Power Play (55 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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“You being a pain in the butt doesn’t help.”


“What will you do for dinner?”


You’d shit a brick if you knew I killed a whole pizza.
“I’ll find something when I get hungry.”


“All right; we can’t be starving our Czech baby.”


Czech and she already eats well. You better get moving to make that dinner reservation on time.” Alex sniffed and turned up her nose. “You smell ripe. Go take a shower.”


Jax kissed her cheek. “Love you, sweetheart.”


“Have a good time.”


“I’ll bring home a doggy bag.”


“Long as it isn’t anything gross or something I can’t identify. Tell Jiva and Pavla I said hi and stop by the house while they’re in town.”













Chapter 105



Byron and Babs chuckled when they heard Troy whistling and singing off-key while he packed for the California trip.


“Now there’s something I haven’t heard the captain do in ages,” Byron said.


Babs smiled. “He’s in a wonderful mood lately.”


“Yeah, and it’s time for me to find out why while you help the kids.”


“This trip doesn’t change the fact B.J. and Brittany are grounded.”


“Come on, Babs; Troy feels guilty enough for letting them play hockey in the kitchen. We’re going on vacation and all the kids should enjoy themselves.”


“Okay, groundings are waived while in we’re California, but go right back into effect at home. Deal?”




“You got it, honey.”


“All right, I’ll check to see why the kids are suddenly quiet while you peek in on your beloved captain.”






“No, Louise,” Troy told his sister on the phone. Do
go out with that guy! He’s bad news.” He paused and listened to her protests. “Because I said so! Listen, Sissy, I’m familiar with enough people in the junior and AHC leagues to know which ones put on the charm for girls your age for one reason.” Another pause. “I don’t care if the dude was named Sexiest Man On Ice! I’m telling you to keep your distance from him before he breaks your heart or something worse.”


Great, she cussed me out and then hung up.
Troy tossed his phone on the bed and resumed packing.


Byron appeared in the doorway. “Is everything okay, Captain?”


“My sister’s sweet on some Canadian league’s big shot goalie and he asked her on a date.”




“That’s great! Why the long face?”


“The guy’s a total douche with a new girlfriend almost every other month. I’m afraid he either views Louise as a step-up for an AHC contract because of her relationship to me or he’s trying to get in her pants. Maybe he’s aiming for both. You know how some girls get when older men lavish attention on them. Look at the whole Al and Jax thing. First they couldn’t stand one another, and then got buddy-buddy, started flirting, and next thing anyone knew, Al became pregnant. I don’t want a repeat cycle with my baby sister.”


“Did you try reasoning with Louise?” Byron asked.


“Yeah, and got called everything but a white man before she hung up on me. Preacher, she’s barely eighteen and doesn’t have much experience with guys. I’m worried.”


“Could your folks talk to her?”


Troy shrugged. “They’d probably make much progress as I did, which in my case was none.”


“Well, your sister’s legally an adult. There are some things she’ll have to learn on her own, much as some lessons may hurt.”






“You’re right, Preacher. Perhaps I should curb the concerned big brother act.”


“I’m not suggesting distancing yourself from Louise like you attempted with Alexandra. Both will eventually need a shoulder to lean on when things go wrong.”


“I know,” Troy replied, “and I plan to be there for them.”


A smile crossed Byron’s face. “You finally called Alexandra.”


“Yeah. We talked for over an hour.”


“How is she?”


“Bored out of her mind between the whole AHC lockdown mess and being pregnant, not to mention Jax is driving her insane.”


“Yeah, the big day is drawing closer for her.”


“Did I mention Al’s having a girl?”


Byron chuckled. “Poor Jax; he always wanted a son.”





“Right, as if one of him on earth wasn’t bad enough,” Troy joked. “On a serious note, Al said he doesn’t mind long as everything’s okay.”


“If it was up to Jax, the baby would be born with tiny hockey skates on her feet.”


“I wouldn’t blame him,” Troy cracked.


Byron laughed heartily. “You
in great spirits. Babs wondered about your lousy singing.”


“Coming to North Carolina with you and then talking to Al helped a great deal. Rumor also says lockdown should end within a few weeks. I don’t know about you, Preacher, but I can’t wait to get back on the ice.”


“I wonder how officials will handle the playoff situation with an abundance of games canceled during lockdown?”


“My best guess is calculating already recorded wins and losses. I sure wouldn’t want their jobs right now.”


“I suppose the bosses will bring everyone up to date once we get back to Pittsburgh.”







“So what else did you and Alexandra discuss?”


“Let’s see,” Troy reflected. “She blew through a whole pizza and hid the box in her neighbor’s trash can so not to hear Jax complain again about how much she’s eating, Davy and Jennifer’s upcoming wedding, and she said Greise seems to be doing well in New York.”


“He and Brenda got married.”


“You already knew?”


“Pierre went to the wedding and Patti told Babs. You know how close Pierre and Greise were.”


“Did the Rebels ever sign a backup replacement? Pierre was flying solo before the lockdown.”


Byron shook his head. “Roy wants to bring another guy from Scranton in order to stay under salary cap. There would’ve been more money open if Marty signed with another team, but that didn’t happen.”


“Yeah, O’Freel’s still our problem Irish Warrior.”


“Marty’s crude at times but he’s a good defenseman. Guys with his skills are high in demand. I’m surprised he decided to stay with the Rebels another year.”




“Considering deals O’Freel was offered from a few other teams, I’m shocked too. You know, more money would also be freed up if Jax’s ass retired.”


“I don’t think that’s happening soon, Troy. Jax Ivanka’s undoubtedly one of the most talented guys the Rebels has. Everything he’s done in his career to this point was for himself. Sure, he’s a team player and has the skills and vision to back up his confidence, but isn’t afraid of ruffling a few feathers. The tough old Czech never showed any weakness. He’s quick-witted, intelligent, and still has soaring ambition at his age. He plays to win and worked hard to earn respect from the league. With fatherhood approaching, he’s got another reason to remain in the game.”


“I guess he isn’t the first old dude to stay active in the AHC.”


“Likely not the last either. He’s only one of a few players that paved the way for other talents delaying hanging up the skates.”


“Including you when the time comes?” Troy asked.


“I could still go in my forties long as my health remains intact. Look at Jon; he was in his late thirties when he briefly returned to playing in the early 2000’s.”




“The Rebels were spilling red ink around the same time. If Jon hadn’t taken over, the team would either cease to exist or ended up playing in bum fuck nowhere instead of Pittsburgh. Speaking of which, have you or anyone else heard more about Jon possibly selling his share of the team?”


“Someone mentioned a big shareholder company making offers, but no one heard additional details before the Legionnaire’s disease outbreak.”


Troy knitted his eyebrows and thought for a moment. “Hmmm, interesting.”


“Why are you fascinated with a potential sale?”


“Al and I discussed it in passing a couple months ago.”


“Wait a minute!” Byron exclaimed.
interested in buying Jon’s part of the Rebels?”


“Al and I might look further into things depending on what her lawyer advises. She and Jax have part ownership of a team in Prague, and she may sell her portion to him if and when the Rebels go on the market.”




Byron was impressed. “Already thinking about the next chapter of your career?”


“You could say that, but Jon could change his mind at some point.”


“Former players transitioning to management roles aren’t uncommon, Troy. I suggest you make a move if an official announcement is ever made.”


“I’m still thinking over things. Owning a team – even if it’s a percentage – has its pros and cons like anything else. Al and I want to check out all our options in order to make an informed decision.”


“That’s a smart idea. What does Jax think of Alexandra contemplating part ownership of our team?”


“She didn’t mention anything to him since we haven’t made up our minds how to proceed.”


“I hope she doesn’t step on a virtual land mine.”


“Who knows; he might encourage Al to take advantage of the opportunity.”




“I assume she’s delaying additional plans until the baby’s born.”


Troy nodded. “We both are. I don’t want to put more pressure on Al than she’s already dealing with.”


“I should point out that Babs doesn’t want to hear any hockey talk while we’re in California.”


“No problem. Your kids will probably drag me everywhere anyway. Let’s hope I don’t get the rest grounded like Britt and Junior.”


“Don’t worry, all groundings are temporarily lifted and Babs doesn’t blame you. I’ll leave you to finish packing and get some sleep. We have an early flight tomorrow.”















Chapter 106



Alex opened an email from Troy and read about his week-long California adventures. He described perfect weather, playing beach volleyball, water balloon fights, Byron’s poor yet amusing efforts to surf, taking the kids to Disneyland, and the aesthetics of Babs wearing a bikini. He attached a photo to the email and reassured her not to worry. “I’m having a great time!”


She opened the attachment and was taken aback by Troy posing shirtless and damp on a beach with mild sunburn, baseball cap worn backwards, and pale blue board shorts hanging slightly below his hips. Her eyes fixated on the strategic placement of strong hands near his hip dents, his torso’s length, muscular cut of his forearms, and what marked the beginning of a mischievous smile. 


Alex wondered about Troy’s motive in sending the picture. Was he trying to further convince her of the joyous time spent with Byron’s family or - aware that Jax’s amorous attention all but dwindled since the baby began showing - making underlying attempts to arouse her?



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