Red Hot Touch (6 page)

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Authors: Jon Hanauer

BOOK: Red Hot Touch
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The Shoulders

Kneading the shoulders between thumb and fingers is nice, but the time is nigh to try a sexier, souped-up version. Place a hand on each shoulder and spread your fingers wide. Then press down in a rippling motion as if you were slowly playing the piano. This should produce a pleasurable tingling sensation while you work out the kinks. If you’re doing this technique in our recommended position—you’re perched on your partner’s cute derrière—you can show how much
enjoying yourself too by simultaneously circling your pelvis against the butt or tailbone. Consider it a steamy reminder of what’s to come.

The Back

There are good back massages and then there are those that’ll get your partner unwound and writhing in pleasure. To perform the latter, remain straddling your partner’s butt (gyrating a little if you’re so inspired) and place both palms on the base of the back above the butt. Firmly press the heels of your hands into the muscles alongside the spine and push up toward the shoulders. Once there, do U-turns outward and drag your hands back down (essentially your hands should be tracing two long, oval tracks on each side of the spine). Next move so you’re kneeling at your partner’s head and try this technique in the other direction, pushing your hands down the spine and back up. Unlike the previous position, this provides the additional benefit of stretching the lower back with each stroke.


People who are tense tend to hunch their shoulders up to their ears. If you notice some evening that your partner fits that description, you can help crank him or her down a few notches by calling on your forearms for help. With your partner seated, place the bottom sides of your forearms on both of your partner’s shoulders and press down, leaning your weight into them for a few seconds before you release.
To further relax the shoulders, stretch each one
you give them a rubdown. Gently tilt your partner’s head to the left as you squeeze the right shoulder; have your partner take a few deep breaths to relax into the stretch before bringing the head back up. Then slowly tilt the head toward the right as you squeeze the left shoulder. Then slowly dip your partner’s head forward toward his or her chest as you squeeze both shoulders at once.

Next move so you’re standing or kneeling at your partner’s side. The beefy back muscles can call for some pretty heavy pressure, so it’s time to break out the big guns: your elbows. Place these pointy appendages on any fleshy area of the back and let them alternately
sink in,
—this is key, since jabbing too quickly will cause the muscles to clench. Count to three as you gradually increase the weight, checking in with your partner about how much pressure is pleasurable. Then move on to another area that needs unknotting.

Place both hands underneath your partner’s side at the bottom of the rib cage and pull up as if you were trying to lift the rib cage off the mattress or massage table. Then switch to the other side and repeat. This will not only knead the muscles running along the length of the rib cage, but can open the rib cage, allowing for deeper breathing and a greater state of relaxation. Add massage oil, and you can add a slide as you pull. And ladies, if your breasts “accidentally” brush against your partner’s back during any of these maneuvers, all the better.

The Spine

Given that the spine houses the main cable of nerves that branch out into the entire body, it makes sense that stimulating this stretch would jump-start some sparks. Just make sure not to massage
the spine since that can be painful (generally, all bony protuberances should be treated with care). Here’s how to hit the areas you want and avoid the ones you don’t.

Straddling your partner’s butt, create a U with your hand and situate it sideways at the base of the tailbone so your thumb is resting on one side and the edge of your pinky on the other. Then, pressing down firmly, push your U up the spine all the way to the neck, then release. The recipient should inhale as the hand moves toward the head and exhale as you remove your hand from the body. The sensation should create friction, with your thumb and pinky producing two parallel red streaks (watch your fingernails here; you don’t want to scratch).

Next, with your palms facing down, cross your thumbs at the base so they form an X and your fingers spread wide like wings. With a light, barely there touch, run your thumbs up each side of the spine. Combined with the U above, this one-two punch of heavy then light strokes will get feel-good vibes blazing up the back. To steam things up even further, lean forward so your lips are inches from your partner’s skin, then blow a soft, warm stream of air up the spine. Alternate with tiny kisses to get your partner squirming in anticipation.

The Sacrum

This triangular-shaped bone at the base of the spine contains the sacral nerve, which shoots straight into the genitals. So consider it your hotline to a good time (stimulating the sacrum can even give some men erections). Unlike other areas of the body, the sacrum actually enjoys some pretty heavy stimulation (just make sure to avoid the tailbone, which is located further down above the butt crack). To start heating things up, drum your fingertips on the sacrum. If that goes well, karate chop this spot with the edges of your hands. Finally, place your palm on the area, lean your full weight on it, and rock the sacrum back and forth (this is easiest if you stand or kneel at your partner’s head). If you’re unsure of how much pressure to use, go ahead and ask. We have generally found that people can’t get enough and will say, “Bring it on, baby!”

The Butt

These two round mounds of flesh all but beg to be patted, pinched, and played with; now you’re going to learn how to pay this area the homage it truly deserves. Standing or kneeling at your partner’s side, place one hand on the top of one butt cheek and your other hand on
the bottom. Then push your hands toward one another in a kneading motion, alternating hand after hand. After a few minutes, release and repeat on the other cheek. This technique accomplishes what one hand cannot: It kneads the
gluteus maximus muscle, which is one of the thickest in the body and a major warehouse for stress retention. There’s a lot of truth to the term “tight ass”—so it’s good that you are loosening it up.

Our next point of interest is the gluteal fold, the crease at the bottom of each butt cheek. Using the pads of both thumbs, push into both creases until you feel a bony knob underneath. This is the sitz bone. Many of the muscles in your pelvis are attached at this point, so pushing down here for a few seconds can help relieve tension in the whole area and prime it for a good time.

Now that your partner’s rump has been sufficiently tenderized, follow up with a light-as-a-feather caress. Still standing or kneeling to one side, lightly drag your fingertips across both butt cheeks, starting your stroke on the far side of the hips and ending on the side near you. Your hands should alternate and move in the same direction as if they were playing a harp; once you have “played” your partner one way, move to the other side and play it again.

Last but not least, straddle your partner’s thighs and hold a butt cheek in each hand. Push them together for a few seconds, then gently spread them apart as far as your partner finds pleasurable. Next push one butt cheek up and the other down, then switch. This will stretch and stimulate not only the gluteal muscles, but an even more sensitive area in between them: the anus. Even if your partner has no interest in anything entering this exit, this technique will feel pleasurable. To show your partner you’re enjoying yourself immensely as well, go ahead and grind your genitals against your partner’s thigh;
men should also feel free to scoot up and press or rub their hard-on in the crease between their partner’s butt cheeks.

The Legs

The first step to a good leg massage is to relax the hamstring, a large muscle on the back of the thigh. Straddling your partner’s calf or calves, make a fist and place your knuckles just above the back of the knee. Using the weight of your upper body, roll your wrist forward so your knuckles ease into the flesh. Work your way slowly up one thigh.

Next wedge one hand under the knee and cup your palm over the kneecap. Then, with the fingertips of your other hand, trace a circle on the back of the knee—a well-known erogenous zone that requires only the lightest touch to be a turn-on. What’s more, by touching both sides of this bony structure at once you allow sensations to sink through the area rather than just skim the surface.

After you have teased the knee, place your hands flat and parallel on each side of the calf and vigorously rub your hands back and forth, with one hand moving up while the other moves down as if you were trying to light a fire (if the leg in question is hairy, you may want to use massage oil so there isn’t
much friction). Shimmy your hands up to the thighs to increase circulation and sensitivity from the ankles on up.

The very last thing you should do before moving to the other leg is to gently rock the leg you’ve been working on from side to side, starting with your hands on the ankle and slowly moving up to the hip. In the art of Tantsu, created by Harold Dull, rocking is an important way to lull your partner into a more relaxed and nurtured state. What’s more, it may produce a slight rubbing sensation in the genital area that could also get your partner going.


It’s time to ask your partner to turn over so he or she is lying faceup. For some people many of the body’s more heavy-duty erogenous zones are on the front side, so this is when you can start really steaming things up. Let’s kick things off right by reaching for a Holy Grail of hot spots: the feet.

The Feet

A foot massage, as we all know, isn’t
a foot massage. Perhaps John Travolta put it best while playing an overly chatty hit man in the film
Pulp Fiction:
“I’ve given a million ladies a million foot massages, and they all meant something. We pretend that they don’t, but they do. That’s what’s so fucking cool about them.” To make sure there’s no mistaking
intentions (which are to get the sexual energy flowing, and good), let’s start with the soles of the feet.

The soles of the feet are Reflexology Central—a metropolis of acupressure points that can get the whole body amped with electricity. To tap into these, place both thumbs on the bottom of one foot at the heel and paddle them into the flesh one after the other. Go slow (say, one thumb pad pressing into the flesh per second) and work your way up, making sure to cover every inch of the sole before switching to the other foot. Pay special attention to a spot between the big toe and second toe about two inches down. This acupressure point is called the Bubbling Spring, since pressing down here will cause energy to “bubble up” to the genitals and get things cooking in other ways.

Last but not least, let’s not forget about the big toe—an appendage with special lust-inducing powers since according to Chinese medicine
it is connected to the pituitary gland, an organ that is linked to hormone production. To activate, place a finger on each side of the big toe and roll it between your fingers. For extra kicks, lean down and suck on it (assuming it’s nice and clean and the toenail is clipped, of course!). Women should also consider pressing their breasts against the soles of the feet and placing their nipples between their partner’s first and second toes. If you like, ask your partner to pinch gently to give yourself and those toes something to write home about.

Once you have thoroughly amused your partner’s little piggies, it’s time to start slowly moving up the body. Consider repeating a few of the leg massage maneuvers you did while your partner was lying facedown. As you inch your way up, your partner may assume you’re heading for the genital area. Tempting as that may be, try to resist the urge. After all, there are a slew of interesting destinations on the front of the body that we haven’t even gotten to yet. So, if you can help it, bypass the genitals on the way up—a few strokes or licks are perfectly acceptable if you want to tease your partner a little—and head to our next point of interest: the face.

The Face

Caressing someone’s face is Seduction 101: Not only will it win you major intimacy points; the sensation feels amazing. To start, place two fingertips from one hand on the right side of the forehead, and two fingertips from the other hand on the left side of the chin. Then lightly drag the fingers of both hands across the forehead and chin so that they’re slowly traveling in opposite directions. Once your fingertips reach the other side, head on back. Since your hands are traveling in opposing directions, the sensory receptors in the face will perk up and become intently tuned in to every move you make. Next try the
same technique but with the back of your hands. The rougher texture will make the same move feel entirely different—and the contrast will help keep those nerve endings titillated.

The Eyes

The skin around your peepers is so delicate you’ll want to use the lightest caress here. For this purpose you’re best off using the fourth finger, since it’s weaker than your index or middle digit and therefore ideal for doling out feathery strokes. Ask your partner to close his or her eyes, and then place your fourth fingers on the inner corners of the eye sockets. Very lightly drag your fingers out along the lower lids, around the upper ones, and back to the starting point. Do this ten times then repeat in the other direction.

The Temples

Let your massage flow from the eyes to the temples—an area that typically holds a lot of tension. While massaging this area with your fingertips can help ease someone’s angst, you can also zap stress here in a more surprising way: by pressing your fingertips on both sides and gently jiggling your hands back and forth, moving the skin with your fingertips but keeping your actions minimal enough that the head remains stationary. Unlike your usual stroking motion, this technique sends reverberations into the skull, resulting in a deeper state of relaxation.

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