Red Hot Touch (10 page)

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Authors: Jon Hanauer

BOOK: Red Hot Touch
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Best when he is erect, with lubrication

This technique is exactly the same as the Tight Squeeze, only you’re adding a twist—literally. When your hand is wrapped around the
head on either the down-or upstroke, torque your wrist and rotate your fist. This will further fire up his nerve endings and feel amazing.


Best when he is erect or semierect, with or without lubrication

Cup your hand loosely over the head of the penis in a claw shape. Then quickly jiggle your hand so that the head bounces around against your fingers in the space below. This cheeky move can be a refreshing break after you have been doing a lot of smooth stroking. It injects the element of surprise, which will only fuel the excitement.


Fine when he is erect or soft, best with lubrication

Take your thumb and forefinger and form a loop or ring like an “OK” sign. Wrap this ring around the corona—the ridge where the head meets the shaft. Lightly inch up and down so you’re massaging right over the lip. Since so many nerve endings lie along this loop, the slightest movement here will trigger intense pleasure and convince him you’ve got the magic touch.


Fine when he is erect or soft, best with lubrication

The frenulum, you may recall, is an extra-sensitive spot on the underside of the coronal ridge where the head meets the shaft. Even tiny movements here can produce huge results, and this technique fits the bill to a tee. Place both thumbs on the underside of the corona and find a comfortable way to rest your hands—either on his stomach if he’s lying down, or cradling the shaft of his penis if he’s standing up. Then using both thumbs start massaging dime-sized circles right on the frenulum.


If your fella has never had his foreskin snipped, that means there’s even
penis to play with! The main thing to know about this extra layer of skin covering the glans is that you can actually move it up and down (especially when the penis is soft or semierect). What’s more, the motion itself can create tons of feel-good friction. Here’s how to use this info to your (and his) advantage:
Can be done when he is soft to semierect, with or without lubrication
Wrap your hand around the foreskin, which should still be covering the head of the penis, then shimmy the entire foreskin up and down so you’re essentially playing peekaboo with the head. This will stimulate two supersensitive areas—the foreskin and the glans underneath—for twice the sensory overload.
Can be done when he is soft to semierect, with or without lubrication
Hold the head of the penis between thumb and fingers with your fingers on the side facing his stomach. Rub your thumb over the frenulum (a spot right under the glans on the side facing out) so you’re inching the foreskin up and down over that area. As with Peekaboo, you’re turning on two areas at once: the foreskin and the frenulum. It’s multitasking at its finest.
Once an uncircumcised penis gains steam and the foreskin retracts, it should largely look and feel like circumcised models and can be treated as such. Still, this will vary from guy to guy, so be sure to check in and make sure he’s enjoying himself.


Best when he is erect, lubrication a must

With the index and middle finger of both hands in a V shape, close them around his penis so that the crooks between your fingers are hugging the shaft. Then slide your hands up and down. The smooth sides of your fingers will feel refreshingly different from your more textured palm and fingertips. Switch back and forth between the two types of sensations to spark new life into his nerve endings.


Best when he is erect, with lubrication

For this move, you’ll want him lying on his back with his penis resting on his stomach. Using thumb and forefinger, gently squeeze the tissue at the base of the shaft closest to his belly and push down slightly. This should make the shaft rise a bit from its position of repose and angle up toward the ceiling. Then, keeping your pinch hold, knead the base of the penis in tiny circles, which will stimulate blood flow into the shaft and create an even firmer erection.

Meanwhile, take the thumb and forefinger of your other hand, form a ring like an “OK” sign, wrap it around the corona, and lightly stroke up and down so you’re massaging right over the ridge. Combined, these two moves can send men into overdrive because not only are you targeting two very sensitive areas—the corona and the base—but you’re stimulating them in different
Up top he’ll enjoy some feathery stroking, while down below you’re providing a contrast with an invigorating pinch-and-pull. This technique will require a little concentration, but you’ll be glad you made the effort.



Best when he is erect, lubrication a must

Hold your thumbs and index fingers out at right angles to each other as if you were creating an L. Then place your Ls on each side of the penis and move them up and down so that the webbing between thumb and forefinger is gently grazing the shaft. No area of your hand can deliver as soft and velvety a sensation—in fact, it might feel strikingly similar to another soft, velvety area of a woman’s anatomy (hello, vagina) and convince him of just how talented your hands truly are.


Best when he is erect, lots of lubrication a must

Once you are ready to
heat things up, flatten your hands and place them on the sides of the shaft parallel to each other. Start sliding your hands in opposing directions—one up while the other goes down, then back the other way—as if you were rolling Play-Doh between your palms to make a snake. Keep your hands moving in this manner as you shift them slowly up and down the shaft. This technique stimulates his nerve endings in an entirely new direction (sideways versus up and down) and creates a
of friction that is bound to stoke his coals.


Best when he is erect, lots of lubrication a must

One variation of The Sidewinder entails not keeping your hands flat but wrapping them around the shaft and twisting in opposite directions. This creates even
feel-good friction than the original move. Just make sure you use lots of lubrication and don’t squeeze too hard, or it might be too much stimulation for one guy to handle.


Best when he is erect, fine with or without lubrication

This technique gets your nails in on the action. Lightly stroke the shaft of the penis with just the tips of your talons, trying your best to avoid rubbing your fingertips along the shaft as well. The tiny pinpricks your nails provide will give him chills—and don’t worry, if you do this lightly, he’ll be moaning in pleasure rather than pain.



Best when he is erect, fine with or without lubrication

If your nails are too short to pull off the Scratching Post technique without your fingertips getting in the way, try this alternative. Rub the shaft of his penis with the
of your talons. You can use just the tips of the backs of your nails for a sharper sensation, or curl your
fingers under a little more so you’re rubbing the shaft with the entire flat of your nails and even the cuticles. Either way, the sensation will be a novelty your partner is sure to appreciate.


Fine when he is erect or soft, with or without lubrication

Chances are you’ve all heard the story of Pavlov’s dog, where some pooch was trained to associate the sound of a bell with snack time and drool on command. We’re not saying men are dogs, but this type of psychological conditioning can work in bed, too. Here’s how: Covering your hands with massage oil, place one hand on his genitals and the other in the center of his chest. Keeping your hands flat and relaxed, start massaging small circles on both areas.

In effect, you’re stimulating his sexuality (in his genitals) and his sentimental side (in his heart). Done simultaneously, this technique will cultivate a link between love and lust and get him to subconsciously associate urges like
I’m horny
with thoughts like
I’m totally in love with this person.
If it’s more romance you crave in the sack, this move may do the trick.


Best when he is erect, with or without lubrication

Flatten your hands, take the penis between them, then start gently slapping it back and forth from palm to palm. Sure, this technique might seem like some kind of cruel joke at first, but it can feel wonderfully invigorating and increase circulation to the surface of the skin, further increasing sensitivity. So go ahead, bandy that boner around and see what he thinks.


Fine when he is erect or soft, best with lots of lubrication

With your partner lying faceup, drip some warm lubrication or massage oil below his belly button, then rest his penis there. Placing the heel of your hand firmly against the shaft, start moving the penis back and forth across his stomach like a windshield wiper. Since he’s probably never received a “tummy job” before, the novelty alone will win you originality points. Plus, whether it’s a six-pack or a paunch, hairy or smooth, the contact of his penis with his abdomen will provide a unique sensation he’s bound to appreciate. Finally, let’s not forget that you’re also stimulating his stomach, which, according to Tantric traditions, is the center of his sense of power.


Best with lubrication

The oft-ignored testicles are two jewels just waiting to be plundered, yet if you’re a little shaky on how to handle his
, here’s a great way to get started. Encircle the base of the testicles between thumb and index finger, then gently pull them away from the body so you’re holding them in a compact sack. This will stretch the skin taut, exposing more nerve endings and upping his sensitivity levels to lofty new heights. Start lightly stroking the scrotum with the fingertips of your other hand, or tickling with your nails, or alternating between the two. The effects will feel electric—and there are other benefits. Pulling the testicles away from the body tends to pull him back from the brink if he’s about to blow (more on that next).


Best when he is erect, with lubrication

If he’s approaching his big finale but you aren’t ready to call it a night, this move will put on the brakes, but in a pleasurable way. With both hands wrapped around his penis one stacked on top of the other, move the top hand toward the head of his penis and the other down toward his testicles so that you’re essentially pulling up on the penis with one hand and down toward the testicles with the other. Hold for a beat, then release and repeat. In
chapter 5
we described how prior to ejaculation, the testicles rise a bit toward the body; by pulling down on them, you relax the area and keep things in check. Meanwhile, your other upward-moving hand will keep him sufficiently stimulated to stay in this holding pattern.


Best without lubrication

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