Power Play (62 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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“Taking pictures to send
and to
Jiva.” He placed Anna in her mother’s arms. “Smile ladies!”


“Jax, don’t; I look like hell warmed over five times.”


“Funny, you’re both
to me. Come on, just a couple. I want my family to see the new addition.”


Alex looked down at her infant daughter. “Be warned; this is the daddy you’ll deal with for at least your next eighteen years.”












Chapter 119



“What a beautiful little lass,” Davy said as he cradled week-old Anna in his arms. “You’re gorgeous as your mum.”


Alex laughed. “She looks like Jax.”


“No doubt about that,” Troy replied. “Old Man couldn’t deny paternity if he tried.”


“Don’t count on him doing so anytime soon,” Alex said. Jax thinks Anna needs picked up if she much as whimpers.”


“She’s already Daddy’s girl, huh?”


“That’s putting it mildly. Between him and you two, I’ll have an overindulged baby on my hands.”


Troy asked with a touch of amusement. “Never!”


“Nah, Troy and I are innocent,” Davy chortled.




“Innocent my foot,” Alex said. “Both of you turn to goo when kids are present.”


“A person would have to be hard-hearted not to,” Troy replied.


Davy handed Anna to him. “Here, mate, it’s your turn.”


“Ahhh, there’s Godfather Troy’s little beauty,” he cooed to her. “Who’s my good girl?”


Alex shook her head and tittered. “I rest my case.”


“Who did Ivanka hire to build this house?” Davy asked. “They did a smashing job.”


“Some local freelance contractors, believe it or not,” Alex replied. “I was shocked when he told me.”


“I should hire those blokes. I’m thinking about getting a house. Living in a flat isn’t doing it for me anymore.”


“You’re earning a decent salary now, Davy,” Troy said. “Time to invest wisely and become a homeowner.”


“Not a bad idea, mate.” He peered at Anna, who fell asleep in Troy’s arms. “Looks like you still have the magic touch.”




“I’m with the majority of people who say he’ll make a great daddy,” Alex said.


“There you go with the flattery, Al,” Troy replied.


“Again with the modesty! Try taking a compliment for once.”


“Not always an easy thing.”


“I guess that’s part of being the gentleman you are. So what plans do you boys have now that another season’s in the books?”


“I’m heading to London tomorrow,” Davy said. “Mum’s planned another huge family reunion and wants to have a picture done in front of Buckingham Palace.”


“I didn’t know the St. Clouds were royalty,” Troy teased him.


“You’re amusing, mate. I’ll stay in London until middle of August, then head to New York and spend time with Jen before I’m due back for training camp.”


“How are wedding plans progressing?” Alex asked.




“Quite well; since we’re not doing anything fancy and Jen’s good at finding bargains, the thing isn’t costing us a queen’s ransom.”


“There is always Vegas,” Troy joked.


“I don’t think Jen’s parents would appreciate us going that route, mate.”


“Vegas weddings are overrated anyway,” Alex said. “Take it from someone who knows.”


“Well you can thank this little lady for sort of bringing together you and her daddy,” Troy replied. “By the way, are you going to Prague?”


She shook her head. “Jax left Monday on a solo trip. I didn’t feel comfortable taking an infant overseas. He’s sending pictures and videos to his family and they’re coming for Christmas, so no one will really miss any of Anna’s milestones.”


Davy took a few sniffs. “Speaking of milestones, I think your lass soiled her nappy unless Troy puffed.”


Troy punched his arm and laughed. “I didn’t do a damn thing!” He gently raised Anna and smelled her. “Yep, I found the guilty party.”




Alex put out her arms. “Let me change her.”


Troy rose from his chair still holding Anna. “Nothing doing; I’ll handle this.”


“Are you sure? She can get ripe.”


“I wouldn’t be a proper godfather otherwise. Where’s the diaper stuff?”


“Everything’s under the changing table in her nursery.”


“Now that’s a dedicated godpater,” Davy commented as they watched Troy leave the room.


“Sometimes I wonder if I let the wrong man go,” Alex replied.


“I have inklings you may have a second chance. Speaking of which, are you and he still fooling around?”


“We did until I had Anna. Now it’s mostly kissing and cuddling.”


“So you’re having a fling or…?”


“Oh no; it’s definitely love this time. Jax and I were
to be a fling, but you saw what happened.”







“Yeah, and if you and Troy are shagging, better use something or prepare a good explanation in case another bun is in the oven when hubby returns.”


“You don’t need to worry, Davy. I have to avoid intercourse for at least four to six weeks, and then Troy will use condoms and me a diaphragm until Anna’s weaned. I’m not planning on any more kids until she’s at least ready for preschool.”


“Smart move; last thing anyone needs is some random tyke who’s a dead ringer for Troy showing up at Rebels games wearing a mini Talmadge jersey and people start speculating.”




Davy stood up. “I need to get moving and finish packing before my flight tomorrow morning.” He pecked her cheek. “I’ll send something to you and the little lass.”


“Call me when you arrive in London,” Alex said.


“I always do. Have a great summer!”


“You too. We’ll see you late August.”




Troy returned from the nursery and handed over Anna. “Here you are, Mommy. She’s got a nice clean butt and ready for another round of napping.”


Alex placed the baby in her bassinet. “Thanks; it’s nice for someone to change her without complaining about the stink.”


“Jax is still adjusting to fatherhood, huh?”


“You could say that.”


“Well, he did get kind of a late start.” Troy scanned the room. “Davy already left?”


“Yeah, he has to finish packing for London. You never told me what you planned for the summer. Are you headed to Nova Scotia?”


“Not yet. Al, I don’t like the idea of you being alone with a baby in the middle of bum fuck nowhere. I’m staying until Jax comes back from Prague.”


“Troy, that really isn’t–”


“No arguments; I either stay or take you and Anna back to town.”





“What about the hockey camp in Yarmouth?”


“I’ll arrange for Dad and Louise to take over. They’ve been pestering the shit out of me anyway.”


“How about your planned trip to see the Monaco Grand Prix?”


“Considering how glitz, glamour, and celebrities don’t exactly impress me, I never bothered making arrangements. That was something I’d only mulled around in my head. No, I think it’s time for a quieter and less hectic summer.”


“You do realize things will be anything but quiet with a baby in the house?”


“Sure, but what better way for me to spend most of the summer than with my two favorite ladies?”


Alex laughed. “Okay, you win, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”


Troy swept her into his arms and deeply kissed her. “I’ll be back in about an hour.”













Whatever It Takes,

We’ll Walk Together


“It does not matter how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get up.”

Vince Lombardi


“You always have to believe.”

Jaromir Jagr













Chapter 120



“Be warned; there are two hippies who live about a mile down the road,” Alex said. “Skinny and Digger often visit when Jax is home so they may make unannounced appearances once it’s known you’re here.”


Troy gave her a puzzled look. “So what’s the problem?”


“You wouldn’t mind them hanging out?”


“Fans are fans, hippies or otherwise, long as they do nothing illegal or dangerous.” He smiled at her. “I’m surprised those Skinny and Digger guys don’t come around when Jax isn’t here. If I knew a pretty lady lived up the road and her husband’s nowhere in sight, I’d visit every day.”


She bent and gave him a quick kiss. “Of course
would, but apparently I’m not their type and there’s a baby in the house. Skinny and Digger don’t seem the kinds of men who enjoy children. They’re more Jax’s fans than mine anyway.”




“Too bad,” Troy said. “Kids are fun. Where’s your little one? I haven’t seen her since this morning.”


“Anna’s asleep in the nursery. Make little noise as possible; this is the first time today I’ve had a little time to myself.”


“She’s a good baby.”


“Yes and so content I sometimes put my hand under her nose to make sure she’s still breathing. A lot of babies tend to be fussy, but Anna isn’t. Now if only Godfather Troy would quit spoiling her…”


“What other purpose do babies serve?” He pulled Alex into his lap. “How about some cuddles during your quiet time?”


“Hmmm…I could go for those.”


“I’m glad.” He pulled Alex closer, touched her face and kissed her, licking the corners of her mouth with his tongue.


She tangled her hands in Troy’s hair and feverishly returned the kiss while he stroked her shoulders and back. His lips never left hers; they kissed passionately for a long time.


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