring a lady of your own. Surely you have other female pals besides me. What about Kelly?”


“No thanks; she got on my last nerve at the Center Ice benefit.”


“Okay, then another guy. Maybe Boris?”


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