Power Play (66 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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“Okay, but no killing the messenger. Al, the conversation Vince and Marty had pertained to Marty seeing Jax in a ‘not so professional’ situation with Sonya.”


“The blonde trainer who worked here only a short time?” Alex asked.


“Yeah, that’s her. Marty mentioned the workout room’s door was ajar. He peeked in and saw Sonya and Jax appearing a little…” Troy cleared his throat. “A little friendlier than staff should be with players.”


“He slept with her?”


“Not at that point, but I have a feeling he did in the recent past. Something else would’ve likely happened if Marty and Vince didn’t show up when they did.”


“Son of a bitch,” Alex muttered. “So Jax
fool around while I was pregnant. I should’ve guessed his being out until two in the morning had nothing to do with getting our second house.”


“I’m sorry you had to hear this, Al.”


“Don’t be; I just remembered something. Isn’t staff forbidden to socialize with players?”


Troy nodded. “One girl who used to work here a few years ago was fired after word reached management about her and me meeting for drinks.”




“Couldn’t resist the charms of a gorgeous blonde, brunette, or redhead?” Alex teased him.


“Don’t turn this conversation into one about me. I only gave you an example about the Rebels’ non-fraternization policy. I wouldn’t be surprised if Marty and Vince blabbed to the bosses about what they saw and Sonya got booted as a result.”


“Could also explain the rumors of Jax possibly getting traded.”


“Sure, but the Sun Devils have also been interested in him for a while.”


“After hearing about his dalliances with a now-former trainer, he can go to Miami alone far as I’m concerned.”


“Does this mean you’re going through with a divorce?”


“Yes, but I’ll cite irreconcilable differences.”


“Al, Jax allegedly played around with Sonya while you were pregnant.”


“I’m not any better, Troy. You and I have been seeing each other behind his back God knows how long. I don’t want my divorce from Jax turning into a bloody battle, especially now that we have Anna.”




“You want to end things quietly?”


“I’d prefer it that way. Now you know what I meant about having an easier way out if Jax gets traded.”


“I presume he’s not aware of your plans.”


“Not yet; I told Davy I’d wait until the trade deadline ends before getting everything in motion.”


“Yeah, no use raising a stink before then.”


“There shouldn’t be many difficulties since I signed a prenuptial agreement. I’ll leave with what I brought into the marriage and half of what Jax and I accumulated together. The big issue will be custody of Anna but I’m sure something will work out.”


Troy smiled. “This makes me sound selfish but I can’t wait until you’re a free woman.”


Alex returned the smile and squeezed his hand. “I’d love nothing more than to be with you without restrictions. Sneaking around doesn’t suit either of us.”














Chapter 127



Jax got straight to the point. “I have news.”


“You’ve been traded?” Alex asked.


“Yeah, I’m headed to the Sun Devils in exchange for Peyton Wood two picks in next year’s draft.”


“You don’t sound disappointed.”


“I had a good run with the Rebels the last five years but it’s time for me to find another direction. Before you assume anything, I didn’t ask for the trade; Miami approached Jon and Roy.”


“All that matters is you’re happy with their offer.”


“Yeah, they gave me a great offer, but there’s something else.”




“What?” she asked.


“I’ve done a lot of thinking about you, me, and Anastazie. I know how much you love Pittsburgh, playing for the Rebels, and working with Talmadge. I also don’t feel comfortable with the idea of uprooting our daughter. Alex…I…I think you and I should split.”


want a divorce?” she asked, hiding both shock and relief.


“I never meant to hurt you like this. You and Anastazie will always have places in my heart.”


“No…I’ll be okay. I reached the same conclusion. Being pregnant didn’t exactly make me think rational as I should have at the time; to be honest, I often wondered if we got married too quickly.”


“I often thought the same thing, always had and a sense your relationship with Talmadge ran far deeper than friendship and mentor/protégé. Much as this hurts me, it’s time to set you free.”


“Jax…I don’t know what to say. The decision couldn’t have been easy for you.”




“No it wasn’t, but I want you and Anastazie to be happy.”


“Do you want to start proceedings or should I?”


“Let me take care of everything. You signed a pre-nup so we’ll each take away what we came in with. Part of the Prague team ownership is still yours and I signed over my house in town to you. I’m giving you custody of Anastazie and will pay you proper amounts of support to take care of her.”


“You really don’t have to–”


“No, I insist. Little girls should stay with their mothers.”


“Oh, Jax, you are way too generous. I’m going to specify that visitation for Anna is arranged around your schedule so you can see her often as you like. I’d also like to sell you my share of the Capitals since I’ll likely visit Prague less often following our divorce.”


He nodded. “Sure, I’ll have the proper paperwork sent to you.”


Alex gave him a hug. “I’d like to stay friends. You’ll keep in touch after moving to Miami?”


“You know I will, sweetheart. We can always communicate through Skype.”




“Good idea; you can see both Anna and me at the same time between visits with her.”


“You know, I never expected this kind of outcome when I planned to ask for a divorce,” Jax said.


“Me neither, especially when I originally intended to have a similar discussion with you.”


“So where will you go from here?”


“I haven’t yet decided. Let me think more about things when we get our final decrees. What about you? Going back to chasing European models?”


“No, I think my only passion for a while will be hockey.”


“Sounds like someone else I know.”


Jax flashed a huge smile. “On that note, Talmadge better take damn good care of you or I’ll come back and haunt him in a not-so-good way.”


“I’m sure you would,” Alex replied with a laugh.


“I better haul ass if the rest of my shit’s going to get packed for Miami. I’ll be out of your way by end of the week.”





“Take your time. There’s no hurry.”


They walked together to his car and Jax kissed her cheek before climbing inside the vehicle.


Alex had mixed feelings of freedom and sadness as she watched him drive away. Even though she dreaded raising Anna alone despite having a nanny, she remained confident it was a challenge she could meet.


Their marriage hadn’t exploded – just wound down until there were no other options remained except for them to go separate ways. She genuinely hoped whatever void existed in Jax could be filled once he reached Miami.















Chapter 128



“Jax agreed to a divorce?” Troy incredulously asked.


Alex nodded. “He first brought up the subject before I had a chance to say anything.”


“What about Anna?”


“Jax is granting me full custody and willing to pay support. In turn, I suggested flexible visitation so he can see her when his schedule allows.”


“Holy shit, I thought all hell would break loose when you asked for a divorce.”


“I think he caught on long ago that our marriage was more of a convenience than actual love,” Alex said. “We care about one another and willing to stay friends. Of course, we’ll always have Anna.”




“Any word when Jax leaves for Miami?”


“He’s flying there tomorrow morning. Why, do you want to help him pack?”


“Funny, Al,” Troy replied. “I wanted to be sure you guys are actually separating before I make my move.”


“You staked your claim months ago,” Alex said and pinched his ass.


Jesus, do you enjoy assaulting me or something?”


“I have yet to hear you complain.”


He grabbed her by the waist. “You’re lucky you’re so cute.”


“Only cute?”


“Okay, sexy as hell and the best thing to happen to me since hockey.”


“Awww, Troy. Do you really mean that?”


“Every word, shorty.”




“Funny I didn’t think the same way after arriving from New York last year, but now I feel the same about you.”


“So does this mean…?”


“Yes, Troy, we can now openly date. No more sneaking around like a couple of criminals.”


He gathered Alex into his arms. “Then it won’t be much longer before things leap to the next level.”


Troy’s statement puzzled her as they hugged.
What on earth did he mean by that?














Chapter 129



Mutterings about Alex and Troy’s true relationship had tongues wagging within the Rebels’ organization and the fandom in following months.


Gossip ranged from Troy hugging her tighter than he usually did other teammates after scoring goals, Alex’s almost-giddy demeanor while enduring divorce proceedings, and the pair often spotted together in public establishments with Troy’s arm draped around her while they engaged in intimate conversations.


A “creeper shot” of Troy and Alex slow dancing one of several times during Davy and Jennifer’s wedding reception spread like wildfire on Internet fan sites and message boards, prompting additional speculations of “They have to be together or at least hooking up!”


Troy was known to remain closemouthed about his personal life and evading the subject about Alex made the pair even more alluring to fans.

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