Quinn II (Undaunted Men #2) (34 page)

BOOK: Quinn II (Undaunted Men #2)
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Stryker shakes his head in denial then takes a sip of his beer. “Nah…I think I still have a little more footloose and fancy free in me,” he says with a grin.

“Well, you’re not the one who gets to decide that.” I use the back of my hand, tapping my knuckles against his chest as I continue, “It’s your heart that can’t tell you no, and nine times out of ten, it overrules.”

“I don’t have time for that sappy shit, man. Hunter and I have to pick up the slack already, as we’re the main men out in the field now, while you and Travis get fat and happy at home with your women.”

“Hey,” I take mock offense, “most of the time, I’ve always been enlisted as the computer and gadget guru, working behind the scenes, and,” I add, “I’ve come to the rescue every damn time when it really counts.”

Stryker pats my belly and remarks, “Keep telling yourself that, Rambo. Seems you’ve put on a few pounds since this baby,” he chuckles.

“Shut the fuck up.” I grin.

I had overbooked our business with too many jobs, back when I was trying to get over Lexi, so needless to say, we’ve worked our asses off to play catch-up. Because the guys were such good sports about it all, and had worked a crazy amount of overtime, I decided to shut down our business for the Fourth of July week, and have all of us take a vacation together. All the guys agreed, and we wound up settling for a vacation with a cooler climate. So I booked us a five-bedroom cabin in the mountains.

We’re staying almost an hour away from Asheville, North Carolina. Yesterday, Lexi and Jules stayed behind with the baby and shopped in downtown Asheville, while the four of us guys went whitewater rafting in the Nantahala River. I had almost forgotten how damn crazy-cold that mountain water is. Even in the heat of the summer, it feels like an iceberg.

Jules has already babysat for us a couple of times this week, allowing Lexi and me to go kayaking in Asheville and meander around the Biltmore Estate. Lexi had never seen the estate before, let alone by water. It’s been an incredible getaway with everyone, and I feel as if Jules and Lexi have bonded. They both appear to have easily meshed well into our tight knit group.

The things to do here in the mountains are nothing but wholesome, clean family fun, and somehow Asheville has still been able to keep its old charm. Today, we’ve spent most of the day at Lake Julian. We grabbed a picnic table and grill early on in the park, and then we plan on watching the fireworks over the lake when it turns dark. We’ve played volleyball, horseshoe, and even rented a couple boats to go fishing.

I’m amazed how well Angel has tolerated all this activity. There is no way I would’ve tried taking her to the beach. The summer heat is damn stifling on the east coast beaches. My little Angel would’ve been miserable at the beach, and if the baby’s miserable, then Mama’s miserable, and the shit just rolls downhill from there. It only took me a few times to figure that one out.

A pair of hands slinks around my torso from behind then pats my stomach. “Are you the infamous Rambo?” Lexi asks over my shoulder. I clear my throat and begin to flip over a few burgers on the grill.

“Back in the day, your man could take down a man or two,” Stryker chuckles as he informs Lexi in a roundabout way that I’m over-the-hill and now couch potato material.

I raise my brow at Stryker, pointing the metal spatula at him, saying, “I might not be as good as I once was…”

“Yeah, yeah, but you’re good only once, right?”

Lexi slips underneath my arm, and in turn, I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her into my side. She looks as if she wants to jump in on the banter, but I shut her down.

“I don’t need any comments from the peanut gallery,” I warn her. She gives me a coy grin, lifts up on her tiptoes to give me a quick kiss on the cheek, and I melt.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” she teases. I place the spatula down on the side of the grill and grab my beer, taking a long swig of the cool drink.

“Where’s my little niece?” Stryker asks.

“Jules stole her from me again. She’s dipping her toes in the cool water.”

“I’m gonna go get me some Angel kisses,” Stryker informs me, and then winks at Lexi, taking off toward the water to find his little buddy.

“I hate that Kimber and Ranger couldn’t come,” Lexi tells me with a frown. Ranger is Stryker’s retired military dog.

“Trust me. They’re much happier staying at home with my dad. If we had brought them along, they would’ve had to stay cooped up in the cabin most of the day. At home, they’ll get a lot of outside time with Griffen.” She nods, agreeing with me.

I had to hire someone to build a barn on my property and fence in a place so Griffen could roam free. It was expensive to do, but worth every penny. By the time the barn and fence were constructed, it was almost April. For as old as Griffen is, he made the move without any stress. I think both he and Lexi like living next to each other.

I look down at her and find myself smiling warmly at her. She’s been really enjoying this family getaway, and so have I. Except right now, her eyes look a little troubled. I know that look, and I grow concerned. “Is everything all right, Baby?”

“Yeah…” she responds on a long sigh, “I guess so.”

“Spill it,” I gently demand.

“It’s just…Jules told me her story yesterday while you guys were out whitewater rafting, and I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind.”

“She’s okay now,” I assure her. “Travis has her in a good place. It’s healthy for her to be able to talk about it, you know? It’s probably taken her this long to finally open up and trust you. Plus, it seems like ever since she caught sight of Angel, I think it has given her something else to look forward to.” I think Jules is finding some solace by wanting to start planning for a little one. I know Travis would like to have some mini-me’s running underfoot.
My mother had always said, ‘Having a baby on the way is God’s opinion that life should go on.’

“I’m glad she could open up to me. She deserves a good, wholesome family.”

“We all do, sweetheart. Life is meaningless without a family unit.”

“I love you,” she sweetly sings, her body relaxing into mine as she smiles.

“I love my girls,” I declare, “so damn much.” I lean down and capture her lips in a sensual kiss, but it doesn’t last.

Hunter slaps the back of my shoulder in that moment, announcing, “I’m hungry, Quinn. Save the smooch time for tonight. We’ve got a hungry army to feed.”

I pull away reluctantly, and give Hunter a glare for interrupting me. “Are you taking whining lessons from my daughter?” I ask with a raised brow.

“Yep, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. When that girl screams for her bottle, people scatter like pool balls on break. They run to get her whatever her heart desires.”

I laugh at him, because it’s true. Angel has everyone wrapped around her little finger, and despite her age, I think she already knows the control she wields over all of us.

If truth be told, I’m nervous about Angel making it through the fireworks without being startled or freaking out. The way my little girl has been going all day with activities and being over-stimulated, I hope she sleeps through all the noise. Right now, she’s out cold. I’ve noticed other times, when she’s either skipped over a nap or she plays hard, a bomb could go off and she wouldn’t even flinch, so I’m hoping that’ll be the case tonight.

This evening is perfect, and a cool breeze blows off the lake, keeping the mosquitoes at bay. We all have our blankets spread out on the grass by the water, waiting for the fireworks show to start. Lexi leans over and double checks the baby, making sure she’s covered adequately, and then gently pats her on the butt.

When Lexi rolls over onto her back to gaze up into the night sky, I roll over on top of her and block her view of the pending fireworks. “Quinn,” she whispers, her eyes darting left and right as if our public display of affection is embarrassing her.

“Relax, sweetheart,” I murmur. “I’m not going to take you here, but I will take a kiss.” I lean down and swipe my tongue over her lips, and she can’t resist me. She opens herself up to me as I slide my tongue into her warm mouth. She moans aloud when I stroke my tongue against hers. She feels like heaven underneath me, and I swear I’ll never grow tired of my woman.

“I fucking love you,” I whisper between kisses. A growing, high-pitched hissing sound fills the air around us, and then without warning, loud crackling and popping ensues. “Your kiss is T.N.T., Baby.” I wink at her then glance over at Angel. She hasn’t moved an inch from the explosions going off around us.

I roll off Lexi and lie back down on the blanket beside her, threading her fingers through mine.

“There is nothing like watching the fireworks over water. They’re beautiful,” Lexi remarks, looking up toward the stars in awe.

The atmosphere is filled with sounds and smells of summer. Children are laughing around us, and a sense of peace overcomes me. Lexi lets go of my hand and snuggles into my side. I wrap my arm around her so she can use my arm as a pillow as we watch the fireworks display underneath the clear sky. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect evening. There isn’t a cloud out, and every now and then the weather gives us a cool breeze.

About fifteen minutes into the show, my heart races and my pulse begins to pick up speed. I’m a tad nervous as I run my free hand over the blanket, dispelling the clammy feeling from my skin. I roll my head to the side and breathe in Lexi’s hair, inhaling her clean scent. She calms me for a moment as I kiss the top of her head, and then I continue to watch the sky explode into a multitude of patriotic colors and designs.

A bunch of fireworks are ignited at the same time and shoot into the air, and I know this is it. They combust simultaneously into a spectacular explosion, creating a display of brilliance.

“Oh, my gosh!” Lexi exclaims. “How awesome is that? Will you marry me?” she reads out loud from the sky above. “It’s so romantic and sweet. I bet some man is planning on getting lucky tonight,” she laughs. I chuckle at her playfulness, and keep an eye on both the sky and Lexi at the same time. The next round of fireworks discharge, and they seem to go up in slow motion. I don’t hear the high-pitched screech this time as the mini rockets take off into the atmosphere.

I clench my teeth while waiting for the design to unfold as pent up energy courses through my veins. Short, thunderous booms resonate through the air before a burst of colors bloom before us, spreading into a breathtaking design as Lexi’s name is formed in the sky.

It’s fucking perfect. All of this went off without a hitch, and as I look at Lexi’s face, it’s as if she’s in shock, not willing to believe this is for her. I sit up and take her by the hands, gently prompting her to sit with me. Her face is illuminated from the fireworks display as she complies. When I reach into my pocket, her palm reflexively covers her mouth out of nervousness. My lips twitch with mirth, knowing I’ve made her speechless.

The diamond ring shimmers, almost glowing in the darkened night. I take her left hand in mine as I hover the engagement ring over her ring finger, and ask with self-assuredness mixed with humility, “Alexis, baby, this display isn’t nearly big enough to show how much I truly love you. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?”

“Oh, Quinn,” she cries out. Real tears of happiness shimmer in her brown eyes as she nods her head at the same time she speaks the words, “Yes…yes, I love you so much.” Her hand is shaking like a leaf as I slip the diamond over her ring finger. I know Hunter has gotten all this on video for her to see later, because I’m sure this is one big blur for her right now. I smile warmly at her and kiss her lips.

I suddenly realize that not just the guys are clapping their hands for us, but every person in our vicinity is standing up to applaud and voice their congratulations. Lexi smiles shyly, and then promptly buries her head into my chest, embarrassed for receiving all the attention. I pull her in for a hug and rub her back as I murmur in her ear, “You are my angel. I can’t wait any longer to have you claim my last name, and I want our marriage to be blessed.” Her entire body trembles in my hold. “Are you okay?” I whisper.

She pulls back to look at me, an array of emotions splayed across her face. “Quinn, I…I’m speechless. I don’t know how you did all of this, and you did it all for me. This is so unlike you. It’s so…showy. I never would’ve imagined you doing this.”

I grin at her and thread my fingers through her long hair, holding her forehead against mine by the nape of her neck. The crowd is forgotten and the noise fades away as I get lost in her eyes. “That is exactly why I did it. You’re right. This is not my style. I’m a simple country boy, but I can’t take all the credit. Hunter and Stryker came up with the idea. After some thought, I figured nothing is ever too much for you or my daughter.” I lean in and brush my lips against hers, taking her mouth in a tender kiss. “We have been blessed with the most precious angel of all, haven’t we? My mother knew what she was talking about when she told me my day was coming, and I’d get to experience being a father. At the time, I didn’t believe her, but she always had this all-knowing presence about her.”

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