Red Light Specialists (14 page)

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Authors: Mandy M. Roth,Michelle M. Pillow

BOOK: Red Light Specialists
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Claim her?

He shook the thoughts from his head just in time for another blast to strike. Trinity reached back and seized hold of his collar. She ripped him forward and they both tumbled out onto the parking lot. Waylon rolled fast and came to his feet. He turned to help Trinity up but found her standing next to him. She flashed him a knowing smile and then looked behind them.

“She’s close.”


“Follow me.”

Waylon took a deep breath, soaking in the scents of the attacker. Trinity had been right. Whoever it was, was female. His supernatural senses had been dulled by lust and it was harder for him to hear now. Still, he knew the attacker was closing in on them.

While he highly doubted that a blast from a phaser, no matter what the voltage, would kill him, he knew it would kill Trinity. Why he suddenly felt the need to protect a prostitute he’d only just met was beyond him. But one thing was for certain, he’d not allow harm to come to her.

Grabbing Trinity’s hand, he pulled her toward the abandoned building they’d parked behind. He was impressed that she ran as fast as she did considering how high her heels were. Most women he knew had only learned to sashay, not run a marathon in high heels.

Waylon slammed into the door and sent it crashing inwards. Trinity gasped and he knew that his strength scared her and that bothered him. He didn’t want her to be afraid—he wanted her to be under him, over him, in front of him. Any way that allowed him to fuck her.

Waylon jerked her into the building with him and pulled up what limited supernatural magic he possessed to mask their presence. “She can’t find us now.” Trinity’s breath caught and he sensed her shock. Centering his gaze on her, he smiled wickedly.

Trinity licked her lower lip and the corner of her mouth drew up. The sexy look upon her face could have sent even the strongest of men to their knees and Waylon was no exception. If he hadn’t had his power raised then, he’d have fallen victim to the vixen before him. Already, he wanted to slam her against the wall and fuck her until she begged him to keep her. The idea of having her walk by his side for eternity was ludicrous.

Wasn’t it?

“Surprised?” he asked, trying to keep his thoughts from such things.

She nodded, but her response wasn’t what he expected. “Very, I didn’t know there were others like…”

“Like who?” Waylon watched her closely, trying to sense if she would lie to him. She’d piqued his interest with that comment. Hell, she’d piqued his interest the moment he first saw her.

Trinity’s gaze flickered over him as she seemed to weigh her words carefully. “Someone close to me has an energy that feels similar to yours.”

An energy similar to mine?


She huffed and rolled her eyes. “Not that I owe you an explanation, you arrogant prick, but there’s a man, an important man in my life, who can make the same buzzing, tingling feeling surround me. It also does the same thing to me.”

Pangs of jealousy stabbed through him. His hands burned for the change. The beast within wanted out, wanted to be free to kill the man who dared to be close to his mate.

My mate? Oh, gods I need to get away from her. She’ll be the death of me yet.

“A man?” He arched an eyebrow in question, needing to hear from her lips who this important man in her life was. “Maybe it’s your father or an uncle.”

Trinity snorted. “No way in hell! He’s no relation to me and that’s the only reason I’m close to him. He’s a saint next to my uncle.”


Waylon hadn’t realized he’d spoken aloud. Trinity’s response only served to infuriate him more. “Are you fucking him?”

The hate that flashed through her eyes almost made him step back. He held his ground, his feet rooted firmly in place. She moved toward him, either unaware or unconcerned with the firestorm brewing within him. Her finger jabbed hard into his chest.

“Who do you think you are?” she demanded. “I don’t know you and I definitely don’t owe you anything, yet you expect me to answer questions about men who make me come. Do you hear me asking about your personal life? How many women have you fucked, Waylon? You seem very stuck on the whole prostitute thing. Are you into that sort of thing? Is that what it takes to get you off?”

Waylon brushed her insults aside, focusing only on her confession. “So you have fucked him.”

Waving her hand in the air, she turned to go back out to the parking lot. “You’re on your own, bucko.”

Panic pushed past the anger. Grabbing Trinity’s arm lightly, he pulled her back. Long flowing strands of dark brown hair fell over his arm and he gave in to the need to touch her again. His animalistic nature won out and he slammed her against the wall. “Yeah, baby. Fucking the hell out of you, knowing that you’re required to be here will do just fine.”

She opened her mouth and he took the opportunity to regain control of the situation. Pressing his mouth to hers, he licked along the edges of her lips and rubbed his body against hers. Trinity moaned into his mouth and he slid his tongue in.


Trinity tried her best to resist Waylon’s kiss but ceasing to breathe would have been easier to follow through with than that. Their tongues locked and their bodies simulated sex. It wasn’t long before her pussy was so wet that she felt it seeping down her inner thigh.

A sharp pain shot through her head and she found herself accessing an encrypted file without any prompting on her part. She closed her eyes. This time, she received a bit more about him. The file broke down and she hissed as the pain shot through her head again. She broke the kiss, pulling away quickly, grabbing hold of her temples. Waylon touched her shoulder and she tried to use his arm to steady herself.

Trinity blinked several times and looked up to find Waylon’s deep brown eyes staring back at her. If she didn’t know better, she’d have sworn he looked concerned. That was ridiculous. The man thought she sold her body for money and talked to her as one would talk to a pet they hated.

“You’ve got some explaining to do,” he said.

Another sharp pain ripped through her head and she received another spec of data. White-hot fire lanced through her head and down her neck. Trinity grabbed her head. “Waylon…
…annihilation of species…”

Waylon didn’t let her finish her sentence. He grabbed hold of her and shook her hard. “How the hell do you know about the
and who sent a prostitute to try to kill me—again?”

Trinity didn’t have a chance to answer. The buzzing in her head began again, only this time it wasn’t just painful, it was downright excruciating. Darkness swallowed her as a scream lodged in her throat.



Chapter Three


Trinity woke with a start and tried to sit upright in the large wood bed. Her brows drew together as she did her best to make sense of the scene. The planet was known for its trendy, state-of-the-art facilities. Not that the room wasn’t beautiful. In fact, that was the problem. The room was too beautiful. It reminded her of Simon’s personal quarters.

Even Restigatio had its fair share of blandness—especially within the prison itself. RLS Headquarters was different. While up-to-date and in most cases beyond innovative, Simon had found a way to give it a homey feel. Like that of the pictures Abbi had so often displayed for them of the planet Earth and how humans lived. Some of it seemed rather barbaric at times but as the planet had matured, so did its people.

Trinity wished she would’ve been able to see what it looked like firsthand. To know what the ocean felt like. To understand what it was like to live in one of the large homes in one of the neighborhoods that looked so much alike. Most of all, she wished she could know the love that seemed to radiate from the photos of families from that time frame.

Looking around the large room, she once again marveled at how very similar the furniture was to what Simon had in his personal quarters. He too had a wooden bed, beautiful artwork on the walls and thick fabric pinned in places that gave off an air of romance. The first time she’d ever seen anything like it had also been the first time she’d ever been in Simon’s quarters.

Agents weren’t permitted in Simon’s personal area. He’d not only summoned her to meet him there but yelled at her to come inside. To this day, she was unsure what it was Simon had wanted. All she could remember was seeing the beauty of his home, the wonder of the paintings, the furniture, the feel. It was then that he confessed that he knew full well she was half human. And it was then Simon told her that he had ties similar to hers as well.

Pulling her thoughts away from the similarity between the room she was in now and Simon’s made her take pause. Where was she? More importantly, who brought her here?

Much to her dismay, Trinity found that her wrists and ankles were bound with black cords to the tall posts of the large bed. Left spread-eagled, in only her black bra and panties, she stared around the room wide-eyed, doing her best to understand how she’d come to be here. If she had to lob another man’s head off she was putting in for a month vacation. If some exotic king came forth after she did it and tried to marry her off again, she was putting in for three months.

Trinity’s training taught her to remain calm at all times but in her gut she knew Waylon was in danger. Being tied up here meant that she couldn’t be protecting him. She pulled hard on her wrist, trying to activate her RL-com chip. “Simon! Simon, you need to fucking pick up! Something went wrong with the mission.”

“Yes, Simon, your little hooker didn’t kill her target,” a deep familiar voice said.

Trinity stared down the length of her body and watched in awe as Waylon appeared out of the darkness magically. He stood tall, his brown hair tousled. He’d lost the suit. In fact, he’d lost every stitch of his clothing.

Hard, rippled muscles covered his upper body, giving way to even more ridges on the path downward. Her gaze went to his ruddy cock and her mouth gaped as she saw the sheer size of it. The scary thing was, Waylon wasn’t even hard yet and he was bigger than she’d ever seen before. Fully erect, he would be downright terrifying.

“Like what you see there? Or see so many in your line of work that they all sort of run together?”

“What? Huh?” She tore her gaze away from his cock, directing it back up his washboard abs and tawny chest.

Oh, that’s not helping matters. Maybe I could beg to be blindfolded.

Waylon crawled onto the bed and she jerked, trying to free herself but not really wanting to get away. Her body sizzled with desire and she hoped that his plans were to ravish her. Gods willing, she’d ravish him if she was able to get free.

A feral smile crept over his handsome face. “Who is Simon?”


Others weren’t supposed to know about Simon and the RLS-69 program. It wouldn’t do a lot of good if the entire galaxy knew to watch out for undercover females. Deciding that avoidance was the best policy, Trinity tried to change the subject. “What’s a

Waylon stopped and stared down at her. He tipped his head slightly, appearing to size her up. When his lips drew tight, she expected the worst. “You should know. After all, you were sent to seduce and then kill me.”

“What?” That didn’t sound like a mission Simon would send her on. Okay, so it did sound a little like her missions, but still, he wouldn’t have loaded files that portrayed Waylon in a victim manner. Something was wrong.

He touched her inner thigh and grinned. A claw erected from the tip of his finger and scraped hard against her skin. Amazingly, she didn’t scream. She jerked, thinking he was going for her femoral artery. But for some reason he didn’t even break the skin. Not that she wanted him to.

Waylon looked up at her with pale blue eyes and snarled. Trinity tried in vain to free herself from the cords that bound her. Each pull, each tug only left her wrists sore and her fingers numb.

A deep laugh came from Waylon, sounding anything but human. He licked his lips and his tongue seemed longer than it should. His teeth were definitely sharper than they should’ve been. He moved his body completely over hers, pressing his thick erection against her stomach as he licked her cheek. She stared up at him with wide eyes and waited for him to rip her throat out.

“What’s the matter, Trinity? Cat caught your tongue?” He snarled again, this time he sounded exactly like a large wild cat—like the ones she’d seen on so many clips from her RLS courses on animals of the worlds, past and present. He nuzzled his face into her neck and took in a deep breath. She waited for pain to follow. None did. Only pleasure tore through her as he pressed his hips harder against her, rubbing her clit through her thin panties.

He felt so good, so right, but he was a deadly predator—a species she wasn’t familiar with and that scared her. Being scared wasn’t something Trinity did often. So far, she not only feared him, she’d feared for him as well. What did that mean? Did she see him as more than a mission?

Falling for a man was something she’d never done. As Waylon continued to grind himself against her, she did her best to keep her emotional shields up. They held, barely.

Waylon brought his face up and although his eyes were still a pale blue, his mouth seemed to be back to normal. It was a good thing too, because he dropped his head down and seized hold of her lips. He forced his tongue into her mouth and she welcomed it.

Gods, he tasted good.

He ran his fingers down her inner arms and propped himself up in a semipush-up. “Tell me who hired you.”

Trinity stared at him, unable to respond through her lust-filled haze. Waylon apparently took that as a sign of resistance because he ripped open her bra and took her nipple into his mouth. He bit down, just this side of too hard. Cream lined her panties. He looked up at her as he began to suck gently on it, soothing the ache he’d placed there, and she couldn’t stop herself from moaning. The minute he pulled his head from her, he took his warmth and left her nipple erect and aching.

“Who hired you?” He moved down her body, covering it with tiny kisses and warm caresses. He nibbled on her flesh, tasting it with a tenderness that surprised her. When he reached the top of her panties he smiled. “I love looking at your come-soaked pussy. I’ve never seen a woman cream this much before. You can try to fight me but the evidence of how much you want me to cram my dick in you is right here.”

Embarrassed enough as it was, Trinity looked toward the wall. Waylon tore her panties free from her body and she flinched. It wasn’t out of fear. No, regardless how helpless she was at the moment, she wanted him. She wanted to see to it that he was happy as well and being tied to the bed seriously limited her abilities to please him.


Waylon licked Trinity’s cunt and sent fire jolting throughout his body. She tasted so good. So sweet. So ready to receive him. Flickering his tongue over her clit caused her to cry out. He chuckled into her pussy and continued on with his sexual exploration. She would cave soon. He just hoped it wasn’t too soon. He wanted to fuck her and hiding under the guise of extracting information from her made it easier on his conscience.

Her pink pussy was even sexier than he’d pictured. And oh, how he had pictured it. He’d brought her home with him instead of to the authorities in hopes to sneak a peek at it. In truth, he’d only tied her up to prevent her from attacking him. It wasn’t until he’d heard her calling for “Simon” that the primal urge to take her, claim her, fuck her came over him.

Not one prone to jealousy, Waylon was shocked by his response to Trinity. She was a prostitute and to top it off, she’d been sent to kill him. It’d been a long time since his enemies had attacked and even longer since they tried to use a female to do their bidding. The last one didn’t work because he could smell the evil in her.

It was both a gift and a curse, being a
warrior. He was one of the lucky ones though. His powers only extended to shifting into various cat breeds, speed, strength and partial empathy. Other
had many more powers to contend with. Still others, like Rupert who’d not been a warrior, had an altogether different sort power. Waylon wasn’t even sure he knew what his friend was capable of.

As he licked along Trinity’s drenched folds, he drew in her sweet scent. Damn, she tasted every bit as good as she looked. Why the fuck did he have to fall for a woman sent to destroy him—to try to put an end to his line of people?

Her swollen bud called to him and he sucked on it gently. Inserting a finger into her cunt, he was shocked to find how tight she was. For a whore, he expected her to be too loose to do anything with. No. Trinity was tight, damn near virgin-like. Fucking her would be a prize for him. Seeing her pussy lips spread to accommodate him would make it all worth it.

She bucked beneath his touch as he worked a second finger into her. She cried out and he licked her clit more, hoping to stimulate her body into producing more cream. Why he was concerned about pleasing her was beyond him. But he was. For whatever reason, he didn’t want harm to come to her. He wanted to see the look on her face as he made her climax. The thought of her being the one to end his long existence tore at his gut.

I want to keep you. Why?

She didn’t answer his unspoken question and that was fine by him. Waylon pushed the feelings down and concentrated on the bounty before him. He finger-fucked her tight little pussy and licked her sweet bud until she came hard and fast on his face. A stream of fluid burst free from her, coating his chin as she tried to clamp her legs shut. It was so rare to find a woman who could ejaculate too. It was most certainly unforgettable—as everything with Trinity was.

Licking her cream from his face, he stared up at her, expecting to see at least some fear on it—he did have her tied up and was having his way with her after all. There was no fear, only lust, passion and sleepy bedroom eyes.

Waylon’s cock throbbed, needing release and soon. Rising to his knees, he stared down at her open cunt and entertained the thought of driving himself deep into her. That wouldn’t be good. Doing that would only make the bond he felt to Trinity stronger.

Bonding with the woman sent to assassinate him wasn’t a wise move. Once bonded, he could never take it back. Being mated to the bringer of his death could only lead to heartache. Still, her pussy called to him, beckoning him to take refuge in her quim and to fill her with his seed. The need to sire a son, to fill her with his child was so strong that it was almost painful. The need to make her his own, to possess her from here until infinity was even worse. If she didn’t succeed in killing him, his need for her would.

“Ahh,” Trinity panted, pushing her hips up and toward him.

She smelled of desire and passion. That didn’t surprise him. What did was the smell of purity tainted by something dark. He grabbed hold of his cock, stroked it and glanced up at her. Her green eyes locked on his groin region and his body shook. Watching her watch him jack off was almost too much. Pinching the base of his cock tight, he managed to head off his orgasm.

“Do you like that, Trinity? Do you like watching me touch myself?”

She bit her lower lip and nodded. It was odd how shy the “ass-kicking street walker” seemed to be now. If his keen supernatural senses hadn’t picked up on her attraction to him, he would have never let things go so far. He’d have turned her over to the authorities and claimed she was a mad woman spouting nonsense about
, a fictitious race of supernaturals that descended from Earth. No one on Mixlione would ever believe her. They understood gambling and they understood gambling-related murders and that was it.

“Answer me. Do you like watching me touch my cock?”


“I want to have your lips wrapped around it as I mouth-fuck you. Does that scare you?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“Would you take it all the way down your throat and swallow my come?”

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