Power Play (60 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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“I love this place,” Alex said, “but what prompted you to have another house built? The one we have is fine.”


“I thought something smaller and a little more isolated would be better for our expanding family,” Jax replied.


“Is the current house for sale?”


“No, we can rent the place, stay there on occasion while in town, or use it as an investment property. Want to go inside for a quick tour?”


“Sure; I really need to ‘christen’ one of the bathrooms.”


They walked through each room, Jax pointing out key features. She used the first floor bathroom and agreed the house’s atmosphere had a more down-to-earth aura and was a perfect place to raise their child.


Jax put his hand on another doorknob when she emerged from the bathroom. “Are you ready for the grand finale?”


“You are full of surprises today. Sure, amaze me.”


“All right, here we go!”




He opened the door with a flourish, displaying a fully decorated nursery.


Alex gasped. “Jax, it’s beautiful!”


“I hired decorators to get the room just right once we found out the baby’s a girl.”


She walked around the entire room and inspected each piece of furniture. “They did an excellent job.”


“So am I forgiven?”


She gave him a befuddled look. “For what?”


“Being secretive and gone so much.”


“Hmmmm...maybe if you take me out to dinner,” she teased.


“You got it, sweetheart!”















Chapter 116



“He got you a new house?” Troy asked during an after-game party at Vince’s townhouse.


Alex eagerly nodded. “Yeah, can you believe it? Jax wasn’t cheating after all…at least I think not.”


Troy’s heart sank a little.
She’ll probably stay with him after the baby’s born
. “Sounds great.”


“He had plans made, hired a bunch of contractors to build the place and even got a professional decorator. You’ll have to visit once we’re settled.”


“What gave Jax the bright idea? He already has a house nicer than both of mine, and they’re hardly shacks.”


“He wanted something ‘more appropriate’ for a family. I never pictured Jax as a living in the boondocks type, but he proved me wrong.”




“Didn’t his parents have a farm or something?” Troy asked. “That’s basically the same as living in middle of nowhere.”


“They still do, but my and Jax’s new place isn’t exactly a farm.” Alex pulled out her phone and showed him a picture. “What do you think?”


“Holy shit; this must’ve set him back a few coins. He picked a nice piece of land to build.”


“We won’t have to worry about nosy neighbors.” She swiped to another photo. “Here’s the baby’s room. Now I know why he never bothered setting up furniture at home.”


“Hey, awesome layout. Your little girl’s going to have the best of everything.”


“My child will not be a spoiled brat,” Alex said with determination.


“Who said anything about spoiled? Remind me to have something similar designed for my babies.”


“Are you trying to tell me something?” she asked with a quirked eyebrow.




“I’d been… uh…thinking about possibly adopting a kid.”


“I’m sure you have.”


“Right now I have something else on my mind,” Troy said as he pulled her into an empty room and shut the door. He kissed her hard and well, probing every inch of her mouth with his tongue.


Alex broke the kiss. “Troy, what the–”


He put his hand over her mouth. “Shhh...”


She pushed it away. “Jax is in the next room. What if he or someone else comes in here?”


“He hasn’t paid any attention since the two of you arrived. Don’t worry; the door’s locked.”


Troy yanked down the top of her maternity peasant blouse and strapless bra, gently squeezed her naked breasts, and moved his thumbs over her nipples. “Wow, I think these girls get bigger every time I see them.”


“Enjoy while you can; they’re only temporary.”


“You were never flat-chested to begin with.” He began kissing her neck “How about a little fun?”




He began to trace small circles on the delicate skin of her neck and breasts with his tongue, reached around to hike up her skirt, and slid down her panties. His tongue left a trail of wetness and sent shivers down her spine.


She let out a low moan. “Troy...”


“God, baby, I need you


Troy entered her in one swift motion and they began moving together slowly at first, and then more vigorously. Each stroke became harder, rougher, and more intense. The look of sheer ecstasy in Alex’s eyes and her whimpers made him increase his pace even more until she reached orgasm.


He didn't want this moment with her to end. He slowed his strokes for several minutes and when the inevitable could no longer be avoided, again sped up the pace until he finished.


When it was over, Alex’s body still trembled as Troy collapsed against her.


“Let’s see your husband beat
he sexily growled in her ear before pulling away.




“I don’t think he’ll ever come close,” Alex said with a giggle as they fixed their clothes. “No pun intended.”


She checked herself in a nearby mirror before leaving the room, making sure that no trace of the latest encounter with Troy remained. Satisfied with seeing only a healthy glow that came with pregnancy, she walked out ahead of him.


Jax was engaged in animated conversation with a European accented, painfully thin blonde when Alex returned to the party.


“Tady je moje malá tlustá holka!”
he greeted her.


“Co jsem ti říkal o mi tak říkat?”
Alex snapped.


“Vyjet své drápy, Alexi; Byl jsem jen legraci.”
Jax turned to the blonde.
“Moje žena je někdy trochu citlivý.”


“Citlivé můj zadek. Nesmíš mě tlačit, Jax Ivanka, nebo budu uříznout koule a krmit je, aby Vince psi!”


“Hold it!” Vince protested. “Keep me out of your marital spat.”





“Dude,” Marty muttered in his ear. “I picked up enough Czech to understand Galloway will cut off Old Man’s balls and give them to your dogs if he doesn’t behave.”


“Ohhhh, okay. I got it. Now I know not to piss off her or any other pregnant chicks.”


“Good idea, my man.”


Troy sidled up behind Alex and placed his hands on her shoulders. “What did Jax say to upset you?”


“He’s on the ‘little fat girl’ kick again. He acts like that every God damn time we’re around people and it’s no longer funny.”


“Jax, you need to be nicer to your wife,” Troy admonished him. “You’re going to be a dad any day now.”


“Shut it, Talmadge,” Jax snorted. “You’re only our boss on the ice, not off. I was only joking around with her.”


“She’s not amused, Old Man.”


“Fine, you entertain her for a while. She’s been practically glued to your hip most of the night anyway.”





Alex glared at Jax. “I’ll deal with you later at home.”
Don’t even think about asking for sex. Troy already took care of


Troy muttered into her ear in French as he led her to another corner of the room.
“Devons-nous aller dans la pièce voisine et batifoler à nouveau pour vous remettre de bonne humeur?”


Alex tittered.
“Etre Avoir! Était non pas une fois assez pour vous?”


“Pas avec toi, bébé. Les femmes enceintes sont sexy et je l'aime brunes.”


“Vous êtes si mauvais. Je vais arrêter à l'entraînement un peu plus tôt demain.”


“Mmmm ... Je peux à peine attendre.”


“I’m sure,” she replied with a snicker.


“Hey, can’t blame a man for wanting to take care of his favorite lady. I need a drink. Can I get you anything?”


“Sure, but nothing alcoholic.”




Davy plopped beside her after Troy left to fetch their drinks. “What the bloody hell are you doing?”


Alex gave him a wide-eyed stare. “What, I can’t have meaningful conversations with a teammate? I’m married, Davy, not dead.”


“You’re not fooling me, love. Troy told me everything.”


“What! I should kick his–”


“Don’t worry; no one else knows, but the way you two have been snuggly tonight, it may only be a matter of time. Is that worth losing your marriage?”


“I wouldn’t care one way or another at this point, Davy.”


“Are you serious? The chap had a few drinks and chatted up some bird, and you want to dump him? He built you a nice house. At least wait till he sobers up a little and you have the baby.”


“Perhaps you’re right; I did overreact, but I’m not keen on his calling me names in a room full of people, jokes or not.”


“Ivanka seems crazy about you. I doubt he’d do anything to intentionally hurt you.”





“He certainly doesn’t act like it at times. He was Mr. Lovey Dovey on Monday at the doctor’s office and then when he showed me the house, acted sex crazy almost all week, and now he’s being an asshole.”


“The old chap’s probably experiencing a variety of emotions over your little one.”


“I certainly hope so, Davy. To be honest, I’ll be glad when this baby is born.”














Chapter 117



“I no believe it,” a downtrodden Boris said a few nights later. “We be so close tonight to win trophy.” He slightly spaced apart his index finger and thumb
. “This close.
Talk by coach afterward no help me feel better.”


“I know,” Troy replied in a solemn tone. “What happened to cause almost everyone to fall apart in the third period?”


“I wish I had good answer. You okay?”


“I’ve survived far worse, Boris.”


“Speaking of worse things,” Brian said, “thank God our loss was to Vancouver and not Philadelphia. We’d never heard the fucking end of it otherwise.”


“Not to mention we made it all the way to finals instead of being eliminated in the first round like last year,” Byron added. “When God shuts a door, He opens a window. Who knows, we could win that trophy next season. Seems we’re getting closer each year.”


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