Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (92 page)

BOOK: Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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“He told me the truth. He opened my eyes to reality. Jamie enlightened me by showing me that I turned the past into a fantasy that was easier to live with.” I stare at Whitt’s hurt hand and refuse to meet his eyes out of shame. I feel three pairs of eyes intensely gazing at me, but I can’t
meet them.

Whitt the gentleman goes batshit crazy on me while Marc looks lost and Ezra watches us in a way that only a psychiatrist can- analytical calculation.  

“I hate him,” he screams and runs from the dungeon. I try to go after him bu
t a hand on my waist stops me.

“Let him go. This is for father and son only,” Marc says firmly with a hollow voice.

“I don’t want him to get hurt,” I sob.

“There is nothing you can do about it, Regina. D
id he really say that to you?”

“Yes,” I admit and pull away from his hand. He isn’t the one to offer me comfort- not anymore.

“Regina… I-”

“Forget it, Marcus. It is what it is. Excuse me, I’m worn out.” I start walking towards my private room. I need to get out of this cowl and into a pair of jean and sneakers. I need to get my hand checked out and take a long walk.

“Ezra,” Marc’s voice commands and I think nothing of it.


















Chapter Twenty-Six

I quickly shower, and hiss and wince every time the cuts on my hands come in contact with the heavily chlorinated water.  It’s a lovely reminder that losing one’s shit has painful consequences. Consequences that feel like shards of ice, fire, and brimstone are impaling my wounded flesh.

I sigh in pleasure as soon as the jeans, t-shirt, and hoodie cover my battered body.

“Uh,” I meep out
when I enter my private room.

Marc is leaning against the door and Ezra guiltily sits on my sofa.

“What’s going on?” I lean against my bathroom door making sure that the room is between Marcus and me with Ezra in between. I hated Ezra a half hour ago, but now he’s the perfect buffer to keep his father at bay.

Punishment, and you need to get something out of your system,” Marc says ominously.

I’m not fucking him,” I growl.

“Why not?”
Marc implores. He uses his voice to gain my attention, but I refuse to truly look at him- it hurts too fucking much.

“It’s really none of
your damned business,” I hiss.

“Answer it for me then, because it’s my business,” Ezra’s voice is glass on glass sharp.

“Fine. He wants us to fuck so he doesn’t feel guilty about Katya. It’s a vicious cycle and I’m taking myself out of it. If you, Marc, Cort, and Kat want to play this game, go ahead. I’m done. I’m not a part of your circle anymore. I’m a married mother of two and I’m sick of running this daycare filled with needy sociopaths and fucktards. I have my own problems. I have a reluctant, mute co-parent that’s risen from the dead. I have a gay husband who’s using me and Kris as a security blanket because he’s scared to fuck a guy and get it over with. I have a dynasty to take over and a business to run. I have two very needy submissives that can’t make a move without me telling them first. I have a dungeon to watch. I could give a shit less about your problems or my man troubles. I just want to be with my family because that has to be enough.”

“You don’t want me?” I expect him to sound arrogant and in
credulous, but he sounds hurt.

“Oh, I loved fucking you,” I admit. “It was exciting and thrilling. I got off on the high every fucking time. But you’re in a committed relationship with Katya and Cort. I don’t know where he fits into it now,” I point at Marc. “But I promised Cort that I wasn’t having sex with you. If you want to revisit this then ask them for permission and be completely honest with them. After that I will consider it. Keep in mind I will most likely say no. I’ll never fuck anyone against my will or be used again. I don’t care if I go a lifetime without. My self-respect is more important. I’m raising children and I want to lead through example. I’ve been a bad role model so far.”

I cross my arms across my chest and glare them both down.

“The punishment still needs done,” Marc says quietly and tosses something on my sofa. I recognize the object from earlier and I startle.

“I’m not in the mood,” I say curtly.

“I’ll get you in the mood,” Marc flirts with
me in a voice rough with lust.

“I highly doubt that,” I raise a brow in challenge.

“Don’t tempt me,” he taunts.

“I’m not fucking him in any capacity,” I practically shriek and a long-suffering sound of frus
tration bubbles up my throat. 

“You’ve always wanted a dick,” Marc teases me and smirks.

I look away from his mischievous eyes and his ripe smile. It hurts worse when he looks at me in familiarity. It’s been a year since he touched me in my bedroom during Whitt’s twentieth birthday party, and it was months before that since he’d touched me last. It’s been almost two years since we’ve had any type of relationship. I won’t take scraps from his table any longer. You teach people how to treat you, and I’ve shown him that I’m not good enough for dignity and respect. No more.

“I’ll do it because I understand the balance of this punishment. I’m not in the mood, but I’m sure Ezra can get me there,” I murmur salaciously to burn Marc. “You can go now. I don’t want you to watch me playact a rape. I know how that would get you off, but Ezra is your son and I won’t be a part of that. What kind of mother would that make me?”  

“He’s not my birth child, Regina. It won’t be the first time I’ve watched. We’re practically the same age,” he teases trying to get me to engage him. Marc smirks and rubs a hand through his hair out of frustration when I don’t banter back. He’s allowing his hair to grow and he’s even more devastating for it.

“If Katya wants you to play with them then that’s not my call. I don’t want you to watch. Is that better? I was trying to be tactfu
l and not hurt your feelings.”

I ignore the hurt look in his beautiful amber eyes. I notice it, though, and as sick as it sounds, I kind of enjoy it. He’s toyed with me long enough. If I was Master enough to stand by his side as his partner then I should be Master enough to call him out on his shit. I won’t be walked on anymore and led around like a puppy. I won’t sit around for him to come to his senses. I’m not a girl in a romance novel waiting for her prince to realize her value. I’m better than being his bitch.

“I’ll be in the hall,” he says quietly and leaves my room.

“Good girl,” Ezra praises me. “He needs to get his head out of his ass. It’s
time you made him chase you.”

“I’m not playing a game, Ezra.” I growl as I walk towards my new phallus. I wanted one as soon as I saw Katya brin
g it out of her bag of tricks.

“Mmm-hmm…” Ez
ra murmurs. “Sure you aren’t.”

“I’m not,” I defend as I tear into the fresh packaging. Why is plastic so hard to get into. What did Kat use- her fangs?

“Game or not, make him work for it,” Ezra says in support of me and not his father.

“You’re no longer my closest confidant,” I growl and yank my sweatshirt off.

“I always will be, Regina. You can tell me anything without judgment because I’ve done so many bad things that I can never judge you back. After my punishment I will be absolved. I will even do you one better. I understand your anger and betrayal and I promise never to do it again,” Ezra vows, properly cowed by his earlier beating. 

“I believe this punishment is for your enjoyment,” I tease him and he snickers.

“Oh, hell yeah… It is. Cort told me how you mentioned using one on him. We masturbated together while we talked about it. I’ll be sure to thank my father.”

“Asshole,” I swear under my breath and Ezra arches a brow at me. Yeah, I don’t know which one I was referring to either.

“Put it on first and then we’ll work up to it,” Ezra says in a voice as smooth as silk. It glides over my body and coils in my core. His gray eyes are nearly blue from excitement.

I stare at the two phalluses in confusion. One is larger than the other.

“Where is a lesbian when I need one?” I snicker.

“We could call Ade. I’m sure my mother introduced her to one,” Ezra laughs and there isn’t a bit
of discomfort over the topic.

“You love to keep it in the family, don’t ya?” I narrow my eyes
at him and grimace in disgust.

“I fucked her because I had to. I was going crazy and that day my mom pissed me off. I knew Adelaide would come to me. I sent her home to my cunt of a mother smelling of
my cum, and I won’t apologize for it. She got the message and backed off.”

t did she do to piss you off?”

“She was bashing Katya and shoving Ade down my throat. She was guilt tripping me. I kindly reminded her of how she’s treated me since birth and sent her lover back to her properly fucked. She hasn’t spoken to me since- either one of them. It’s been deliriously quiet. Neither one spoke to me at my birthday party,” he snorts in amusement.

“Well, I guess since you’ve pissed off all the lesbians I know, you’ll have to help me with this.” I hold up the harness in one hand and its latex buddies in another.

“You geniuses can be so feeble minded,” Ezra teases and quickly assembles the strap-on.

“Um… Kat’s wasn’t like this one…” I mumble.

“It’s supposed to be my punishment, but we both know that’s bullshit. Dad wanted you to thoroughly enjoy it.” He clears his throat and blushe
s. “Um… maybe it’s for later…”


“This is yours,” he hands me the strap-on. “And you have a reluctant gay husband who may be scared of this kind of activity. A husband who will do anything for you,” he hints.
My eyes go wide and my mouth forms a silent O.

“I…” I stumble over my words with a mouth gone dry. “What’s this for though?”
Ezra laughs at me and calls me daft under his breath. His fingers find my jeans and starts yanking them down my hips.

“Hey,” I protest and grab his hands. “Stop it!”

“We’ll leave your panties on,” he teases me and rolls his eyes at how absurd I’m being.

I step into the straps still unsure how the contraption works.

“Ugh!” I grunt when Ezra’s fingers enter me. I look at him in surprise and he smirks at me.

“Like panties would ever stop me,” he chuckles. “Mmm… you’re incredibly wet. I’ve missed your reaction to my invasions,” he teases.

“Oh, that’s nice,” I purr. I rest my head on his shoulder while he massages me from the inside.

“You like that, don’t ya?”
He chuckles against my cheek.

His fingers draw the harness up my thighs and, “Oh God!” I cry out and jerk in ecstasy.

I’ve never really played with toys before. I made Kristal use them during her punishment, but I’ve only used my hands. I can’t believe that at my age I’m still naïve. The smaller phallus was for me.
“Whoever designed this thing is a genius. I bow down to them.” I moan as Ezra tightens the straps on my hips and waist, and makes sure everything is snug and where it needs to be.

“Don’t cum yet,” Ezra teases. “It always makes you relaxed and you h
ave some work you need to do.”

“Oh… yeah… What kind of work?” I start to flirt with him out of nowhere. It could be because all I need to do in order to come is wiggle my hips. My breath is wheezing out of me on a pant. I lick my suddenly dry lips and groan.

Ezra quickly shucks his pants and lounges back on my sofa. His thighs are spread impossibly wide. His arousal extends from the thatch of blond curls between his legs. Its large, ruddy head is beaded with precum. He’s incredibly excited by the sight of me with a phallus jutting from my pelvis. His gray eyes are heavily-lidded and his lips are parted. His pink tongue quickly dabs moisture to his lower lip and disappears into his mouth.

“Suck me,” he orders salaciously.

I drop to my knees without thought. I catch his gaze and growl as I flick my tongue out and clean his head free of moisture. I groan in ecstasy from the taste.

“You do know that your husband’s favorite activity is getting his cock sucked. You have no need to deny yourself the pleasure,” Ezra teases me and I punish him by sucking his entire dick down my throat. He scre
ams my name and fists my hair.

“He’s using me as a crutch,” I say when I come up for air. “He needs boy lips wrapped around his cock. I told him that I’ll fuck him constantly after he gets a boyfriend. Damn stubborn fool doesn’t even notice that I’m delivering a gorgeous, young, gay man that just so happens to have a massive crush on him. I’m blinding him. I’ve got three people working on the matchmaking
and they’re both so stubborn.”

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