Power Play (61 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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Pierre looked up with devastation in his eyes. “Thanks for the positive spin, gentlemen, but no one ever remembers the runner-ups.”


Alex consoled her teammates the best she could. “Pierre, you played one hell of a game during the entire series. Yes, things didn’t go well as they should have, but all of you had your strongest season yet – most of it without me, I may add – so no one should be hard on themselves. Byron has a point; you
getting closer to another Princeton Trophy. We’ll all have something to work towards next season.”


Troy gave her a slight smile. “Thanks, Al.”


“You’re coming back next year, right?” Pierre asked.


“Soon as the baby’s weaned and I’m back in playing shape. I’ll take a wild guess and say at least mid-season.”


“Better than not at all.”


“Yeah, we’ve really missed you,” Johann said.


“I missed you guys too,” Alex replied. “Excuse me a moment; the bathroom’s calling my name.”





“Again, woman?” Jax asked, befuddled. “Jesus, I swear you piss more in a day than the average person does in a month.”


“First, my name’s Alex, not ‘woman.’ Second, I’d like to see
carry a baby for nine months,” she shot back before closing the restroom door.


Jax emitted a groan. “Lord, let this be the only kid we have.” He glanced at Byron. “How the hell did you manage to cope with your wife being pregnant five times? I’m barely hanging onto my sanity with Alex having


“Imagine how she feels,” Troy said.


“Be quiet, Talmadge.”


“Children are blessings, Jax,” Byron told him. “Whether you have one or ten, cherish the little ones. They grow up fast. My oldest one’s turning ten in a few weeks.”


“Junior’s almost ten?” Pierre asked. “Wow, I remember you and Babs bringing him into the locker room when he was about a week old. Time flies.”


“He’s entering fifth grade this coming school year,” Byron answered. “Next thing Babs and I know, we’ll be discussing B.J.’s college education.”




Alex emerged from the restroom. “Don’t get me started on sending a kid to college. I want to enjoy my daughter’s childhood first.”


Davy grinned at her. “You and her godparents all do, love.”


“Forget it, Davy; no way am I leaving her with you, Jen, Phyllis, or Troy for long periods of time. All of you will spoil her silly!”


Troy laughed. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”


“In your case it may be,” she teased him.


“I love you too.”


Jax gathered his things. “I hate to leave the postgame wake, but I’d like to get in my workout. I’ll be upstairs in the gym if anyone asks.”


“Have fun, Old Man,” Marty called after him. “Say hi to Sonya for us.”


“Sonya?” Alex asked when Jax was gone.


“Yeah, she’s one of the new trainers,” Troy replied. “Nice lady.”





She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “Really?”


“She’s a nice lady all right,” Lenny said. “Blue-eyed blonde hottie with a sexy accent, tight waist, fantastic ass, and a set of tits some dudes could get lost in.”


Troy glared at him. “You’re not helping, Lenny. That isn’t what I meant.”


Alex shook her head.
Maybe that’s why Jax is more gung ho about his workouts lately.
“Only Walton would lust after one of the Rebels’ trainers.”


“Yeah, and I have no plans to share her either,” Lenny replied.


“You’re delusional if you think she’d go for a pervert like you.”


“Like you’d stand a chance in hell, O’Freel. I’ve fucked at least two hundred chicks. How many have you smashed?”


“I haven’t exactly kept a scorecard, and I don’t date the help or people I work with anyway.”





“What woman would put up with you on a daily basis?”


“I could ask you the same question.”


A pained expression appeared on Alex’s face. “Uhhhh…guys?”


“Are you okay, Al?” Troy asked.


She whimpered in response as her eyes darted towards the floor.


He took a seat beside her and spotted a puddle of clear fluid. “Is it the baby?”


She nodded.


“Her water broke,” Pierre said. “I think the time has come!”


Byron interjected. “You’re in labor, Alexandra. Take it easy and breathe.”


“It hurts…” she whined.





Troy immediately took charge. “Marty and Vince, go get Jax and tell him Al’s having the baby. Davy and Lenny, see if you can find Roy or Coach Barry. Preacher, Brian, and Pierre, I know this is old hat to all of you, so help me keep Al comfortable until she goes to the hospital. Baby Finn; find a custodian to clean up this mess. The rest of you guys grab your shit and get the hell out of here.”


“I need…to call the doctor,” Alex said between contractions.


“What’s the number?” Troy asked. “I can do it for you.”


She relayed the digits. “Thank you.”


Marty and Lenny thundered into the room with Jax. “We found Old Man.”


Jax immediately knelt at Alex’s feet and took one of her hands. “How are you doing?”


She smacked his hand away. “Don’t touch me, you Czechoslovakian son of a bitch! How could you do this to me? You’re cruel to put me in so much pain!”


“Sweetheart, I–”


Pierre leaned towards him. “Let her rant, friend; it’s the labor talking. I went through the same thing with Patti.”





Jax thanked him and the others. “Keep an eye on her a few more minutes while I bring around the car. I’ll text one of you guys when I’m ready. Good thing Alex had forethought to pack her overnight bag and put it in the trunk.”


Troy looked worried.
Oh God, don’t let her pop out the kid in here.
“Al, just breathe like Preacher told you. Jax will be back in a few minutes and take you to the hospital.”


“I swear to God if he comes anywhere near me again I’ll hack his dick off with a machete, grind it up, and feed it to the neighbor’s cat!” she screamed.


“Everything will be over soon, we promise,” Brian reassured her.


“Get this thing out of me


“Okay, calm down and breathe,” Troy said in a soft voice as his phone beeped.


He glanced at the text message. “Jax is out front. Help me get Al to the car.”




“I’ll fucking kill him…” Alex muttered as the others guided her outside and placed her in the car’s passenger side.


“Good luck, man,” Pierre told Jax. “Keep us updated.”


“This is one time I thank God for being a dude,” Lenny said as they watched Jax drive Alex away.














Chapter 118



know tonight was a tough loss,” Coach Barry said, “but now we need to move on and make any changes necessary for next season. Our eyes should still be set on a championship. You all gave one hundred percent and we’ll need to step up even more. We can do this; it’s only a matter of time. Come back on Sunday for locker clean out; I’ve designated a few of you to speak with the media.”


“Thanks for everything this year, Coach,” Troy said.


“No, thank you. I only guided everyone. The hard work was done by all of you. Remember that. Since free agency and trades are coming up soon, I don’t know who will be back next season and who won’t. In any case, best wishes in all endeavors you have planned in the offseason.”




Coach Barry began to leave before turning back. “By the way, it’s a girl for those of you who don’t already know.  Eight pounds, four ounces and named Anastazie Isla Jiva Ivanka.”


“Holy shit,” Brian said. “I can almost imagine the looks on people’s faces when Alex calls that kid in the house for dinner.”


“That name’s got Czech written all over it,” Marty replied. “Wonder if Old Man will teach her to speak his language?”


“Probably,” Davy said. “Or at least how to cuss in Czech.”


“I don’t think Mommy would go for that,” Brian replied.


“We should get Alex a gift,” Johann suggested.


“You gentlemen already sent pink roses,” Coach Barry stated.


“How is everyone, Coach?” Troy asked.


“Parents and daughter are doing well, Captain.”




Troy gathered his things and grinned. “Well, we may have lost the championship, but the Rebels family gained a new member. Great ending to what began as a shitty night. Al should have some alone time to rest and spend time with the baby, but maybe tomorrow we can pop in for a visit.”


“Sounds good to me, mate,” Davy said. “I can’t wait to meet our new goddaughter.”







“I’ll call her Anna for short,” Alex told Jax as he cuddled their newborn daughter.


“Do you have to Americanize everything?” he asked.


“Not so much ‘Americanize’ as make it easier for others to remember her name.”


He began inspecting the baby head to toe. “They gave you the good drugs, huh?”


“Yeah…but they have nothing to do with my decision. What are you doing?”





“Getting a better look at her.”


“Jax, she’s a baby. All babies look alike. She has all her fingers and toes and even a little hair.”


“You already checked?”


“Most new mothers do, especially after having their first child. Did you wash your hands before handling Anna?”


“Yeah and I even used the sanitizer stuff outside your room.”


“Thanks, we don’t need the poor child getting sick her first hours on earth.”


“Good point. Who sent all the roses? Looks almost like a funeral home in here.”


“The team and Rebels staff members. Good news traveled fast.”


Jax pulled out his phone. “Oh, that was nice.”


“Now what are you doing?”

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